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Love Is Danger (Club Aegis Book 3)

Page 11

by Christie Adams

  “Yes, Cam.” Her voice was low but clear. “I’m comfortable.”

  And delightfully wet, as he discovered when he caressed her clit with his fingertip. Her mound was completely smooth, and as a result she was sweetly responsive to his touch—the pitch of her breathing changed as he continued to stroke the sensitised flesh. Her hands clenched into his shirt held him captive, as did the soft, almost anguished moans that whispered from her lips. He half-expected her to try to close her legs against his touch, but she didn’t—she was staying with him.

  He dipped his fingers into the slick heat of her pussy. She whimpered again, buried her face against him, and the hand that had been curled into his shirt transferred to the other side of his neck. He began to move his fingers, each one alternately tapping her G-spot, the rhythm unrelenting, and he felt a satisfying flow of wetness in response, the automatic contraction of her body trying to milk his fingers as if his cock were inside her.

  “Let me know when you’re ready to come, honey.”

  There was desperation about the way she clung to him now, and not unexpectedly he soon heard her give the warning he’d asked her for. It was his cue to make the decision—to delay her orgasm or intensify it.

  She’d earned her reward. He chose the latter, slipped a finger back inside her, and when he found the precise spot on the wall of her vagina again she unravelled in his arms, crying out over and over again.

  “Shh, it’s okay, honey,” he soothed her, rocking her gently in his arms as she drifted back down from her shattering orgasm. An experienced submissive could scarcely have done better.

  There would be plenty of time to take what appeared to be Stacie’s natural inclination towards submission and train it, hone it to perfection…help her to become the sub he’d always needed, the sub he sensed she was born to be. Very gently, he loosened the blindfold and tucked it back in his pocket.

  “Stacie.” He spoke her name softly, with a tenderness that was new to him. “Eyes on me, beautiful.”

  She obeyed instantly. He saw lightly flushed cheeks, and eyes that shone with satisfaction and a little apprehension. So sweet…so submissive. “That’s my girl,” he said, glad to see that hint of anxiety leave her. It was time to take her to bed. “Come with me.”

  The dress she wore was perfect, he decided—it buttoned down the front, so he was able to unfasten it slowly, relishing each area of delicate creamy skin as it was revealed. When she was naked, it was all he could do not to worship her—Stacie Matheson was all woman, all soft, voluptuous curves that made a man ache to take control. And again she simply accepted what he wanted to do—she stood there while he cupped her breasts in his hands and pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. At her sharp gasp he released them, only to take each one in his mouth in turn and suckle gently, soothing the sting of the pain he’d purposely inflicted.

  “Into bed, honey—I’ll be right with you.”

  Her eyes were on him as he undressed, and when he joined her under the sheets, she nestled close. She seemed fascinated by his tattoo. Her finger was following the bold lines that adorned his upper arm and shoulder in a way that set his entire body on fire with need—especially when she reached the ink that strayed over his chest. Perhaps it had something to do with the way the tip of her tongue peeped out between her lips as she concentrated on the ink—his kitten had come out to play again.

  “When did you have this done?” she asked at length, her voice low and slightly husky.

  “When I was too young to know better,” he admitted with a wry grin. “Do you like it?”

  She considered the question as she traced more of the pattern. “I do. It’s like you,” she concluded, a faint satisfied smile curving her delicious mouth.

  He was intrigued. “How so?”

  “Straightforward, but at the same time…complex.”

  And with that, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his shoulder.

  Cam felt as if his balls were about to explode. However, instead of allowing his concentration to focus on all points south, he framed her cheek with his hand, coaxed her into looking up at him. Before this went any further, he wanted to see if she remembered what he’d said about communication—straight questions, honest answers, no filters and giving verbal responses.

  “Stacie, honey, how do you feel? Is there anything we’ve done so far that you don’t like, or don’t feel comfortable with?”

  She looked up at him, took a deep breath…and her eyes lit up, almost glowed with a happiness that came from a place she hadn’t known existed, until he’d shown it to her. He could almost see her thinking, choosing her next words with the kind of care that meant it mattered to her. It mattered.

  “Nothing, but it’s more than just tonight, Cam—it’s the last few days, ever since we met,” she began quietly. “I need you to know, though, that I don’t…I’ve never…rushed into getting to this point, but being with you just seems right, as if I were always meant to meet you.”

  She was telling the truth. He could see it in her eyes, even if he hadn’t already known it. Right from the start, he’d known she wasn’t the kind of woman who slept around. “I know, Stacie.”

  “That doesn’t make sense, I know, because we’ve only just met, but I’ve realised that trying to make sense of it is a pointless exercise. It is what it is. And this evening’s been just as wonderful as the rest of it. I’ve never known a man like you, Cam. No one’s ever affected me like this before.”

  Warmed by her words though he was, he had to be absolutely sure. “And none of it has made you feel awkward? In any way?”

  “None of it,” she confirmed, her voice a silken whisper that wove its magic around him. “I’m nervous, but excited too. I want to know more, to experience more. And I want to give you pleasure too, Cam.”

  “You do,” he said simply. “And now I want you to sleep for a little while. Tonight isn’t over yet—I have plans for you, so you need to rest.”

  Skin to skin, they lay wrapped in each other’s arms—something Cam had never really done with a sub beyond the requirements of aftercare until this moment. He’d scened with them at the club, or if he had a relationship with a sub that included sex, then the act had always taken place at the club, a hotel or her place—never his. It was easier to leave that way, before involvement could run too deep and expectations were raised.

  While Stacie slept, he thought—about her and the things she’d said. With this woman he wanted none of those boundaries. He wanted her submission, yes, but he also found himself wanting the simpler, less formal pleasures of vanilla too. And the question—for later—would be how far did he want those pleasures to go? As far as marriage, like Beth and Alex? Just meeting this woman had been enough to trigger that thought.

  A while ago, before he’d opened up to the possibility of a meaningful, lasting relationship being a part of his life, that alone would have had him backing away at the speed of light. Knowing where his friends were taking their relationship, he found himself imagining Stacie pregnant with his child—and far from scaring the shit out of him, it simply heightened the protective feelings he already had for her.

  He stretched out a hand and grabbed a condom from the nightstand drawer, tossing the foil packet next to the alarm clock. He’d never gone bareback with a woman in his life and he wasn’t about to start now. At this stage, protecting Stacie included protecting her from an unplanned pregnancy. But one day? Was it wrong of him to hope so soon that she might eventually want that too?

  Her hand was resting over his heart—he took hold of it and turned it palm up, so that he could place a kiss in the centre. She smiled, even though her eyes were still closed. Bratty little sub. She’d woken up without owning up. Stifling a grin, he added it to the list of reasons for disciplining her at a later date, once her training started in earnest. Tonight was about tenderness and pleasure, and gentle introductions.

  And knowing that she was awake, Cam decided that it was time to move on to
the next stage of their first night together. In one movement, he rolled onto his side and put Stacie on her back, pinning the hand he still held to the mattress. Startled eyes opened and looked at him questioningly as he threw his leg across both of hers—his mouth descended and he kissed her as if it were the end of this world and the beginning of the next.

  Chapter 7

  No longer startled, Stacie looked up at him with a heady combination of blossoming trust and blatant desire that made Cam want to make their first night together even more special for her. He wanted to do something for her that he’d never done for any other sub, and he knew exactly what the perfect something would be.

  “Wait here. I won’t be long.” He headed for the bathroom.

  When he returned a few moments later, it was to find her watching him with eyes heavy with wanting—the same wanting he felt for her. He dropped the towels at the end of the bed, left the bottle of lotion handy on the nightstand and in one movement, knelt on the bed and kissed her again.

  When he transferred his attention to her breast, she arched into his mouth. He fed hungrily, catching the hard, puckered nipple between his teeth, cupping the soft flesh, squeezing it, revelling in the sweetness of her responses as he drew her deeply into his mouth. He moved again, to kiss the column of her throat, trying to calm himself and his need so that he could indulge her the way he intended to. Or was he indulging himself?

  “Turn over, Stacie, and then I want you to relax. Leave everything to me.”

  Her hair was a golden, glinting mass around her shoulders. Cam combed it with his fingers, loving the feel of the cool silken strands against his skin, before gathering it together and lifting it to one side. On impulse, he leaned forward and buried his nose in it, inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo mingled with the fragrance of an infinitely desirable woman, a drug-like combination that wove a hypnotic spell around his senses. He wanted to cover her body with his and melt into her until the world ended.

  But this was for her, not him. With a stubbornly lingering degree of reluctance he moved to kneel between her legs, his eyes drawn to her glistening pussy and the tight pucker of her anus. His cock was already primed to take her, but for now his desires would have to wait.

  He poured lotion into one of his palms, warming it between his hands before he laid them on Stacie’s body and began to knead her shoulders. Almost instantly she relaxed—he could have sworn he heard her sigh with pleasure.

  Her sweet curves belonged to a voluptuous, toned body that was a perfect fit for his hands…and then there were those legs that went on forever. In his mind’s eye, he could see her at the club. In a stylish, appropriately minimal outfit that hinted at the treasure beneath and emphasised the glorious length of those legs, she would turn the head of every Dom there…and probably one or two Dommes as well. With heels—at least four inches—she would be truly stunning. It was just a pity that as a submissive, she wouldn’t be wearing them in the club. No matter—with or without them, she had the potential to be a sub any Dom would be proud to own. He knew he would.

  “That’s it, honey,” he approved, working her back and letting his fingers curve around her ribs to stroke the sides of her breasts, moving down to her waist and then her hips, where he applied a little more pressure and enjoyed the intimate glimpse of her, already denuded of hair. The Dom in him rejoiced silently as she eased her legs a little further apart, giving him an almost perfect view and a silent invitation for him to advance.

  His gently questing fingers found her clit again, hard and swollen with arousal. He teased it between his thumb and two fingers, and when her body responded with a fierce quiver he slipped his fingers into her deliciously hot and wet pussy, thrusting into her in anticipation of what his cock would be doing soon enough.

  Stacie was a pure delight. She began to writhe beneath his touch, making delicious little sounds of pleasure, but stilled instantly when he placed his hand on her back and quietly ordered her to be calm. Spirit and submission in one oh-so- sweet package.

  He leaned forward, taking his weight on his right hand while he stroked the narrow indentation of her spine with his fingertip, then followed the same path with his lips, lacing a network of open-mouthed kisses down her back, tasting her skin as if it were the finest wine. Leaning over her like this, his dominant nature roared to the fore—he wanted to cover her with his body and stake a claim to her that no man would challenge. Images flashed through his mind of the things he’d like to do to her—the things he was going to do to her, once she was completely comfortable with the dynamic of the relationship he wanted for them.

  Her breathing was becoming more laboured now, as one of her hands twisted into the cotton sheet bunched at the side of her. He recognised the signs—sensation and pure pleasure combined to overwhelm her. She could no longer fight the onslaught. For Cam, it was an exquisite victory. He picked up the bottle of lotion again and resumed the massage, this time concentrating on her buttocks, thighs and calves. By the time he was done with her, she’d be relaxed, receptive…and ready to be claimed.

  “Time to turn over again, honey,” he instructed when he was ready, wondering if his self-control would get him through to the end of the massage once she was on her back beneath him. Missionary wasn’t his favourite position for making love—not when there were so many other exciting possibilities—but he sure as hell wanted those legs wrapped around him when he buried his cock in her body for the first time.

  Oh shit. She was way too much temptation. Those lush breasts were a siren call to his mouth, inviting him to lick and nibble so that he could hear her moan with arousal and need. His hand framed her rib cage, cradled the soft globe in the crook of his thumb and forefinger, and then she filled his mouth again. Only when she made a fumbling attempt to push his head away did he release her nipple. When he thrust his now free hand between her thighs to rub her pussy, she arched again and cried out.

  “Talk to me, Stacie.” His voice was ragged as he welded his self-control together once more. “Show me what you want.”

  He already knew what she wanted, what she needed—it was there in her face, in her panting cries, in all the ways her body moved beneath his touch, but he wanted to find out if she would tell him. If she could tell him.

  He didn’t have long to wait, and what she did rocked him to the core. She offered him her hands, crossed at the wrists, in a gesture of pure submission, the like of which he’d seldom experienced. If ever. How could a complete novice have him reeling with such grace and beauty?

  “Please, Cam. I’d like to know what it’s like…” Her gaze dipped to her wrists. “I need control, Sir.”

  With that one word—Sir—she delivered the final blow and took his breath away.

  “You’ve never experienced it before, honey?” A person didn’t necessarily need to be in a D/s relationship to enjoy a little playful bondage now and again.

  She shook her head. “No, Sir—I never wanted to, before you.”

  And he wasn’t about to question that. No, Cam acknowledged—he’d simply rejoice in it, accept it for the honour it was and treat it with the respect it deserved.

  As it was her first time, he used silk scarves to bind her, tethering her wrists to the bars at the head of the bed but leaving her legs free—there were things he wanted to do with those legs that required more flexibility than any bindings would allow.

  “Comfortable, beautiful?” he asked between the kisses he littered across her deliciously curvy, delightfully real body—such a perfect match for him in so many ways. He pushed aside thoughts of how it would feel when she came around his cock, when her pussy milked every drop of seed from his balls. They had all night—no need to rush into burying himself in her body even though every cell in his body cried out for it. Instead he turned his attention to all the things he could do to bring her to the edge of orgasm—the first of many he planned for her in his bed…and other places.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. “What are you going to d

  As soon as she uttered the question, Stacie pressed her lips together. She’d questioned a Dom, something no sub should ever do when scening, according to one of the private little chats she’d had with Beth Lombard. She’d have to do better than that.

  Or maybe all she needed was a little more time…and a lot more training. And oh, how her girly bits tingled at the thought of what that training might entail.

  She loved the dominance she’d seen in Cam. It promised to fulfil a yearning she’d never realised she had until a few days ago, for a man who would be in charge and take control—a man she could rely on. Cam was all that and more, and Stacie was convinced she could give him what he needed.

  She was under no illusions, though—just as Beth had cautioned, she’d been guided gently so far, nothing too outrageous, nothing that made her feel nervous or uneasy, but what would come after this? Not necessarily tonight, but later—days, weeks from now.

  “Stop thinking, Stacie.” The command was in his tone as well as the words he used—it snapped her attention instantly back to the man who was looking at her with breathtaking intensity. “I’ll let the question slide this time because you need to learn that you can trust me without question, no matter what. What I won’t let slide, though, is this habit you have of zoning out on me.”

  What are you going to do about it? She swallowed the words before they could get her into more trouble. Instead, she held his gaze, trying to prove to him that she could focus.

  “That’s better.”

  For a moment she hoped for a reprieve, but then he spoke again. “So that you learn from this, you are not allowed to come until I give you permission. Do you understand, sub?”

  That last word, the sensual growl that accompanied it, answered the question she’d silently asked herself, created a tempest of aching need that instantly drenched her pussy. He’d effectively put her in her place—and it was a place that kept her centred entirely on the man beside her. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”


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