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Stone In Love (Jersey Series #1)

Page 13

by Sienna Skye

  I couldn’t even begin to explain the pain I felt. I should have been mad. I should have torn into him, but I couldn’t form the words. The only instinct I had was to run.

  I never told Jace the details, I never told him much at all. He just knew, but that was Jace. He was the only one who figured out Morgan and I were a couple. He told me he would listen if I wanted to talk, but I didn’t. I really didn’t want to eat either, but after a couple of days of turning down meals and pushing food around on my plate, Jace told me he would tie me down and make me eat. Here’s the thing about Jace, he doesn’t make empty threats.

  He went out and bought me flip flops just, so I would have something to wear on my feet. I had been wearing his oversized shorts and T shirts, but I knew that was too ridiculous to keep up.

  Jace had insisted I take his bed and he slept on the couch. He told me he was used to sleeping in conditions a whole lot worse than that, but I still felt guilty every time I saw his big giant body scrunched up as he slept. I was curled up on his bed, wondering for the millionth time where and when I missed the signs. How long had their relationship been going on? They went to school together, so she had a lot more access to him than I did. I had met Jackie on a couple of occasions, but nothing seemed off about them. The thought of them already sleeping together when I met her made me sick. It was humiliating. They probably had a great laugh at my expense. I had left the door open, but Jace knocked anyway, his big body leaning against the door frame.

  “You know you can stay here as long as you want. Even when my leave is over and I have to go back to base.”

  “Thanks, Jace. You’ve been great. I kinda feel guilty about sticking you in the middle of this. I mean you and Morgan have been friends for a long time.”

  “There’s nothing to feel guilty about. He’s my friend, but so are you. All I am doing is giving a friend a place to chill and hopefully providing her some comfort.”

  “You are. More than you know.”

  “You can’t keep wearing my clothes though, beautiful. Aside from the fact that you look like you’re wearing your Daddy’s clothes and that it’s a sin to cover up that body, I think you’ll feel better if you get yourself back to some kind of normalcy. Even if that’s wearing your own clothes.”

  “I sort of like wearing your boxer shorts.” It was the closest thing to humor I had managed in days.

  “Yeah, well, I’d like it better if I could see you wearing my boxers, but since that’s not happening, I think we need to go get some of your things. If Morgan is there and you want to talk to him, fine. If you don’t, he is not getting by me to get to you. He doesn’t get a free pass because he’s my friend.”

  “Alright. I’ve been thinking that I want to clear everything out. I am heading off to school anyway. I will make some calls about getting a storage unit for now.”

  “Why waste your money? We can store your stuff in my spare room. It’s just my weights and workout stuff in there now.”

  Thankfully, Morgan was not home when we cleared my stuff out. Jace went back on his own a few days later to get the last couple of things we couldn’t fit in his truck on the first trip.

  I could think a little more clearly at Jace’s. I never told Morgan that I got accepted into the school in Virginia. It had been my first choice, but I knew he had that job opportunity in North Carolina, so I decided on going to school there so we could be together. I made a few calls. I could still register and start classes on time in Virginia. My Aunt Claudia was excited to have me down there and was letting me live with her.

  I moved down to Virginia about two weeks later. I said goodbye to Hunter but never mentioned my change of plans. I didn’t say goodbye to Morgan. I figured the goodbye we did have kind of said it all. Besides, I couldn’t bare the pain of seeing him. I drove down in my car, but Jace followed with my stuff in his truck. The base where he was stationed was not far from my Aunt’s house. While I asked him not to offer up information to Morgan about where I was living, I told him I didn’t expect him to lie if confronted or asked.

  A few weeks after my move, when I needed Morgan, when I really didn’t know where to turn, I reached out. He ignored all of my texts and my calls went straight to voicemail. I finally left him a message telling him I needed him, certain he could hear the desperation in my voice. He never responded. Until he did. And then it was to tell me he didn’t want to be bothered.

  A few months later, when he reached out again, I ignored his texts and calls. Not out of spite or revenge. I just couldn’t do it. I was still hurt by what he did and besides by that time, things were very much different.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Hunter and Sarah’s wedding was taking place in one of their favorite restaurants. The entire venue was rented out for the event. The ceremony was going to be on a large terrace that overlooked the bay. Dinner would be served in the restaurant with guests coming back out to dance on the terrace.

  I was talking with other members of the bridal party, trying to give the appearance of a cool, calm, and collected Best Man, but I was really anxious. Not about the ceremony or even the toast I was giving, but because after four long years, I was going to get to see the only woman I ever loved. I knew the exact moment Jules arrived. I hadn’t seen her. I hadn’t even heard her voice. But, I knew. I just fucking knew.

  I turned around to scan the crowd of guests. I saw her immediately and it felt like I was struck by a damn lightning bolt. She was even more beautiful than I remembered. Her features were more refined. That chestnut hair that I loved to run my hands through was longer now. She was wearing this bright sky blue halter dress and I could swear that even at the distance I was, I could see those gorgeous blue eyes of hers.

  Kyle was ushering guests to their seats. When he saw Jules, he grabbed her in a big hug and spun her around. She tossed her head back and laughed. God, I missed that. I missed how I used to be the one who made her laugh like that. I watched as she was surrounded by friends who had not seen her since she left.

  Hunter must have seen her the same time I did. He walked up to her and I could tell she was fighting back tears. She threw herself into his arms and I could see her nodding in response to something he was whispering in her ear.

  I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do. I was in the middle of trying to decide whether or not to go see her when I realized my feet had taken it upon themselves to start walking. It was like there was some kind of magnetic pull that I had no chance of fighting. There was so much I wanted to say to her, yet I didn’t have a clue what to say. I wasn’t even sure how I would react when I finally reached her. The better question was how she would react. This was Jules after all and I had never met a woman with more fire and passion. Anything was possible. I was vaguely aware of my name being called a couple of times, but it didn’t matter. Nothing was going to keep me from reaching her.

  She no sooner left Hunter’s embrace when she looked up and saw me. Our eyes locked. It amazed me that so many emotions could be reflected in her eyes in a matter of mere seconds. I saw surprise, a little fear, some anger, and more sadness than I liked. There was another emotion I couldn’t quite pinpoint. I was hoping to see just a bit of love reflected there, maybe joy. I would have even settled for lust and moved on from there. I was close enough to inhale her scent. A sophisticated combination of vanilla and coconut with an underlying essence that was all Jules. When she left all those years ago, I found an old hoodie of mine folded up on my bed. She always loved to wear it, especially at night when we were watching movies or sitting outside on a cool evening. She hadn’t washed it and it still smelled like her. I never wore it or washed it again. I hated when that scent faded away, but I never forgot it. And now there it was, live and in person.

  My name left her lips on a whisper. “Morgan.”

  “Hey Jules.” Yep, that was my big opening. What could I possibly say next? It’s great to see you? I’ve missed you more than you could possibly know? Sorry I wa
s such a giant asshat? Ah, fuck it. I grabbed her in my arms and pulled her in for a tight hug. I could feel her heart pounding in her chest. It’s rhythm similar to my own.

  She pulled away and looked me in the eye again, but remained silent. “It’s so good to see you. You look beautiful, Jules.”

  “It’s been a long time. You look great, as always. You always did clean up nicely.”

  For a flash of a second I wanted to say “fuck the wedding” and drag her off so I could be with her. Beg her forgiveness. Try to make her understand.

  Kyle’s voice pulled me out of my kidnapping plans. “Let me take a picture of the three of you. Just like old times.”

  Jules stood in between me and Hunter. She tipped her head and rested it on Hunter’s shoulder for a second and he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. Kyle grabbed that shot before we all stood together, arms around each other, just like we had posed for a hundred pictures in the past.

  Music started to play and Jules turned to Hunter. “You better get going so you can get married, big brother.”

  “I can’t tell you how good it is to see you, Idgit. You made my day being here. You’ll save me a dance, right?”

  “Absolutely. I can’t wait.”

  Hunter hugged her again and turned to walk away. He called back over his shoulder. “Ready, Morgan?”

  “Yeah, right behind you.” I turned toward Jules and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. “You’ll save one of those dances for me too, right?”

  She nodded. It wasn’t an overly enthusiastic response, but it wasn’t a “no”. I’d take it. I’d take anything I could get.

  I stood alongside of my brother during the ceremony. Damn, but the man was ecstatic. As much as I was happy for him, I couldn’t help but to be a little bit envious. The whole time, I was always aware of where Jules was sitting. It was like I was afraid she would run off again and leave me. I wouldn’t let that happen. At least not without a fight.

  Chapter Twenty


  The ceremony was so beautiful. I was thankful that I got up the nerve to go. I would have kicked myself for missing it. And Hunter was so happy to see me. Careful not to embarrass me by drawing attention to our conversation, he whispered in my ear how much he had missed me, how good it was to see me, and then he made me promise to hold to my decision to stay for the summer. I assured him I would. Deep down in my heart, I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that it was time. There was a lot to be said and the after effects would take far more than a couple of weeks to settle down. I could promise the summer though. I owed him that much. I owed the both of them that much.

  Besides, I was looking forward to getting to know my new sister in law. I liked her immediately and it was easy to see how perfect she and Hunter were for each other. I never thought I would see the day, but that man fell hard.

  Morgan seemed ever aware of where I was. I guess that was only fair, because I was more than aware of his presence. I had imagined a thousand times what I would say to him when I finally saw him. Some of those daydreams were a little more colorful than the others, but I ultimately decided that pushing him over the balcony and into the bay was probably not proper wedding etiquette.

  But when he was standing right in front of me, it felt like my heart had stopped. Which was really strange, because at the same time, I could feel it beating hard like it was trying to jump right out of my chest. Every word I had ever imagined, every greeting I had rehearsed, fled my brain. I could barely get out his name.

  When he hugged me, it felt like home, and that terrified me. Morgan had decided long ago to toss me away, but not before he had ripped my heart into a billion pieces. I tried to reach out to him after I had left, but he ignored me. Over and over again. Until he didn’t. The time I had needed him most, he responded. Oh, he responded alright, but I would have preferred if he would have just kept ignoring me.

  He acted like none of that ever happened. Maybe it was a show. Maybe he just figured it was water under the bridge. The past was the past. Not for me it wasn’t and it never could be. Part of me wanted to shake him until his eyeballs rattled. The other part of me never wanted to leave his arms. We had to talk. That was a given. It would just have to wait until another day.

  My friend Jenna linked her arm through mine. “We are sitting at the same table. I can’t wait to catch up. Texting is great and all, but it’s not the same as when we used to sit and talk for hours.”

  I laughed at that. Our conversations had been legendary. Sometimes, deep thoughts about our futures, but usually just a bunch of nonsense and silliness that made us laugh until we cried. “I’ll take the blame on that. I just got really caught up in my career. I still do, I guess.”

  “Yeah, that happens to a lot of people, I guess. What exactly do you do?”

  “Have you ever heard of Ask Nikki?”

  “Hell, yes! She is freaking hysterical. Great advice, but even better delivery…” She paused for a beat, the calculations adding up in her brain. Her mouth dropped open for a second. “No way!”

  I shrugged, then nodded. “Yep.”

  “This is too much. You are the first celebrity I know.” We had reached our table at this point.

  “No, Jenna. I am not a celebrity. Not by any stretch of the imagination.”

  Our table mates were all reaching the table as well. Kyle looked at Jenna as we approached. “Who’s a celebrity?”

  “No one.” I was nipping that right in the bud.

  Jenna jerked a thumb in my direction. “Did you know our Julia here is none other than Ask Nikki?”

  A wide smile spreads across Kyle’s face. “Hunter just told me. I have been following your column for years. Now that I know it’s you, it’s so obvious. I can hear your voice while I read what you write.”

  Kyle sat on one side of me, Jenna on the other. Sandwiched in between those two all but guaranteed a good time. Other friends started to join us. I knew it was Morgan who claimed the chair directly across from me before I even bothered to look up. He greeted everyone at the table and then went to the center of the room to make his toast.

  The DJ handed him the microphone and he flashed that dazzling smile. He held a glass of champagne in one hand. He cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.

  “My brother Hunter has always been one of the smartest people I know. Even when we were kids, I would go to him for advice. He always had a way of looking at things with both intelligence and clarity. And a wisdom beyond his years. Seriously, even when I was five and he was six, it was like he was this little old man trapped in a little boy’s body. He is also a man capable of profound love. Fiercely protective of those close to his heart. It’s with that brilliant wisdom, that never ending capacity to love, that he knew he had found his life mate with Sarah. I can think of no other woman more perfectly suited for my brother. She is an amazing person. The light of his life. Her love for him is palpable. And Hunter was smart enough to hold on to that love and not let it slip away. I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness. May you always look at each other the way you do today. Cheers!”

  Cutlery started to clink on glasses, inviting the bride and groom to kiss. It was a beautiful speech. I chased away any fleeting thoughts that there was another message in there.

  Conversation during dinner was light and fun. The open bar had everyone feeling festive and relaxed.

  “How long are you here for, Julia?” The question came from Jason who sat next to Morgan.

  “I’m actually here for the summer.”

  “Are you vacationing for the entire summer?”

  I looked a Jason and chuckled. “Nah, just for a week or so to get settled in. I’m staying at Hunter’s old place. I can write my column from anywhere really and my editor was cool about it.”

  “Well, considering I am off all summer, I could help you get settled in at Hunter’s and then we can have one of our epic gab sessions.” Jenna was a Kindergarten teacher, so she had the summer off.
  “I’d like that.” I thought about it for a second. “I’ll have to jump back into work to do a little catch up after vacation, so if we can plan a day as soon as we get back that would be great.”

  “We could definitely do that. So, tell me, Julia, do you have a boyfriend who will be missing you or maybe he is coming up here to visit?”

  I glanced up to see Morgan’s emerald eyes looking right at me. I laughed nervously, hoping everyone would think it was in response to Jenna’s question. “Nah, there is nobody who is coming to visit.” Let him read into that whatever he wished.

  Kyle nudged his arm against mine. “Well I hope that means you will let me take you out to dinner.”

  I flashed him a knowing smile. “Breakfast for dinner?” Kyle and I both always enjoyed eating breakfast food at dinner. It was our thing and we would look for places that gave us our fix. A pancake house had become our favorite place. He would always order eggs and pancakes and I would always go for the French toast.

  “What else? And just to sweeten the pot a little, I will tell you that our favorite place now has a banana and strawberry stuffed French toast.”

  “Oh sweet Jesus. What are you doing tomorrow night?”

  “Did I mention it’s also stuffed with cream cheese?”

  “Screw tomorrow. Let’s go now!” As I laughed, I made the mistake of looking across the table. That green gaze catching my attention.

  We fell into easy banter and laughter. Old friends connecting like we hadn’t missed a step. I raised an eyebrow at Kyle as he placed a shot down in front of me.

  “Here you go, a Screaming Orgasm. Drink up.”

  “A regular old Orgasm wasn’t good enough, huh?”

  “Never, baby. Now, let’s drink and then we dance.”

  We simultaneously threw back our shots. Then he placed a second in front of me. “Dude, do you want to dance with me or carry me?”


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