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Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2)

Page 7

by K. C. Stone

  “Hey, babe, sorry he was a little fussy and I didn’t hear you come in,” she says, glancing down to see if the baby is asleep, gently standing she places him in the crib.

  I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, staring at the beautiful curly haired boy sound asleep in his crib. “You know I never knew I missed this until we were all together,” I confess.

  “What do you mean?” she asks, turning to me.

  “I mean, I never thought about kids after you left, I never wanted any of it without you. Now here we are you, me, the girls, and Killian, whenever I think about what life could be like had none of this happened, I think I would feel robbed. I love our family as fucked up as it is sometimes,” I tell her, leaning in I kiss her forehead.

  She slaps my chest. “Matthew McKenzie, do not say that, our family is just fine. We just all came together a little unconventionally, but we are family none the less,” she tells me, leaning into my hands that are braced around her cheeks.

  “That is very true, Mrs. McKenzie,” I joke because I love her expressions and this one did not disappoint.

  “Look at me,” I tell her, tilting her chin up toward me. “I love you, Cara, I always have and I always will, when shit gets sideways you are my center. It felt so right when that lady called you Mrs. McKenzie so here is my promise when all this is over, when I know the bad shit is behind us you will become Mrs. McKenzie, and I will spend the rest of my life making you happy,” I promise her.

  The kiss she gives me makes me hard as a rock. The force of passion in the kiss is amazing, our teeth gnashing together, tongues tasing each other, she is telling me how much she loves me in a single kiss. Pulling away we are breathless, my phone chiming tells me that it’s time.

  “Hey, my love,” I tell her, pulling her into me, “we need to talk.” Here’s to hoping she can help.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “I don’t know anything really, Sal never let me be part of that world. To him I was some trophy, I knew nothing and that was how he liked it. What he didn’t know was that I watched, I watched the men come in at all hours of the night. I watched them, some of them were politicians, some of them were heads of other clubs and organizations.

  “A few of the guys were really disgusting when they looked at me, they made my skin crawl but that is really all I know. He would just have one of his guys lead them to a room and shut the door. He didn’t care that this life is what I know, after my father died and he took over things changed, he changed. He had a lot of secrets I could see it in his eyes.” I replay all of this and I want to kill him for doing this to me still.

  “Babe, you remember anything else about what he was dealing with?” he presses again, hoping something would jog my memory.

  “Like I said before he never let me be a part of this, even after my father pushed me toward marrying him, he would never let me be anywhere near his dealings. He said it was for my own protection and for Jules, little did he know that would come back and bite us,” I tell him.

  “Okay, babe, if you remember anything please let me know,” he says again.

  “Matthew, what is going on, I need you to tell me?” I plead because I refuse to be left in the dark again. I have been shoved aside for far too long, maybe if I had been louder or paid closer attention she would not have been taken.

  Running his hands over his face he looks tired, beaten, and just over all ready for a break. “We caught a guy lurking around the compound, he insinuated that there are others after you and Jules to get back at Sal or to settle some fucked up score. Before you get freaked out, I have brothers digging for more information and we have every resource and every ear to the ground trying to get information,” he tells me. Part of me is relieved he kept nothing from me, still the other part is worried.

  “What is that look for?” he asks.

  Playing with Killian’s blanket I blurt out, “I’m sorry.” I can feel the tears threatening to well.

  “Why are you sorry?” he says, crossing his arms.

  “Because had I not brought all this to your club, this would not be happening,” I say, knowing that what Sal had done caused more issues, I am starting to hate that man.

  “You listen here,” he says, gripping my chin, not enough to hurt me but with some pressure. “Nothing you could have done would stop me from helping you. Not only is Jules Dom’s woman but you’re mine, we may have been apart for eighteen years but I have never stopped loving you, and let’s not forget she is my daughter and you may not want to hear this but I will kill anyone that touches you or her again,” he says and I can tell by his eyes he is dead serious.

  “I need you to understand that I have, and I will kill for my family” he reiterates.

  “I know that,” I whisper, and I do know that it’s the truth, and I’m not scared. I know he will do whatever he has to do to keep our family safe. “I would do the same for you,” I tell him my resolve setting inside of me, I know that no matter what I would kill to protect him, to protect our family because that is what family is all about.

  Another chime breaks the silence. “What is it?” I ask.

  “I called church. We need to go over what everyone has found so far, and we need to come up with a game plan. Then after that you, me, Dom, Jules, and Grace are going to sit down as a family and figure out our next move because until we know just how bad this is, I will not be taking any risk with any of you,” he tells me, standing and taking my hand, pulling me toward him, kissing me feverishly, tasting all of me.

  “I will send Jules and Grace up here or do you want to bring the baby with us?” he asks.

  “No, it’s fine. When he wakes, I’ll bring him down,” I say not wanting to release him just yet, knowing once he left, I’d just want to be alone for a moment.

  “Okay, babe, I got to go. I will call you with any news,” he says, kissing me one last time and heading out the door.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Listen up, this guy was a fucking prick, he refused to give us any information at first, it took a little persuasion on our end. I will give him that we had to take two fucking fingers, a beat down and a bullet to the palm before he opened up,” I tell them, giving everyone a run down, now we know what the hell is going on.

  “Here’s what we know, Sal fucked people over and now from what the dead guy in the cellar said there will be more people coming after them,” I replay how everything went down.

  “The bastard thought he was smart; it wasn’t until Locke filled him in on a few key things. Like how Locke claimed Cara and how Jules wasn’t even fucking Sal’s, that shit broke the poor bastard,” Dom tells them.

  “That is an advantage we have as of right now nobody knows Cara and Jules are mine, they still think they are Sal’s family and that we are only offering protection because of Dom’s claim on her, they don’t have any clue about Grace. What did we find out?” I ask, pointing to Tech.

  “So, three things. One, the other brothers from out of town will be here any minute so Jules and a couple of the girls are waiting for them to show them to their rooms. Two, that bastard, Sal, fucked over a lot of people not only did he borrow money that he couldn’t pay back but he was in the drug world deep. I found a paper trail that led him into the deep with a couple other organizations,” Tech tells us.

  “Fuck me!” I bark, of course he would pull this shit, that bastard died and put nothing in place for his family. Now I was pissed because he was a coward and he lost control of everything.

  “What is the third thing, you said there was three?” I dreaded asking but I need to know.

  “He borrowed from the Mafioso, I don’t know what he borrowed or what the payment was, Juice said he was still working on it, but it will cost us,” Tech continues.

  Son of a bitch, I think to myself. “You have got to be fucking with me, you are telling me that Sal was in the fucking Mafia and he blew it. How the hell does this shit happen?” I demand
because this shit is bad, if there was someone you do not want to fuck with it was them.

  The Diavolo Mafioso is not someone you want to fuck with, they own most politicians and not to mention they deal with most of the drug trade in New York. I have never had an issue with them. Moretti was a reasonable guy, his son I heard not so much and now I very well could have those fuckers around my family.

  “Damn it!” I roar. “You’re sitting here telling me that Sal was in bed with none other than fuckin’ Moretti the Crime Boss,” I boomed.

  Ranger spoke up, “Juice said there is a price on their heads, Boss, fifty K a person, maybe we should send them away just for the time being to make sure they are safe,” he suggests.

  That is not a bad idea. I have been tossing the idea around. I told Jules that maybe one day I will take her to where it all started.

  “Okay, so what we need to do is make sure that they go nowhere not even to the fucking gas station down the street. They leave I want at least two brothers with each girl, it is that or they are on fucking lockdown. Tech, I want cameras everywhere,” I demand.

  “I am already on it, Boss. I ordered more today, once they get here, I will install them as my number one priority.”

  “How do you think the girls would feel if you went home,” Dom suggested.

  “Fuck no, I’m not going. I can’t believe you would think that I would leave here and have you boys cleaned this shit up,” I bellow.

  “That is not what I meant and you know that. I just mean if you send them with no warning or even, shit, just a phone call, after not seeing you in years she will be royally pissed, if you don’t go at least for the weekend. We can continue to figure this shit out but from what this sounds like we could be fighting shit and they don’t need to be here for that it just puts them at more risk.” Dom’s suggestion I know is right but fuck, sending them away, all of them, I don’t know if my heart can handle it.

  “Fifty K a person, Boss, that’s not chump change to a lot of these clubs around and they will be seeking blood. It might not be a bad idea; I would at least run it by them. Cara knows the game and so does Jules but Boss, Grace and Baby K, they are too innocent and the other clubs don’t even know about Grace that is a lot of collateral damage,” Ranger offers and I know he is also right but how do I just give up my family and leave them with nobody.

  “So, what do I do send them all and call up the Dublin charter asking them to keep an eye out because you know they are going to stay with my mother when she finds out,” I tell him, the idea sounding like the best plan I have so far, I just don’t know what to do.

  “I don’t want them going alone so I will take Mac and Fitz with me. Once I leave, they will be the main contact with the Dublin charter. I will call O’Brian and see what they think, I don’t want to just drop this shit in their laps,” I tell them.

  “Fuck yes,” Mac yells, pumping his fist into the air and Fitz nods in agreement. This is a fucking bad idea with these two wild fuckers.

  “Listen, dick, you are going to protect my family, pussy comes later. Don’t make me fucking regret it!” I bark. This shit is going to give me a heart attack before I turn forty.

  “Alright, guys, keep digging, everyone pay close attention, I need to know everything and everyone that is a threat. If we can end this shit, I promise pussy and party all the way around,” I joke and the brothers join in laughing, cutting up, and some of them are already planning the party.

  Now the only thing that is left is trying to convince Cara and them to go. I know Jules will be apprehensive to leave Dom, but I need him here, he is my right hand.

  Sitting at the table still with Dom sitting to my right we patiently wait for the girls to arrive. “So how do you think they are going to take it?” he asks. By the look on his face, he knows this will not go over well. I just pray that Cara understands what I am trying to do, and she will not fight me on it.

  “Fuck if I know, brother, I just want them to be safe. I can’t even think about my family getting hurt. What the fuck was Sal doing with Moretti any ways I didn’t think he was into drugs?” I answer back but I was so fucking lost on what Sal was doing, he was dirtier than anyone thought. Our conversation is interrupted by my three laughing women, their laugh fills me and I can feel a smile spread across my face.

  “Hey, honey, Leah asked to keep Killian until we are finished,” she says, running her fingernails along the back of my neck. Fuck it felt good, had my jeans tightening and shit.

  “Hey, babe, sit down. Dom and I want to talk to you three.” She immediately sits to my left and grabs my hand.

  God, I love this woman, I think to myself. “Okay, so here is what we know, we know that Sal has made a good number of enemies. We know that before he died, he pissed off some super important people and now said people have made you and Jules targets,” I tell them flat out, they need to know just how bad this is.

  “Who,” Jules asks, playing with her engagement ring.

  “The Moretti Crime family,” Dom informs them.

  “Oh God,” Cara gasps and flexes her fingers into mine. I can tell by the look on her face she knows it’s very bad for them.

  “What else are you keeping from us? I can tell that you know something, I can see it in your eyes. Matthew, you promised,” she states.

  “I know.” I sit there for a moment because this shit is heavy, too fucking heavy for her. Not to mention how do you tell someone that their dead husband was a bastard and now they have a price on their head.

  “The people that Sal pissed off, they put a bounty on you two, fifty thousand each,” I say.

  “I promise nothing will happen to you. I swore to keep you safe and I fully intend to keep my promise. So, Dom and I have come up with a plan that could work and if it does then we can eliminate the threat as well as keep you safe.” I rush through to get to the scariest part.

  “Okay, so what is the plan?” Jules asks.

  “I want you to go to Dublin,” I say.

  “What?” she asks. I know she heard me, but this was out of the blue.

  “I want you to go stay with my mom, you, the girls and Killian of course. I will go with you, but I will not stay the whole time, but I will stay for a few days. We will take Mac and Fitz with us plus the whole Dublin charter,” I tell them everything.

  “You want us to go to Ireland. To spend time with your mother and you plan to leave me there, but she has to hate me after everything,” she says.

  My mother doesn’t hate her, but she does feel robbed with never knowing Jules. “No, she doesn’t hate you, she was upset like the rest of us. Plus, I promised Jules that she could get to know my family, I know my mother would love to meet her, Grace, and Killian. I know this was not what we planned but this is something that could work, and we can make it safe for you guys again.”

  “Matthew, I don’t know, that is a lot of pressure on your mother,” she tells me. I look toward Jules and she gives me the wink that told me I was on the right path.

  “I think it is a good idea, Momma, that way I can meet my family,” Jules chimed in and the look she was giving was guilt, when I saw her face, I knew the plan was a go.

  “Okay, but I hate running,” she concedes.

  “Cara, this is not the same thing. If it was bad blood from something this club did or just one or two clubs, I get it but, baby, this is most of the organized crime in the closest six Burroughs not to mention Moretti, baby. They not only are here in New York but their base is in Italy, they are Mafioso, baby, not Outlaws, so this is bad,” I tell her because we don’t really know what the reason behind all this is.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Who was it that said you cannot kill the dead, because right now I just want to kill Sal, he has done nothing but cause more issues, every time I turn around something else happens?

  I should have known he was up to something; the way he was acting, I just don’t know how I can find out what was going on. I haven’t spoken to
anyone since he died, I don’t want anything to do with that life anymore, but now I have to go into hiding because he fucking screwed me from the grave. I find myself growing more and more pissed, hating him more every day.

  Now I am sitting here, and Matthew is telling me that we should go to Ireland and stay with his family, Ireland of all places, God his mother must hate me.

  “Okay, when do we leave?” I say because between the guilt from Jules and shit from Sal I feel defeated.

  “I will have everything set up within the week, so we need to start getting everything ready,” Matthew informs me.

  “Girls, will you give us a moment?” he says softly. I just continue to focus on my hands, their chairs pushing back are the only indication they are following orders.

  His hands cover mine. “Come,” he whispers gently, pulling me into his lap.

  “What is it, I promised to be completely honest with you, now I expect that in return. I need you to talk to me, Cara, I can’t help you or read your thoughts,” he tells me, gently tilting my chin up to look him in the eye.

  This sounds so stupid to say out loud, but it is how I feel. “I’m afraid you mother will hate me,” I whisper and the tears I was trying to hide broke free.

  “My love, she doesn’t hate you, I told you that, she was angry at first, but she wants to meet the girls and Killian. She wants to be surrounded by her grandbabies and she knew what you meant to me. I promise she does not hate you, Cara, there is nobody in the world who could hate you after spending five minutes with you,” he says. The way he looks at me with hunger burning in his eyes causes my belly to flip.

  The only thing I can think of doing is covering his lips with mine, gripping his shoulders tasting all of him. His fingers brushing the sides of my face into my hair holding me tightly against his lips, pulling away just enough for us to breathe. My whole body is quivering, wanting more so I push down just enough to apply pressure to his erection, eliciting a hiss from him. Which fuels me to keep going, I wrap my arms around his neck as I trail kisses down his face and neck while I grind against him. The friction sparking a fire in me, a part of me wants to do this slow and steady while the other part of me wants to ride him quick, the friction feels amazing.


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