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A Convenient Darcy Marriage

Page 12

by Rebecca Preston

  “Your papa would hire a nurse to care for her at Longbourn, I am quite sure.”

  “I do not believe Papa has the money for such a thing.”

  Charlotte pressed her lips and tilted her head. “He would find a way. And long before he allowed his eldest beautiful daughter to go into hospital.”

  “I do suppose you are right. I worry for her.”

  “As do I. I think of her frequently. It is shameless what Mr. Bingley did to her. It seems to me he was too weak to commit himself to her. He disappeared, did he not? He just stopped calling on Jane, and then she was told he had left Netherfield indefinitely.”

  “Yes, that is what happened. Oh, Charlotte, I do not know how a man can do such a thing to someone he claimed to love. He… did love her, did he not?”

  “I thought so. He certainly acted like it. I was highly suspicious of his sisters. I never liked them.”

  “I know. They are spiteful creatures.”

  “I think they had a lot to do with what happened to Jane. As did Darcy.”

  Charlotte lifted her eyebrows. “Your Mr. Darcy? You must be joking.”

  “I am afraid not.”

  “How does that make you feel? I imagine you must be very upset with him for it.”

  “It has been difficult,” Elizabeth admitted. “I have tried very hard to forgive him, because he has changed in the last few months. He is not the callous, arrogant man he used to be.”

  “Really?” Charlotte sounded doubtful. “I have not heard that from anyone else. Could it be you are falling in love with him and it is coloring your vision?”

  Elizabeth didn’t say anything immediately. She let Charlotte’s question sink into her thoughts. She knew that there was love between herself and Darcy. Her feelings for him grew stronger every day. She sensed the same thing was happening to him. He had opened himself up to her. He trusted her, and that meant a great deal to her.

  “I do not know if I am falling in love with him,” Elizabeth said. “I am trying to be practical about it all. I know of his reputation, but he has asked me to marry him and I did accept. I believe he must have feelings for me. I suppose if we fall in love, that will be grand. Is that not what courtship is for?”

  Charlotte sat back with a look of satisfaction. “I think we will both be happy in the end, Lizzie.”

  “Yes.” Elizabeth smiled at her. “I do agree.”

  Charlotte sat forward again, taking a cookie from the platter on the table. She took a bite and sat with a pondering look on her face. When she spoke, she shook the cookie in Elizabeth’s direction. “I do have something I want to share with you, though. It is something I heard while at the market a few days ago.”

  “Oh?” Elizabeth took a cookie from the plate, eyeing the one in her friend’s hand, hungrily. She smiled. Charlotte was always good for a bit of gossip.

  “I do not know if you are going to like it, Lizzie. It is about Lydia.”

  Elizabeth lost her smile. “If you are going to tell me that she has been spending time with Mr. Wickham, I am aware.”

  Charlotte nodded. “That is exactly what I was talking about. But I heard something about it that you might want to hear.”

  “Are you sure? Perhaps it would be best if I minded my business. She is practically a grown woman. She can make decisions for her future.”

  “Is Mr. Wickham not a friend of yours?” Charlotte asked, finishing off the cookie.

  Elizabeth didn’t know how to answer the question. He had been a friend to her… at least, that’s what she thought. But now, after hearing Darcy’s version of George Wickham, she was no longer sure about him. She questioned his motives. He did not usually court a woman who had less money than him. Why was he drawn to Lydia?

  “He was… I suppose he is my friend,” she said finally. “I… I have heard some things about him that have made me think he is not quite the gentleman he seemed to be.”

  Charlotte nodded. “He can be quite charming. And he is quite intelligent. It is a shame that he has such a scandalous past.”

  Elizabeth wondered how much Charlotte actually knew about Wickham. She didn’t feel it was her place to mention what Darcy had told her in confidence. He hadn’t told her to keep it to herself, but she didn’t feel right gossiping about something that involved Georgiana. If the news would only affect Wickham himself, she would just tell Charlotte. But not if there was a chance the reputation of Georgiana could be in jeopardy.

  “What was it you overheard?”

  “Oh, yes, I was walking in the market, looking at the fresh fruit. You should go. It is amazing how good that fruit is.”

  Elizabeth giggled.

  “Yes, I was just strolling along and stopped at the fruit stand, and heard two ladies talking behind me as they walked past. One mentioned Lydia’s name, which was why I began to listen. I followed them for a few minutes, listening to what they were saying.” She giggled. “I know that makes me an eavesdropper, but I could not resist.”

  Elizabeth nodded. She said nothing, knowing that Charlotte would continue.

  “It was those young ladies, Miss Braden and Miss Fletcher. You know who I am talking about, do you not? They both have that bright red hair. You know them?”

  Elizabeth nodded. “I have seen them, yes. I know who you mean.”

  “They are about Mr. Wickham’s age. They were talking very excitedly about him, and I only started listening because they mentioned Lydia.”

  “So you said,” Elizabeth smiled. She wondered if Charlotte would ever get to the point of her story. It was amusing, and not the least annoying. It was one of the things she loved the most about her friend.

  “Yes, yes, of course. Well, Miss Braden said that she had seen the two of them together in the park just the other day. And Miss Fletcher said that it was common knowledge the two of them were seeing each other on a frequent basis. Then Miss Braden said that they were seen not just in the park but arriving at the inn a short time later. And Miss Fletcher said, ‘is that not where Wickham is staying?’ and Miss Braden said yes, but he took Lydia there. And now there is a scandalous rumor going around now. It concerns me.”

  “A rumor about Lydia?”


  Elizabeth frowned. “Oh, dear.”

  “What will you do?”

  Elizabeth sighed. “I do not know.”

  Chapter 25

  A knock at the door got their attention. It opened, and the housekeeper showed Darcy into the room.

  “Good afternoon.” He bowed to them. “Miss Charlotte. Liz. May I join you?”

  Charlotte smiled at him and stood up. “Please do, Mr. Darcy. How lovely that you should stop by.”

  “I think he may be following me.” Elizabeth giggled, one hand against the side of her lips. Charlotte and Darcy both laughed.

  “I think she may be on to me.” Darcy sat on the couch next to Elizabeth and patted her knee, which made her blush. It was a pleasurable feeling. “Do not let me interrupt your conversation, though,” Darcy continued. “It did seem you were talking about something quite serious. May I ask what it is about?”

  “It is about Lydia and Wickham,” Elizabeth blurted out. She covered her mouth with one small hand and looked down. She allowed herself a quick glance at Darcy’s face, knowing that the subject of George Wickham was a sensitive one to him. It dampened his otherwise jovial mood. This occasion was no different. He frowned.

  “They have been causing rumors to spread,” he said, nodding. “I have heard. There are tongues wagging all over Hertfordshire.”

  “I wish they would stop talking about my sister.” Elizabeth’s voice was soft. “But she does seem to be adding to the drama.”

  “She has always been that way,” Charlotte added. “You know that. It is taking her quite a while to become a mature adult. Her activities are the talk of society right now.”

  “I would never have thought my family capable of causing such scandal. I am quite embarrassed.”

  Charlotte shoo
k her head. “It does not reflect badly on your family. Not to the people who know Lydia, anyway. They know how she is. She is impulsive, and always looking for a good time. George is just providing that good time. And I really do not think she is doing what they are all suspecting. I… I really do not think she would take things so far.”

  “I agree that Miss Lydia may not. However, Wickham is questionable. He is not a gentleman.”

  Elizabeth remembered Darcy using the same phrase during their walk in the park. She suspected he used it whenever he was in the presence of a lady. There were probably other words he would rather use to describe Wickham. Words she would never hear come from his mouth.

  “Do you think he would seduce Lydia?” Charlotte asked bluntly.

  Elizabeth’s face turned red, and Darcy’s did the same. They both looked down at the floor. Charlotte froze in stunned silence. She leaned forward quickly. “You do think he would. I just… I just cannot imagine Mr. Wickham being that kind of man.”

  “It would not be the first time he has done something foolish. I am only surprised that it is not a much wealthier woman. I mean no offense to you, Liz, as you know.”

  She nodded. “I know, Darcy. We have discussed this already.”

  “He is a greedy man,” Darcy told Charlotte. “He has been so since he was a child.”

  “I did not know that.” Charlotte leaned forward for another cookie. “How terrible.”

  “I do not want to talk about this anymore,” Elizabeth said. “Can we please change the topic of conversation?”

  “Oh yes, that is a good idea,” Darcy agreed. “What shall we talk about that is less dramatic and tragic?”

  “When are the two of you going to get married? Have you set a date?”

  “I ask to change the subject and you turn it in my direction?” Elizabeth had to laugh. “You are such a delightful friend, Charlotte.”

  “I know I am.” Charlotte smiled at her, taking another bite of the cookie. “Please, Darcy, do try these cookies. They are absolutely delicious!”

  Darcy took her up on the invitation, reached forward, and picked up two of them. After biting into one of them he nodded, looking at Charlotte and shaking the cookie at her in much the same way she had earlier done to Elizabeth. “You are right. These are very good.”

  Charlotte’s smile widened. “I have a new cook. She is a master at baking cookies. I have never had such delicious treats in my life. Here, would you like me to pour you a cup of tea to go with them?”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.”

  Darcy and Elizabeth were quiet while Charlotte poured the tea and placed it on a saucer. “Sugar or cream?”

  “No, thank you.”

  Darcy took the tea from her and immediately set it down on the table in front of him. He glanced at Elizabeth. “I have been meaning to ask you, Elizabeth. When would you like to have the ceremony?”

  Elizabeth looked at him with wide eyes. She couldn’t believe he was asking her such a question in front of Charlotte. This was a conversation that needed to be done in private. She stammered a response that made no sense, making Charlotte giggle.

  “You know that he wants to marry you, Elizabeth,” Charlotte said. “You said so yourself only moments ago.”

  “I never said any such thing, Charlotte!” Elizabeth replied hotly, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

  Charlotte lifted her eyebrows. “You did so. You said you knew he had feelings for you and asked you to marry him. Why are you embarrassed to talk about it? Surely, you want to set a date. I want to know when it will be so that I have proper time to buy a new dress and reserve my place at your table.”

  “You will be my maid of honor, won’t you, Charlotte?” Elizabeth asked.

  Charlotte responded with a small shriek. “I certainly will!” She threw her arms around Elizabeth’s shoulders. “Oh, you are quite sweet, my dear, how I love you! And you must be my maid of honor, as well.”

  “Yours? You are getting married?” Darcy asked, one eyebrow raised.

  “I… I am unsure. I do believe that is where my friendship with Mr. Collins is leading,” Charlotte responded. Darcy’s eyes darted to Elizabeth’s face.

  “Mr. Collins?”

  Elizabeth smiled at him. “Yes. She and Mr. Collins have been seeing each other around town.”

  “Well, that changes things, does it not?”

  Elizabeth felt a sharp sense of fear slide through her. If Mr. Collins was now interested in someone else and Darcy had no need to marry her, perhaps he would call off the whole thing. The thought made her want to cry, beg, plead, whatever she had to do to make their plan real. It was at that moment that she realized how much she cared for Darcy.

  She looked into his eyes, and knew it was a fact. She was in love with him. She wouldn’t be able to return from this now. If he called off their game, she knew she would end up in the same place as her sister Jane. Alone in her room, crying at the drop of a hat.

  “It does?” Charlotte asked. “Why? What does it affect?”

  “It simply means that it will be much easier for Elizabeth and me to get married. Her parents can no longer have an objection. They will no longer quarrel with Mr. Collins. That will be a great relief to them and to the atmosphere at Longbourn. I know that it has been worrying Elizabeth for some time now. Her parents were stuck between two obligations. It could not have been easy for them.”

  “They supported what Lizzie wanted, though. This I do know. There was never an ill word spoken about what she had planned and the fact that she wanted to marry you instead of Mr. Collins.” Charlotte rested one hand on Elizabeth’s shoulder. “I am just glad that you and I will both be happy.”

  “You are sure you want to be with that man?” Darcy asked. “He seems… a bit of a bore to me.”

  Charlotte laughed. “I can be a bit of a bore at times myself. We will be boring together.”

  “You are never boring, Charlotte,” Elizabeth laughed. “You always lift my spirits when I visit. Today, I did not need my spirits lifted and I find that you have done it anyway.”

  “I am glad. I do apologize for bringing up a subject that bothered you. I just wanted you to know what was going around town. Rumors are sometimes hard to combat. It is better to know about them before someone who is not your friend crosses your path. I would not want you to hear the sarcastic, mean words people might say without knowing what was going on first.”

  “I am glad you told me. It was something I did not know. But, really, what can I do about it? You said that the people in society who know my family will understand that Lydia is typically dramatic, and displays herself for all to see. There are still those who do not know my family. It will end up making Lydia look like a fool, and that worries me for her.”

  “She is nearly a grown woman,” Darcy said. “She will do what she wants.”

  Elizabeth wanted to ask him if he’d felt the same about his sister when he found out what Wickham was up to. She kept her mouth shut. Saying such a thing would cause him pain, and it would be a rude thing to do anyway.

  She turned back to Charlotte without replying to Darcy’s statement. “She must be aware that everyone is talking about her. I am sure she finds pleasure in it.”

  “How pitiful.” Charlotte shook her head. “I am ashamed for her. If she does not care about her dignity, she should at least think about her family.”

  “Clearly, her family is on the back burner,” Darcy replied.

  Elizabeth tried not to listen anymore. She maneuvered the conversation away from Lydia and Wickham as soon as she could, vowing to speak with Darcy about the wedding as soon as she could.

  Chapter 26

  Lady Catherine de Bourgh, patroness to Mr. Collins, sat in front of Elizabeth with all the dignity she typically exuded. Elizabeth wasn’t intimidated by her, but she couldn’t help wondering why the lady would want to speak to her. Surely, she wouldn’t try to manipulate her into accepting a proposal from Mr. Collins. It had only been
a few days, but she couldn’t fathom that the lady didn’t already know he and Charlotte were talking.

  “Sit, my dear, and tell me how things have been going for you. Are you and your family well?”

  “We are, my lady. We have been surviving the best we can, I should say.”

  The lady nodded, and took a sip of her tea. “How is your sister, Jane? I heard there was a tragic heartbreak for her recently.”

  Elizabeth nodded, a sad look covering her pretty face. “Yes, she had high hopes that she would be married to Mr. Bingley sometime in the future, but that is not to be.”

  “Pitiful.” Lady Catherine shook her head. “Quite pitiful the way he treated her, I must say. I did not receive many details, but I have been treated in much the same way by men in my past, and I don’t envy her now. I would never have expected a Bingley to be so disrespectful.”

  Elizabeth raised one eyebrow. “Have you ever met the Bingley sisters?”

  Lady Catherine suddenly laughed. “Oh, my. You found them distasteful, did you?”

  “I find it surprising that Mrs. Hurst found a husband who did not mind her uncouth behavior.”

  Lady Catherine looked impressed. “Ah, but you have met Mr. Hurst, have you not? He is a man with very little spine and spunk.”

  “I suppose she makes up for that.”

  “You must be privy to their private circle to understand what those two girls are like,” Lady Catherine mentioned. “Otherwise, they give off an air of dignity and pride. You must know them quite well.”

  “I got to know them quite well, yes. And overheard conversations while Jane was ill and staying with them that made me realize they are not quite what they seem in the eyes of the ton. Perhaps Mr. Hurst didn’t see that his wife would be the way she is, and did not realize it until they were already married.”

  “There is no way to be certain,” Lady Catherine replied. “Whatever the circumstances, he seems to be content from what I have seen.”

  “Like you said, my lady, he does not have a strong personal will. She was lucky to find him.”


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