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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

Page 18

by JG Jerome

  Lenore says, “That will appeal to her. I think I should also be there as someone she knows and maybe trusts a bit.”

  I look at Warren, “Is that doable?”

  He nods, “The back patio. It has a roof, and it is large enough to set up what you’re describing without crowding by Earth standards. Plus it looks out over the fields to the north with the mountains behind them. That should appeal to elven nature. I have a variety of decorative vases around the house with peacock feathers, pampas grass, etcetera that should suffice for decorations. I’ll want to give the patio a good scrub first, and then pull the rug out of my office. It’s an eleven-by-fourteen foot Afghan rug.”

  I look at my elven advisors, and they all nod.

  Leonore calls out in Elvish, and one of the elven women runs up from the barn. Leonore gives her instructions and then the girl runs off. She looks at me, “I asked her to bring five ladies to help with the cleaning and setup. They all want something to do. I told her the volunteers should all speak at least some English.”

  “Thanks, Lenore.” I address the group again. “We should also assess what the elves know about fighting.”

  Warren says, “I’m going to get starting on the prep.” He walks off to the house.

  Lara says, “Everyone goes through basic military training in their youth. Usually from age twenty to twenty-three. They will know basic blade skills, marksmanship skills, and parade drill. Not much more than that, but they will have gone through several combat training exercises.”

  Marissa says, “That’s a good start. Shall I start working with Leonore to identify likely security folks?”

  “Yes,” I agree. “I think we’re going to have to cultivate multiple skill sets in everyone to be successful.”

  Rebecca says, “I agree. I need to get a core group that is able to feed them all. I’ll work with Marissa and Leonore to start screening candidates. We’ll also need gardners, farmers, cleaning staff, etcetera. A rotation may be best, so everyone gets to try things. Susan, would you like to help with that? You probably have the most experience in people development and interviewing.”

  Susan slides off me and hugs Rebecca. “I would love to help.”

  Erica says, “Shall I see if Warren has a pad and pen? We can get everyone’s names and summarize their skills.”

  Susan answers, “Good idea, Erica. Thank you.”

  She grins at the praise and runs off to find Warren. That turns out to be easy because he sticks his head out of the front door of the house. “Will, you might want to see the news.”

  I hurried to the house and followed Warren inside. To my left was a large kitchen with a rustic dining table in the middle of it. To the right was a large great room area with a big flat screen television on the wall. My ladies all sat on the couch facing the TV until it was full. The rest leaned on the back of the sofa on either side of me, cuddling close and touching their sisters seated in front of them. Lenore, Chiara, Mica, and T’os all sat on a loveseat nearby, but Lara was cuddled on the couch between Rebecca and Carla.

  Warren sat in a worn leather recliner and grabbed a remote. He said, “I record the local news every morning and the national news every evening. I can’t tolerate any more of what passes for news in the morning, but I figure I better keep tabs on things. This way I can catch the daily scandal reports around the work I need to do. I turned it on as I started to gather the vases, and found this.” He hits a button and the screen plays the recording.

  I was surprised to see the bland brunette that runs the station’s weekday morning show on the screen. She reported seriously. “Early this morning, police received a call to a crime scene at the Esplanade condominiums on Camelback. Security guards were conducting their early morning rounds when they discovered many dead bodies on nearly every floor of the fourteen-floor building. Walls had been torn out to make each floor a large open bay. Of the over two thousand dead all but two were short, slightly built humanoid persons with elongated ears. The images we are about to share with you are disturbing. If you have a weak constitution, you may want to turn away from the screen.”

  They showed a couple of still photos of elves that weren’t mutilated too badly. Then some footage of the 8th floor with the waves of soldiers who died in formation. The vapid brunette continued, “The bodies bear gunshot wounds, stab wounds, slashing wounds, and animal bites. Several bodies were literally cut in half. The police are processing the scene, but are asking for information from the public. There is a reward for information that leads to arrests in this crime. Call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS, that’s 480-948-6377, or 1-800-343-TIPS, that’s 1-800-343-8477, if you have information on this or any other crime.”

  The camera switched to a pretty boy who looks about sixteen, who then talked about a major drug bust last night at a club in Scottsdale.

  I said, “No wonder the Church was nosing around this morning.”

  That got the attention of Warren, so I explained getting accosted by the hunter team, killing them, and getting to Bernadette’s salon only to find a priest there questioning Viktorija. Then I had to explain hunter teams and the importance of the Church to the elves. Lara knew a little, but the other four were completely uninformed.

  The two elves from the kitchen stood to the side wringing their hands as they processed our conversation. I asked them for a coffee refill, and the one with the ash blond hair took my mug from me and curtsied before she hurried off to the kitchen.

  Rebecca followed her to the kitchen, wrapping her arm around the golden blond elf enroute and escorting her gently to her post. Shortly the two elves returned with trays of coffee and water glasses. I drained a glass of water and sipped my coffee. After they curtsied and left, we discussed our immediate tasks again.

  Warren offered a guest room for summoning Chrysilla, and my two sorcerer wives immediately got busy with preparing a circle.

  Josie begged a pen, a pencil, and a pad of paper from Warren. Josie tore off a couple sheets of paper and kept the pencil. She gave the rest to Erica. Josie, the elven magicians, and Shryl retired to the kitchen to discuss plans for transportation to rescue Bernadette… Alöise.

  Marissa, Clarice, Lara, Susan, and Erica all collected hugs and kisses before they went to talk to the rest of the refugees.

  Leonore stopped by to talk to me. “Lord, I and most of my staff are all originally from House Spirituae. They all collect information and report it to me, and I send it to the head of the Healers Academy for House Spirituae on Prime. I’ve been doing this since long before the plan to come to Earth. My daughter doesn’t know about it. My staff and I would like to take advantage of your offer of amnesty.”

  I looked at her and shook my head in anger. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I just assumed that you were trained within House Valeran.”

  Leonore explained, “Lord, this is the way of my people. House Spirituae are the most gifted at healing. The courts generally hire their top healers from my house, just like they hire their top magicians from House Serenissima and their top technomancers from House Ellisande or House Ludmilla. Most have their homegrown talent too, but the training isn’t as good as the houses that specialize, and the gifts tend to run stronger in the people from the traditional houses. It’s common practice to hire the talent you need and then try to win them over with rewards, while hiding your biggest secrets from them.”

  I commented, “That’s just great. How about the pleasure slaves? Are they likely to be spies, too.”

  Leonore said, “No. They are all house Valeran daughters that didn’t have enough magical talent to bother training. There was one from Serenissima, but Valya killed her when she killed Ilara’en’s sister. All of the pleasure slaves went to basic military training after basic education. If they didn’t find an apprenticeship, their parents would sell them for sex slaves. If they are not pretty enough to get picked or there is a low demand, they could end up living with their parents indefinitely. My people are generally not particularly sen
timental. If the parents were poor or tired of having unemployed children around the house, the parents would feed them a large final meal, drug them, and then decapitate them. The parents would turn their heads in for culling credit and eat their daughter’s flesh. If they were really poor or overly sentimental, they would sell the meat. Male children sometimes will get sold for sex slaves but are more often sold off to soldier. Otherwise, the same practices apply. Many children have cried through their entire last meal knowing they will not see the next day.”

  I dropped my head and wept in sorrow for the lives of the average elf. Leonore laid her hand on my shoulder. “Many of the people you killed on prime were hoping to escape this cycle, but knowing the Valeran leaders, they had no chance. I hate to admit it, but killing them was likely a mercy.”

  I took a moment to compose myself and raised my eyes toward the sky. “Most High, I can’t let these people destroy mine, but please never let me forget that despite looking and thinking differently, they are still people. Remind me to grant mercy when I can, to make their deaths mercifully quick when I can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.”

  I bowed my head and heard Rebecca in the background intone, “Thus mote it be.”

  I pulled Leonore into a hug. “Thank you for explaining that, Leonore.”

  I released her, and she went off to gather the cleaning detail. I drank coffee and tried to collect my thoughts. The pretty little kitchen elves and my sexy witchy wife all kept me supplied with coffee and water until Audrey came to lead me back to the summoning about an hour later.


  Negotiating with Chrysilla

  Audrey leads me out to the back porch to inspect it before we summon Chrysilla. The patio is set up perfectly. The large red rug with small blue and gold squares throughout is centered between the central two posts overlooking the pastoral scene. A large coffee table covered with a navy cloth sits toward the front laden with china coffee cups, matching plates, a complete coffee and tea service, and a trays of snacks. There is a cushion on either end of the table with an elven girl in a white toga similar to the one Chiara was wearing - one is the golden-haired elf from the kitchen, the other is a tiny strawberry-blond. I think, ‘Her name is Zenia.’ Both ladies blush at my regard.

  I turn to inspect the other details before the twitch in my pants grows more problematic gazing upon them. There is a semi-circle of couch cushions - five cushions alternating taupe and burnt orange. I’m guessing they came from the living room based on the colors. Large vases or pots with peacock feathers, pampas grass, silk ferns and ficus adorn the base of each post of the patio. There is a hibachi with glowing coals toward the rear between the cushions and the wall of the house to take the edge off the chill from being on the north side patio on the cusp of winter. On either end of the rug, two cushions are arrayed, each with another elven maiden in a toga. On the right, a third cushion has a bed tray and a laptop computer sitting upon it.

  Audrey says, “Carla will scribe. She and I will sit on the wings. You will sit in the center. Rebecca will sit to your left to represent the wives. Chrysilla will sit to your right, and Leonore will sit between her and Carla.”

  I nod, “We should have T’os, Chiara, Mica and Lara sitting in the gallery. I want Chrysilla to see that her people are an integral part of this. Also, I want Lara to sit to my left. I don’t want to snub Rebecca, but I already have two wives present. Lara is my trusted elven advisor, so she should sit to my left.”

  “Damn,” says Audrey. “I owe Rebecca an hour of pussy licking. She bet me you would say that.”

  I almost chuckle at that. “She is very attuned to me, but then again you all are.”

  Audrey whispers, “Master, please don’t let this tear you down. I know you’re under a lot of pressure. Use me to relieve yourself.”

  All the elves gasp at the ‘use me’ comment.

  Audrey caresses my face, “All of us are here for you to use or to help with the work. Just tell us what you need, my husband.”

  I pull Audrey into a passionate kiss and squeeze her firm athletic ass. She moans in my mouth and crawls up my body until her legs are wrapped around my waist. I consider taking her right now on the carpet in front of all the elves. Fortunately, I pull myself together.

  “I love you, Kitten. You are a treasure beyond measure,” I murmur into her neck. “Let’s do this.”

  Audrey slides down my body to stand on her own feet again. We walk in and find Rebecca standing next to the door of the guestroom we are using for a summoning chamber. Audrey nods to her, and Rebecca pumps her fist and exclaims, “Yes!”

  “Excited, Baby?” I ask with a smile.

  “Are you kidding? Audrey has mad skills!” she gushes with a grin on her face. I notice her hair is just about reaching her shoulders, and there are errant little curls popping up.

  I cup Rebecca’s face with my right hand as I hold Audrey to my left. I slowly feast on Rebecca’s lips, and she moans into my mouth.

  “Soon, Baby. I need you,” I tell her.

  “I need you too, Mr. James,” she answers with a joyful glint in her eye.

  I release both ladies and walk into the summoning room. It’s a small circle, but Carla nods her head when I cock an eyebrow at her. Audrey assures me, “It’s okay, husband. We don’t need anything bigger. We will dismiss it immediately upon her arrival.”

  I look around and see Leonore and Lara standing outside as the other elves walk past on their way to the patio. I ask them, “What are your family names?

  “Vallaye,” Lara says.

  “Nessian,” Leonore says. She adds, “Chrysilla’s is Nix. As I mentioned Rallent’or was her nephew. I am her niece by her sister.”

  I ask, “Do either of you know how much the bounty was for healers?”

  Leonore says, “Five hundred grams of gold, Lord. It’s the only thing more valuable than food.”

  I shake my head, “I’ll never understand how metals got to be more valuable than food.” I turn to Rebecca. “Please let Clarice know I need one of those plates, rikki tik.”

  Rebecca nods, “Right away, William.” She hurries off after brushing a kiss on my lips.

  I nod to Audrey, “Let’s begin.”

  Audrey places me to Carla’s left and she takes a seat to Carla’s right. Carla begins to intone a summons in what I’m starting to recognize as the Elven language. A haze begins to form and then fade away.

  Carla stops speaking in Elvish. “She’s busy, and asked to call back in ten minutes.” She crawls onto my lap and says, “I wish I wore a skirt, I could ride you while we wait, Mr. James.”

  I hold her and think happy thoughts as we wait.

  Clarice runs up. “Here, Daddy.” She holds out a 500g gold plate.

  I take it and put it in my left jacket pocket. “Thanks, honey,” I tell her. I brush a kiss on her cheek, and she hugs Carla and I before returning the kiss and dashing off.

  Carla says, “She’s going to have ‘Daddy issues,’ Mr. James.”

  “I’m aware, Mrs. James. I’m aware,” I muse.

  Carla kisses me again and slides languidly from my lap. She takes her place and does deep breathing exercises for about a full minute before she starts speaking again in Elvish. With my second sight, I watch purple power light the glyph in front of her as she speaks.

  Slowly a haze develops that coalesces into the elderly elven matron I remember from before. She looks like she is wearing a Victorian nightdress and dressing gown similar to the one Rebecca’s ghost was wearing.

  Carla addresses her in Elvish. All I understand are ‘Carla James née Jackson’ and English.

  Chrysilla looks at Audrey with a sour face. Then she turns to look at me. She doesn’t utter a word. Carla presents an open palm toward her left and says, “This is my Lord Husband, Willam James, on whose behalf I have summoned you.” She extends her right, “This is my sister-wife, Audrey James née Cheung. She asked to be present in the hopes of mending your relationship.”<
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  Chrysilla’s eyes squint in distrust at Audrey before she turns to me with a neutral expression.

  I open the dialog. “Chrysilla Nix.” Her eyebrows lift at my use of her family name. “I would like to engage you in a long-term contract. Will you negotiate?”

  “For what?” she asks shortly.

  “I’m looking for an information broker on Prime. A spymaster, if you prefer. Someone who can get information from all the houses that would be valuable to me,” I explain.

  She scoffs, “I’ve had every ambassador from every royal house at my door today asking for information about what happened to the Valeran stronghold. They will pay handsomely for that information.”

  I smile slightly, “Probably; however, how much of it will you be able to keep? How heavily will you be taxed? How will it help you protect your granddaughter?”

  She is surprised by my response and opens her mouth to speak, but I hold up my hand to forestall her response. “Lady Nix, this is no way to conduct negotiations. If you will commit to negotiate with me, we will escort you to a more suitable location.”

  Chrysilla’s mouth snaps shut. After a moment of consideration she says, “I do commit to negotiating with you. I only have an hour before the local governor is due to show up at my door.”

  I look at Carla, and she breaks the circle. I stand and offer my arm. “Lady Nix, it is our custom for gentlemen to escort ladies on their arm. Would you do me the honor?” She looks at me with a puzzled look. “Just hook your arm through mine. It allows you to use my arm to slow me down if I go too fast.”

  The elderly elf grouses, “If my arthritis weren’t acting up I would reject your offer, but I don’t have my cane with me.” She hooks my arm, and I Iead her at a stately pace toward the back porch. Mica opens the door when he sees me coming and snaps to attention as he holds the door.

  Chrysilla takes in my squire, and I have to caution her to watch the doorsill. I guide her to her seat and grab both of her hands as she gently squats onto the cushion we have for her.


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