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God of Monsters (Juniper Unraveling Book 4)

Page 30

by Keri Lake

  Not hesitating, he limps after me. “I want only two things afterward: a glass of liquor and your naked body beside me.”

  “Your wish will be my command. Once we get that dirt off of you.”

  “Everything is packed for Szolen?”

  Gliding my hand through the tubful of water that I worked most of the evening to create confirms it’s cooled enough. “I have a different proposal. Lilith dropped by earlier today.”

  He groans, peeling his shirt from over his accordion muscled abs, but his eyes scan over me, as if looking for sign of more injury.

  “She didn’t come looking for a fight. On the contrary, she came to make a truce. But she also told me some things. Things that might change our course a bit.”

  Brow furrowed, he slides off a boot, tossing it to the floor. “What kind of things?”

  “Jack told my family that Atticus would be sent to purgatory, for his crimes against my father. We assumed it was the prison in Szolen. As it turns out, there is a part of the Convent where I was to be sent that’s referred to as Purgatory.”

  With his other foot hiked to remove his boot, he pauses. “Atticus is staying in a convent?”

  I kneel down, tugging at the boot for him, and toss it beside the other. “This isn’t a convent. From what I understand, it’s hell. Cruelty is carried out there, though Lilith refused to say in what form, when I prodded her. But if those containers coming and going are any indication … I suspect very bad things happen there.”

  “Why a convent, though?” He goes to work on his pants, pushing them down his thighs to reveal the distraction of his perfect body.

  I clear my throat, trying not to ogle the hard length of flesh between his thighs. “They’re thought to be a sanctuary. Particularly for women and children. How easy would it be to corral them?”

  He rubs a hand across his jaw and over his head. “Fuck!”

  “I’m proposing that we postpone our travels to Szolen until after we free your friend. We can forego the risk of filling the truck. What you brought back is plenty to make it to the convent and back.”

  “What about Jack? What he did to your family?” He steps into the tub, and the moment he leans back against the porcelain, his muscles hitting the water, a moan escapes him.

  “What he did is already done.” Nabbing a cloth I set out earlier, I work the lavender soap into a foam and run circles on his shoulders. He moans again, the sound of his pleasure sending a tickle to my stomach. “There’s no urgency there anymore,” I continue. “But Atticus could die any day in that place. I’ll have my revenge, but it’ll have to wait. Your friend needs to be rescued first.”

  Cupping my face, he drags me to his lips and steals my breath, as only Titus knows how to do. One hard yank, and he pulls me into the tub with him, sending the water splashing over the sides, and I let out an involuntary squawk. A masculine sound vibrates in his throat, while I lay across his body, as his lips and tongue seal off my air, fingers digging into my flesh.

  “I don’t deserve you, Viper.” The sudden tenderness in his kiss mirrors the solemn tone of his words. “But I’ve learned this world will take what isn’t claimed. So I’m calling you mine.”

  Chapter 38

  Using a thick rope, Titus secures a few supplies we’ve stored in the back of the pickup truck, before making his way to the driver’s door.

  I shove the satchel packed with a few, sharpened kitchen knives and packs of food onto the floor, tucking it beneath my feet.

  “So, the plan will be to meet up with the women off the highway. Then you’ll pretend to be bringing all of us to the convent. Once inside, we’ll search for Atticus. As I understand, he’s kept in a lower level.”

  “You won’t be coming with us, Thalia. I’m not taking a chance.”

  With a frowning chuckle, I study his expression, to gauge whether, or not, he’s serious. “Uh. What?”

  “I’m not willing to risk something happening to you.”

  “I’m not letting you do this without me.”

  “You don’t have a choice. I’ll bring Atticus back here. Then we’ll head to Szolen. But you’re staying.”

  “I will not. Look, I don’t know how quickly they’ll be to take in a truck full of women, when they’ve no reason to trust you. But believe me when I say, Mother Chilson will be quite happy to entertain your offer, if I’m one of them. You can’t afford to risk them calling your bluff. Besides, do you really think it’s a good idea to leave me alone in a cabin, when there’s a massive reward for my capture?”

  Brows furrowing, he stands outside of the truck, looking thoughtful for a moment. “All right. You can come. But you’re at my side at all times.”

  “Or what? You’ll spank my ass? You’ve made it clear you won’t raise a hand to women.”

  “I’d make an exception for you,” he grumbles, climbing into the driver’s seat.

  The truck fires up on a roar of the engine. Most of the vehicles from before the Dredge sound tired and clunky, but it’s clear by the smooth hum of the motor that the man who owned this babied it.

  The open land, pocked with the occasional mountain, passes my window as we drive toward the highway. In the distance, I watch pockets of Ragers race across the open fields toward us, no doubt in hopes of a meal, and I’m grateful to be sitting alongside Titus, in the safety of a moving vehicle. It’s hard for me to imagine that there are children and pregnant women living somewhere out there, among them. Vulnerable.

  “What is it?”

  The sound of Titus’s voice breaks my thoughts, and I turn with a smile. “Just thinking.”


  My eyes catch on the fading red mark across his throat, where the slave band used to be. “They’re not likely to mistake you for an Alpha now that you don’t wear their collar.”

  The corner of his lips kicks up into a half smile. “Remind me to properly thank you for removing it after this is over.”

  “As I recall, you did properly thank me. And have a few times since then.”

  “My gratitude is endless.”

  I chuckle at that and set my hand over his, resting against his thigh, and the tight band across my chest is my anxiety rearing its ugly face. If they do recognize him, they may try to use all force to keep him prisoner. Or worse, send him to Purgatory.

  “Please be careful today.” I can’t say any more than that, for fear that, once my preoccupations are spoken, the universe will hear and tip the scales out of our favor.

  Eyes on the road, he slides his hand from beneath mine and tenderly rubs his thumb over my skin. “You’re the most important thing to me now, Thalia. Nothing comes before you. Not even myself.”

  At the top of the hill, he turns the truck onto a highway that’s little more a path now, almost entirely covered in sand. A few miles up the road, a caravan is parked off to the side. Two vehicles, and about thirty, or so, women standing outside of them, all armed with guns. Titus slows the car to a stop in front of Lilith, who’s stood out in the middle of the highway, her lip twitching with a smile.

  “Hello again, Titus.” The flirtatious tone of her voice is like scraping my nails over jagged concrete, but thankfully, Titus seems as oblivious and impenetrable to her charms as if she were a Rager hissing outside the window.

  “What’s the plan?” he asks, his voice thick with disinterest.

  “There’s a long stretch of woods that surrounds the convent. We park the vehicles on the south side, out of sight from their guard towers, then we’ll all pile in the back of your truck and head to the main entrance on the east side of the property. The whole perimeter is heavily guarded, and they tend to use Ragers between stretches of guard posts. The guard will inquire why you’re there. I’ve observed the inquiry can last as long as a few minutes.”

  I lean forward in a reminder that I’m sitting right here beside him. “Have they ever turned a truck carrying women away?”

  “Once. I’m not sure the nature of it. But I’m guessing,
if you sit in the front cab, they’ll likely entertain it. I’m sure every Legion officer knows your face.”

  “Lead the way, then.” Titus waves his hand, sending her off.

  With a quick nod, she gives him a once-over again, and my stomach does that twisty jealous thing that I hate so much.

  The women pile into the vehicles and take the lead, and Titus and I trail after them in the pickup. The drive is a good two hours, judging by the position of the sun from when we left this morning, and I rifle through the pack of food for the jerky meat, handing one off to Titus.

  “What happens once we’re inside?” I tear away a piece of the meat, silently delighting in the savory flavor and spices that dance across my tongue. “I’m sure Mother Chilson will want to lock me up right away.”

  “Maybe. Unless she thinks you’re frightened of me.”

  “The woman has no love for me. Not after the way I humiliated them. She’ll want to punish me, for sure.”

  He tears at his jerky as though he’s imagining the old woman’s head between his teeth. “I haven’t given much thought to what happens once we’re inside. I’ve only got two objectives: keep you safe and get to the lower levels.”

  “That’s not much of a strategy. I thought Legion trained Alphas for war.”

  “Legion strategized war. Alphas were sent in when those strategies didn’t work.”

  Smiling, I stretch my arm across the back of the seat, running my finger over his shoulder. “So, you’re like the embodiment of chaos, then.”

  He glances down at my fingers and back, seeming to take notice of my touch. “Something like that.”

  “I suppose chaos is a strategy, too.”

  “You keep touching me, and we might have to pull over for a quick stop.”

  Snorting a laugh, I stare ahead toward the convoy of trucks. “I’m sure Lilith would appreciate that. She’s just bold enough to jump in the middle of it.”

  “Bold, yes. But I prefer a bit of chase.”

  “If my memory is correct, you haven’t had to do much chasing with me.”

  A quick glance, and his cheek dimples with a smile. “I’ve been chasing you longer than you realize, woman.”

  His comment brings a smile to my face, and I have to turn away to hide the red flare I’m certain has colored my cheeks.

  The vehicles turn off onto a path that borders the woods, and the sunny sky disappears behind the thick canopy of trees, turning everything dark. Each woman that exits the vehicle turns her gun around to her back and wraps herself in what looks like fine-woven blankets. The truck jostles as they climb into the back, the clanking of guns settling as they situate themselves.

  Lilith stands at the passenger door, beside me. “Mind if I ride in front?”

  I do. I really do.

  But instead of arguing, I slide closer to Titus, allowing her to climb in next to me.

  Once inside, she shoves her pistols into the glovebox in front of her. The scent of chamomile fills the cab, and I’ll be damned if she didn’t perfume herself for this mission.

  “When we enter the convent, we’ll undoubtedly be greeted by the Sisters and a couple of guards. It’s been a while since I’ve been inside, but I remember the doors beyond the main entrance lead to one of their chapels. It’s some … perpetual adoration, Lindsay called it.”

  “Lindsay ... she’s the girl you rescued from the marauders? The one you took back to Szolen with Gwen?”

  “Yes. You knew her?”

  “Yes. She was captured. Held by the same people who captured me. She’s pregnant. With a Rager’s baby.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. She was always welcome to stay with us.” With a huff, Lilith shakes her head. “We should’ve never returned her, but it’s not our way to keep women imprisoned. Anyway, it’s through the chapel that you’ll find the doors leading down to Purgatory.”

  “We have to get past Mother Chilson first.”

  “Don’t worry yourself with that.” Lip gnarled in disgust, she grinds her teeth. “I’ll take care of Mother Chilson. You two focus on finding your friend, and assuming everyone survives, we’ll meet up in the woods.”

  Lilith directs Titus to the east entrance and knocks three times against the cab’s rear window, which seems to be a signal for all the women in the back to settle into whatever plan they discussed before meeting up with us. When I turn around, I notice all of them sit with their heads bowed, faces downtrodden. Defeated.

  “You might do well to look like you’ve had a hard time out here. You want them to believe you’re in need of sanctuary.”

  With a nod, I bow my head, swallowing back the nervous jitters of anxiety, as we approach the guards posted before a tall iron gate.

  “What’s your business here?” A guard, in an unmistakable black Legion uniform, stands outside of Titus’s window, peering in on me and Lilith.

  “Women looking for sanctuary,” Titus answers, his voice far more gruff and intimidating.

  “I’ve not seen you before.” The guard stares a little too long at Titus, and I wonder if he’s caught sight of the red marks at his throat.

  Titus keeps his gaze forward, not bothering to look at the man beside him, at all. “Word travels.”

  It’s when I glance over that the officer’s eyes meet mine, and the furrow of his brow tells me he recognizes me.

  “There’s a reward on this one.”

  “I’m aware,” Titus answers in his usual unimpressed tone. “Are you going to let us in, or not?”

  The guard lifts a walkie-talkie to his face, his gaze never wavering from me. “We have a cargo of females. They seem to be from the Deadlands. More than usual. The girl is with them. Thalia. Can you receive them?”

  “Let them pass.” The chilling voice of Mother Chilson echoes from his speaker and skates down my spine.

  At the raise of the guard’s hand, the gate opens, and my stomach nearly flips over on itself. I can hardly swallow past the sudden dryness in my throat, while the truck rolls down a long driveway toward an enormous gothic-style building ahead.

  “Why didn’t they check for weapons?” I twist around to look at all of the women huddled together in the back of the truck.

  Lilith snorts beside me, shaking her head. “When have men ever had to fear women? When have we ever been a threat to them?”

  She’s right. My own father believed the same, and treated me, my whole life, as if my gender was a handicap. The only time I’ve ever had the balls to really fight back, I was cast out of my home and ridiculed for my impudence.

  With a glance to the side, I nod. “It’s time they regret underestimating you.”

  “And you.” She turns away from me, as if including me is difficult to admit. “I’ve not forgotten that left hook.”

  Smiling, I ball my hand into a fist, recalling my first successful punch. “If it makes you feel better, I practiced on Titus. Every one of my knuckles have been bruised for it.”

  “Doesn’t make my jaw feel any better.”

  The truck slows to a stop in front of the convent, whose brick exterior lies mostly hidden behind the vines that crawl over it. The place gives off an eerie vibe, almost haunted, the way its steeple pierces the sky like a rigid pillar of virtue. To think, this is where I was destined to spend the next five years of my life.

  There’s a part of me that’s reluctant to go inside, uncertain of what’s to come. As many times as my father has come home telling stories of their surprise attacks on marauders, I’ve never personally felt the rush of adrenaline moments before. The fear of failure looming in the background. The smell of death waiting in the wings.

  The thick, wooden doors of the convent open on the familiar face of Mother Chilson, who’s flanked by two sisters, and two Legion officers strapped with guns. I slide my satchel over my head, and the knives inside clack against each other. As I exit the truck, her eyes instantly fall on me, and I can practically see the images inside her head, the instant replay of that day, the last time
I saw her, when she condemned me to hell for what I’d done.

  She scoffs, making her way down the stone stairs, toward me. “Well, well. Look who it is. We thought you’d perished to the wolves.”

  Hoped, I imagine. “Ah, well, you couldn’t be so lucky, I guess.”

  Still cloaked in their blankets, the women hop off the back of the truck, and I notice they seem to be careful not to make noise with their weapons. The fact that the guards stand relaxed is a testament of the trust they’ve seen prior to now, a thought that only stokes my anger. How many women and children have been dumped here, only to fall victim to whatever happens within those walls?

  “And who is this man you’ve taken up with?”

  I glance back toward Titus, and recall what Lilith said earlier about looking distressed. “He … captured us. All of us.”

  “Very good.” She nods toward Titus, who strides up to my side, settling my nerves only a slight bit. “You’ll be rewarded for returning her to us. I’ll have my officers load the back of your truck with food and supplies, as promised.

  “Appreciate it.”

  “As for the rest of you, welcome to the Sisters of Mercy. You’re safe here.” Twisting her pudgy form slightly, she gestures toward the women standing behind her.

  When they step down, making their way toward us, the first crack of gunfire echoes, and all I see is red spattered across the front of their white neckerchiefs.

  Mother Chilson’s eyes widen, mouth gaping for a scream.

  Before the Legion officers can aim their guns, bullets explode across their faces, sending bits of skull and flesh into the air, before their bodies fall to the ground.

  I turn toward Lilith, who lowers her gun, smiling up at Mother Chilson, and at her signal, three of the others in our group race after the nun, who attempts to hobble away. She’s tackled to the ground and dragged into the convent.

  “The other guards will be here any second. I suggest the two of you hurry.” Cold steel hits my arm, where Lilith pushes one of her two guns toward me, urging me to take it. Beside me, Titus straps a gun, given to him by one of the other women, over his chest.


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