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The Gods of the Lodge

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by Reginald Haupt Jr

  The vows and obligations of the candidate are advanced and more extensive than those of the Apprentice. The pledge to secrecy is broadened and more strongly enforced. Having completed the work of the Fellow-Craft Degree, the initiate is now prepared for advancement to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, after proving his proficiency in the Degree just completed through examination, and rigid instructions.


  Master Mason constitutes the Third and last Degree of Blue Lodge Masonry. In explaining this degree Mason authorities believe that Royal Arch Masonry must be included as part of the symbolism.

  “The symbolism of Arch Masonry is in reality a part of the symbolism of the Third Degree. As we have it today, the Master Mason Degree is actually incomplete, because it needs a complement which is only supplied in the Royal Arch Degree. The symbolism of the Master Degree as we have it now, is necessarily restricted to the First Temple and to the present life, although it reaches a climax in the assurance of a future life. For the symbolism relating to the destruction of the first Temple, the Babylonian Captivity of Judah, the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, and the erection of the Second Temple, we are dependent upon Royal Arch Masonry. Without these, the symbolism of the Third Degree of the Blue Lodge is incomplete.” 6

  The whole system of Masonry is intended to present the symbolic idea of man’s pilgrimage on earth. The First Degree represents youth, a period of learning, a time for purification of affections and preparation for advancement into higher spheres of life here on earth. The Second Degree represents the period of man’s adult life, of manhood, a time for increased learning and work. The Third Degree is symbolic of mature life, ripened experiences, a time of continued activities, but of decrease in toil and labor. That there should be continued increase in knowledge and wisdom must be taken for granted. It is also a period for heavier responsibilities, of trials, of sufferings, and of inevitable termination in death.

  “Foremost in the conceptions of this period of life is that it is a time of waiting by the wearied workman for the word of the Grand Master of the universe which will summon the Master Mason from the labors of earth to the eternal refreshments of heaven. For these reasons, and because of the superlative beauty and significance of the Ritual, the Ceremonies, and the Symbols of the Degree, it is called ‘The sublime Degree of a Master Mason.’” 7

  As an Entered Apprentice the Mason is given instructions necessary to advance his Masonic career. These are elementary rudiments to prepare for ordinary daily life. As a Fellow-Craft he is taught to advance his investigations into the science of the Order, just as a man is required to enlarge his mind by new ideas and to extend his labors for the welfare of his fellowmen. As a Master Mason he is taught the most necessary of all Truth, that having been faithful to all his trusts, he is at last to die, and receive the reward of his fidelity. He is taught that the foremost of all the truths is the immortality of his soul and the certainty of the resurrection of the body after death to eternal life. 8

  “The whole scope of the Ritual and the ultimate of the symbols of the Master Mason Degree place supreme emphasis upon the truth that when man’s life has spent itself on the earth, has passed away as fleeting shadows, his soul returns to God who gave it and his body which returns to dust shalt be raised, incorruptible and glorified and qualified for entrance into the Grand Lodge of the Celestial City of God. By the instructions of that notable legend and the entire Ritual, it is implied that we have been redeemed from the death of sin and the sepulcher of pollution. The essence of principles illustrated in the third degree brings ultimate triumph to every true, tested, tried, and faithful Master Mason.” 9

  It is unquestioned in Masonry authorities as the above quoted section details, that Masonry holds out the promise of resurrection, redemption of sin, and eternal life with God in a Grand Lodge in the holy city, Jerusalem. This promise is made without the requirement of believing in Jesus Christ! The only requirement they teach is be a “true, tested, tried, and faithful Master Mason.” 10 This promise of eternal life and immortality extends to the Masons that are Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, Hindu, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Moonies and whatever. In another chapter of this work this false hope of Glory will be discussed along with Masonic doctrine of REBIRTH, BAPTISM AND HOLINESS. This writer only mentions resurrection and the promise of eternal life at this stage, because it is promised to those that complete the Third degree and have become a Master Mason.

  Upon completion of the Third Degree, the Initiate is a full-fledged Mason in the highest sense of the word. If he keeps his vows, assimilates the principles of the Order, obeys the teachings, conforms his life to the ideals set forth in the Degrees, he has fulfilled all and received all there is in Masonry. However, there are higher degrees available in either “York Rite” Masonry or “Scottish Rite” Masonry that are desirable for the implementation of “Blue Lodge Masonry” and for enlarged opportunities and advantages in ministries of a distinct Masonic character. This writer will outline these advanced degrees in brief form only. A few of the degrees will be discussed in other sections.


  Royal Arch as a separate distinct branch of the Order first appeared in the city of York in England in the early part of the eighteenth century. It was introduced in America during the same period.

  The Royal Arch is known as the “Chapter,” and consists of four degrees. They are Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch. They are a continuance of the Third Degree of the Blue Lodge. The legends of these degrees relate to the history of king Solomon’s Temple after its completion and dedication, to the destruction of the Temple by the Chaldeans and the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews, and to the erection of the Second Temple by Zerubbabel. A distinct connection with the Third Degree of the Blue Lodge is the “recovery of certain secrets” which were lost when Hiram Abif was slain. 11 The life and significance of Hiram Abif will be detailed in a later section.


  This first degree is based upon the dedication of the Operative Masons who were employed to build the Temple at Jerusalem. It teaches through symbolic signification that the Mason must perform his stations and positions in life with precision and perfection as the Great Overseer and Judge of Heaven and earth may see fit to approve.


  This second degree of Royal Arch Masonry was originally an honorary degree conferred upon the Master of a Lodge at his installation by three or more Past Masters. In the Royal Arch it has no significance historically or any direct connection with the degree before or after it. The brief Ritual has no significance to the Mason in the advancement in Royal Arch Masonry.


  This third degree is based upon certain historic facts and legends with reference to the dedication of the Temple by king Solomon. The presiding officer represents king Solomon under the title of Most Excellent. The officers are the same as in a Symbolic Lodge, although there are some Rituals in which the Junior Warden is omitted. The symbols, the lessons drawn therefrom, and the lectures are meaningful sequels to certain parts of Blue Lodge Masonry. They implement much of the instructions previously given and enforce some of the sublimest lessons already learned.


  This is the climax of the Royal Arch Masonry and illuminates all that has gone on before. Much is supplied for practical guidance for following the tenets of Masonry in daily life.


  The term “Crypt” signifies a concealed or hidden place. The existence of crypts of concealed and hidden rooms under the Temple of Solomon is revealed both by Masonic legend and recent topographers of Jerusalem. Within these hidden places the Masons contend that the most sacred and meaningful secrets relating to Ancient Craft Masonry are and were preserved. Hence Cryptic Masonry is for those Masons who wish a better understanding of all Masonic procedure and of the legends upon which great symbolic truths are bas
ed. Crypt Masonry is represented by the Council of Royal and Select Master, an adjunct of the York Rite. It consists of three degrees: Royal Master, Select Master, and Super-excellent Master. The work of each is historic and educational to the Mason that longs for the knowledge of his craft.


  This Degree cannot be explained without a discussion of Hiram Abif or the Hiramic Legend in Masonry. He is referred to as “The Master Architect” in Freemasonry and is used as a major figure of Masonic teaching. He is mentioned twice in the Bible. In 1 Kings 7:13-14 it is said:

  “And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre.

  “He was a widow’s son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was full of wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.”

  And, in verse 40 of the same chapter:

  “And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basons. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he made king Solomon for the house of the Lord.”

  Hiram is further mentioned in 2 Chronicles 2 and in 2 Chronicles 4:11:

  “And Huram [this is another spelling of his name] made the pots, and the shovels, and the basons. And Huram finished the work that he was to make for king Solomon for the house of God.”

  In both accounts in the Bible he was not mentioned as an architect, but a worker in brass. Why he is accounted for as an architect in Masonic legend is questioned also in the New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. 12

  Masonic legend has it that Hiram was assassinated by three men, buried in a secret grave and rose again. 13 Masonry declares that this evil act was done before the completion of the Temple under Hiram. 14 Again, this is not based upon historical fact and is exactly opposite of the Scripture quoted above from 1 Kings 2:40 and 2 Chronicles 4:11. Hiram finished all the work he was to do for king Solomon on the Temple. When Freemasonry asserts otherwise, it contradicts the word of God. Do the Masonic authorities have an explanation? Yes.

  “It matters nothing whether the prototype be one whose historic actuality and identity can be demonstrated, or whether he can be regarded only as legendary or mythical; the point being not to teach a merely historical fact, but to enforce a spiritual principle... In Masonry the prototype is Hiram Abif, who met his death as the result of a conspiracy by a crowd of workmen of whom there were principal ruffians. In the Christian and chief of all systems, since it comprehends and re-expresses all the others, the greatest of all the Exemplars died at the hands of the mob, headed also by three chief ruffians: Judas, Caiaphas and Pilate.” 15

  Now that you understand who Hiram Abif was or wasn’t, this writer can continue to explain the Royal Master Degree. The officers conferring this Degree are a Thrice Illustrious Grand Master, representing king Solomon; Illustrious Hiram of Tyre; Principal Conductor of the Works, representing Hiram Abif and three others of little significance.

  The place of the meeting is called the “Council of Chamber,” and represents the private apartment of Solomon, in which he is said to have met in consultation with his two Hirams during the construction of the Temple.

  The mystery of this Degree is dedicated to the legend of Hiram Abif.

  “From a legendary point of view, the historical events represented occurred during the brief period of time which elapsed between the death of the ‘Builder’ and the discovery of his body and its ‘Masonic interment.’ Thus, the mystery of this Degree is dedicated to the legend of Hiram Abif. In this legend we learned in the Third Degree of Blue Lodge Masonry of the loss of certain secrets denoting the Ineffable Name, and of the substitution of others.” 16

  The workers present in the Chamber are Fellow-Crafts, and a spokesman makes an appeal for the means by which they may receive the reward of becoming Master Masons. In short, the ceremonies provide the Masonic idea that the laborer deserves and may seek his reward.

  The spokesman was Adoniram who symbolizes the Speculative Mason, who has:

  “...faithfully labored to complete his spiritual temple, comes to the Divine Master that he may receive his reward, and that his labors may be consummated by the acquisition of Divine Truth. His earthly tabernacle is to perish, but he is certain of reward in receiving the Temple, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” 17


  This Degree is noted for its Ritualist revelations. The officers are similar to the preceding Degree. Solomon and the two Hirams represent the three Grand Masters of the building of the Temple. The meeting place is a secret vault beneath the Temple. The object of the Degree is to commemorate the deposit of an important secret or treasure which is said to be Hiram Abif’s.

  Tradition relates that the Select Masters performed a secret service for which they had been selected, and closed their labors during the construction of the Temple. Their work was not revealed until the building of Zerubbabel’s Temple. 18


  This was formerly an honorary degree conferred in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. It was transferred to Cryptic Masonry and forms the last degree of the Royal and Select Council. The Masonic legend of the Degree refers to the last day of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar as a punishment of King Zedekiah for his perfidy and rebellion.

  In the symbolic ritualism, Zedekiah is the symbol of perfidy and rebellion, and although the punishment was severe, it was just. The punishment inflicted serves as a warning of the effects that will ensue from a violation of the sacred vows assumed in Freemasonry.


  This Order is composed of three orders: the Illustrious Order of the Red Star, the Order of Malta, and the Order of Knights Templar. Knights Templar Masonry was evolved from the various Christian Orders of the Crusade period in Palestine from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries.

  Knighthood is the theme. The Order stresses the qualities of the traditional “Knight.” The oath of a knight requires him to defend the poor, the widows, the orphans, and the helpless of either sex. The most rigid of all the laws of chivalry is the defense of the truth. The lesson of this symbolism is to inculcate better manhood, better citizenship, and a better society.


  This Degree has no connection with Knighthood, but is intimately connected to the Royal Arch Degree. The legend behind the Degree is that of the Embassy of Zerubbabel to the court of Darius complaining of the Samaritans who were hampering the work of the Jews in rebuilding the Temple. It celebrates the success of the Embassy.


  This Degree refers to the period of the Crusades. It is believed to be the successor to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem organized in Jerusalem as a successor to the “Hospitalers,” an organization set up for the care and protection of sick and oppressed Christian pilgrims in the time of the Crusades. After taking up arms for the protection of the holy places against the Saracens, they called themselves Knights Hospitalers. Later, they migrated to Rhodes, that became the Island of Malta, and the name Knights of Malta was adopted. The ceremonies and rites of the degree inculcate lessons of chivalry and courage, and inspire a militant spirit in opposition to all anti-Christian ideologies and powers.


  The Templars of the Crusade era were known as warriors of the cross. They were famed for self-denial, frugality, piety, modesty and bravery. The original Templars at Jerusalem were men that chose to lay down their lives for the oppressed and to defend the mysteries of the faith. The Templar Order was eventually driven from Jerusalem and scattered throughout Europe. In the fourteenth century the Order was forced to disband by the king of France and Pope Clement.

  Masons claim to be the successors to the Templars of Jerusalem. They swear to defend all Christian truths, principles, and practices. This Order is by far the most popular in America. But it is not available to the non-Christian. The oaths of allegia
nce to Christ make this Order an exception in Masonry.


  Of all the Rites of the Order that are above or supplementary to Blue Lodge Masonry, this branch of Freemasonry is the most popular. Like Royal Arch Masonry, all applicants must be Master Masons in good standing.

  Originally referred to as the “Rite of Perfection,” this branch consists of thirty-three degrees and includes the first three degrees of the Blue Lodge. Briefly stated, they are:

  4. Secret Master Degree

  This Degree refers to the time when Hiram Abif is slain, and Solomon has the task of replacing him with seven experts. The lecture concerns the mystical meaning of the sacred articles placed in the Holy of Holies. Solomon is seated in the East, and is called the Master. Adoniram, the “Venerable Inspector,” is seated in the West. Secrecy, obedience, and fidelity are distinctive virtues taught by this Degree


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