Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3) Page 15

by JG Jerome

  I look at my errant daughter as I address Josie. “I don’t care as long as she follows the rules.”

  I address Clarice next. “Honey, get a cup of coffee and get changed into jeans and boots. We’re going to Jack’s farm after we do this summoning.”

  Clarice’s demeanor changes immediately from flirtatious to ‘all business.’ “Okay, Daddy. Battle rattle?”

  “Bring it along, but I don’t think it will be needed,” I tell her. Clarice turns and runs down the stairs.

  Carla grabs a coffee cup in one hand and Audrey in the other. “Mr. James, we need to check the circle since Audrey was so tired last night. We’ll meet you downstairs.”

  “Okay, Mrs. James,” I answer as I eye-fuck her.

  Carla moans and turns, “I do love the sound of that, husband!” Just before they reach the stairs, She calls out, “What are you looking at, Mr. James?”

  “Two sexy wives, Mrs. James.” Carla and Audrey chuckle as they turn down the stairs.

  Josie and Susan cuddle and murmur back and forth. I can’t hear what they’re saying. They grab cups and head downstairs, leaving me with Marissa and Erica.

  I slide in behind Marissa and pull her back into me. She tilts her head to allow me access to her neck. She cradles my head in her arm as I lower my head to suckle her neck.

  She murmurs, “William, my love, I adore what you’re doing, but your slut wife needs coffee desperately.”

  I chuckle as I nuzzle her neck. “Okay, lover. Give me a kiss, and we can drink coffee on the way downstairs.”

  Marissa turns and devours my mouth, pressing her breasts into my chest and groping my ass with the hand not holding her coffee. We break for a breath when Erica announces, “All done. Let’s go, you two lovebirds.”

  Marissa hums, “Hmmm” as she walks toward the stairs. I follow her alluring figure, and Erica loops her arm around my elbow.

  We arrive downstairs to find Audrey sitting in front of her circle sipping coffee. Carla is sitting right next to her, and the two sorceresses are chatting quietly.

  I walk up and murmur, “Okay, my loves. Let’s do this.”

  Audrey starts speaking a language that sounds amazingly like French with the word ‘Shryl’ in the middle.

  A moment later, the succubus we’re looking for is quivering on the floor. Shryl is completely nude, and she has red skin, long black hair, small black horns, a long tail with a sheathed spike on the end. She has leathery wings and her feet look like a mix between a human and an eagle - a heavy claw out the heel, long toes with clawed nails, but the same red flesh that covers the rest of her body. Otherwise, she is built like a Playboy playmate - busty, curvy, and exuding sex appeal. She looks up at us with shining red eyes with slit pupils. She growls, “Whatever it is, I’ll do it. Just feed me. Please!”

  “Help us find Alöise,” Audrey says.

  “Deal,” Shryl gasps. “I’ve been stuck in a cell since my return. Please. Feed me.”

  “Stay back everyone,” I bark.

  Audrey says, “The circle is down.”

  I look at Shryl and step into the circle with her. I hug her. “It’s probably not safe for you to have sex, is it?” Shryl shakes her head as her clawed nails dig into my shoulders.

  I turn to my wives. “I’m sorry, my loves. We need to feed Shryl.” Clarice walks into the room as I say, “Please strip.” I squeeze Shryl and carefully step out. She stays huddled inside the circle.

  Clarice gasps, “Shryl! Oh, honey! What did they do to you?”

  I explain, “She hasn’t been fed since she left. We need to generate lust.”

  Clarice interrupts. “No you don’t.”

  I look at her questioningly. “Explain quickly, honey. The poor girl is starving.” Clarice looks at me panicked. I’m guessing she doesn’t want to share her heritage. I tell her, “Clarice, you lived with two succubae, one for your entire life. What do we need to do?”

  Clarice relaxes and says, “Love is more powerful food than lust. You have four wives here, and three other people that love you. Hold each other. Kiss each other. Just do what comes naturally. Lust will arise, of course, but don’t try to orchestrate anything. Just do what comes naturally. That will be much more effective than trying to artificially generate lust for her.”

  I pull Clarice into a hug and kiss her cheek. Shryl moans, “Yes!” She sounds orgasmic. I look down at Clarice.

  Clarice shrugs. “Daddy, I love you as the father figure in my life, but I don’t think I will ever stop lusting for you.”

  I smile ironically. “Well I suppose this is the one time I won’t give you grief about it.”

  Clarice grins, “My bedroom is right above here. I’m going to go do what comes naturally to sexually frustrated teenagers. I’ll be back in a little while.”


  Feeding Shryl

  Clarice dashes off, and I look around to find that my wives are already busily feeding Shryl.

  Marissa and Carla are groping each other’s partially undressed bodies aggressively as they devour each other’s mouths. Erica is naked, reaching inside Audrey’s panties while they kiss and work to strip Audrey. Josie is still dressed, standing behind Susan with a hand on her abdomen and another caressing her arm as she whispers in Susan’s ear. Susan is still dressed in the outfit she wore in Chicago. She’s breathing heavily and leaning into Josie’s face as the larger woman caresses her.

  Well, I’m definitely filled with lust. I carefully step into the circle, squat, and lift Shryl into a bridal carry. I carefully step out of the circle and take Shryl to the center of it all. I lay her down on cushions. I kiss her cheek. I tell her, “You are surrounded by love, Shryl. Soak it in.”

  As I stand, Shryl opens her legs and touches her obviously moist slit. She looks at me with hooded, glowing eyes. She purrs, “Thank you, Lord.”

  I walk up to Susan and wrap her and Josie in a hug. I can see lust fogging their eyes. I kiss Susan, and she moans into my mouth. I caress the underside of her breast. “This is the part that you may not have thought much about, Susan. My wives love each other at least as much as they love me.”

  “Yes,” she murmurs as she rubs her cheek against Josie’s lips. “Marissa kissed me last night.” She sighs. “Their lips are so soft! Their touch is so soft!”

  I tell her, “Your first time with me will be alone and in a bed - proper consummation of our commitment to each other. That doesn’t mean you can’t explore your feelings for Josie right now.” Susan stares at me with lust-hooded eyes. I tell her, “You’re wet right now, aren’t you, Susan?” She nods. “You’re wet for the tall, strong, sexy woman holding you.” She nods again. I kiss Susan passionately. “Then explore that now, Susan - if you like.” She nods again and reaches back to hold onto Josie’s hips.

  I lean in and kiss Josie. “Enjoy, Mrs. James.”

  “I will, Mr. James,” Josie replies with joy and lust in her eyes.

  I make my way to Audrey and Erica. I kiss them both. I whisper into Erica’s ear, “I know who you love, Erica. Let her know it, too.”

  Then I whisper to Audrey, “When you are eating her pussy, I’m going come fuck you, Kitten.” Audrey moans at the thought.

  I get up, strip, and join Marissa and Carla. We kiss, caress, and grope each other until they are both laying on a cushion facing each other. They kiss and caress each other as I slide my cock into each of them for five strokes at a time. Carla goes first, then Marissa collapses. I kiss them both before I go make good on my promise to Audrey. Audrey collapses in a pile on top of Erica when I cum inside her. I lay down on the floor, and my Kitten and Erica each crawl up onto a shoulder to cuddle. Erica’s soft flesh feels wonderful against my body, but I restrain myself from more than caressing her shoulder gently as I hug her to me. As I look over at the red-skinned beauty next to us, my thoughts turn to how I can find my missing lover.

  Shryl is lying relaxed on her cushion gently caressing her breasts and pussy. The red glow is gone from her eyes.
  I slide out from between the two lovely ladies and get dressed. Marissa follows my example, and Carla follows shortly thereafter. Susan is in her panty and boots laying on Josie’s naked body, wrapped in her arms. I don’t know if they went farther than that, but they are talking and caressing each other as I look around for my coffee cup.

  I take a sip from the cold dregs as I stand over Shryl. She raises a hand languidly, and I pull her up. She wraps her arms around my waist and her tail around my leg. Her skin is perfect and soft as silk. Her face turns up toward mine. I wrap an arm under her right wing and caress her lower back. She looks up at me with eyes that have pink sclera, golden irises, and vertically oval pupils. She really is exotically beautiful.

  Shryl says, “Thank you, Lord. I really needed that. They’ve had me in a cell since I got back home.”

  I frown. “I bet you could use some real food, too. Let’s get you something to eat, and maybe we can figure out how to rescue Alöise.”

  Susan walks up and kisses my shoulder. “Thank you, fiancé.” She gives me a significant look. “Before I go home on Sunday.” I notice she is still dressed in just her panty and boots, carrying her dress, belt, and bra.

  I tell her. “No rush, my love. I’m here waiting for you.” I lean over and catch the kiss she wants to give me. “Shryl, this is Susan Rey. She is both my boss at work and my fiancé. Susan, meet Shryl. We only knew her as Vanessa until quite recently, the name of her zombie host. Vanessa still lives at the salon in Phoenix with Viktorija, Luis, and the rest of the family. I don’t think you got to meet her. This is the first time we’ve had the pleasure of seeing Shryl in her natural form.”

  Josie, Audrey, Marissa, and Carla all come up to hug Shryl. Carla introduces herself because I forgot she didn’t know Vanessa before Shryl left.

  I ask my wives, “Can we find her a skirt and work up some kind of halter for her? I know the tail and wings will make it difficult, but we need to get out to the farm. I don’t want her to stand out even more than she already does. We need to hurry out there, so I can heal Chiara.”

  Audrey says, “Let her stay here with me. I’ll question her about the lay of the land. You can question her again when you get back.”

  I think about it. “No, I think we all go. I think we will need to send her back to talk to Queen Alafair. That means we need to send her to a particular place. We need the elven portals to do that. Simple covering. Maybe my duster over what I described. It can cover her wings.”

  Shryl asks, “Can I shower quickly? I’m filthy.”

  Clarice joins us wrapped in a short, grey kimono style robe.

  I sigh. “Okay. You have fifteen minutes to shower. Clarice can brush out your hair in the car. Clarice, take her to your shower. Josie and Carla, please find something for her to wear. Marissa, Audrey, Erica, and Susan - get basic weapons. I don’t expect trouble at the farm, but we should be prepared.”

  Susan says, “I’ll change into jeans and a sweater.”

  I look at her standing there with her bare pointed breasts, panty, and boots. “That’s a shame, Susan. I’m digging this look on you.”

  “Oh, pooh!” She waves a hand at me dismissively and goes upstairs to find some clothes with Josie and Carla. Her ass is mesmerizing in the flimsy fabric of the panty hanging from her hips and draping her lovely ass. She looks over her shoulder to catch me looking and smiles shyly before she disappears.

  I call out, “The bus leaves in twenty minutes, ladies.”

  I step into the loo off the playroom and pee. I wash up, and head up to the master suite. I strip my pistol, clean it quickly, and reassemble it. I function check the weapon and load a magazine. I put a couple of drops of oil on the blade and into the joints of my folding knife. There is a significant amount of blood still in the pores of the metal. I oil it again and wipe it down again. The rag looks clean, so I fold the knife and tuck it into my pocket. I grab my batons and tuck them into my back pockets. I grab a jean jacket and put my Taser flashlight in a pocket.

  I hurry out to the kitchen to fill water bottles only to find Erica already filling them and coffee mugs. She sets the current set of vessels on the counter and looks at me. I cup her face and kiss tongue, but warm and lingering. I look into her startled eyes and tell her. “Thank you, Erica. You are a valuable member of the family, and I appreciate you.”

  Erica just stares into my eyes, her warm brown eyes looking at me through her glasses. I tell her, “I’m going to put a jo in the car for myself. Do you want one? Maybe a bokken?”

  Erica whispers, “A bokken please.” She hesitates for a moment. “Why did you kiss me?”

  I answer, “I care about you, and I appreciate you. I think that kiss did say that, right?” I get out sandwich fixings, but turn back in time to see her reaction.

  She nods and bites her lip. “Will, I think I prefer girls.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me, Erica,” is my response. “I care for you regardless. I might even go so far as to say that I love you - just not like I do my wives. Sex doesn’t have to figure into our relationship at all, but the love is there nonetheless - like a friend, sibling, cousin.” I cock an eyebrow at her, and she smiles remembering the comments before Shryl arrived. “Make sense?”

  She nods solemnly and slowly smiles. She kisses me similarly to how I kissed her, but I feel her tongue lick my mouth as she pulls away. She spins away rapidly.

  I think to myself, ‘That poor girl is confused!’

  I start to rest my hands on her hips, but redirect them to her shoulders. “I’m here for you Erica. Even if you just want to sit with a cup of coffee and talk through things.” I kiss the crown of her head.

  She bows her head. “Thank you, Will.” She sniffs and points to the drinking vessels. “I washed them all, so take any pair. I’ll talk to Rebecca about getting labels, so everyone has their own.”

  “Labels probably don’t matter. There are some drink carriers we’ve recycled under the sink. Let’s load them up,” I offer. I whip a quick ham and havarti cheese sandwich together for Shryl, and wrap it in foil.

  Erica opens the cabinet and looks inside as I put the food back in the refrigerator. She pulls out a handful of folded cardboard drink carriers. She smiles at me as she lays them out and opens them. I put pairs of drinks into the carriers. Erica says, “I gotta go pee before we go.” She leans up to kiss my cheek. “Leave me a couple to carry.” She dashes off to the powder room.

  “Where’s your jacket?” I call.

  Audrey walks in and calls out, “I have it, Erica.”

  “Thanks, Audrey,” echoes down the hall.

  Audrey kisses me wetly. I can still taste Erica on her mouth. ‘It’s a shame, Erica tastes delicious.’

  Audrey tells me, “I’m afraid she’s just into me, Master.”

  I nod and smile, “I know, Kitten. She and I have been talking about it. Encourage her to talk - you, me, or one of the other wives. We’re about as safe as a set of ears can be. She doesn’t need to be my lover to be a part of our family.” Audrey nods and smiles. I tell her, “You need to figure out if you love her as much as she loves you.” Audrey’s eyes flash open, and she bites her lip.

  I add, “You are my wife, and I love you. I have no intention of ever letting you go, Kitten, but I’m okay if you love Erica, too. You have a big, loving heart. I know you love Rebecca, Marissa, Josie, and Carla. You have a big enough heart to love many more. Just don’t take Erica for granted. She’s a special girl. Okay?”

  She nods vigorously and sniffs. “William, just when I think I can’t love you any more than I do, you do something like this.”

  I whisper in Audrey’s ear, “Is it just me, or does she taste like buttery popcorn?”

  Audrey laughs. “Right? Unsalted, heavily buttered popcorn. Salty after a workout.” She whispers in my ear, “I want to eat her pussy every time I watch a movie.”

  “You are so bad, Kitten,” I chuckle.

  “I know, but you love me anyw
ay. Shall I take these?” she asks as she grabs two carriers.

  “Yes, I do - and yes, please,” I confirm. “You, Clarice, and Shryl will ride with me. Marissa, Carla, and Erica will ride in the Audi. Josie and Susan will take the pickup. We can swap on the return, but we will have Rebecca, Lara, Mica, and probably T’os on the return” I set Shryl’s sandwich in one of the carriers and pick up two carriers in each hand as Erica returns. She puts on her jacket and grabs the last two carriers.

  We start down the stairs toward the back door. I call out, “Let’s go, ladies!”

  We walk past the bedrooms in the basement. I see Shryl in a seafoam green bikini top, Carla’s running headband over her horns, and a high-waisted grey skirt with her tail curled around her left leg. She appears to be wearing my old hiking boots.

  Marissa sees where I’m looking. She says, “It was either tie her feet into these, or put her in flip flops.”

  I call out as I walk down the hall, “Bring the flip flops if they’re handy. I can’t imagine that is going to work well for her.”

  I hear Shryl’s sultry voice call out, “I’ll be okay, Lord.”

  “Great. Bring them anyway,” I answer. “Marissa, please take a jo outside for me and a bokken for Erica. My hands are full.”

  “I got ‘em!” Clarice hollers before I hear her boots stomping down the stairs.

  We end up jockeying around the seating plan, so I have Erica in addition to my planned passengers. Josie and Susan pull out in the pickup. Marissa follows, and I take the trail position. I’ve still got half a tank, so I’m not worried about fuel.

  I do not want to pull into a petrol station with Shryl in the car. I’ve got Audrey and Erica sitting on either side of her in the back seat to hide her. She’s about the same height as Erica.

  The trip out was uneventful. I called Rebecca as soon as we got on the road to let her know we’re on our way. Shryl finished her sandwich before we got to Gurley and Sheldon. After I disconnected, Audrey and I questioned Shryl on the situation on planet Ravissement.


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