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The Sheriff's Bride: A Golden Valley Story (Brides of Birch Creek Book 5)

Page 7

by Laura D. Bastian

  “A doctor will be good for Birch Creek, for sure. So, let me show you the title and the details for purchase.” He placed the paper down and pulled out another paper that he began writing on.

  Beatrice looked it over and thought the price seemed incredibly reasonable. Her father’s practice back east had been sold for nearly four times as much.

  “Now hold on,” Elias said, pointing at the price. “I know for a fact this is more than the cost of the jail. This is already an established building without the same materials we used on that.”

  Beatrice looked at the banker. She would never have even questioned the asking price. As much as she hated having to rely on a man, she couldn’t deny having Elias here with her was important.

  “It is in a prime location,” Mr. Smith said. “And the man who left it had incurred quite the debt. This price reflects those factors.”

  “Still,” Elias said, “it’s too much and you know it. Besides, it would make good business sense to sell to the doctor here. That will bring more residents to Birch Creek, and you’ll be able to offer loans to the ones wanting to build. Think about it. Having our very own doctor right down the street.”

  Mr. Smith studied Elias for a moment, then glanced at Beatrice before turning around and pulling open his desk drawer. He looked through a few papers, then flipped over his note pad and worked out a calculation before returning to them with another paper.

  “We would still need enough to cover the cost of the previous owner’s debts, yet I see that perhaps the beginning price could be lessened since the building is older than the new jail.” He pointed at the new price which was about a twenty percent discount from the first asking price.

  Beatrice looked at Elias who had a pleased look on his face. He turn to her and motioned for her to step to the side with him. When they were a few feet away from the banker he whispered, “I doubt he’ll go lower than that. We could try, but it’s a much more reasonable price.”

  “I agree,” Beatrice said. “I have enough to cover the cost of it. That will also allow me to use the remainder of the funds I have to buy the materials I would need.”

  “Good to know,” Elias said. “So, shall we tell him we’ll take it?”

  Beatrice turned around. “I’ll take it.”

  “Wonderful.” Mr. Smith looked at Elias again, practically ignoring her. “Now we have a payment plan that will allow you to make payments for a small fee.”

  “Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Beatrice said. “I can pay the full price up front.”

  The look on the banker’s face was almost enough to help ease her frustrations at his complete lack of respect to her as the person to talk with. He quickly changed tactics and smiled at her with a too wide mouth.

  “That is good news. I’ll be happy to get all the paperwork taken care of.”

  “Thank you,” Beatrice said. “I’ll return this afternoon to pay you then get the title. Do you have the keys to the building? I’d like to get started right away.”

  “I do have the keys. This afternoon will be fine. Thank you for your business.”

  Beatrice nodded and turned around, eager to leave his presence. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to do a lot of business with him. Though she would need to look into opening an account to keep her money in a safe location.

  Once they left the building, Beatrice looked toward Elias. “Will his bank be a safe place to put the remainder of my funds?”

  “It should be. He’s got a large safe, and we have never had a bank robbery here yet. If we are lucky, we won’t have to deal with that at all.”

  “Well,” Beatrice said, smiling at him. “With my husband being the sheriff, I’m sure everything will be just fine. We could look into using some of the money I have for starting construction on a place of our own. That information from the Clarks will be helpful.”

  Elias nodded, but looked a little bothered by her comment. Was he upset that she had money and could provide for them more than he could? She hesitated to bring it up and was pleased that someone walking by caught his attention so she could take more time to think of a way to make this marriage to a man like him work.

  It wouldn’t do to start out their life together making him feel like less of a man. Of course, she didn’t want to change who she was just to make him feel better.


  Elias was relieved he didn’t have to come up with any money to help her open up this medical practice of hers. He had never asked about her money situation, but the way she didn’t even haggle Mr. Smith down from his first offer made him wonder how much she had. She had looked ready to take that first offer, but he was glad he’d been there to keep Mr. Smith from taking advantage of her lack of knowledge.

  She would need to be careful with her money, especially if she was already talking about starting construction on a house for them.

  “Do you think it will take much to get the building ready to accept patients soon?” Beatrice asked.

  Elias smiled inside at her enthusiasm. “I’m not sure. I suppose we’ll have to wait until we see the way the place looks inside once you get the keys. From the window, it looked all right.”

  “It will definitely need some cleaning. I think I’ll stop at the mercantile and pick up a broom and a mop. They would probably have enough things for me to get a good start on it.”

  She walked for a few more steps then turned to him. “How often does the train come through?”

  “It’s usually a few weeks for it to come back from California, then to the eastern states and back again.”

  “I suppose I will have to just put in my order and see how quickly it gets here. Mrs. Howard had quite a few of the items I would need. I also have some herbs and medicines that I could use. Depending on what kinds of ailments I’ll be taking care of, I should have what I need to at least start offering my services to anyone who might need help.”

  Beatrice didn’t seem to notice that she had gripped his arm as they walked. He liked the way it felt to have her close to him and feel so comfortable that she could get lost in her conversation while walking side by side with him. He had never felt the need to hold onto a woman as he walked before. Never had the opportunity to allow one to keep hold of him either, but he decided he really liked it.

  Beatrice was also a strong and capable woman that he didn’t feel like he’d need to keep track of every moment. She held herself with enough strength and confidence he doubted anyone would try bothering her. Not that he would just let her run around doing whatever she wanted. He would still care for her in every way he could. It was just nice to know she wouldn’t need to be sheltered like a fragile flower.


  Beatrice couldn’t believe how excited she was to know it was really coming together. She had worried her impromptu wedding to the sheriff would put her plans in jeopardy, but instead, it was working out rather smoothly. His help with getting the banker to lower the price was incredibly valuable. She could use that money for her other things and she had to admit it was nice to have someone to have her back instead of trying to sabotage her plans.

  “Am I walking too fast for you?” Beatrice asked after realizing she was distracted with her thoughts.

  “No,” Elias said. “This is fine. I can tell you are excited to get started.”

  “I am,” Beatrice said, squeezing his arm. “I can’t believe this is actually happening. Thank you for your help in there.”

  “Happy to assist where I can, Beatrice. Though I’m not promising I’ll be much good with the sweeping and scrubbing.”

  Beatrice smiled. “I wouldn’t let you anyway. That arm needs to be kept still a while longer. I plan to put out word that I’m looking for some help. It will be nice to find a young woman who is looking to earn some money to help me. The cleaning won’t be all that hard to get started with on my own.”

  “I will have to head over to the jail soon. Need to make sure the issue with Chet was written up well and make sure the cell is ready to hold
anyone that might need a secure place to stay.”

  “Should I go to the boarding house on my own, then return to the bank while you head over to the jail?”

  “No, I can accompany you back to the bank. I think you ought to go inside the building and double check how it looks before you actually pay for it.”

  “That is a good idea,” Beatrice said. She had been ready to just agree to pay and deal with all of that later. Was being with Elias messing with her thought process? She should have known better than to just accept things without researching them more. Her father would be disappointed in her.

  The two hurried into the boarding house, and Beatrice told Elias to just wait down below while she went to get her money. She hoped he didn’t think she was trying to hide it from him, she just thought he’d rather not walk up the stairs since the jarring motion had seemed to bother his shoulder when they walked up the few steps into the building itself.

  When he moved over to one of the chairs in the sitting room, she was pleased she had thought of his comfort. It only took a few minutes to retrieve the leather wallet that had been her father’s and after a quick count of the bills she hurried back down to meet him again.

  Elias stood up slowly as if not quite at full health and she studied him for a moment. “How are you feeling?”

  “Just fine.”

  “It doesn’t pain you right now?”

  “Hurts off and on, but not a constant ache like before.”

  “That’s good. If it starts hurting more, make sure you let me know. We still need to watch for infection.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Beatrice smiled at him. She liked the fact he wasn’t bothered by her instructions. Most men of her acquaintance had practically ignored her medical advice. She had seen more women than men since the women seemed more comfortable talking to another woman. Of course not many of them had the freedom to chose her over the male doctors the husbands would often insist they see. Hopefully here in Birch Creek it would be better. There was only one way to find out. She would have to get her practice opened and ready to see patients.

  They walked back to the bank, more slowly than the pace they’d set toward the boarding house to pick up her money. Once inside, Elias had convinced the banker to let them take the keys to look at the building from the inside while Mr. Smith continued to write up the bill of sale and work on the title.

  When he handed her the key for the lock at the front door of the building, Beatrice noted the butterflies in her stomach that she hadn’t felt since she’d been standing next to Elias ready to agree to be his wife.

  “Are you ready?” Elias asked.

  “Absolutely.” Beatrice slipped the key into the door lock and turned it easily. She pushed the door open and stepped inside.

  It was dusty, but otherwise seemed fine. She took a few steps and turned around to get a good look at the open space from the center of the room. The window in the door allowed for some light, but it was nicer and easier to see with the door wide open. It was too bad it didn’t have a large window like the bakery next door. She could make do for a while until they could build a house with an attached room for an office and a patient room or two.

  Beatrice moved to the side wall where shelves had been built into the wall itself. That would be helpful for holding supplies. She then headed into the room off to the back. It was large enough she could place a small cot or have a shelf built that would allow for patient examinations or even some surgeries if necessary. There would also be some light coming in from the window to the side. If only the bakery’s building wasn’t so close, there could have been more light streaming in. She’d have to make sure to get some lanterns to provide enough light for anything she’d need to see.

  “What do you think?” Elias asked from behind, still standing near the door.

  “This will make a good examination room.” She moved toward him, expecting him to move out into the main room, but instead he remained where he stood, nearly blocking the entire door.

  For a moment she considered slipping past him, but instead just looked up into his eyes.

  She had never had a man look at her quite the same way Elias did. While it did strange things to her middle, she wasn’t sure what to do about it. Part of her wanted to reach for him and kiss him softly, while another part wanted to revert to the comfort of a doctor caring for a patient.

  While she debated on whether she was brave enough to stand on her tip toes and press a kiss to his lips he gave her a look that helped push things a little further away from her role as a doctor and more firmly into a wife.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Elias said. “I can tell by the way you’re practically glowing that this means a lot to you.”

  “It does,” Beatrice said. “I’ve always wanted to help others. From the time I was little.”

  “I’m grateful for that,” Elias said, bringing his good hand up to his shoulder for a moment. He then reached toward her and tucked a stray lock of hair back behind her ear, sending shivers down the entire right side of her body.

  Beatrice took a small step forward, wanting to be nearer to him. To reach up and touch his cheek, then feel his lips against hers. The simple kiss they had shared on the day of the wedding was just not enough. Now that she had spent more time with him, and had grown to appreciate the type of person and the incredible man he was, she wanted a chance to begin to know him as a husband, and not as someone who needed time to heal.

  Elias reached his good hand out and placed it on her waist as she brushed her body against his. He wasn’t so much taller than her that she would need to stand on tip toes, but she did have to stretch a little and lift her chin up as he brought his face down to hers.

  The warmth of his breath against her cheek as they got closer sent a strange shiver down her other side, but before she could close the gap completely, the sound of boots stepping up the few steps from the dirt road broke the trance she felt and she almost jumped back.

  Elias’ hand on her waist kept her from retreating completely, and her face heated with embarrassment, then with frustration at the sight of Mr. Smith.

  “I do hope the place is to your liking. I brought over the papers and if you are pleased with the state of the property, we can have you sign the documents and the place will be yours.”

  Elias turned in the doorway while still keeping his hand on her waist, but he shifted enough to allow her to get past him and stand in front of the banker.

  “I don’t see anything wrong with the inside so far. Haven’t had a chance to look at the outside or check the back area.”

  She turned around to give herself time to compose her emotions. As she opened the door of the back room to discover a small kitchen of sorts she heard Elias ask a question.

  “How large is the property it sits on?

  “The sale is only for the building itself and a few yards back.” Mr. Smith’s voice hovered in the not quite whiny stage.

  Beatrice turned around to look at him. “I may want to build a room onto the back. Is there anything that would prevent me from using this property how I want to?”

  Mr. Smith met her eyes, thankfully, instead of directing his attention to Elias. He motioned for her to walk out to the back door and once they had stepped outside he answered the questions she had as well as a few more Elias asked.

  She tried to stay focused on everything Mr. Smith was saying, but her thoughts kept straying to the near kiss she’d almost had.

  The infernal banker and his horrid timing.

  Beatrice would just have to take care of all of this then see about finding the right time to resume that earlier matter. Especially now that she knew Elias was not against joining her in some kissing.

  “What do you think of the upstairs?” the banker asked.

  Beatrice tried her best to hide the surprise that there was more to the building. She had completely missed the fact that there were stairs leading up to another level just off the side of the kitchen.
  “We’ve not made it up there yet, Mr. Smith,” Elias said. “Lead the way.”

  Mr. Smith did as directed then Elias motioned for Beatrice to go before him. She lifted the hem of her skirt with one hand and held the rail with her other hand as she walked up the stair case. It seemed as if the stairs were not quite even, but they seemed sturdy enough. The staircase opened into a wide space lit by a decent sized window then there was a room with a door at the end of a hallway.

  “Looks like this room is right above the front of the office area below.” Beatrice turned to the side. “Is there a room right above what would be the exam room?”

  Mr. Smith opened the doors to show her the features of the upstairs. “Two rooms up here as well as the open area.”

  Beatrice stepped inside the one room followed quickly by Elias. She turned around to speak with him only to find him right behind her so that she bumped into him and his good arm sneaked around her waist to steady them both.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  “I’m not,” Elias said.

  Beatrice’s face heated at the same time her core sang with the delicious tension.

  “This could be where we lived,” Beatrice said after a moment.

  “A definite improvement over what’s back at my small place.”

  Beatrice smiled up at him and he shook his head with chagrin.

  “And to think I tried to convince you to marry me so you could get my property when I died.”

  Beatrice chuckled. “You can sell that place, or knock it down and we can build a bigger place later and use all these rooms for patients if it ever came to that.”

  “So do you like this building?” Elias asked. “We could set you up a practice and you can live right above it to check on your patients whenever you needed.”

  “I do like it,” Beatrice said. “It will be a great place to start my life out here.”

  Elias squeezed her closer and then turned to face the banker. He didn’t give her answer, but instead allowed her to approach the banker and offer her hand.


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