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Daddy's Pet (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 5)

Page 2

by Olivia Fox

  The long hibernating sex kitten inside of me stretched and purred, “I can imagine a thing or two. They don’t call it ‘rolling in the hay’ for nothing.”

  “Why Scarlett May. I’m shocked.” Roxy held her sides, “Rolling in the hay. Why I never.”

  Much as it smarted to admit it, I was looking forward to seeing him again. And I had to ask. Roxy was my friend. I could be real with her, “How did he sound when you talked to him?” I pulled my knees together, up under my chin.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, it’s kind of random, making a house call for a colicky horse and suddenly being asked to do chores for your client.”

  Roxy waddled over and awkwardly placed her behind on the couch next to me. “Well, I may have helped things along just a little.”


  She at least had the good sense to appear sheepish, biting her lip, “He stopped by to check on you yesterday while you were out walking Midnight. I decided to play Cupid since I watched the way he practically made a meal out of you with his eyes and he found it very hard to leave the night you were clocked in the head. The sparks were flying off of him.”

  “Come on, Roxy. I’m just a client with a horse that had colic.”

  “Nope. Way more. I’m sure if you batted those gorgeous brown eyes at him, he’d do anything you asked. He was smitten.”

  “We spent exactly a few hours together, and not under the best of circumstances.”

  “At any rate, he jumped at the chance. He’ll be here seven a.m. tomorrow to help you with feeding, as instructed.”

  He was coming to visit me. Just the idea made me fluttery inside.

  Saturday Morning, 7 a.m.

  I was up super early looking after the most recent litter of puppies which my Yorkie dam had just whelped, and had already drank two cups of tea. But I couldn’t blame caffeine for the excitement that buzzed inside me. It’s one thing to assume you’re in love, and have it get tossed in your face because in your foolish youth you misread the cues. It was understandable yes, but still hard to forgive. Honestly, I still kicked myself over Darwood.

  This whirring sensation that had set in since being carried by Dr. Dreamy was something I could handle. Sexual attraction pure and simple. So long as I didn’t convince myself it was anything more, everything would be fine. Judging by the current state of my body, it was long overdue for some nookie.

  There was a knock at the door and the flittering in my belly kicked up like a tornado. It was him. The handsome gentleman coming to call on me. The guy Roxy said devoured me with his eyes. It felt nice to be wanted.

  I rubbed my hands up and down on my jodhpurs and flung the door wide open.

  “Well hello!” He shuffled back a couple of steps. “Glad to find you back in good health.” It was like Roxy said, his stare locked onto my eyes. I stood there staring at the ground like an awkward dolt. I wasn’t used to being so noticed.

  “I was never out of it.” I bit my cheek and tried again, “Are you ready to feed?” As if on cue, we heard reproaching whinnies from the barn. “Come on, they assume they’re dying of hunger,” I pulled the door shut behind me and marched off to the barn. It was my natural habitat where I operated with confidence, no matter that I was being accompanied by a tall drink of water who had the potential to make me nervous as heck.

  Once inside the barn, I realized I was almost out of molasses oats which Friendly, my burro, would perish without. “Okay Buddy, let me get some down for you.” I climbed the wooden ladder and reached up over my head to pull a bag from the platform where oats were stored.

  “Whoa there, Skippy. Let me help you out with that, okay?” Suddenly, I sensed a warm, hot body close to me, and before reacted a strong arm reached around my midsection, and the other firmly gripped the rungs as we descended, guiding me safely down the ladder in his half embrace. In self-defense, I complained, “Jeez. Every time I turn around you’re carrying me somewhere! I can get that, I do it all the time.” I shoved one hand onto my hip and pointed my other to the bag of oats he had fetched after placing me on the ground.

  “Just because you can do something, Scarlett, doesn’t mean you should. Did you ever consider that it might give me pleasure to help you?” My skin flushed as he leaned towards me and emphasized the word “pleasure”. I appreciated his eyes on my body, and realized that I missed his warmth against my back.

  Oh God, was he going to…?

  “There’s nothing wrong with self-sufficiency.” Aiden said and did move in close enough to kiss me. Instead he said softly, “And you strike me as the kind of person who will always be okay. But there’s bliss to be found in letting someone take care of you for a change.” He hefted the bag of oats on his shoulder and walked to the plastic garbage cans where they were stored. His long finger pointed at it and he arched his black brow in question, making the internal ripples of desire start up again while I nodded, “No strings attached.” He said, “Simply allow me the privilege of helping out a beautiful woman while I learn more about what makes her tick.” And with that he upended the entire bag of oats in the can.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worshipping those arms as he did so.

  We wrapped up feeding about an hour later, and took a walk around the property. It surprised me that I no longer seemed uncomfortable and fidgety around him, just stimulated. Before leaving he asked, “Anything I can get you before I head to work? You need anything at the store?”

  “Nope, I’m good. And I’m not just saying that because I’m trying to be an independent woman. I really have everything I need.” I grinned widely.

  His lips parted into a half smile and he asked, “Are you sure you have everything you need?”

  “You get what I mean…” my cheeks flushed.

  “I do,” he put his hands in his back pockets and rocked a little, “I’m teasing you, I’m sorry.” He blinked quickly and asked, “Listen, I have to go in to work but I would love to visit you again.”

  I shook my hands and asked, “You mean like on an actual date?” One of my hens started squawking at that moment, sounding like an egg was stuck.

  “I mean like on an actual date. See how things are when we’re not dealing with an emergency, or mucking the stalls.”

  “I didn’t make you muck!”

  “I kid. I like helping you feed but it would be nice to have the chance to spend some time with you.”

  “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “Wide open.”

  “Me too, if you want to help feed again, we can go to breakfast after.”

  “Perfect. I’ll be here at seven.”

  He gave me that drop-dead grin of his which showed off his chiseled jaw to perfection. I liked the fact that he had grey in his hair and the proof of experience etched in his smile, in spite of rocking a body which was freaky fit and spry. Sweet Mother, he is gorgeous.

  Yes indeedy. I could already sense myself getting hungry as a bear for breakfast.


  I pulled into the fenced drive that was Scarlett’s, appreciating the backdrop of the barn in the distance and the flock of turkeys strolling under the fruit trees, eating their fill, and displaying their striking wattles of blue and red. It was picturesque, serene, and in total contrast to the spitfire that came shooting out of the door of the front porch.

  “We’re burnin’ daylight, sunshine,” she sassed. “Those animals won’t feed themselves!”

  I watched with appreciation as she bent over to shove her feet into a pair of green rubber boots placed at the bottom of the steps. According to the reaction in my nether region, mucking boots and jeans ranked right up there with garter belts and stockings.

  I had the pleasure of admiring her fine backside while helping serve breakfast to the inhabitants of Scarlett’s barn.

  “That’s the last one,” Scarlett stated, shoving a flake of alfalfa into the hay net of the final stall. “You were right, Midnight seems fit as a fiddle. Just like me.” He
r sudden spin to face me caught me off guard, and she slammed herself nose and nipple first into the wall of my chest.

  “Careful.” I grabbed her upper arms and set her back, allowing myself the pleasure of peering into her chocolate brown eyes and sweetly downturned mouth, which dropped open a bit. And stayed there.

  She froze in place, and I could see the dead giveaway of her chest rising and falling at a faster pace and the pink flush of her cheeks. It was all the permission I needed.

  I shoved her back against the stall door, careful to brace the back of her head with my palm. Her lips were begging for a kiss. So even though she was an accident waiting to happen, overly independent, and all wrong for my protective style, I lowered my mouth to hers for a taste.

  Honey and sunshine. I needed more of her. I didn’t want to scare her off by pushing my package up against her, no matter how strong the urge. Instead, I placed my palms against her shoulders to pin her in place and feasted on her tongue.

  Stop. Slow down. She might not be ready for this.

  I pulled back to look at her and noticed that her breath had sped up to the point of resembling a four-year-old thoroughbred after finishing its first conditioning race around the track. I was relieved I wasn’t the only one with mating on my mind.

  “Damn, baby girl, you’re scrumptious.” I stepped back and ran my hands through my hair, trying to feel my feet on the ground. “I wonder what you want? Do you want to go to town and eat?” I tugged the hair on the sides of her head to lift her lips to mine for another kiss and asked, “Or shall I devour you first?”


  Oh Lordy.

  How did I get myself into this situation? One day I existed simply, minding my business, not looking to get shoved up against the barn wall by this scorching hot veterinarian, and the next said animal doc manhandled me and seemed to know his way around every twist and curve of the female sex drive like a jockey knew his track.

  No matter how loud the voices from past lessons learned shouted in my head, Men always cheat! Someone younger and better will always come along to replace you! Don’t let him get close! My libido sang a different tune.

  Songs of lust.

  And sexual frustration.

  “Hey.” The sound of his voice scraped over my tingly bits and made my stomach plunge. “Where’d you go?” Some men with deep voices had an unfair advantage, constantly sounded like they were groaning when they spoke. Mother nature had a hell of a sense of humor when it came to fighting the celibate resistance. He bent down to kiss me and declared, “You’re so lickable. I want more.”

  Darwood and I went without having sex for years. I couldn’t feel attracted to someone I didn’t respect. My inner sex kitten wanted to prowl.

  This guy Aiden shows up like a rainstorm in the desert, and I acted as his cactus flower, ready to bloom beneath him in a hot minute, protected only by prickly thorns designed to keep hunting animals far, far away. I didn’t stand a chance against the thunder of his voice and silver fox appeal that moistened even the driest ole cactus flesh.

  Oh, give it a rest, Scarlett. He only asked to lick you, not take your hand in marriage. He didn’t even say where he wanted to lick.

  The words just didn’t come. I recognized I shouldn’t trust this guy. My body was hungry for this pushy stranger.

  Oh, come on, just a little lick.

  “Jeez, keep your trap shut, would ya?” I said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I mean….” Oh God, I spent too much time alone on the ranch if I was talking to myself right in front of strangers. And now the word lick reverberated through my brain like an echo, and a greedy ache throbbed in time to its mental demands.

  “Please.” My weak voice, belied the strength of the urges surging through me.

  “Please what, Scarlett? I can’t do a thing unless I’m certain that you want it.” He lowered his mouth to the sensitive spot between my collarbone and neck, pulling at my flesh with his hot mouth, trailing kisses across my shoulder before bringing his mouth back to my neck. His gentle teasing tormented, not only because it made me want to spread my legs and shove his head between them, but also because it was pure promise of what he could do there with that talented mouth.

  “I want your mouth on me… everywhere.”

  It was no minor victory to hear him moan. Caught up in his sexual teasing, it didn’t cross my mind that he might be in a similar state of arousal and frustration. The self-centered minx in me hadn’t even considered his needs. She focussed on her own satisfaction.

  People did this all the time, right? They just had sex. People even used apps for it now, for Pete’s sake. A fling was acceptable. Worth a try. Goodness knows having a ring on my finger hadn’t resulted in any kind of devotion from my partner.

  “Just to clarify, I need you to touch and kiss me, and that’s it. I’m not looking for anything more than a hookup.” I sounded convincing, like I’d done this before.

  “Fine, baby. Whatever you say.” And there it was. Men would say anything to get what they wanted. I was aware and in control and only in this to let him take care of the insatiable craving between my legs.


  Aiden shoved my T-shirt up over my breasts and was tasting my nipples as if they were something he bought at Sweetness & Light, the local dessert shop. He tugged on them with his fiery mouth until they ached and then licked the tips. He pulled away for a minute and said, “God, I just want to kiss you, touch you, and have you in my mouth.”

  It took me by surprise when he grabbed my hand and led me over to a straw bale. He pulled a clean horse blanket off the wall and threw it over the rectangular block. “Just right.” He sat down on the bale and turned back to me. “Clothes off,” he ordered. “Now, baby girl.”

  The back of my neck tingled. When was the last time someone wanted to see me naked? Avoiding his intense stare, I examined the metal hooks along the wall behind his seated form. Bridals, lead ropes, halters… all equipment meant to keep a thousand-plus beast in check—a vain effort. We only worked with horses because they let us; no simple piece of tack is able to hold them at our mercy.

  On the floor to Aiden’s right, there was a rose-colored salt lick that had a huge well at its center from being tongued. I needed to get laid if the thought of such a thing made me horny. His hushed voice brought my wandering mind to heel. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Scarlett.”

  “Glad you think so, but I feel weird getting undressed in broad daylight.” I breathed the scent of straw beneath my feet as I took a step toward him.

  His stare collided with mine, “Trust me, it’s a sin to keep a body like yours clothed.” He placed a hand on each hip while I stood stock-still, staring at the tented front of his jeans. “Go ahead.” His voice taunted me with its warm caress. “Touch it.”

  It’s only a hookup, Scarlett. No commitments, no regrets. Enjoy yourself for once. On that note, I shucked my clothing and tossed it over a saddle tree.

  The shuffle of straw beneath my knees as I sank to the floor, the way his stare locked on mine as I lowered myself in front of him—these sensory inputs fled my brain when he stood up, pinched the front of his jeans between his fingers and unzipped. The sight of his huge hands performing simple tasks hypnotized me, and I knew they could give me what I needed. Even if only for one hour, day, night… I planned on luxuriating in my lust. It was about. Damn. Time.

  Oh hell no, I figured out as he pulled down his boxers and revealed himself. Mere enjoyment was the understatement of a lifetime. With a dick that size, I’d been in ecstasy for hours.

  “Open up, little one.” The sexiest move I’d experienced to date was him grabbing my ponytail in his fist and using his other fingers to pry my mouth open. “That’s right. Let me pump into your mouth while your pretty tongue licks my dick.” His sizable cock sank into my entrance, and like a hoochie mama on ecstasy, I moaned.

  “How did I realize you would be such a sweet, sexy little girl, hmmm?” He pulled
back, and I gasped for breath, after holding it while my mouth was full of his light-bulb-wide penis. My gasps turned into me panting for more.

  “Too much, princess?”

  Galloping gremlins. I didn’t even like giving blow jobs. Darwood would always come without telling me. And that time he said someone else’s name while doing it. That had been a banner moment in our marriage.

  But this was different. The graze of that velvety surface encasing the steel beneath it as it slid across my tongue and the sight of its swollen head bobbing in front of me made my mouth water. For the first time in my life, I got it.


  For this reason, people had sex with practical strangers. Sometimes carnal knowledge was knowing enough. I wanted to be a pupil of his penis. To understand what it was like to be an object of lust.

  “More,” I demanded. “I like having you in my mouth.” Doggone it, some horny tease had taken over my tongue. Whoever she was, she whispered to look up at him and open my mouth wide. I could be as bold as I wanted during just a hookup. Par for the course during a short term, sexual encounter.

  Victory waves flickered in my chest when he said, “Oh God, honey. Where on earth did you come from?”

  I rose on my knees to lick underneath the tip with my slobbery tongue. I drooled like a dog near a T-Bone at the notion of him fisting my hair again. Never had I experienced a man who did the things I wanted during sex without me having to tell him.

  He bent over and took my throat in his hands, squeezing slightly.

  “Mmm….” I leaned back to look up at him. “You taste so yummy.” To prove it, I glided his mushroomy head back and forth between my lips while rubbing just the right way up and down his shaft.


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