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Crow's Caw at Nightmoon Creek

Page 18

by Calinda B

  “Everyone, everyone…follow suit.” Mr. McMurphy claps his hands together, causing his robes to swish, presumably to get their attention. He directs Lennon, then Hawke, lastly Julie on hand placement.

  The energy zinging through my system is almost unbearable until Julie connects with the invisible shield. It’s like she’s the softener, the soother. We all moan, and throw back our heads. If they’re feeling what I’m feeling, it’s embarrassingly intense to be having a shared experience like this. I’m on the edge of orgasm.

  I glance at Lennon, who’s looking at me. Yep, he’s feeling it, too. Let’s get this puppy in place so we can head to the bedroom and hope no one misses us.

  “All right. You’ll need to move as a unit. You’ll feel the shield snap into place when you’ve reached the proper alignment. It will happen fast, so be ready. Whatever you do, don’t drop it. Ready?” His blue-green eyes twinkle.

  “Ready,” I say, and the others nod their assent.

  “I couldn’t have done this without you,” Mr. McMurphy says, as he directs us. “I can’t thank you enough. The service you’ll be performing…well, it was my and Marge’s life work. She died doing something she believed in. She’ll be eternally grateful to you.” He stops and his eyes widen. “Oh, no! I nearly forgot the keystone. None of this will work without…” He rushes to the front door, flinging it open from the sound of it. “Muffin!” he calls. “Kitty familiar! Where are you?”

  The weight of this thing has us all staggering, sweating and straining. We probably look like we’re in mime class, pretending to balance an extremely heavy load, but the burden of whatever the heck we hold is real.

  “You heard him. We can’t drop it,” I say. “Get in here, you damn cat,” I mumble.

  Finally, Mr. McMurphy enters the living room, holding the gray cat aloft like he’s a prize. “He’s here! He had details to attend to outside. Good boy. You’re a good, good kitty,” Mr. McMurphy coos, noodling the cat’s nose with his.

  Muffin’s purring like an Indy 500 race car, revved to take off. A blue-green glow, same as Mr. McMurphy’s, surrounds him.

  “Okay,” Mr. McMurphy says, and he appears like he’s the conductor of our little orchestra, his elegant yet grotesque hands aloft. “Places every one. Mercedes move your foot to the left a little. Lennon, move yours to the right. Julie, lift your corner slightly. Hawke, you’re spot on.” The wizard lifts his hands and begins to chant.

  The words sail from his mouth on a blue-green cloud, colliding with the energy shield we hold aloft. He wields the divining rod thing in one hand, Muffin in the other, and as he chants, a laser beam of his signature blue-green energy shoots from the tip, colliding with the shield.

  As he continues his incantation, the shield grows hotter and hotter, until I’m afraid my skin will blister. I let out an agonized groan.

  The others make similar moans and cries.

  The energy grows more and more intense; the blue-green energy mixes with flickers of gold and orange flame and then a huge explosion, like a flash-burst, shatters the air.

  We all cry and fall back, immersed in a Caribbean-sea colored, warped mirror world.

  “My work here is done,” Mr. McMurphy says, as Muffin lets out a horrific yowl.

  The air clears, and I look around to see Lennon, his sister and his nephew sitting in the same disheveled, discombobulated state I’m in. I can barely make out the outline of the whatever it is we put in place, but it seems to be suspended in front of the portal, looking rather wall-like. In fact, no signs of the shimmering strand, or the portal can be seen. It looks like a plain, old living room. “Is everyone okay?”

  “I think so,” says Julie. “Hawke?”

  “That was so cool,” he says. “Where are Mr. M and Muffin?”

  “Damn. Is he back in the portal? Did he run outside?” Lennon says. He scrambles to his feet and races toward the front door. A few seconds later he returns, shaking his head. “No sign of either of them.”

  “I think he’s gone,” Hawke says.

  “He probably went to find Mrs. McMurphy. Sounds like those souls were entwined,” Julie says.

  “Frank, honey? Is that you?” cries a silvery, tinkling voice.

  “It’s me. The team’s in place to carry on your work which means our work here is done,” Mr. McMurphy says. “If you can hear me, team, goodbye and eternal thanks. I’ll see you in the beyond.”

  The rumble of a cat purr fills the room.

  A brilliant burst of blue-green light flashes in the room, blinding me for a second. As I’m blinking, trying to get my vision back, it slowly fades into nothingness, like a vapor falling to the floor.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  We all stiffen, staring warily at one another.

  “You expecting anyone?” I ask.

  “Not that I know of,” Lennon answers. “Wait here.” He strides toward the front door.

  The rest of us follow, hovering in the living room doorway opening, peeking at the door. We can easily slip back into the living room if it’s not safe.

  “Can I help you?” Lennon says to the slender, slight young man on the front stoop.

  He looks to be around nineteen or twenty. A bit older than Hawke and younger than the rest of us.

  The man’s eyes dart everywhere. “Is this, uh, GSUR? I’m Devon. I left a message in the secure cybernetics portal.”

  “What?” Lennon says. “Oh, you mean the Great Shifter Underground--”

  “Shhh,” the young man swiftly says, looking like he’s going to wet himself. “I know its daylight but I had to risk it. I had to. I nearly lost my life in the next state over. I need safe haven. I need a new life.”

  “Are you a…” I start to ask.

  “A shifter?” he whispers. “Yes. This isn’t a trick or a trap, right? You’re not going to hurt me, right?”

  Julie slips into her apparent new role. “Come in, come in. You’re safe here. Let me take your coat. Would you like something to drink or eat?”

  “Thank you. I’m starved. I can pay. I don’t want you to think I only take handouts.”

  Lennon closes the door behind the young man as he slinks inside.

  Devon seems to release a burden from his shoulders as he enters, enveloped by the space and warmth. “Man, this place feels like safety. I didn’t know which house was the right one. I entered through the forest. Been hiding in the field back there. The ad said I’d know. And then a few moments ago, I just knew this house was it. I felt it in my bones. I swear I even saw a bluish green light around the house.”

  “Who placed the ad in the underground news forums already?” Lennon asks.

  “I, uh…I might’ve got the dates wrong,” Hawke says, staring at his Vans.

  “Doesn’t matter, Hawke. Apparently, we’re open for business,” I say. “Welcome, Devon.”

  He stares at me, all gaga, mouth hanging open. “Are you… You’re the…”

  “I’m the what? Spit it out. I’m a lot of things.”

  “You’re the one known as the phantom queen. I keep hearing stories from the shifter news portal. And some of the others who are on migration routes have talked about you.”

  “They have?” I say, bewildered.

  “Yeah,” he says, and he slips into something like a fan-girl moment. He extends his hand, pumping mine furiously when I take his, babbling something about “what an honor it is to meet you,” and “you can kick some ass, girl.” When he finally releases me, he asks, his eyes feverishly bright, “Can I apprentice with you? I’m a crow shifter, too. I need to find my purpose. I’m hoping I’ll find it here with you all.”

  “Uh, I don’t do apprenticeships, but we’ll think of something. There’s an old soul crow I’d like you to meet. His name is Odin.”

  “That would be epic. Hell, yeah.” He looks at Lennon and Hawke. “My bike’s stashed in the forest. You two ride? I’ve heard there are some bitchin’ trails in these woods.”

  “Oh, yeah!” Hawke says, his e
yes bright. “We’ve even got a mud-drome out by the creek. That’s what we call it – a mud-drome.”

  As everyone tumbles into the living room, I snag Lennon’s sleeve. “You ready for this new reality?”

  “I guess I am. Never thought I’d run a safe house, but here we are. Life can throw you some curve balls sometimes, can’t it?”

  “Sure can. And while I’m sorry Elena’s gone, I hope wherever she is, she feels like her passing initiated some kick-ass changes. Who knew?”

  “Who knew you’d be so awesome? I did.” He leans forward and drops a slow, sultry kiss on my lips.

  When we come up for air, I say, “You did not.”

  “Did too.”

  “And who knew you and I would fit so well together? Or that you’d stick around to find out?”

  He grins. “I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather be with. I’m happy with a rock solid babe like you. And if I ever get the urge to run…”

  “I’ll be running by your side, lover.”

  “More like hunting me down.” Lennon shudders. “Nope, I’m sticking around. A phantom goddess is too scary to run from.”

  “Damn straight,” I say. We both laugh and saunter to the kitchen to tend to our first safe haven shifter.


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read my novella from Woodland Creek!

  All reviews are appreciated.

  If you would like to read more from the Woodland Creek series, please click on the link below:

  Woodland Creek Website

  About the Author

  Calinda B is a bestselling author who crafts erotic short stories and paranormal, sci-fi and contemporary romance novels. An avid adventurer and outdoor enthusiast with a quirky sense of humor, she's always finding ways to torture her characters, and to entertain her long time love, her two cats or her kids and friends. She lives in the breathtaking Pacific Northwest, a place that soothes her soul and gives her plenty of time to write, scuba dive, work, write, bike ride, write, kayak, write and write some more.

  With seventeen books roaming the universe and more in her head, you can find her at Or, join her newsletter here:

  All books can be viewed on this page:

  Contemporary Romance and Romance Erotica:

  Blurred Lines: The Entire Collection

  Sassy Aphrodite and her Sweet Dirty Mouth

  Paranormal Romance:

  The Wicked Series

  The Beckoning Series

  Crow’s Caw at Nightmoon Creek

  Power Shift: Hunting the Bounty Hunter beneath Haunted Alaska Skies


  Headspace: A Sci-Fi Romance Erotica

  Red Rex: Blood Echoes




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