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Bound to Change: A Limited Edition Spring Shifter Romance Collection

Page 31

by Margo Bond Collins

  "Touched you? Just how is he planning on harvesting your magic?" Bodhi demanded, his wolf shining in his eyes.

  "Cut out my heart and eat it." She said the words so matter-of-factly that I wanted to scream. This was not normal. No way. No how. "I'm supposed to be 'pure of heart' for his spell so he's kept me... um... isolated for a long time and has only fed me certain foods and allowed me to drink plain water. He wanted me as pure as possible for the ceremony."

  White rage blinded me and I heard something crack a moment before my wolf started to try to take over. I hadn't been so close to losing control like this since I was a pup. The idea of someone caging this beautiful woman and controlling everything she consumed was infuriating. Shifters were meant to hunt, meant to be messy, carnivorous, sexy, insatiable. This man, whoever he was, had stripped all that from her.

  "When was the last time he allowed you to shift?" Bodhi asked, remaining the voice of reason. I didn't know how my pack brother did it, but he was always as cool as a cucumber. This was the most upset I had seen him in years and the only evidence was his eyes glowing just a little more than normal.

  "I was allowed to shift once a year. An extended shift was allowed once every one hundred years to prove that I had grown a new tail. He particularly enjoyed it if he could watch the process," she replied, her voice completely monotone as she responded.

  My wolf howled in rage within me. Once a year? How was she still sane? We got moody and uncontrollable if we didn't shift at least once a month.

  "Were you at least allowed to run?" Ozzy asked.

  She shook her head and the motion was jerky. "I had to stay in my cage. If I didn't shift back when he told me then he would starve me."

  Her eyes had taken on a glassy faraway look and suddenly I was worried for a whole different reason. She had to have some form of PTSD and we were asking her to detail everything. "I think that's enough for now," I said, looking pointedly at my pack brothers. "Why don't you come and have some food?"

  She moved over to the counter where I had all the dishes laid out and put one of everything on her plate. It wasn't because she was excited about it though, it seemed like it was more because it was expected of her. Our questions had made her retreat inside herself.

  "Here let me get you all set up," I said as I took the plain, sad looking waffle and pancake filled plate from her. "Go have a seat." I gestured to the kitchen table.

  I rearranged the food onto different plates and put all the regular toppings on so she could try it all the way it was supposed to be, then I mixed her up a little fruit salad. The whole time Bodhi and Ozzy just watched her. We hadn't really talked about it yet, but we needed to tell her that she was our mate soon or we were all going to be way too attached if she decided to break the mate bond. Not that I was even sure she could, but it was a possibility we couldn't discount.

  When I took the plates over to her and set them down I claimed a seat off to one side. As though my movements had given them permission Bodhi and Ozzy sat down as well after grabbing platefuls of food themselves. They tucked in to their food before Selene even got her first mouthful. The moment she did though we all stopped and stared as the moan that left her mouth hit us each.

  "That is so good!" She moaned again as she took another bite of her waffle with butter and syrup.

  I couldn't speak for the others but my cock was stiff and straining at my pants in a matter of seconds. Each time her luscious lips closed around the fork it throbbed with need, and when some syrup ran down her lips I thought I was going to come in my pants right then and there. I didn't want to draw attention to it, but the way she was eating I couldn't stop imagining those lips against the head of my cock as I watched it disappear into her mouth and then her pussy, which I was positive would be just as pretty as her mouth since her lips were a dusky pink color.

  After a moment of us all staring at her the guys looked down and tried to refocus on their food. We all knew it was pointless though. She groaned in pleasure and when I looked up a piece of melon was vanishing into her mouth.

  "Selene," I started, clearing my throat to try and clear my head a little bit.

  Her wide amber eyes looked up at me, a slight flush to her cheeks. "Sorry am I being annoying? I just haven't had anything that tasted this good in so long."

  "Not annoying, no. But the sounds you're making..." I didn't know how to end that sentence. Did I ask her to stop? Or to continue only louder this time?

  "Oh!" Her cheeks went pink and it only made me want her even more.

  "I... I need to go," I said as I pushed up from the table. I knew my erection was on display with the way it was pulling at my jeans but I couldn't do anything about it, so I just started to walk toward the door.

  "Wait!" Selene's voice had a desperate edge to it which was the only thing that stilled my movement. "I need to know if the three of you are okay with me staying a couple of days while I figure things out, or if I need to leave when I'm done eating. I would prefer to hear it from each of you."

  I turned back and strode toward her, uncaring about the hardon I had leading the way; this was too important. When I was in front of Selene I squatted so I was below her eye level and she had to look down at me. "Can I ask you to do something?"

  She nodded.

  "Touch me, I don't care where, but I want you to connect your skin with mine, no material between them."

  "Why?" she looked confused. Her prettily arched brows were drawn together over her captivating gold eyes.

  My mind filled with images of her making a similar face when I brought her to orgasm and my cock throbbed painfully in my pants. "I want to see if you feel what I feel," I replied simply.

  I wasn't sure if it was what I said or how I said it, but her hand tentatively reached out. When her palm connected with my cheek I felt the same rush of the mating bond, only this time it was greater. It was almost as if it could sense that we hadn't consummated the bond yet and was pushing us to do so.

  Selene's eyes went wide and foxy and from the tremor working its way over her body I could tell she was fighting her shift.

  "Stay here with me, Selene," I said quietly as I placed my hand over hers on my face. "Stay human with me and tell me what you're feeling."

  She was panting with the effort of suppressing her kitsune. "What is this?" she managed between breaths.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Bodhi who nodded me on. We all knew that she needed to know what was happening on our end of this situation, keeping her in the dark just wasn't fair. "Your kitsune wants to come out, right?"


  "She seems.... excited?"

  A nod and a blush.

  "Did you feel the same when Bodhi touched you earlier? That's why you shifted, right?"

  Double nod.

  "That is the mating bond." Her eyes flared so wide I could see the entire circle of her iris on each eye. "We won't trap you into it. You are your own person, but for some reason fate has drawn the four of us together. We want you to stay because it's the right thing to do but also because you're our mate. What can we do to help you? To make this easier?"

  She just stared at me with those wide eyes as though her brain couldn't form words, maybe her kitsune was taking over too much.

  Slowly, carefully, I brought my hand up and cupped her face, mirroring what she was doing to mine. As soon as my skin connected with hers once more she took a deep, shuddering breath and her eyes fluttered closed. Quietly I asked, "What do you want, Selene?"

  "You." The single word was so quiet I wasn't sure I would have heard it if I didn't have my shifter abilities. But I heard it and it rang like a bell through my whole body. I wanted to question her to tell her that this was too soon, that she needed to recover from what she'd been through first, but I knew that she'd be recovering for the rest of her life, however long that was supposed to be. My wolf was straining at my skin with the need to claim her, to mark her as ours so that no one could ever lay a finger on her again.

You sure?" I gritted the words out even though my wolf fought me every step of the way.

  Her eyes flicked over to Bodhi and then to Ozzy. "I want all of you. Make me feel again. Make me feel like a human, like a woman, like something other than an expiration date."

  Her words were so full of pain and sorrow that without pausing to second guess myself I leaned forward and brought her face to mine, sliding my hand through the waves of white blonde hair until she was close enough for our lips to connect. Lightning was like fire, burning through my veins, my heart thudded painfully in my chest, and my cock twitched in my pants. She smelled like home and tasted like sunlight and honey. I knew in that moment I was a goner.

  Chapter 6


  Gael’s lips were firm and commanding against my own. The way his hands held me just right as his tongue delved between my lips and tangled with my own had my core turning into lava, hot and wet.

  Small sounds of pleasure were escaping me as I moved forward desperate to be close to his body, his warmth. It wasn’t just me either, but my kitsune pushing me, urging me to live for once while I had the opportunity to do so. After all, I might never get an opportunity like this again. They claimed I was their mate, but my human brain wasn’t convinced, much to my kitsune’s dismay.

  His hands lifted me from the chair into his lap a moment before he stood. When he broke the kiss I was worried I’d screwed up. It had been centuries since I’d done this after all. Maybe sex etiquette had changed?

  “If you really want to do this then we’re doing it in bed. I’m not going to have your first time since your captivity be me bending you over the kitchen table, although that may need to happen later if you want,” Gael said.

  “Bed is good,” I panted feeling my nipples straining against the new bra as my chest heaved.

  “Good.” It was all Gael said before he picked me back up, supporting me by the ass, and began to carry me. I looped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, although our height difference was too much for me to kiss him and feel his erection at the same time.

  When I realized we were leaving the kitchen I pulled back from the kiss for a moment. “Wait,” I said before looking over his shoulder at the other two. “If you want to join, I want to have you, although I don’t know how you feel about sharing, but we can always take turns if you want.” My vixen chittered away happily inside me, loving this new bravery I was showing in asking for what I wanted.

  “They’ll follow,” Gael said before his lips sucked at my ear lobe and he ran kisses down my neck making me moan and my core clench with need.

  I wanted to rub myself against him to feel that friction I so desperately needed, but I had no leverage and he was holding me so tightly that I could barely move enough to kiss him. A whine escaped me.

  “Patience, baby girl,” he said with a low chuckle as we walked back into the bedroom I had woken up in.

  I knew it must be his room from the ease with which he moved about. He plopped me down on the bed and I bounced on the mattress, which made me giggle. Gael stopped in his tracks, his eyes going wide. “That needs to happen more.” His voice was rough with need and as he moved toward me I saw Bodhi and Ozzy come into the room.

  Gael’s mouth was on mine again before I could say anything to his pack brothers. This time it was more aggressive, as though his need was ramping up along with my own. With a quick motion he rolled us so I was on top, leaving me feeling more in control than I had been a moment ago.

  His hands slid under the edge of the purple top and pushed upward. I tried to take it off without breaking our kiss but I couldn’t, so I pushed backward. Once I was sitting up I was resting against the bulge in his jeans and my heart started beating even faster.He felt so long and so hard under me that I couldn’t help but rock my hips against him.

  “Fuck, baby girl,” Gael moaned.

  “Can we help?” Bodhi asked as he sat on the bed next to where I was straddling Gael.

  I nodded and lifted my arms. He pulled the top over my head while my hips continued to roll and undulate against the big man underneath me, my body moving of its own accord.

  Once I was free of the shirt I heard a collective intake of breath as the lacy bra they had provided for me put the girls on display. It was a sexy one, I’d give them that.

  “Bra too?” Bodhi asked, his voice significantly huskier.

  I nodded and with one hand he undid the clasp at the back letting my breasts have their freedom to jiggle and bounce as I moved. Bodhi’s eyes were transfixed so I lifted one of his hands and placed it on my breast. “I’m not a china doll. I’m not going to break if you touch me.”

  His hand slid away from my breast and up to my neck, gently tugging me forward as he leaned in. When our lips connected it was like taking a dip in cold water. The shock seemed to freeze the breath in my lungs but once that wore off I wanted more. More sensation, more life, more everything.

  “Get naked,” I whispered to him.

  He did so without me having to ask twice and I watched as I dry humped Gael. Tattoos covered Bodhi’s arms, neck and chest, but they only added to his sexiness. There was too much I wanted to touch and feel and lick and I couldn’t do it all at once.

  When he dropped his pants it was my turn to gasp; a long thick cock sprang free and I had to swallow against the sudden dryness in my mouth. “Don’t worry, Doll, we’ll get you ready,” Bodhi said knowingly.

  As though that was his cue Gael rolled me over and pushed against me, making me moan. His mouth descended on my nipples sucking and licking first one then the other then the first one again while his hand played with the other. No, not his hand, someone else’s hand. I’d never done something so erotic in my life, even before I was sold. Had I been sexually active? Very, but three guys at one time was a new one for me.

  The sounds that were escaping my mouth as Gael and Bodhi worked my breasts and nipples should have been embarrassing but I couldn’t bring myself to care. This was more pleasure than I’d been allowed to experience in centuries.

  “Pants... off...” I gasped, unable to manage more than the two words needed to communicate my desire.

  I felt Gael move to one side so he was no longer between my legs as someone began to pull my leggings down. I lifted my hips to assist and more hands tugged at the edge of my panties. I’d never felt so wanted in my whole life, and not just sexually either. There was more to it than that, like I could feel their need for me, not just sex with me, vibrating through the air.

  Before I could process what was happening someone was raining kisses down on my inner thigh, inching closer and closer to where I needed them most. His fingers found my core first though and my eyes fluttered open to find Ozzy between my legs. When he saw me watching he gave me a wink and a wicked smile that promised fun and pleasure and laughter. As he circled my clit my eyes closed again and within seconds I was bucking and screaming his name.

  Ozzy’s fingers were magic. That was the only logical conclusion. He didn’t stop there though, his mouth descended on me. He licked along my opening and up around my clit before going back down to fuck me with his tongue. He groaned as he tasted me making my heart flutter. As his tongue entered me again so did his fingers. They curled inside me and if I would have been able to reach him my fingers would have been tangled in his hair as I rode his face. Gael and Bodhi were still devouring my nipples though and I couldn’t.

  I was tumbling over the edge into my second orgasm as Gael kissed me once more, claiming my screams of pleasure for himself. The glow of two orgasms back to back made me feel like I was floating. I’d never felt pleasure so intense.

  A drawer opened to my left and I watched as Gael tore a condom packet open before rolling it on his cock. I hadn’t even seen the man get naked but he was, along with Bodhi and Ozzy, who I hadn’t seen get naked either.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, baby girl?” Gael asked, as he leaned over the edge of the bed.

  I nodded, m
y mouth not quite working.

  He sauntered around the edge of the bed until he stood at the foot, climbing onto it like a king about to claim his queen. My eyes drank in his body and the ink that decorated it. His neck tattoo was just the start. Large floral designs flowed seamlessly with skulls and daggers and animals until they tapered out over his thighs.

  His cock bobbed at me as I looked at it, biting my lip in anticipation of what it would feel like when it was inside me. It was long and smooth and as his hand moved down it once before gripping it at the base my breath caught in my chest. Gael lined the tip up and pushed in an inch at a time until my eyes were rolling back and my body arched off the bed to get as close as possible.

  When he was fully seated in me I could feel him stretching me and his cock twitching with impatience. He stayed like that for a while until I started to squirm and then he began to move. His hips thrust powerfully into me and though I was rising to meet him I could barely keep up.

  It didn’t help that Bodhi was rubbing circles on my stomach, his fingers getting ever lower until they were brushing the top of my sex. Even with Gael pounding into me I wanted the sensation of Bodhi playing with my clit, which is exactly what he did, right as Ozzy started pinching and flicking my nipples.

  When I looked up and found the dark-haired man watching my face with an unexpected intensity I reached out for him. He came willingly, if awkwardly toward me until I could grab his cock. Ozzy wasn’t as overall hung as Bodhi or as long Gael but he was thick. I leaned my body as best as I could, given that I wasn’t in control of half of it, and took the head of his cock in my mouth.

  I could only get about halfway down before it was too thick to fit, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me as I began working my hand over what I couldn’t reach with my mouth. It was only a few moments before Ozzy was thrusting into my mouth and tangling his hands in my hair to keep me just where he wanted me.

  Each time Gael thrust into my pussy Ozzy thrust into my mouth and the two matched their paces quickly, but I wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not. With the rhythm from the two of them being the same, Bodhi’s fingers began working my clit in earnest. He pushed me up and over the edge in almost record time, and as I screamed my orgasm around Ozzy’s cock he lost control as well spilling into me, just as Gael did the same in my pussy. I swallowed down everything Ozzy gave me and licked my lips. It had been way, way too long.


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