Book Read Free

Silent But Deadly

Page 1

by Zack Zombie

  Table of Contents
















  Friday Later that Night



  Find out What Happens Next in… Diary of a Minecraft Creeper Book 3

  Copyright © 2018 Pixel Kid Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, scanning, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This unofficial novel is an original work of fan fiction which is not sanctioned nor approved by the makers of Minecraft. Minecraft is a registered trademark of, and owned by, Mojang Synergies AB, and its respective owners, which do not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this book. All characters, names, places, and other aspects of the game described herein are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2018 Mojang.


  HSSSSSS. . .


  That was the scene at my homeroom class today.

  It all started when Ms. Nilnose, our homeroom teacher, announced. . .

  “In a few weeks, our class is going to put on a school play.”

  The class was silent for a few seconds.

  But then it exploded.

  Seriously. . .some of the Creeper kids exploded right then and there.

  But not me.

  This diary has been helping me work through my feelings, so I didn’t combust.

  At least not thisssss time.

  Oh man, there goes my lisp again.

  It always slipths out whenever I get nervous.

  Anyway, it took Ms. Nilnose nearly five minutes to get the class settled down.

  “But why do we need to do a school play?” asked a Ghast girl, wailing.

  “The principal thinks it will be a great chance for our class and Mr. Grossegg’s class to work together,” Ms. Nilnose said. “It will be a great chance to make new friends.”

  Cool! My friend Harry is in Mr. Grossegg’s homeroom class. It’s going to be great to hang out with him, especially during all the drama.

  Harry’s a really cool guy. But he’s got kind of a temper.

  But Harry said that it’s because he’s part of the O’Brien clan from the Nether.

  He said something about his family being full of hotheads. Especially when people make fun of their name.

  Harry O’Brien. . .I don’t get it.

  Anyway, when I got home from school I told my parents what happened.

  “Son, I am so proud that you kept it together,” my dad said. “I kind of like having you around.”

  “Yes, dear. We heard about the unfortunate incident at school today,” my mom said.

  “So what caused the commotion in the first place?” asked Dad.

  “Oh, Ms. Nilnose told us that we’re going to be putting together a school play.”

  “Oh! Your Grandma Twilight will be so excited to hear this news! She used to be a great actress, you know. You have to tell her all about it when your grandparents come over this weekend,” Mom said. “Oh, she’ll be so excited, she’ll talk your ears off!”

  Wait. . .What?

  Man, parents say some of the weirdest things sometimes.

  Creepers don’t even have ears. . .


  I was hanging out with the guys at our favorite spot today.

  There’s a forest biome just around the corner from my house that we’ve been going to since we were kids. We go there a lot when we want to talk about bro stuff.

  “So, did your class get forced into doing a big project?” asked my buddy, Ed the Enderman.

  “Jasper’s class and my class got put together to do a school play,” Harry said. “What about your class?”

  “Our class combined with Ed’s,” said Ned the Wither.

  “And we had to form groups and do a science project,” continued Jed the Wither.

  “And we have no idea what kind of project we’re going to do.” said Fred the Wither.

  If you didn’t know, Ned, Jed and Fred are a Wither. Or they are Withers. Or is it Witheren? Or. . .eh, forget it.

  “Man, I wish we could do a play instead,” sighed Ed. “It would be so much easier than a science project.”

  “At least you don’t have to worry about stage fright,” Harry said.

  “You know, I had an uncle once who wanted to act,” I said. “He used to work at a Zombie theatre. One day, the main actor was sick, so they asked my uncle to perform that day. My uncle got really excited because he finally got a chance to live out his dream.”

  “So what happened to him?”

  “Let’s just say, a new supermarket just opened up where the theatre used to be.”


  My grandparents came to visit our house today. They live in another Biome, so we don’t see them that often. So it’s always nice when they come to visit.

  My grandparents arrived at our house around dinnertime. Mom was cooking dinner and Dad was grocery shopping with Seymour, my little brother.


  “Jasper, can you please get the door?” shouted Mom from the kitchen.

  I went and opened the door and. . .

  “If it isn’t our favorite grandson!” shouted Grandpa Major.

  “Come over here, snoodkim,” said Grandma Twilight as she gave me slobbery kiss.



  We turned around and saw my dad getting out of the car with my little brother. My grandparents rushed to play with my little brother, and I helped my dad with the bags from the shopping trip.

  Yeah. . .I know what you’re thinking.

  But I’m really good at balancing stuff on my head.

  As we went inside, the dining table was ready. And on the table was my favorite food. . .PUMPKIN PIE!

  I was so excited that I zoned out from my family and purely focused on eating my pumpkin pie.

  Mmmmm, pumpkin pie.

  “Jasper. . .JASPER!” said my mom.

  I looked up as everybody was staring at me gobble up the orange goodness.

  “Aren’t you going to tell your grandmother about your exciting new school project?” asked Mom.

  “Oh, right! Grandma, we’re doing a big play at school.”

  “That’s delightful, Jasper! What play are you doing?

  “Ummmm. . .”

  “Oh, don’t worry, dear,” Grandma said. “Just remember, give it all you got and you’ll be a smash.”


  “Yes, I remember the days that we really brought the house down. . .”

  Wait. . .What?

  “We had some really blow out performances in my day. . .” Grandma said.

  What in the. . .?

  She just kept talking for a while. And the more she talked, the more scared I got. So, I just went back to eating my pumpkin p

  But man, acting sounds like it could get a Creeper killed.

  Later, I was about to go to sleep when there was a knock on my door.

  The door slowly opened, and my parents popped their heads in.

  “Hey, sweetie, are you about to go to bed?” asked my mom.

  “We have a little present for you,” my dad said.

  “A present! What is it?”

  “Well, after you bravely saved your class a few weeks ago, your father and I thought we would get you something you could use in case you find yourself in trouble again,” my mom said with a smile.

  Whoa, I wonder what it is?

  Then the parents pulled out a huge box.

  So I jumped out of my bed and ran to my door to see the gift that my parents got me.

  My parents put the huge box on the floor.

  Then I opened it.

  It looked like a brick. . .with buttons.

  “What is it?”

  “Honey, it’s the latest phone with all the gadgets,” my mom said. “That’s what the old lady at the supermarket said.”

  “And she said that it could also use it as a paperweight,” my dad said.

  Something tells me I should say goodbye to what’s left of my social life. . .


  I wasn’t really sure how to feel about practicing our school play today.

  I mean, my grandma made it sound like World War III with all those ‘blow out audiences’ and ‘explosive performances’ and stuff.

  I’m just surprised how she could still crack a smile after all that destruction.

  While we waited for class to start, I showed Harry my new phone.

  “Whoa, Jasper,” Harry said. “You can mine for diamonds with this thing.”

  “HAHAHAHA!” laughed a voice behind us. “What is THAT?”

  We turned around to find a really tall and fat Creeper, laughing. There was also a Blaze, a Zombie, and a Slime snickering behind him.

  “That’s the lamest thing I have ever seen! laughed the big Creeper as he picked his nose and flicked it at me. Then he turned around and walked away with his gang. . .still laughing.

  “Who was that?” I asked Harry.

  “Don’t worry about him, Jasper. That’s just Burt Farkus; he’s a real troublemaker,” sighed Harry.


  “Burt Farkus. He likes to bully some of the other kids at school. And he always travels around with his posse wherever he goes. There’s Jeb the Blaze. . .he’s a real hothead. There’s Braden the Zombie, he’s kind of gutless. And then there’s Todd the Slime. . .But, you’ve got to be careful around that guy. . .he’s real slippery.”


  “Don’t worry about them, Jasper. Just stay away from them and they won’t bother you too much,” Harry said.

  But I wasn’t sure whether to trust Harry or my bodily instincts.


  “Jasper, just breathe.”


  “Hello, class, my name is Ms. Moldini and I am your drama teacher. Today we will be working on your plays together. To begin, we will be forming smaller groups, so when I call out your name, please head to the area where your group will be.”

  Man, I hope I’m in the same group as Harry.

  “Jasper Creeper and Harry O’Brien, head over to the left corner,” Ms. Moldini said.

  Harry and I high-fived each other as we walked to the corner. Well sort of. . .I always have a hard time getting my foot up that high.

  “Burt, Jeb, Braden and Todd, please head over to the left corner with Jasper and Harry,” continued Ms. Moldini.


  I gave a glance at Harry to see what he was thinking about. But his eyes started glowing for some reason.


  Today’s drama class was worse than the first one.

  Now, it didn’t start out too bad.

  But it ended in disaster.

  “Each group will pick a different story to act out. It has to be based on Minecraft Lore that you have heard or read about,” said Ms. Moldini.

  Most of the class let out a sigh, but Harry and I high fived each other again. . .Well, sort of. . .

  Anyway, Minecraft Lore is awesome. Harry and I even make up our own stories and create Minecraft maps that we spend all day playing. We would act out stories in our Bro Cave.

  Like, some of our favorite stories are:

  Thunder from Down Under

  Attack of the Barking Spider

  Breaking Wind

  But our favorite story by far was one my dad told me called, ‘Sir Farts-a-lot and the Ender Dragon.’

  It’s about a Creeper knight who had a Gold Sword and killed an Ender Dragon.

  So epic!

  Me and Harry were totally psyched about putting on our play now.

  And this time, I can finally be Sir Farts-a-lot and slay the Ender Dragon.

  That’s because Harry’s always plays Sir Farts-a-lot. He said something about being a better Sir Farts-a-lot because he has hands and stuff.

  But, whatever, this time it’s my turn.

  So, we started working on the script.

  But Burt and his gang were walking around the classroom making fun of the other kids and their plays.


  Later, when we were busy writing our play, I smelled hot gunpowder breath on the back of my neck.

  “SIR FARTS-A-LOT?!!!! Hey, guys, check this out,” Burt said, grabbing my script.

  “Hey!” I said.

  Burt and his gang just laughed at us and made fun of our play.

  “Dude, you can’t even hold a sword,” Jeb the Blaze said.

  “You can’t even ride a horse,” Braden the Zombie said.

  “He’ll explode before he even gets near the Ender Dragon,” Todd the Slime said.

  “But he sure can fart a lot!” Burt said.


  Then Ms. Moldini walked by to see how we were doing.

  “How are you boys doing with your project?” she asked.

  This was my time to show her our great script. I was gathering the papers and was about to get up, when all of a sudden Burt jumped in.

  “We’re going to do a play called Sir Farts-a-lot and the Ender Dragon,” Burt said.

  Ms. Moldini nodded and smiled. “That’s a great idea, Burt! Who is playing who?”

  “Well, I’m going play Sir Farts-a-lot because I’m a natural hero. Jeb will be my squire because he can light up the path in my adventures. Todd can be the Villager who gives me the Gold Sword, and Braden will be another Villager who tells me how to slay the Ender Dragon.”

  “Those are great ideas, Burt. And what will Jasper and Harry do?” asked Ms. Moldini.

  “They’re going to play the Ender Dragon!” exclaimed Burt.

  Wait. . .What?

  “That sounds nice, Burt,” Ms. Moldini said. “I’m looking forward to seeing your play.”

  Harry and I just looked at each other.

  Then Burt and his minions walked away laughing.

  Man, talk about drama.



  Today at lunchtime, me and the guys just sat around the lunch table in silence.

  Yeah, we were all having a bad day.

  “Man, I thought this science project would be fun,” said Ed the Enderman.

  “Yeah, our school play is a mess too,” grunted Harry.

  Silence again at the table.

  “So what’s the science project you guys are working on?” I asked the others.

  “We decided to do an experiment on Withers,” Ned said.

  “Yeah. We�
�re going to test to see if we could separate ourselves into three separate mobs,” said Jed.

  “And then we want to see if we could combine at will,” finished Fred.

  “Whoa. That’s crazy!”

  “Yeah, I came up with the idea after we got creamed at dodge ball the other day,” Ed said.

  Wow. That sounded awesome! It would be really great to see that work.

  All of a sudden. . .




  “EWWWWWWW!” a bunch of kids in the cafeteria shrieked.

  “Hahaha! Jasper, maybe we should call you Sir Drops-A-Lot,” Burt said, high-fiving his guys.


  “Ah! He’s gonna explode. . .run!” shouted Todd. And Burt and his gang ran off.

  “Nice one, Jasper,” Harry said.

  After school, I went to the entrance of the mineshaft our class visited a few weeks ago.

  Ever since we saved my class, my friend Steve and I have made that our regular hang out.

  Steve’s my human friend. He kind of reminds me of Harry, but with eyeballs.

  None of the other guys have met him, though.

  But I think that’s a good thing.

  I can only image how Ed, Ned, Jed, and Fred would react.

  But the one I’m really concerned about is Harry. . .

  Especially because something tells me that Harry and Steve might be related. . .but not in a good way.

  Anyway, I was sitting near the mineshaft, still worried about the Burt situation.


  “Whoa, Jasper, what’s going on, buddy?” asked Steve looking worried.

  I wasn’t sure if he was worried about me. . .or worried about his life.

  “Hey, Steve. I just had a rough day at school, thasss all,” I sighed.

  “What happened?”


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