Page 52
Krraa stared at his treasure as the glow vanished. He quickly pulled the implements out of her stomach. She wasn’t supposed to die. He hadn’t done anything that would kill her. Krraa needed the glow to fix him. The glow couldn’t disappear.
“NO!” he screeched with both voices.
A light appeared on her finger.
Krraa looked closely and saw a ring.
It glowed brighter. Suddenly, the ring flared with a great white radiance.
Krraa hated light and shielded his eyes with his arms. The light spread, filling the room. It was hotter than Krraa had ever felt.
How could this happen? It isn’t fair! I was supposed to get her glow and become whole again! The deformed creature screamed terribly as light seared flesh from his misshapen bones.
Everything in the room caught fire including the stone walls, which began to melt. The holy light from the ring obliterated the hhorrj named Krraa, leaving nothing. The radiance destroyed all of the creature’s tools of suffering and the table holding Liselle. It even burned the sick, unnatural fire until it too was obliterated. Then the light flared out and one of the rubies in the ring was gone. Liselle’s lifeless body collapsed in the middle of the empty cave.