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Shattered Rose: A High School Bully Romance (Ravenshaw Academy Book 2)

Page 14

by Iris Taylor

  “I’ve thought about deleting this video but I want that sick bastard taken away permanently. I knew he was up to some crazy stuff but not to that extent. I...I didn’t know. If I had known, I would’ve done something about it earlier.”

  He cast me a sad look to see if I believed him. I placed a hand on his shoulder to show him that I did. He may have had sickos as friends but it didn’t mean he was one himself.

  “And I want her to get what she deserves, too.” He looked at the video grimly. “I only looked at one, but there was a whole folder of it. It’s revolting. That’s someone’s child in there.”

  I nodded. I knew what I had to do. I took out my hard drive and transferred the file over. I was going to settle this, and fast.

  Picking up my phone, I made a phone call. “Simon? Are you free? Can you pick me up at school if you’ve left already? It’s important.”

  THE NEXT FEW WEEKS went by in a blur. It was liberating, knowing there was still justice in this world. Ravenshaw Academy was literally turned upside down after I gave the video to the police. Miss Marshall had been detained, and we never saw her again. The police had ransacked her office and rumors flew that she had stupidly kept proof of more bribes in the safe she kept there. Elijah and Adrienne never returned to school, and more and more freshman – both girls and boys - started coming forward to report their transgressions. Jessica quit the cheerleading team, and more often than not hung out alone, in the library too, where I met her sometimes. She became less of a Barbie and more normal, and once I even saw her chatting amicably with April after class.

  Noah and Victor hung out together again, although not as often as they used to. That was probably my fault, because I was hogging Victor’s time too much. After the entire thing blew over, I had invited him over to hear him out, and after a heartfelt talk – and a lot of self-bashing on his side – I decided I wanted to give myself another chance with him. We were both broken souls, although of different kinds, but broken just the same. There was a lot of mending to do, a lot of healing needed, and I wanted it to be with us being together. I was still working hard to get into college, and we might not end up together for that, but I was willing to open my heart and let him in whilst we had the chance.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Victor’s POV

  That’s my girl.

  I watched as Cara was named valedictorian, and as she stepped onto the podium to give her speech, I wondered how I got so lucky. It wasn’t just that I had a chance to be with someone so smart and beautiful. She was unique and special, forgiving to a fault, and she had helped me see that it was okay to make mistakes as long as you owned up to them and didn’t repeat them again. The fact that I had been her bully and had caused her so much grief had not only not been an issue between us, but had been a building block towards strengthening our relationship. She needed the truth and I had given it to her, and she used it as a way to heal me, and as something for us to work through. I now saw that I was a horrible person easily bent under peer pressure, and had no sense of direction in life, despite the golden boy persona I had maintained. My words, not hers, but it pretty much summed it up for me.

  Now I knew what I wanted out of life, and the plan was to get a degree in Psychology. I would still play football but it wasn’t what I planned to pursue, nor did I see the direction it would lead me to. I saw there were lots of issues for people my age, and I wanted to have a hand at helping them. Cara knew I was giving up my football scholarship but I hadn’t told her my plans for the coming year yet. I clapped my hands hard after her speech, my heart swelling in pride as she received a bouquet of flowers from our new principal Mr. Anderson, and an overwhelming round of applause form the audience. I could see Julian, Brody and her mom – now sporting a visible baby bump after their simple yet sweet wedding a few months back – clapping hard, tears in their eyes. Cara had come a long way, and I was so proud of her.

  That night, I fetched Cara from her house to bring her to have dinner with my family as part of our graduation celebration. She had met my parents a good many times, and I had been told more than once by my mother that she was a keeper. I knew she was a stark contrast to all the girls I had dated before – none of whom had been formally introduced to my parents, except for Jessica, who didn’t count because our families were friends. My father, although initially disappointed that I had decided to pursue something other than football as my career, understood the reasons behind my decisions. He had seen his friends’ kids go behind bars, and understood the life-changing repercussions that had had on the rest of us. We rarely saw Jess but she was decent now, her head no longer stuck in the clouds. Last I heard she was going to pursue a career in nursing.

  As for Jack and Lily, I wasn’t sure if underneath the surface things had changed for them. They were still single, and I didn’t want to think about what that meant. They were both likely to stay close to home for college.

  I opened the door to the Audi and watched how Cara’s beige dress clung to her long legs as she stepped out. She was beautiful without trying too hard, and didn’t even realize it.

  “I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” I whispered, kissing her hand.

  She winked and smoothed down the front of her dress, something I noticed she did whenever she was nervous. She had no reason to be, my parents loved her.

  “I hope I don’t fall flat on my face.” I had bought her a pair of cream heels which she now wore. I made it my life’s mission to take care of her, dresses and heels included. Her closet still appeared empty and I wanted to fix that.

  “I won’t let that happen, don’t worry.” I slipped my arm around her waist and walked her up the marble foyer that led to our front door. The door opened and our housekeeper stood there, smiling openly. “I’m beginning to think you like Cara more than you like me, Rosie,” I said, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Nonsense,” she replied, although her eyes were glued to Cara as her arms reached out for her.

  “Sweetie!” she exclaimed as she let go of me to hug her. Cara had a good five inches on her with the heels on, so she had to bend down to give her a proper hug in return.

  “Rosie! I’ve missed you!”

  “Tell Vic to bring you here more. You need fattening up, I’ve got just the perfect cake for that. Vic’s not doing his job.”

  I rolled my eyes as I stepped past them. They were going to take a while, if Rosie had her way. “She’s perfect as she is, Rosie.”

  I found my parents in the living room, both dressed to the nines, my father in a custom-made tuxedo and my mother in her silver evening gown.

  “Are you guys ready?” I asked, barely keeping the nervousness out of my voice. I wasn’t sure how Cara was going to react to my announcement, and call me a coward for using my parents to back me up when I told her. I just hoped she hadn’t had any plans for next year that could not include me.

  Cara appeared by the door and my mom rushed to welcome her. The dining room was set up with fresh flowers and delicate china fit for royalty, and I hoped we hadn’t gone overboard. Cara’s nervousness wasn’t showing, and she was talking to my parents as easily as before.

  After we sat down and the dishes were served, she updated my parents about her plans for the coming year. She had been accepted into the medical school at UCLA, with a full merit scholarship to top it off. Her interview had gone well, to say the least, and I heard some of the interviewers had had to leave the room to calm down after hearing her background story. She planned to work with disadvantaged children and I knew she would make a huge difference in their lives.

  Rosie brought out a strawberry and watermelon cake that I knew Cara would love. As she dug into the extra-large slice I had cut for her, I watched as her expression changed from curiosity to one of barely-suppressed delight. The cream on her lower lip made my mind go in the gutter and I handed her a napkin before my body reacted too much.

  “Is it good?” I asked, knowing her answer.

  “It’s amazing
! I’ve never had anything so delicious and light like this before.” She eyed my slice of cake and I pushed it towards her slyly.

  “You owe me one,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows. She glanced at my parents and smacked my thigh under the table hard. I held her hand and inched it towards my groin to tease her, making her eyes go wide as she yanked it away from my grip. I laughed.

  After dessert my mom signaled at me with her eyes and I knew the time had come.

  “I have an announcement to make,” I said, clearing my throat. I turned to look at Cara’s questioning face. “After some discussion with my parents, I decided I would take Psychology next year.” I paused. “In UCLA.”

  I watched her face for her reaction. I really, really hoped she wanted me around. We hadn’t discussed it in detail but I knew she wanted us to continue long distance and see each other as much as possible. What I didn’t know was how much of me she wanted to see. Was daily too much? Did she want the space?

  Her round eyes and whoop of joy as she clapped her hands around her mouth erased all of my doubts. “We’re going to be in the same place? You’re going to be on campus with me? That’s amazing!”

  I reached out and pulled her close, taking in a deep whiff of her floral scent.

  “That’s not everything.” I looked at my mom, who nodded at me encouragingly.

  “Mom and Dad decided to get us a condo just off campus.” My nervousness seized me and I rushed the next words. “We get to decorate. If you don’t mind moving in with me, that is.”

  Her tears and frantic nodding was answer enough. I took a Kleenex and wiped her nose and my parents smiled as I hugged her tightly. “Thank you for having me,” I whispered into her hair. “Thank you for everything.”

  That night, I took the opportunity to count my blessings as I saw stars with how hard she was riding me. She was a feisty one in bed, and I knew without a doubt she was the one for me. I just needed to prove my worth to myself before asking her to be permanently mine. I had asked for her and my parents’ blessings already, but I knew I wasn’t ready to pop the question until I was sure I was going to be the best man I could be, for her and our children. Starting from today, when she said yes to moving in with me. My Cara. She had been the one for me the moment I watched her stand up against my so-called friends, with her confidence and beautiful laugh. I never wanted her out of my sight, and I would make that known to her, every single day. “I love you,” I half-shouted as I joined her in her release. Yes, I was a very, very lucky guy.

  And that concludes the Ravenshaw Academy Duet. Hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a review as writers benefit from the feedback!

  Love <3



  WHEN HER HEAD’S NOT stuck in the clouds, Iris can actually get some work done. Between caring for her three girls and her day job that alternates between being highly rewarding to soul-sucking, she also makes time for her million endless community projects.

  Her next plan includes writing a standalone bully romance that she hopes to release by June 2020.

  Yes! Keep me updated on Iris Taylor's newest releases!

  The Miller Brothers Series

  Follow the Miller brothers as they navigate through their love lives, facing obstacles in their search for true love.

  Each book can be read as a standalone and all end happily ever after!


  Exclusive to Amazon

  James Miller is a busy, self-made billionaire who neither wants nor is looking for love, after being jilted by his model ex-girlfriend. But one wrong move and he sends Sophia Avery into a coma – and turns his own life upside down. For those who love a fake-turned-real romance with a billionaire, no less!


  Find out the reason behind Zach Miller’s temperament. A second-chance romance featuring Zach and his high-school sweetheart!




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