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Heroes of Honor: Historical Romance Collection

Page 83

by Laurel O'Donnell

  “Little flame--” He did not get far before she interrupted him.

  “Why do ye call me that? I dinna understand it. ‘Mair’ makes sense, but why do ye think of fire when ye look at me?”

  “Havenae ye ever noticed the color of ye hair when the light hits it? It looks as though there are flames jumping out of it. The reds are so bright that ye almost canna see the brown. It matches yer spirit. There is a fire in ye that draws me in, and I canna seem to look away.”

  “I never give much consideration to ma hair. I ken it isnae what most women want. It is flat and straight. Men like women with thick, lustrous hair. I dinna have that.”

  “Who told ye that? I ken I love yer hair just as it is. I dinna want it any other way.”

  Did I just say that I love her hair? Did I use that word? I’ve never said it aboot any woman before. Now what do I do? I couldnae respond to her feelings earlier, but I can tell her ma feelings on her hair. I ken she noticed it.

  Tristan held his breath for a moment. He was sure he was right that she picked up on the use of the word love, but she chose not to say anything.

  “Speaking of that fire in ye, why do ye wear so many knives? I never asked ye aboot that after yer first night here. I, along with everyone else, couldnae miss the dirks in yer hands. I realized they came from yer wrists, and ma hand caught the sgian dubh strapped to ye thigh when we were in the woods. I even noticed the dagger lying in the side of yer boot as I passed yer clothes on the shore. Ye’re mightily well-armed for a lass. Why so many blades?

  “Ye do remember who ma kin is. Ma brothers have always been over protective of me. Once I turned two and ten and began to fill out, they became adamant that I learn how to protect maself. I’d learned how to wrestle and tussle with them and the other lads when I was a wean, but as we all grew older, I wasna allowed to continue. First it was because the lads became stronger than me, and ma da worried I would get hurt. Then it just wasna proper anymore. Since I couldnae wrestle, and ma brothers wouldnae stand for anyone touching me anyway, I had to find another way to protect maself. Ma brothers didna want anyone to get close enough to ever touch me if I didna want it, so they taught me how to use knives. I can throw them, stab with them, and cut with them. Ma brothers made sure I can come out the winner if I have to. Anyway, by the time I was six and ten, I’d become good with the knives. Ma brothers nay longer kenned what to do with a sister who was more a woman than a bairn, so they stuck with what they kenned. Each year on ma saint’s day, they give me a new dagger. That is how I have one for each wrist, each thigh, and each boot. I’ve told them I dinna have too many more places I can hide them, so Magnus told me I would have to sew them into ma gowns. Little does he ken I started sewing them into ma arisaids and hems shortly after they started teaching me. I had one too many run ins with Lyle Sinclair, the shepherd’s nephew. The boy used to bully me aboot wanting to play with the lads. As we grew older, he tried to steal a couple of kisses, but when I refused, he told the other lads that I gave them away for free. I put an end to that sharpish. I broke his staff over ma knee and threw one of ma dirks at him when he leaned against a tree. I made sure to let him ken that pinning his leine to the trunk was ma intention and nae a miss. Next time ma intention would be to hit him and nae the tree. I didna feel right going out without a dirk after that, but I wasna willing to admit it to ma kin, so I sewed them into ma clothes. I can get to them easily if I need more than what I strap to me, but nay one kens they are there.”

  “This Lyle Sinclair should count himself lucky I havenae met him. I dinna think I care much for him. Ye keep impressing me, lass. I would like to watch ye use the blades for something other than threatening ma stepbrother.”

  “Aye, well, mayhap I can challenge ye later. Whomever throws the best can claim a boon.”

  “A boon? I dinna think I want to wait that long.” He pressed his hand to the middle of her back and brought her body flush with his. He began to kiss the column of her neck from just behind her ear to where it met her shoulder. She tilted her head to give him better access, and he felt the shiver run through her. He nibbled then licked his way back up to her earlobe. Mairghread tilted her head further and caught his earlobe between her teeth. She sucked and then tugged a little with her teeth. She as sure his shaft grew even harder and longer between them. She had not imagined it was possible.

  Mairghread reached between them and ran her fingertips over the head of his cock. She intrigued by how soft and smooth the skin was when it covered something that had surely been forged from iron. She let her body slide down his a little, so she was able wrap her hand around his rod. She had been peering below the water’s surface to catch a glimpse of what she was touching, but when Tristan groaned, she looked up as squeezed his eyes shut.

  “Am I hurting ye?”

  Tristan caught the worry in her voice and looked down into her deep blue-gray eyes. He was unable to determine if it was the sunlight, the water’s reflection, or just her mood, but her eyes were yet another shade he had not seen before.

  “Nay, lass. Just the opposite. Naught has ever felt as good. I am trying to control maself and nae have this end before it’s even begun.”

  She smiled at that and returned her attention to her hand below the surface.

  “I dinna ken what to do,” she breathed.

  “Aught ye do at this point will feel like heaven. Just slide yer hand up and down but dinna tug or squeeze too hard. That might nae feel so much like heaven.”

  She began to move her hand up and down. When he thrust his cock in her hand, she was certain she was doing something right. She was so fixated on what she was doing for him, she did not notice his hand sliding between them. She gasped and moaned when his fingers thrust into her. He did not test her with one finger at a time like he had the first time. This time he pressed three fingers into her tight sheath. He almost climaxed just feeling how she closed around him. He used his thumb to rub her pearl. As she became more and more aroused, her grip tightened. She was careful not to squeeze too hard, but she picked up her pace. Something told her to pump his cock and add a little twist to her wrist. It only took five pumps like this before he was spilling his seed between them. She began to lower her legs when she realized he had climaxed, but he had only just begun with her. He picked up the pace of his ministrations, squeezing her thighs around him. He waded over to a rock that was in the sun but sheltered from anyone’s prying eyes. He laid her back on the rock and watched as his fingers slid in and out with her juices coating them. He hungered for a taste, blowing on her curls. The cool air against her heated skin made her arch her hips off the rock. He grasped her hip with one hand and slid his shoulder beneath her thighs. Her moans and insensate mumblings continued as she writhed on the rock. When his tongue flicked against her folds, she jerked upwards to catch what he was doing.

  “Ye canna be doing that!”

  “Aye, I can, and I will. I’ve dreamt of what ye taste like, and I’ve wanted to lap up yer honey pot since I watched ye enter ma keep. I will have ma taste and enjoy it.”

  Tristan used one hand to press her back against the rock then slid that hand down to cup her breast. He marveled at how well it molded to his hand. His fingers kept slipping in and out of her folds as his tongue flicked her nub. He ran his tongue from top to bottom before dipping it into her. He would lavish more attention to her bottom parts another day. He did not want to frighten her with these new sensations, so he continued to work his tongue and fingers together until her breath began to come in little gasps. He perceived she was almost to the end of her endurance. He brought her to a point where she could almost endure no more pleasure without it becoming pain. As she began to spasm around his fingers, he thrust all four fingers into her, sucked hard on her pearl, and twisted and pinched her nipple. The combination of sensations catapulted her to the finish.


  He hoisted himself out of the water and wrapped her in his arms. He pulled her into his lap as her climax
ended. She clung to his shoulder as she buried her head into chest. She continued to shake, but he realized it was not from the cold. He looked down and noticed tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Mo ghràidh, what is it? What’s wrong? Did I hurt ye, or do something ye dinna like?”

  Tristan’s heart was breaking to see her in tears. She looked up at him with droplets still falling down her cheeks, but there was a sense of wonder in them.

  “Am I really yer darling? Ye didna do a thing I didna want or didna like. It was just suddenly too much. It was too much for me to feel all at once. I am a wee overwhelmed, I suppose.”

  “Mairghread, ye are mo ghràidh and much, much more. I understand things moved faster than ye might have been ready for. I willna rush ye again, and I’m sorry, mo ulaidh. And aye, I do ken ye to be a treasure.”

  “I didna feel rushed, and it didna move too fast. It was as though time stopped. I just amnae sure how to handle how intense ma feelings are for ye.” She looked away from him and out at the loch. “I dinna think yer feelings are quite what mine are.”

  Tristan realized she had taken his earlier evasion to heart. It had hurt her quite a lot. He did not doubt she felt like he had baited her and then yanked it away. But he did not want to confess his feelings now for fear she would assume he said what she thought he believed he should say. He also did not want her to doubt it and wonder if any professions of love were from the afterglow of their lovemaking. He accepted that he had to be honest or risk having her retreat from him emotionally and physically.

  Mairghread began to lift herself out of Tristan’s lap, looking over her shoulder for her clothes. There was no help for it. She would have to put her clothes back on while she was wet as they had brought no drying clothes with them.

  Tristan tightened his hold on her and stroked her shoulder.

  “Mairghread, wait. Dinna get up yet. I want to hold ye for as long as I can. I dinna ken when we’ll get time alone again. And I dinna want ye to go until ye listen to me. I choked back in the garden and couldnae admit to ma emotions. I wanted ye to confess yers for me because I needed to ken that they are the same as mine. Then when it was ma turn to admit to them, I was too coward to risk telling ye. I didna ken how to say it, but I kenned how I felt. How I feel. I dinna want ye wondering if aught I say now is done just to please ye or because we shared more intimacies. I will tell ye how I feel, but nae now. I will do it soon, and I will be vera clear to ye. Can ye wait?”

  “I dinna suppose I have a choice. I canna and willna force ye to say things ye arenae able to. I amnae going anywhere. Ye ken how I feel. I’ve told ye, and I think I’ve shown ye. Just dinna wait too long. I amnae kenned for ma patience. I am many things, but patient is nae always one of them.”

  She gave him a quick, tight hug and then rose to fetch her clothes. Tristan realized she was so lost in her thoughts, or perhaps in such a rush to leave, that she did not seem to notice he had a clear view of every glorious inch of her. Tristan rushed to gather his clothes, too. He could feel himself hardening, and he knew if they did not leave soon, he would lay her back on the rock, and this time he would not stop with just a taste.

  Chapter Ten


  as they approached the postern gate, they agreed Mairghread would enter first, and Tristan would follow a few minutes later. If anyone commented, they would say they passed each other near the loch, which was not completely a falsehood.

  Mairghread made her way above stairs towards her chamber.

  “Ye ken he used to take me to the loch. But we never got around to swimming.”

  Mairghread froze. She now recognized that voice, and it belonged to someone she had no desire to speak with. She turned her head towards the sound's direction.

  “Ye may be what he fancies now. But once he marries ye, it’s ma bed he’ll be coming back to every night.”

  Mairghread realized she had nothing to say to the other woman. There was nothing worth saying that would make the woman less hateful. There was nothing she wanted to say to the woman, so she took the line of least resistance. She looked at the woman then turned back to walk to her chamber.

  Mairghread caught the sound of the feet coming down the hall just before the hand on her arm yanked her around. She looked down at Sorcha’s hand on her and then looked up at Sorcha. Mairghread raised one eyebrow and lifted her chin. She had been a laird’s daughter her entire life, and she played to that now.

  “Remove yer hand. I wouldnae touch me again, if I were ye. I dinna want ye near me, and I dinna want to speak to ye. I havenae time for yer jealous ranting and hateful words. Leave me be.”

  With that she pulled her arm away and turned around, however, Sorcha did not get the message. Once again, she grabbed Mairghread’s arm.

  “Ye think because ye’re a laird’s daughter that ye’re better than me. Ye think ye’re so high and mighty, but ye arenae. Ye’re naught but a mouse. Ye havenae even the gumption to speak to me. Ye canna hold the laird’s attention for long. He will tire of ye and want a woman who can please him. Yer innocence will be gone in a night, and then yer novelty will wear off. He’s been mine for going on two years. If Alan hadnae botched the alliance, Tristan would be marrying me.”

  “Ye believe that, dinna ye? Ye’re mad as a hatter if ye think that’s the case. I’m done with ye now.”

  Once again Mairghread turned away, but Sorcha reached out and grabbed a handful of Mairghread’s hair. She yanked as hard as possible so that when Mairghread’s neck snapped back, Mairghread’s scream was unpreventable. She turned into Sorcha’s grasp and flicked her wrist, pressing her dirk into Sorcha’s stomach while using her other arm to reach up and wrap it around the one that held her hair. She pinched the underside of Sorcha’s arm as hard as she could, making Sorcha release her hair.

  Before either woman did another thing, the sound of running feet came to them. It was more than one set, and they were heavy treads. Mairghread looked up in time to witness Tristan barreling down the hall. Her father and Callum were just behind Tristan. They heard her scream from the Sinclair’s chamber where they were still working. All three men observed Sorcha’s hand in Mairghread’s hair.

  Before Tristan said anything, the Sinclair pushed past.

  “What is the meaning of this? Ye dare attack ma daughter?

  Tristan stepped forward to see Liam Sinclair was just a livid as he had been when Alan insulted Mairghread. While Tristan did not think the Sinclair would harm a woman, he was unconvinced since the situation involved his only daughter.

  “Explain yerself woman. What were ye doing assaulting Lady Mairghread?” Tristan demanded.

  “I did naught! Lady Mairghread was taunting me and struck me first.”

  “Sorcha, I wouldnae lie to me or the Sinclair. It willna make things right, and it willna make me go lighter on ye. I ken ye to be lying. I listened to the last of what ye said as I came up the stairs.” Tristan turned to Mairghread as she rubbed the back of her head. He pulled her into his arms and checked for any damage Sorcha may have done. “Sorcha, ye should count yerself lucky Lady Mairghread didna snap yer arm or gut ye right here in the passageway. She would have been within her rights. Ye attacked a noblewoman.”

  “I didna! I tell ye she attacked me first! She was taunting me that she stole ye from me.” Sorcha looked at Laird Sinclair as she spewed her next set of lies. Several guardsmen had approached when scream reached them and running feet. Sorcha counted on the fact that every word carried to them. “She was bragging aboot how the laird’s been tupping her every chance he has. She called me a whore.”

  Laird Sinclair roared as he rushed forward. She had pushed him to his limits with the Mackays. While he had never struck a woman, he was sorely tempted with this one. He shook his finger in front of her nose and spoke so harshly spittle formed at his lips.

  “Ye think anyone here would believe yer vile lies? Everyone kens what ye are. Even I’ve heard ye are naught but a light skirt. Ye didna think I would hear abo
ot yer past with the laird? Ye didna think I would hear aboot ye propositioning each of ma sons? Ma daughter is nae a whore, but ye certainly are.”

  Tristan was losing control of the situation and needed to gain it back. As laird of this keep and with several of his guardsman listening, he had to appear as if he was in command. He had needed a moment to calm down anyway and to assure himself nothing serious had happened to Mairghread, but it was his turn to talk now.

  “Sorcha, I told ye ma reasons for breaking things off. It didna matter who I might marry. I willna bring a prospective bride into this keep while bedding another woman. It isnae yer decision to make. Ye have brought the consequences upon yerself. Ye could’ve left well enough alone, but nay, ye had to go too far. I release ye from yer work here in the keep. Ye may gather yer belongings, and once ye leave, ye arenae to return. Ye may make yer home in the village with yer kin. If ye would like a croft of yer own, I will arrange it, but I didna want to lay eyes on ye near the keep again. Ye arenae to enter the walls of the inner bailey without ma permission or that of Alasdair, ma tánaiste. I put up with yer spoiled behavior because ye served a purpose, and I enjoyed ye. Ye have worn out yer welcome. If I discover ye have been near Lady Mairghread again, I’ll banish ye. Dinna think for a moment I will ever choose ye over Lady Mairghread, or ye will be disappointed. Guards! Escort Sorcha to her chamber and watch as she packs her belongings. Then escort her to her parents’ croft in the village.”

  As the guards escorted her away, Sorcha could not leave without having the final word.

  “Ye ken ye love me. Ye ken once ye’ve wedded and bedded her and her kin leaves, ye’ll be coming back to me. I may nae want ye after dipping yer wick in her. Ye’ll be sorry ye didna keep me.”


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