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Perfectly Matched: Opposites Attract (Match Made In Heaven Book 1)

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by Ginny Sterling

  Perfectly Matched

  A Match Made in Heaven

  Ginny Sterling



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9



  Lawfully Indulged

  Lawfully Gifted

  Royally Matched by Jenna Brandt

  Secretly Matched by Marie Higgins

  Coming in January 2019

  Coming soon!

  Lawfully Admired

  About the Author


  Everyone dreams of a fairytale romance. But what does Prince Charming look like to you? Does it match someone else’s point of view? Everyone inherently desires a love that fills a need, want or craving. Perhaps you yearn for a tender man that can practically read your mind and knows what’s in your heart – or what if he simply did the dishes and rubbed your feet after a long day at work. How do you define perfection and love?

  A chance encounter one day and sparks ignite? Bumping into your soulmate while out for coffee? Ships that pass in the night, destined for a love that sweeps you off of your feet? Is he the UPS guy, making you wonder what brown can do for you? (sorry, I had to!)

  Sometimes reality comes crashing in. We get lost in the grind of everyday life. Bills mount up, car problems, or you have to be in three places at one time. Life has a way of throwing a wrench in our hardest laid plans. While daily life interferes, but it’s what we do with it and our outlook that makes love take root.

  If fairy tales were true … Imagine suddenly being faced with a person that makes you feel alive, makes your heart smile and flutter with happiness. Perhaps it’s a cowboy that charm the skin off a snake with a smile. Maybe a man that shared the same values, virtues and beliefs as you. Wouldn’t that be worth taking a chance to allow your heart to be branded by the ultimate true love? Stepping out of your comfort zone for a chance at happiness?

  A match made in Heaven.

  These stories are sweet, clean romance novellas designed with the idea of whisking you away to what matters in our lives. Not every man has six-pack abs, nor every woman the model of femininity. Our bodies are shells and we focus only on the soul. Everyone needs someone. We believe in building a world that begins at the very core of what makes romance stories work – faith, hope and love.

  Now it’s your turn to find love. Set your imagination and your heart free with us. The next happily ever after is at your fingertips, just waiting to be discovered…


  Nikki smoothed her hair back from her head and sighed. It was no wonder that there were so many parenting manuals in the world because being a single mother was hard. She watched her son stack his Duplo blocks together in order to smash his car into them, his smile lighting up his entire face. Parenting was hard, but completely worth it.

  Some people in this world were ‘givers’ and some ‘takers’; she’d learned the toughest lesson the wrong way. Discipline had never been an issue at home, but love and attention had been. It had been hard on her father raising a young girl alone when her mother had run off. Nikki had been headstrong, independent and hard-headed in college, leaving her an easy target for one of the greatest ‘Takers’ in the world.


  Just thinking of the first time she’d met him gave her goosebumps and angered her at how gullible or stupid she felt now. She never thought it was possible to admire yet dislike someone so much. Ryan had been so handsome, so charming and such a lying dog – an odd combination. He was worthless to her now, but it had taken so much internal pain and strife to learn that lesson.

  They’d been the golden couple back in the day. His tanned skin and sun-kissed blond hair complimented her own healthy complexion and highlighted hair. Two beautiful people on the brink of soaring like two birds getting ready to fly on their greatest adventure, yet both without a lick of sense or consequence between them in their final semesters of college. He’d ‘taken’ from her one time, she’d gave- and was abandoned a month later when her period didn’t come.

  Abandoned by Ryan.

  Abandoned by her father.

  But for every ill in this world, came the blessings- or so she learned when she’d found herself homeless. She’d found God at her deepest moment and returned to her path stronger than ever. Her baby needed her, and she’d do everything in her power to protect him. Those days now blurred by, a mixture of exhaustion and desperation to finish her degree in order to provide. She’d found an inner strength she’d not realized was in her, an inner drive. She vowed to give back, without being taken advantage of ever again.

  “Travis sweetie, if you’ll pick up your blocks we’ll pick out our tree,” she crooned, only to see him continue to play with his toys. Oh yes, the acorn didn’t fall far from the tree. She recognized that independent, mulish streak perfectly. He had her temperament, but there were subtle hints of Ryan there too. The way Travis grinned made her teeth gnash. He had the same all-knowing smile his father had- it irked her to no end, especially knowing the person he was now.

  Ryan had avoided them like the plague and went as far as to refuse to pay child support for his son. So far, he’d evaded any certified letters or phone calls, but someday it would catch up with him. She’d not had the money for an attorney, nor did she want Ryan in their lives. As long as he stayed gone and left them alone? It was fine by her. She didn’t need him and would do the best she could by Travis.

  “Travis? I’m going, and I’d like your help please?” Nikki fought back a smile as he began to pick up the blocks as requested. Stubborn. If she ordered, he dug in his heels but if she asked? He’d make it known that he was helping her.

  Satisfied, she stood up and ushered the animals into the garage of her tiny two-bedroom house. The garage was lined with kennels, litter boxes, doggie beds and a gaggle of chewed up toys from the last few years. It had taken a while to get settled, but now that she had? She loved her home and took in every stray she could. She wanted a home brimming with love and laughter. She’d grown up in silence and vowed to give Travis a different upbringing than she had.

  The tiny house wasn’t but 800 square feet, but its location to the daycare and the animal clinic she worked at was truly perfect. Because of the proximity to everything she needed, she didn’t need a car. She walked everywhere with Travis in a stroller. It was a large jogger she’d found on clearance that he’d not quite yet grown out of. The deep storage pockets had saved her many times when carrying groceries home. She hoped he’d keep complacent about riding in it for a bit longer. The small, town square had what she needed and if not? She ordered online and had it shipped. A car was a luxury she couldn’t afford now.

  “Let’s go sweetie. I can’t wait to see what tree you decide on,” she encouraged, holding out Travis’ jacket, hat, and mittens. He stood there as she bundled him and climbed right into his stroller. She quickly threw on her own thick plaid coat she’s picked up from a garage sale. Her old stuff barely fit anymore since she’d given birth. So much had changed over the last three years since her son’s arrival. Thank goodness it was cold in North Texas and they’d not been hit with sleet or ice yet. The cool temps allowed her to layer up, instead of dressing for the heat. Her once slim, toned body was gone along with her innocence and naiveite’.

  It wasn’t yet December, but she was excited to start celebrations as early as p
ossible. The shops were now open earlier since Thanksgiving was over and décor had sprung up everywhere. When she’d seen the high-school band setting up their tree lot for a fundraiser on her way home from work, she felt almost giddy knowing her favorite holiday was around the corner. Walking briskly down the sidewalk, she hurried towards the square where the tree lot was set up and the crowd was growing in anticipation.

  As she stepped into the town square, Nikki couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of her. Cars lined the circular path around the square and the shops were alit with holiday lights wrapped tightly around the street poles that held up the overhangs to protect from weather. Mrs. Weatherby owned the bakery at the corner and she had a small table set up with free hot apple cider for all that were in the area. She was handing out tiny cups along with business cards for the upcoming chaos that was sure to be the next few weeks for her. Bouche de Noel, mincemeat pies, cream pies, tortes and cookies were already displayed lovingly in the pane glass window of the old brick building. Carols were playing softly from loudspeakers hidden and wreaths dangled from the doors. Oh yes, she adored Christmastime.

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Weatherby,” Nikki greeted her warmly. The old woman had given her a place to work and stay for a few months while she was pregnant with Travis years ago. She claimed that Nikki reminded her of her own daughter who’d moved away. Grateful for the chance she’d given her, she’d stayed close to the shopkeeper who spoiled her happily.

  “Hi there, doll,” Mrs. Weatherby began and then crooned happily in delight once she saw Travis in the stroller. “You are babying him, Nikki. Let him walk a bit and look around. Look, he wants to come see me.” She glanced down to see the older woman unbuckling Travis and his padded arms were eagerly pulling at her shoulders once he realized he was being freed.

  “There’s my boy,” the older lady crooned happily, pulling Travis into a smothering hug that soon had him struggling to free himself once again.

  “And your boy will happily stack your cups for you or spill what you’ve got,” Nikki chimed in with an exaggerated sigh and tight smile. Everyone always seemed to know better than her, told her what to do, or how to raise her child. She appreciated the advice and took it in to consideration, but it was just that: advice. She was ultimately responsible for this beautiful child and took it straight to heart, weighing everything before doing anything. Paralysis by analysis at times, she surmised, since she was slow to jump on every suggestion.

  “I wanted to let you know that I’d be looking to work for a few hours if you were hiring help for the season,” Nikki asked softly over her shoulder, watching the two rub noses and coo at each other. Mrs. Weatherby truly had a warm, loving heart. She stepped forward and handed out cups of cider along with the business cards as she’d seen the other woman do a few moments ago to several people walking by. “I could use a bit extra cash for Travis this year. It’s really the first year that he is going to comprehend what is going on when we open gifts and such. He was still a baby last year.”

  “Oh sweetie, of course! I’ve got news for you though: they are always your baby no matter how old they are,” she coached and pulled Travis’ hat off his head, sending staticky strands of hair upwards into the air. “He’s warm, do you mind if I take this off of him?”

  “No, of course not,” Nikki said amicably hoping to keep things good between them, thinking to herself- well its already off of him and it will be a struggle to get it back on his head.

  “Why don’t you take a peek around and this young man can help me out?”

  “Are you sure? He’s a handful,” Nikki hedged nervously staring at the two of them. Mrs. Weatherby was extremely good with Travis and he seemed to adore her but the idea of leaving her son with someone didn’t sit well, even if she trusted them implicitly. She’d had nightmares for days once she’d put her son in daycare to return to work at the animal clinic. Letting go was so hard.

  “Yes, go have fun. Mingle. Look around and find yourself something nice,” she shooed her off. “Better yet? Find yourself someone nice while you are at it.”

  Smiling tightly, Nikki nodded and walked away before she bit her tongue promptly in two. Everyone treated her like she had to be part of a couple in order to be happy. This wasn’t the case. She didn’t want to put herself out there to be hurt emotionally again. Being abandoned and rejected was tough. She’d just really found her own footing not long ago and wanted to savor the independence.

  Nikki darted in a small kitchen store nearby, but that was only to glance at the two of them through the windows. She hated leaving Travis with anyone, but she also noticed that he seemed to be behaving himself as well. Shoulders drooping, she realized that her stubborn son was putting on a show and testing her like usual. He was truly brilliant and always amazed her, sometimes in a good way and sometimes very badly. She found herself lost in thought and drifting aimlessly looking around at the décor and trees on display at the large park that made up the center median of the town square. There were trees of all sizes, shapes and heights. She just needed something small and fairly cheap, spotting it right away before the commotion began.

  * * *

  Jakob Marlin could not believe his mother dragged him out for a shopping excursion again this year. Last year, he’d sworn off doing these outings when she’d posted a photo of him in an elf hat all over the internet for his family to laugh at. He’d been the center of attention for quite a bit and his father went as far as to make Christmas cards that were sent to everyone, including the director of the hospital where he worked. Slapping his face, he dragged his hand down trying to wipe the dismay from his expression, so his mom didn’t see it. She’d been so happy he’d agreed to go, and he’d been so mortified. She’d actually played the tear-card, her eyes welling up at his abrupt refusal.

  Jakob went, however he flatly refused to try on any hats, antlers, ears or beards this year. He was a doctor now and had an image to maintain. That darn Christmas card was still pinned to the boardroom in the lounge at work and somehow kept getting fished out of the trash every time he disposed of it. It was now rippled with water and even had coffee marks on it, yet it kept reappearing. No matter how much he grew up or distanced himself, somehow, he kept getting reminded of family and how they could knock you back down to your roots.

  “Mom, are you almost done?”

  “Jakob, quit rushing me. Do you have somewhere to be?”

  “No.” Yes! he thought wretchedly, thinking of the silence of his apartment just outside of town. It was calm. Clinical. The cool white tiles and smooth grey sofa made him feel like he didn’t have to worry about messes, stains or décor. It was quite the opposite of his parents’ home. There were still faint stains on the walls in spots where they’d colored as children and spent hours scrubbing it off. He and his sister had been close until college. She’d gone her direction and he’d gone off on his own. Julia had made it to New York City just as she’d always dreamed. He’d returned back home to get started on his own when the position at the hospital had come open. It seemed too good to be true when they’d reached out to him and turns out, it was. His mother was best friends with the director’s wife and had made arrangements to get him the position. It seems like he couldn’t do anything on his own anymore.

  Glancing over, Jakob did a double-take and couldn’t believe his eyes as he stood there beside his mother while she haggled for the biggest tree she could find in the lot. He wasn’t sure how he was going to get that home for her, but she swore up and down ‘they’d make it work’. His new car, a brand new, black Mercedes that he’d just leased last week, was sitting there parked out of the way near the bakery at the corner and some child was finger-painting with mud on the driver’s side door.

  “HEY!” he yelped and darted out into traffic, causing several horns to blare and the crowd around him to erupt in a flurry of excitement before silence fell. He stood there frozen next to the car unsure what to do. The child stared up at him in curiosity that must
have matched his own level of shock. A grubby hand full of cold mud was then held up for him to see. Jakob saw red as it was thrown at him, hitting him directly in the knee on his slacks.

  “HEY! Whose kid is this? Where are your parents at?” He roared in shock at the toddler, staring in disbelief as a woman emerged from the tree lot like an avenging angel. Enraged fury and disbelief were mixed all over her beautiful face reminding him of a Norse Valkyrie from mythology. Her blond hair nearly crackled around her face as she flew into a rage directed towards him, of all things.

  * * *

  Nikki heard the outraged man’s voice and felt a sinking sensation in her stomach. She knew already in her heart that something had happened. She peeked her head over the shoulder of the man in front of her at the line to pay and was absolutely horrified to see her son sitting in the cold dirt next to a gleaming car that had once been completely spotless. Travis had found a spot to dig in the grass next to the curb and had struck the payload, finding mud. The boy loved all things squishy, from playdoh all the way to helping mix batter with his hands when she was trying to make cookies. He found squishiness heaven and was proceeding to smear mud all over the man’s new car. The moment he raised his voice towards her son, Nikki came unhinged.

  “How dare you scream at my boy?” she yelled at him, putting herself between Travis and the tall man. No one was ever going to talk to her or her son like that. There was something in his stance that irked her to no end.


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