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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

Page 10

by JG Jerome

“You just killed upwards of two thousand...elves,” she says. “You have this insanely powerful death magic ability. You have four wives, and you will have as many as eight before too long. Honestly, that freaks me out less than it should. It’s the killing that has me freaked out.”

  She wraps her nearly nude body around mine and weeps. “It’s too much at one time, Will. I want this. I don’t mind the other women too much. I’m sure I’ll be a jealous bitch sometimes, but I want this relationship with you and with them. I think...I think I’ll be able to keep the jealousy to a minimum with the help of the others. I just need to process all this elven apocalypse stuff. Maybe for now, I just need to be your ba-ba-boss.” Susan buries her head in my shoulder and cries piteously.

  “Okay, beloved,” I tell Susan. “I’ve still got a long night ahead of me, so maybe I should take you home now before I shower. Would you prefer that?”

  “Please, Will,” she sniffs.

  “Okay, sweetie. Get dressed and grab anything you brought with you. Leave your pistol with Audrey,” I tell her.

  Susan hands the holster to Audrey and puts her work suit back on. I walk her downstairs and we crawl through the portal. I pull the rubber stop out from under the door. I kiss her passionately before opening the door out of my hotel room.

  She looks into my face with teary eyes. “I love you, William James. I just didn't know what I was getting into. It’s so much to process.”

  “Susan, I don’t blame you, love. I’m living this, and I still get my mind blown nearly every day,” I tell her. I cup her face in my two filthy, bloodstained hands. “Be careful going home; you’re precious to me. I love you, Susan Rey. Now that I know you want to join us, I can hardly wait to have you with us.”

  She sighs. “I love you too, Will. I want this, too. Please be patient with me. Oh! And keep me posted.”

  “I will, but it may require speaking in person. This is not stuff we can discuss over the phone.” Her shock shows as she registers my comment. “Which reminds me…” I go pull a slim eight-by-ten box from my bag. “A gift from the family, so you can visit whenever you like.”

  I open the door and collect another quick kiss as Susan slides by me and walks down the hall. I watch her disappear around the corner before I close the door and hammer the rubber doorstop under the door and throw the deadbolt.

  I look around to ensure I don’t need anything else while I’m here. I’m pretty used to traveling through passages at this point, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget some of the dire warnings Josie gave me early on.

  I crawl through the passage to find Rebecca sitting in front of it in a lotus position wearing her floral on black robe from Viktorija. Yoga wasn’t a thing when Rebecca was growing up, but she has really taken to it. It has become her favorite way to relax or meditate and her second-favorite form of exercise - bedroom acrobatics being her favorite.

  Rebecca unwinds gracefully and stands in front of me. She drops her robe, kisses me lightly, and wraps me in a hug. “Audrey told me about Susan backing out. Are you okay?”

  “I’m about as well as I can be. I don’t blame Susan. I think she would have been okay if we didn’t just massacre a building full of elves. She is drawn to all of you, and wants to join us. She says she just needs to wrap her head around me being a murderer.”

  “She didn’t say that,” Rebecca scolds.

  I snort, “Not exactly. The verbiage is mine. Maybe I’m projecting a little too. I think she’s also worried a little about jealousy among the wives.”

  Rebecca nods, “That’s expected. We’re all humans with a full range of emotions and the attendant needs. I’m lucky that the relationship with Josie and Marissa grew organically, so I don’t have much of a jealousy issue with them. I had a real problem with Audrey initially, and I still have mild fits of jealousy over her, Tori, Bernadette, and Carla from time to time. Not so much with Susan or Erica yet, but it might happen. I’ve talked with all the ladies about it, and we all experience it a little bit. I think it’s fairly normal. Knowing that, we have committed to talking rather than screaming our issues out. Bernadette counseled that we all just spread as much love around to each other while realizing that we all need to feel special to a certain extent.”

  She pulls my head down and kisses me passionately. “You do a wonderful job of making each of us feel special.”

  I nod. “Jack warned me I needed to be ready for the emotional backlash of killing them all. I think I underestimated the impact. I felt nothing after the battle with the elves at Bernadette’s salon. I was expecting to shrug it off, but my conscience is smacking me pretty hard at the moment.”

  “This was a significantly bigger event,” she says as she caresses my face. “Unlike when they came to Bernadette’s, you went there expecting to murder them. Despite them abducting Bernadette, we instigated this…” she puts a finger on my lips to forestall a retort. “...we could have stayed out of it. We chose not to because we love Bernadette. She is our family, and...” Her eyes smolder with anger. “ one fucks with our family.”

  She removes her finger as I nod. “Exactly. That helped. Thank you, my love.” I lean in to kiss her. “I need to take a shower. Since you’re naked, why don’t you join me.”

  “That is the plan, William. I figured I’d save my robe and just shower after rubbing on you,” she smiles at me with lascivious intent.

  “Leave it, Rebecca,” Darcie says as she walks up behind us. “You probably have blood on your hands. I’ll take it up to your bedroom.” Darcie addresses me. “Will, they just passed Anthem. Jack said they are taking their time since the passengers are packed pretty tightly in the trucks. It will take us about thirty-five minutes to get there - maybe a little longer since it’s dark. I called Warren, and he’s expecting us.”

  “Thanks, Darcie.” I scoop Rebecca up into a bridal carry. Darcie grabs her robe as I start up the stairs out of the play room.

  Darcie says, “Jack’s a little worried about Customs and Border Patrol checkpoints. Three trucks in the middle of the night. He’s concerned it will smell like drugs or coyotes. What should they do if that happens? He’s thinking his options are give them the elves or kill them all.”

  “Shit!” I lean against the stair rail. “I should be with them. We are not ready to out the elves.”

  Darcie places her hand on my back. “It’s okay, Will. You can’t think of everything. Honestly, if you turn the elves over to the government, then they become their problem.”

  “Yeah, then they become science experiments, and their cultural bias towards humans gets worse.” I start back up the stairs. “Plus, we don’t want to give the government those weapons. I guess we pray, because otherwise CBP agents will have to die.” I mutter, “Damn!” as I mount the second flight of stairs.

  Darcie says, “I’ll let Jack know, Will.” She follows quietly until I step out onto the main floor.

  “Will, hold on a minute,” Darcie calls out. I turn around as Rebecca kisses my cheek.

  Darcie puts her hand on my arm. “Two things. Firstly, I’ve had to talk Jack out of a funk after killing people. The killing can tear at you. Jack can be a cold hearted animal when he has a mission, but it tears at even him. Candice and I work hard to bring him back when that happens. Lean on your family. Share your struggles. You are surrounded by a family that loves you. Use that.”

  She pauses for a second as I chew on that. “Secondly,” she says. “I have learned a lot about life since I became Jack’s sub. Being a submissive frees me from having to worry about anything - I just have to worry about following my Master’s instructions. To a certain extent, that’s true for everyone - you can’t own what you can’t control. You are doing what you can, which from what Jack has told me of your abilities, is considerably more than many could do. Be satisfied, and keep striving to make things better.”

  I smile sadly. “Damn, Darcie. I may ask you to be my guru.”

  She smiles back at me. “Will, you are my teacher and my
friend. Your wives are my friends. I want only the best for you and your family.”

  I nod, “Thanks for the pep-talk, Darcie.” I set Rebecca on the floor, and she sashays off in front of me. I follow the sway of Rebecca’s naked ass into the bathroom.

  Darcie follows me into the bedroom and lays Rebecca’s robe on the bed. She smiles as she giggles, “Don’t take too long, you two!” She goes back out to the living room.

  I strip off quickly as Rebecca starts the shower. I shampoo and rinse my hair. Rebecca tries to keep her hair dry as we soap each other and rinse.

  As I’m running a washcloth on her lower legs, she grabs my hair and drags me upward. “Quickly, husband. Take me. Fuck me. Please. I need you,” she whispers fiercely.

  I stand before her and my little friend also starts to transition from ‘showering with the wife’ half-hard to ‘let’s fuck’ hard. I look in Rebecca’s eyes and drink in her desire before I press her against the wall and devour her mouth. As we kiss passionately, she hooks her right leg around my hip to give me access. I grab her ass and press forward into her welcoming moist heat. She wraps her other leg around me and throws her head back.

  “So deep. So full,” she mutters. “William, my beloved. You barely fit, but you please me so well.” She grasps my face as I brutally pound her into the wall. Her gasps crescendo from moans to screams, “That’s it! Claim me, husband! Fuck me! Mark me! Nnnnnnnnn… AAAAAAAAAAAA!” I suckle her neck nearly hard enough to break skin as her clasping channel milks my own release. My seed jets inside Rebecca as she holds my head to her neck and screams her own release.

  I hear somebody rush into the bathroom and then a muttered, “Excuse me.”

  I nuzzle Rebecca’s neck and face as she croons her happiness.

  I murmur. “You left one out, Baby. Normally you’d say, ‘mark me, fuck me, breed me.’” I kiss her gently and give her a genuine smile.

  Rebecca grins back. “You can’t breed me right now, William. You’ve already bred me.”


  Elf hostel Jerome

  “What?” I’m dumbstruck.

  Rebecca nods vigorously. “That’s right husband. I am pregnant. After dying alone in my parent’s basement and haunting that property for over a hundred years, I’m not only alive but pregnant with my husband’s baby. I am so happy.”

  “Wow!” I say as a huge grin spreads across my face.

  “Wow is exactly right,” she agrees.

  “When?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “I’m thinking it was when we were last at Allie and Roger’s house.”

  I set Rebecca on her feet, and my cock slides out of her.

  Audrey steps into the bathroom excitedly. She gasps, “You’re pregnant?” Rebecca nods at her happily.

  Audrey runs out of the room, I’m guessing to share the news. I towel Rebecca dry as she scoops up the semen leaking from her and pops it into her mouth.

  She murmurs, “Hun-ree,” and we break out in laughter.

  Josie runs in and scoops Rebecca off her feet, carting her out to the bedroom exclaiming, “Oh my God, I’m so happy for you!”

  I tune out the chorus of female voices from the next room as my grin slowly fades. I towel off as I try to turn my focus on what I need to do to settle the elves and save Bernadette. The coolness of knowing that my first baby is on the way does help lighten the load.

  I stop to pee and then walk out to find Audrey ‘cleaning’ Rebecca vigorously as Josie, Erica, Clarice, and Darcie all sit on the bed around her congratulating her.

  I walk to the bureau to grab some clean underwear when I hear a gasp. I look around to see Clarice’s hand over Darcie’s eyes. Clarice has her hands over her own eyes too, but there is a significant gap between her fingers.

  “Sorry, Darcie. I didn’t think,” I say as I pull on a pair of boxers.

  Darcie answers, “It’s my fault, Will. I knew you were in the shower. I just got so excited by Rebecca’s news.”

  I grab a fresh pair of jeans, a waffle shirt, and clean socks. I sit on the bed and pull on my jeans. “It’s okay. I should have grabbed clothes on my way into the bathroom. I knew we had guests. I’m very distracted.” I smile down at the mother of my first baby. “Not all of it is bad, either.”

  Rebecca glows at me as I button my jeans closed and pull the henley waffle shirt on. I grab a flannel lined jean jacket and my socks. “Ten minutes, ladies,” I call as I pull on socks, boots, and a belt. I clear, function check, and holster my pistol before going for a couple glasses of water. I load my pockets.

  Audrey follows me into the living room to kiss me. She says, “I thought you might like some taste of ‘baby mama’ to carry you through the early morning hours.”

  “Thank you, Kitten.” I cuddle her closely to me. “I love you, Audrey.”

  “I love you too, Will. Um...I went back on the pill when you and I split. I figured I’d stay on it until volleyball season is over. After that, maybe we can try,” she says quietly.

  I sit and pull her onto my lap. “I think we should wait until you finish school. Rebecca is probably going to wish she had waited, too. Regardless of my opinion. It is your body. I will support whatever you decide. My job is just to love you, and when our child gets here, to love it too.”

  We kiss as Josie glides into the living room. She kisses us each on the cheek. “I’m ready, husband.” I caress her cheek and Audrey stands.

  Audrey says, “I’ll protect the ladies, husband. Be safe out there.” She stands up and hugs Rebecca and Erica to her as I collect kisses from each.

  I tell Audrey, “Be ready to summon Alöise when I get back. If that doesn’t work, we’ll try again tomorrow. Summoning Shryl is the fall-back position.”

  “Yes, Master,” she says. She is serious and focused. “I’ll also think about what we can do about having critters on call.”

  “Thanks, Kitten.”

  I look at Clarice dressed casually in jeans, hiking boots, and a biker jacket. “Battle armor for you, Clarice. You can carry your helmet.”

  She responds immediately, “Chain mail and kevlar inside, Daddy.” She holds her jacket open for me to feel. While I do she adds, “My helmet is in your car already.” Audrey hands her a gym bag. Clarice looks inside and hefts it. “My MP5 is in here.”

  I hug her under my arm. “Alright let’s go.”

  We leave through the back entrance to the garage and alley. I ground guide Josie as she backs Marissa’s Audi SUV out. Then I jump in my CR-V and follow her down the alley to Goodwin, over to Mount Vernon, and then out of town on Gurley.

  Clarice says, “Erica and the wives pulled together as much spare bedding as they could find. It’s in the cargo space.”

  “Thanks, Clarice. How are you holding up, sweetie?” I ask.

  She sits quietly. After a couple of minutes of quiet she says, “I’m about as confused as can be. I’ve been fantasizing about bedding you for a year or so - ever since I first saw you naked. Right now, it just doesn’t seem that important.”

  I reach over to hold her hand. Eventually she says, “I’m conflicted because I helped kill one biological parent, and the other discarded me. I hate to think of my stepmother in those terms because she is far from wicked and has loved me without reservation - my Mummy.” She whispered that last part. She says clearly, “Daddy, I’m worried about Mummy. I want to go with you to get her, but I know you won’t let me. Plus, Mummy would be seriously pissed if I showed up in her home dimension, probably because Aunt Gabrielle would kill me.”

  “Aunt Gabrielle,” I repeat. “Clarice, I’m going to make a leap here. I’ve also heard you address Bernadette as ‘Aunt.’ Is Queen Alafair your mother?”

  Clarice looks down at her feet. “Yes,” she whispers.

  “Who is your father, honey?”

  “Xranalazny,” she whispers.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper. “I didn’t know, honey.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Clarice says as she squeezes my hand. “It was an e
vil fuck, and it needed to die. Since we’re talking about the human hosts of demons...” She shrugs and continues to squeeze my hand harder and harder. “I don’t know what I’m going to turn into, Daddy. Cambions of powerful demons frequently manifest physical characteristics of their demon parent. I’m the daughter of both one of the most powerful greater imp lords ever and a succubus queen. I’m almost guaranteed to manifest some demonic traits, and it scares me. That’s part of why I’m so flirty. I want someone to love me before I turn into an ugly monster.”

  “Clarice my love, I doubt you could ever be an ugly monster,” I tell her. “I’ve seen Shryl’s natural form, and she was beautiful. Xranalazny’s natural form was strong and fierce, but masculine - minus the male bits. I imagine a female version would look like a hot orc chick with a wicked tail.”

  Clarice hiccups a laugh. “You’re silly, Daddy.” She sobers. “I don’t want to look differently. I want to look like me.”

  I try to assure her, “You’ll be loved regardless of what you look like Clarice. Also, I suspect there is a good chance that two demon parents may well cancel each other’s influence out. Don’t you think?”

  She shrugs, “Maybe, Daddy.” She sits quietly, lightly holding my hand. She eventually says, “William, Darling. Lord William. Daddy.”

  She sits quietly for a moment before speaking again. “Each of those forms of address triggers different thoughts for me. ‘William Darling’ tells me you’re dear to Mummy, and that I need to try to impress you. ‘Lord William’ tells me you are powerful and desirable, and that I should try to get you into my bed to breed me. ‘Daddy’ makes me feel safe and want to share all of my insecurities, but it also makes me feel like a young child again rather than a young lady on the cusp of adulthood.” She looks at me, “I’m going to need a lot of affection and reassurance.”

  I nod as I watch the road. “Of course, Clarice. You just need to understand that ‘Daddy’ is my role in your life. Those other things can’t figure into it.”

  She shrugs. “That’s okay. I kinda promised my virginity to Jack.”


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