Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3) Page 14

by JG Jerome

  Ash, bubbling concrete, and exposed rebar are all that’s left. I think to myself, ‘Okay. I don't need that much.’

  I go for a volume of about the hood of my SUV into a ping pong ball inside the hunter. The concrete bubbles a bit but doesn’t disintegrate. For the sorcerer, I try a volume of about the engine. That leaves just some scorch marks on the concrete and the guys boots. I think I could rebuild a body from that, but the memories should be destroyed. Then again, a trained necromancer might know tricks I don’t.

  I look at the burnt ankles and push a ball energy about the size of a walnut squeezed down to a pea, in each one. Scorched concrete and ash result. ‘Good enough.’

  I sigh and go looking for the ladies. Josie and Rosalie are both kneeling over Manuel, who has a rapidly closing abdominal wound.

  Josie tells me, “He wasn’t dead yet, but he was well on his way. I got to him in time.”

  “Good job, Josie. We’ll question the asshats when we get home. Our other friend may know them.”

  Manuel stirs, and his eyes slowly open. Rosalie speaks to him rapidly in Spanish. He nods his head and answers in English. “I’m okay, sweetie. Maybe you should drive home though?”

  I chuckle, “I agree, Rosa. You’re probably the best option. The only sleep I’ve had recently was on the plane. I think Josie is only an hour or two better off than I am.”

  Rosalie answers, “Okay, but I don’t like these garages. People come flying out of nowhere.” She and Josie help Manuel sit up.

  I tell them, “You’ll do great, Rosa. Let me get him in the back seat. Keys, Manuel?”

  He fishes them out of his coat pocket and hands them to Rosalie. I hoist him up onto his feet, while Rosalie unlocks the vehicle and opens the door. I get him situated on the seat. Josie runs around to the other side and crawls in back to fasten his belt.

  Five minutes later, we’re on the highway headed back to the Bernadette’s salon.


  A friendly little conversation

  By the time we pull off the freeway, Josie has Manuel back to full health.

  I ask him, “Manuel, did you call the house to let them know about the attack?”

  “Oh, shit,” he answers. “Let me do that now.”

  He pulls his phone and dials. He puts it on speaker before anyone answers.

  “Hallo. House Pasquale, Viktorija Ozoliņa at your service,” I hear from a familiar voice.

  Manuel holds up his finger as Rosalie gasps, “Tori, this is Manuel. Our friend had a difficult flight. Would it be okay to bring him by the house?”

  Viktorija responds, “Probably not, Manuel. Monsignor David is here. Apparently he was Bernadette’s confessor? I knew she contributed to church charities, but I didn’t know she had a confessor. Maybe you should take him to his favorite suites hotel. Chantelle went to make it ready for him. We’re running short staff since the Mistress died, and Luis and Vanessa are trying to help me answer the Monsignor’s questions.”

  “Okay, that’s what we’ll do. We’ll be back soon. Bye,” Manuel says.

  He waits until Viktorija says, “Bye” before he disconnects. Then he says, “Rosa, stop at the Target up the street. I need a change of shirt.”

  Rosa detours, and Manuel explains enroute. “Tori answered her cell phone formally like the house phone. That’s a danger signal. Bernadette barely tolerated her foundations working with Church charities let alone having a confessor and being a member. The rest was insinuation and obfuscation. Go around back. Sneak you up to your suite. Chantelle is standing by to send you home.”

  Shortly thereafter, we parked in the Target parking lot. Rosa turns off the vehicle and hands Manuel the keys. She asks, “Size large?” Manuel nods. She says, “With that outfit a sweater and t-shirt would be okay.”

  He shakes his head. “If they’re watching, they would know I left in a white polo. See if you can find one. I bought this one here, so with any luck you can get an identical one. If necessary, get a medium.”

  I volunteer, “I’ll go in with Rosa. I can handle most stuff without a weapon if needed. You two sit tight and keep your weapons ready.”

  Rosalie says, “I have a Taser flashlight. Marissa recommended it for a carry along weapon.” She hands Josie a pistol with a silencer. “Just in case.” She nods at me, and we jump out.

  We luck out and find a white polo very similar to the one Manuel is wearing in a size large. We’re back out in the parking lot in less than ten minutes. Manuel strips his ruined shirt off while I pull off the tags. The ruined one goes in the bag. Manuel takes over driving, I sit in the back with Josie.

  Manuel pulls us past the front of the store and stops in front of the garden center. Rosalie jumps out and tosses the bag with the ruined shirt in the garbage bin. Once she’s securely back in her seat, Manuel drives off. He asks Rosalie, “Sweet obfuscation?”

  She grins at him. “Oo! I like the sound of that!”

  Manuel drives up the street a ways and pulls into a Sonic drive-in. He asks, “What do you want?”

  Josie looks at me fearfully. She mouths ‘what?’

  I tell Manuel, “Limeades. One cherry and one strawberry.”

  Rosalie moans, “Blue raspberry slush.”

  Manuel chuckles and orders into the speaker, adding a sweet tea for himself. He pays with cash, and then we are back on the road enjoying our sugary goodness.

  I comment, “Pretty impressive tradecraft. Walk in with drinks from a place you didn’t dump your shirt. It’s likely they will look in the trash at Sonic instead of Target. I wouldn’t have thought of that.”

  Manuel chuckles, “Bernadette has brought in some serious people to train us in operations security and human intelligence tradecraft.” He sobers as he thinks about his dead mentor. “We probably won’t need it, but I’d rather be careful. Besides, Sweetness here has been a very good girl and deserves a treat.” He flashes Rosalie a revealing fond glance.

  Josie says, “I thought you and Luis were together.”

  Manuel chuckles. “We are. We have been since shortly after I showed up. Rosalie joined Bernadette’s family three years ago, and she joined Luis and I nearly two years ago. Now she has two hot Latin lovers, and Luis and I get to sample the delights of our Sweet Rosalie.”

  Rosalie murmurs, “You’re embarrassing me, Papi.”

  I tell them, “Well congratulations to all three of you. Maybe you can give me pointers.”

  The two up front chuckle at that, but Josie says, “You don’t need pointers, husband. You’re doing very well all on your own.”

  We pull onto Bernadette’s street. We turn left on the street running along the north side of the property, and see a town car parked in the circle drive. We don’t see anyone in the alley, but we circle around the block and come up the alley from the south before parking inside the garage. Rosalie presses the door close button as soon as we clear the door.

  Rosalie picks up a phone and presses a button. “Rosa. Garage.” She listens for a moment. “Roger. Out.”

  She tells Manuel, “The back hall is clear. Let’s take them to the basement, and then take the lift to the second floor.”

  “Okay,” he says. “Nice and casual, but swiftly. Ensure you sip on your cup at least once as we cross the back courtyard. Follow me.”

  We leave the garage. I take a long sip about a third of the way across. Josie and I swap cups and she tries mine. She shakes her head and grabs the strawberry back. We enter the back door, and follow the corridor that leads to backstage and the dorms. We pass through a door I’ve never used before, down a set of stairs, and step into a maintenance area with a pair of industrial strength washers and dryers, a couple of the residential models, and big folding tables. There are cabinets lining the walls that don’t have machines, easy chairs, and a lounge area with a TV.

  Manuel presses a button, and we all get in the elevator. We get out on the second floor and quietly walk to my reserved suite. We slide inside and close the door as quietly as poss
ible. Chantelle is waiting for us. She wraps us all in hugs before hanging the small frame. Josie texts one of the wives, and the large frame comes through immediately after Chantelle is finished.

  Josie sets it up, and I collect hugs from Rosalie and Manuel. I tell them, “Have Viktorija call me when she is able.”

  Chantelle interjects, “It will be a few hours. We need to do a sweep after the fucking priest leaves. Tori won’t leave him alone for a minute, but I don’t trust him.” Josie collects hugs from Manuel and Rosalie. She kisses Chantelle warmly and slides through the passage.

  “You shouldn’t,” I agree. “They left Manuel for dead and planned to abduct Rosa. Ask Tori to send me a picture of this guy. Be safe, you’re important to me.”

  All three murmur, “Yes, Lord” as I slide through the passage.

  I arrive in the Mount Vernon house in Prescott to be hugged and kissed by my newest wife.

  Josie collects the passage from Chantelle while Carla purrs at me. “Welcome home, Mr. James.”

  I grin at Carla’s satisfied expression. “I am so happy to be here with you, Mrs. James.”

  Carla smiles seductively. “Husband, all the ladies Mrs. James would like a wet kiss and a grope.”

  I laugh. “Come to me, my lovely wives.” First Audrey, then Marissa, and finally Josie all get their kisses. All are in jeans, boots, and sweatshirts or sweaters.

  I look around for Rebecca. Audrey says, “Rebecca went to Costco with Darcie. They’re probably serving up pancakes now at Darcie’s farm.”

  I hug her again, “Thanks, Kitten. Are you rested enough to try summoning Alöise?”

  Audrey says, “Will, I think we need to summon Shryl first. I need to ensure I use the appropriate form of address and inflection to ensure that we have the maximum chance of success.”

  “Okay, Kitten. Tell me your plan,” I tell her gently.

  Audrey nods, “We summon, Shryl. We have her tell us what she knows, what it’s like on the ground, what our options are. Gather intelligence.”

  I ponder her words for a moment. She opens her mouth, but I hold up my hands. “Audrey, that is very wise counsel. In combat, we always collected intelligence before going to battle. My emotional response could have wasted our only opportunity. Thank you for catching me before I made a mistake, Kitten.” I pull her into a hug. “You’re more than just a pretty face, my superb wife.”

  Audrey giggles. “Damned right. I’m your kinky submissive slut, too.” She brushes her lips across mine. “Seriously, my husband. Thank you for listening. I know you want to get our girl’s mummy home...our lover...our friend. Be deliberate. Be smart. Be creative. Be wise. We can do this if we don’t rush into making a mistake.”

  I nod thoughtfully as I hold my smart volleyball babe. As my brain churns ponderously, I finally get my brain wrapped around the thought that has been teasing me since Audrey mentioned intelligence. I tense as I think to myself, ‘She is not going to like this!’

  Audrey murmurs, “Shit. You just thought of it too, didn’t you.”

  “Chrysilla,” I murmur in response.

  “Damn,” she whispers.

  “Yeah,” I agree. “Are any of the others better suited to be an agent for us?”

  Audrey shakes her head, “No. The other two reputable brokers only deal within their houses. Chrysilla’s value is that her business spans all houses across Prime.”

  “Prime...are there other elven worlds?” I ask.

  Audrey nods, but it’s Carla that answers. “Yes, William. There are three colony worlds. House Elassaine rules them all.”

  Audrey adds, “Four now - a moon. House Valeran has tried to take them over several times, but Elassaine has the technical and strategic advantage. They are probably the source of the Valeran’s neutron generators, portals, and the rifles. The only question is were they sold or stolen.”

  Carla hugs up to Audrey. “I can summon her. You did swear. I didn’t. Let me take this burden from you, Kitten.”

  Audrey smiles gently. “I would be grateful, Mrs. James.”

  “It’s my pleasure to help you, Mrs. James,” Carla responds with a warm smile and a hug.

  Josie slides in to join the cuddle, so Marissa shrugs and joins in, too. Marissa yawns, “Don’t leave out the slut!”

  “Well, my lady wives, I want to talk to Lara first. I don’t know her thoughts on Chrysilla, but I can’t imagine they’re positive. I don’t want to spring this on her after the fact,” I murmur.

  I address my amazon wife, “We need to call Susan, Josie.”

  Josie kisses my cheek. “You are so slow this morning, husband! I already called her. She was asleep, but she’ll text me when she is ready. She said ten minutes.”

  “Good,” I reply as I rub Josie’s cheek with my own. “Time enough to make a good cup of coffee.”

  Josie asks, “Would you bring me one, Mr. James? I’ll bring Susan up as soon as she gets here.”

  “Of course, Mrs. James,” I kiss Josie warmly. “All this ‘Mrs. James’ business is going to get confusing isn’t it?”

  My wives all laugh. I notice Erica off to the side, biting her lip as they wives split off. I walk over and hug Erica. “How are you doing, Erica?”

  “Okay?” she says. “I feel a little left out of the wife thing, but I am not feeling particularly drawn to you, Will. I know you essentially own me, but is that okay?”

  “My glyph is to seal your soul in you and to keep other necromancers from enslaving you. I don’t own you, Erica. You are completely free, and I want you to choose the life you want and live it,” I tell her. “I will always consider you family. I won’t consider you for a wife unless I feel a connection to you, you feel one for me, and all of my wives agree. That need not ever happen. You can be an important part of our family without ever crossing the threshold of the bedroom.”

  “Thanks, Will. That helps. Despite the kiss at the gym, I’ve been feeling uncertain about the wife thing. I don’t crave you like the others do. It makes me feel like a third wheel on a bicycle,” Erica says. “That was a very nice kiss, though.”

  I chuckle, “So, cousin. Shall we go upstairs and make some coffee?”

  “Okay,” she agrees with a chuckle. As we ascend the stairs, Erica gets a mischievous look. “Hey, Will. Can I at least be the sexy cousin that all your wives fuck?”

  I laugh out loud. “That sounds like a concubine-level membership in our new family contract. We’ll see.”

  As we ascend from the sub-basement to the basement, a naked Clarice runs down the hall and jumps on me for a body hug. She groggily enthuses, “Daddy! You’re home!”

  I laugh, “Yes, Clarice. I am. Now, naked time is over. Go put some clothes on your sexy little body before you give your old foster-father a heart attack.”

  Clarice brushes a kiss across my lips. “But, Daddy! This is how I sleep,” she pouts.

  I spank her round ass. “You’re not in your bedroom right now, are you? I expect at least a robe outside your room or the bathroom. Are we clear, Clarice?”

  “Yes, Daddy!” She whimpers. She kisses my cheek and rubs her pert breasts against my arm.

  “Clarice!” I bark as I spank her ass again.

  “Sorry, Daddy.” She actually does look contrite. “You know my heritage. It’s difficult not to act out.”

  I try to be a little less intense. “I know, honey. Your heritage is why you have to stay disciplined. I can’t discipline you; you have to do it yourself. Go put some clothes on and join us upstairs. We’re having coffee until Susan arrives,” I tell her gently.

  Clarice gasps, “She’s coming back? Awesome!” She spins and skips towards her bedroom as Erica and I continue upstairs.

  Erica gets out cups and milk as I start the espresso machine, a recent contribution to the kitchen courtesy of Carla. I also put the kettle on. Erica and I get the assembly line going, but I have to bail when I get a text from Raul Contreras saying ‘Calling,’ followed by a call from a number identified as Maxim S

  Erica says, “I’ve got it, Will. Take one and go.”

  I kiss her forehead and grab a cup after connecting the call.

  “Will here, may I help you?”

  Raul is on the phone, and he gives me an update. Raul got called to the site by Darius as soon as they called the police, which is their proper protocol. The police finally let him, Darius and Alan go almost an hour ago.

  I look at the clock. ‘Shit! It’s noon!’

  Raul said they were told not to go anywhere. Mikey, the zombie with the head wound, was found on the 13th floor. Since he wasn’t supposed to be there, the guards have all been put on suspension until the company finishes its investigation, which will require the police report. The police are pretty freaked out by finding 2,200 tiny dead people with pointy ears and weird weapons. The pile of dead sex slaves on the 9th floor really messed with them. When he left, the FBI and Homeland Security were both on site, and the police had Camelback and Highland both closed. He said it looked like every police car in the city seemed to be there.

  “Okay, Raul. Thanks, for the update. Are you on suspension, too?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I’ve got a couple of hours of paperwork to do, after that I’m done,” he answers.

  I nod as I take a sip of coffee. “Okay. Expect a text with an address tomorrow with a meeting time. I don’t have it scheduled, but I’d like you and Darius to be there. We can discuss requirements when we meet. If you decide you like the job, it will be long-term.”

  “Works for me. Talk to you tomorrow, Ma-a-a,” he fumbles with the natural inclination of my zombies to call me ‘Master.’

  “Boss is fine, Raul,” I tell him quickly.

  “Sure thing, Boss. Talk to you tomorrow.” Raul signs off. Susan and Clarice walk into the kitchen followed closely by Josie.

  I kiss Susan’s lips lightly as I give her a welcome hug. I tell her, “Welcome home, Susan.” She smiles shyly.

  Josie says, “Clarice was regaling her with tales of your discipline this morning. Apparently the impact it had on her was not what you were expecting.” Josie smirks as Susan slides off to collect hugs from the rest of the family.


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