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Stone In Love (Jersey Series #1)

Page 21

by Sienna Skye

  While I was floating on the raft, my mind drifted to the enthusiastic welcome he gave me at Hunter’s wedding. I had too much on my mind to give it much thought then, but as I was half aware of Kyle and Trey having a conversation about some newly released movie, I realized that he had hugged me a bit longer than necessary. I recalled him smelling my hair, the look of excitement on his face when he saw me. Morgan and I were done. My head knew that, but my heart still hadn’t figured it out. I needed to start dating again. Learn to love someone else.

  I joked that the guys needed to steer my float to the wall so I could grab my drink. Kyle offered to get it and when he brought it back held it just out of reach.

  “Now hold on there just a minute. I’m thinking since I risked life and limb to get all the way over to the side of the pool, I at least deserve a reward.”

  “Gawd, dramatic much?” I couldn’t help but to laugh.

  “Never mind. Right here.” He tapped his cheek with his finger.

  “You want me to hit you?” I asked with feigned shock. That elicited a laugh from Trey.

  “Woman, just how parched are you?” He brought the bottle to his lips and took a sip. “That’s some tasty hard cider.”

  “Oh okay, you win. You big old bully.” I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Before I pulled away I heard him whisper. “Now that was mighty nice.”

  A short time later, Kyle and I were on neighboring lounge chairs sunning ourselves. He went to get himself a drink and brought back one for me as well.

  “Hey, thanks.”

  “Don’t want you to dehydrate on me now.”

  I chuckled. “I notice this is a concern of yours.”

  We sat in companionable silence for a little bit before he spoke again.

  “I can’t believe that Hunter never mentioned your daughter. I would figure that he would be all excited to be an uncle.”

  “He is, trust me. He’s almost a better uncle than he is a brother. Don’t blame Hunter. It’s a little more complicated than that. A story for another day. Or you can ask Hunter some time. He can tell you.”

  He nodded and then he looked like he was choosing his next words carefully.

  “When Morgan first said you guys had dated, I was kind of shocked. Now that I think about it, it makes sense. There was a while there that neither of you dated anyone. I’m guessing that is when you guys were together. You and Hunter always were very much like big brother and little sister. It was a much different dynamic than with you and Morgan. You two were more like friends. I guess it makes sense that your relationship grew into something else.”

  “We fought it for a while. We didn’t want to admit it to ourselves, let alone to each other. We figured our parents would lose their minds. It wasn’t odd for us to go out places together, so we kind of dated under everyone’s nose. We just kept the affection for private.”


  “We never told him. I just found out recently that he figured it out.”

  Kyle was a smart guy. I watched his face as he put the pieces together in his head. There were two possible conclusions he could make from my comment. The first being that he just never admitted to knowing until recently. The second being the actual truth. He recently found out about Sophia.

  “You were gone for a long time. Four years, right?”

  “Yup.” I nodded as I took a sip from the bottle.

  “You said Sophia is three?”

  “I did.”

  He nodded his head a couple of times.

  “I guess you and Morgan have some sort of visitation arrangement worked out.”

  For a moment I wondered if he was trying to put more pieces of the puzzle together. He must have seen the question on my face and he carried on before I could answer.

  “I’m just thinking that if Sophia was with Morgan, it could mean that you and I could do our breakfast for dinner.”

  “Yes, I believe it could.”

  He moved so he was sitting on the side of the chair facing me.

  “We could go see a movie if you want, too. Maybe we could even call it a date.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I would like that. A lot. I just need to check schedules with Morgan if that’s okay?”

  “Hell, yeah. I’m just excited you said yes. I took you for breakfast for dinner for years, but never got up the nerve to see if you’d be willing to call it an actual date.”

  “I would have said yes back then, too”

  “Well damn.”

  “Nah, this way is better. What the hell did we know back in high school anyway?”

  He tapped on the opposite cheek than he did earlier in the pool.

  “Do you think I can have another kiss? You know, just to hold me over until our date.” He flashed that school boy grin. The same one that made women get all stupid around him.

  I leaned over, but instead of his cheek, I give him a quick kiss on the lips. I watched his eyes light up. It was time to move on. The truth was out. After years of carrying the weight of my deception, it felt good to be free. Morgan and I were long over. He had made it perfectly clear that he couldn’t forgive what I did. There was nothing holding me back from going forward.

  Nothing but my own stupid heart.

  Kyle and I were talking about movies we wanted to see, when I looked up and saw Sophia walking over to me, Morgan following after her.

  “Hey baby girl.” She climbed up into my lap and I gave her a kiss on her cheek. “I’ve got her if you want to go and do something else.”

  Morgan looked briefly at Kyle before turning back to me and nodding his head. He ruffled Sophia’s hair before walking off.

  “Are you hungry, sweetie?”

  “I want an ice pop.”

  “An ice pop, huh?”

  “Hey Sophia, my name is Kyle and I am friends with your Mom and your Dad. I also happen to know where the ice pops are hiding. Would you like me to take you to find one? That’s if it’s alright with your Mom.”

  She looked up at me and I gave her my approval.

  “I want grape.”

  “Alright, let’s go see if we can find a grape ice pop.”

  They had no sooner walked off than Hunter came up and took Kyle’s place in the chair. He reached over and rubbed my knee.

  “It’s good to see you having fun.”

  “I am having fun. I feel like I can finally breathe for the first time in weeks. Maybe in years. I don’t know how I can thank you enough for being so supportive, Hunter. For never giving up on me, really.”

  “No thanks needed. You are my family. I love you. I missed you like crazy. It’s probably a little selfish on my part. I like having you around. And I’m happy that you and Sarah have hit it off as well as you have. Nothing is more important to me than my family.”

  “Are you pissed at me?” I just blurted that one out.

  “No, I’m not pissed at you. I was hurt at first that you didn’t feel like you could come to me for help. It was the first thing I said when Sarah told me. Why didn’t you feel like you could come to me? Even after she and I talked about it and I realized how scared you must have been and how alone you must have felt, it still hurt. I hurt for you, too. But, now that I know the whole story…shit Julia… you must have felt like you couldn’t count on anyone. But you are here now. In the end that is all that matters. I have you back and I have my niece. The past is just that. I meant it when I said it was time to move forward.”

  I leaned over and gave him a hug, but stayed silent.

  “Now, to answer the question you didn’t ask. I think in time Morgan will get over it too. He may not even entirely realize why he is mad, but I do. He is hurt and angry because you kept a huge secret from him. And as difficult as this may be for you to hear, sweetheart, he has a right to feel that way. You guys obviously had a totally different kind of relationship than you and I did. When two people are in love with each other and there is betrayal, there is bound to pain and anger. But he is also mad at hims
elf for being played by our father and he is mad at himself for not protecting you from all that. He just has to figure all that out before he can get past it.”

  I was blown away by Hunter’s assessment. It made all the sense in the world. Pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place for me.

  “You were born an old soul, you know that? You are so amazingly wise and perceptive. It’s a lot dumped on him at once. There’s no doubt in my mind that when we were at your wedding, he had wanted us to get back together. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have…” I cut off, not knowing how much further I wanted to go with this. Morgan wouldn’t have had sex with me for the sake of it or because he was aroused and caught up in the moment. Not with me.

  “He wouldn’t have what?”

  “Well, he…I mean, we…”

  “Oh man, did you two have sex at my wedding? Someone needs to turn a hose on you two.”

  “Yeah, well I think we have been effectively hosed down now, don’t you?”

  “I didn’t even have sex at my wedding.”

  “I hate to break this to you, but there were too many times to count when you were in fairly close proximity to Morgan and I fooling around.”

  “Apparently, I’m not quite as perceptive as you thought.”

  Kyle and Sophia returned at that moment. Each of them sucking on an ice pop.

  “Here ya go. Sophia picked a blue ice pop for you.” Kyle handed me the treat, his hand lingering for just a fraction of a second. But my eagle eye older brother saw it. He smirked as he stood up, he slapped a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, then winked at me before tickling Sophia’s belly and walking off.

  Chapter Thirty


  Hunter was serious when he said his niece was going to learn how to swim. The gym had a pool and he decided he was giving her lessons. I dropped Sophia off at the gym and since Hunter also asked if he could take her to get something to eat, I had a few hours to myself. Wild woman that I was, I stopped at the restaurant next door to grab something to go. I figured I would go home and put some work in on my column. I also had to think about planning a trip to Virginia, so I could discuss my moving plans with the magazine.

  I stopped at the front desk and ordered myself a BLT. Like I said, wild woman. A familiar form caught my eye. Trey was sitting at the bar looking less than amused. Hanging all over him was this woman who definitely had a porn star look. Bottle blonde hair that reached her mid back. She was a tiny thing and pencil thin, her boobs looking about three sizes too big for her body. If those were real, I was the Queen of England. Her bubblegum pink lips matched her overly long finger nails. Nails that were scratching up and down Trey’s bicep. The bar was close enough that I could see she was batting her fake eyelashes at him. She was relentless and in no way was catching on to his disinterest. I mean, I guess it was easy to misunderstand, “Thanks, but I am not interested.”

  I walked over to the bar and wrapped my arms around Trey’s neck. “Hey sweetie, I am sorry I am so late. I left you here all by your lonesome.”

  Amusement flashed in Trey’s eyes and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed him on the lips. “Will you forgive me for being late?” Purposely, I fluttered my eyelashes and pouted just like I had seen Blondie doing a few second ago. Trey’s lips twitched as he fought back a grin. “There’s nothing to forgive, baby. You’re here with me now.”

  As if I just noticed her, I turned and looked at Blondie, whose mouth was now slacked open. “Did you need something?”

  “Well, umm, I… no.”

  “Okay then, bye bye.” I waggled my fingers at her.

  She turned and walked off. I watched over Trey’s shoulder as she walked right on out of the restaurant. Bye Felicia.

  I leaned in and whispered in Trey’s ear. “Hey, sweetie?”


  “You can remove your hands from my ass now.”

  Trey busted out laughing and let go, swatting my backside first. “Woman, I am a not a dumb man. If a fine ass thing like yourself melts up against me and kisses me, I am going to go with it. Who knows when I will get a chance like that again? But, speaking of asses, thanks for saving mine.”

  “Eh, you’re welcome. You keep mine in shape, it’s only fair that I save yours. She was a relentless little thing.”

  He pulled out the stool next to him and gestured for me to sit. “You want to hang out for a minute?”

  “Sure, for a bit. I’m just waiting on my dinner that I ordered. I can protect you for a few more minutes, though.” I elbowed him and he laughed.

  “Well you know, she was trying to scratch an item off her bucket list.”

  “And what was that?”

  “She has never had sex with a black man.”

  “Holy shit, did she actually say that to you?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “She’s probably used to guys falling all over her. Not used to the rejection. I know I haven’t known you long, but I’m pretty certain she is not your type.”

  He tilted his head and looked at me with amusement. “You would be correct in that assessment. Not my type at all.” His eyes lingered over me in a slow perusal. I slapped his arm and he laughed again.

  “So what exactly are you doing sitting here by yourself?”

  “I have a work meeting with…well there’s the man now.”

  Morgan walked over his eyes taking in the scene before him.



  He leaned over and shook Trey’s hand and greeted him.

  The hostess came over at that moment to let me know my food was ready.

  “Well, I will let you two get on with your meeting. You, watch out for those Barbie dolls.” I leaned over, gave Trey a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Bye, Morgan.”



  I had just stepped in the restaurant so I could meet with Trey, when my phone rang. I needed to take the call about a technical issue with a new app we were trying to launch. While I listened to my guy on the other end of the phone, I looked up to see the strangest scene play out in front of me. Jules and Trey were all cuddled up together, while this blonde woman stood rubbing up against Trey, her jaw dropped in shock. A moment later, she toddled right past me, wearing her 5 inch heels and leaving a lingering overly sweet perfume trail in her wake. What the hell was that all about?

  I finished my call and walked over to the bar. I was no closer to figuring out what happened though, because a moment later, Jules grabbed her food order and left.

  I sat next to Trey and ordered myself a drink. We were planning a new advertising campaign for the gym. It would involve both the website and the app. We wanted it to feature actual trainers and members. We had trainers with members who were new to fitness and planned to follow their progress. We also planned to follow clients who were already in a fitness routine and looking to amp things up. Trey had designed a military type work out inspired by his days as a SEAL. That workout was no joke. He had picked a male gym member who was kicking ass with Trey’s plan. Now, we needed to get a female.

  “We are just about ready to get this campaign up and running. I also want to incorporate mini sessions of the work outs on the app. For the easier programs anyway. I don’t think people should be trying your program on their own”

  “The tutorials are a good idea. Clients tend to forget exercises when they are new, especially the proper form. That would be a good reminder. Tell me, Mr. Software Guru, couldn’t you do something where my advanced clients could have a password or something and then they could enter the tutorials they need?”

  I rubbed my chin for a moment. “That could absolutely be done. Great idea, Trey. I really want to make this app as personalized as possible. So tell me, have you decided on a female member who is excelling at your workout?”

  “Sure did. She just walked out the door.”

  “Who, Jules? No way. Not happening.” Over my dead body. I had already seen the way not only Trey, but most o
f the other guys at the gym watched her, I wasn’t giving her an internet fan base.

  “Why the hell not? The woman takes every challenge I throw at her. Her body is strong and she is obviously hot. Every woman will be clamoring to try to obtain her level of fitness. You know as well as I do, sexy sells. Julia is sexy and she puts the time in at the gym and pushes herself to reach her goals. Who would be more perfect?”

  “It doesn’t matter whether or not she is perfect for the project, I just don’t want her doing it.”

  “It’s not really your place to make that decision for her, is it?”

  Who the fuck did this guy think he was? When I didn’t answer him, he continued.

  “What’s the problem, Morgan? Why are you opposed to the most perfect choice we have?”

  “Trey, you put Jules up there on screen like that, and there are going to be fools all over the internet getting themselves off watching her.”

  “There would be that risk with any member we put up there. My program is not for the weak at heart or body.”

  “True.” But, they wouldn’t be Jules.

  “Julia is a smart woman. She won’t agree to this if she is not comfortable with it. If you are that worried, I will bring that point up to her just to make sure she considers it.”

  “Are you fucking crazy?”

  “You are not giving her enough credit. She can handle this shit. Come on, have you seen some of the topics she covers in Ask Nikki?” Again, he gave me a moment to answer and when I didn’t he continued. “So where is all this protective nature coming from? Don’t even try to tell me it’s some kind of brotherly affection, because that ship sailed a long time ago. As a matter of fact, I have personally seen the three and a half foot, cute as hell, bundle of energy that is living proof of it.”

  “Don’t go there, Trey.”

  He raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, look, no judgement here. You aren’t blood relatives. From what I understand you guys were teenagers when you met, so no harm, no foul. Julia is hot and well even though I think you are ugly as sin, I am guessing you haven’t had too much trouble attracting attention from the ladies. I don’t think it’s surprising you guys hooked up.”


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