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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

Page 21

by JG Jerome

  T’os nods his head. “Understood, Lord. We can give them basics. How effective they are will depend on how well they learn and how much power they can cultivate.”

  Chiara says, “We might be able to augment their power if they can learn the techniques well enough, but only those who can pass tests, Master T’os.”

  T’os is surprised by the honorific. Chiara adds, “You were due the title long ago, and I owed it to you as an apprentice. I was a true brat about it. I’m trying to make it up to you, Master T’os.”

  He pats her hand. “T’os is just fine, Chiara.” She nods bashfully.

  I ask T’os. “Would you walk with me for a moment?” Susan slides off my lap. I tell her, “I’ll be right back, beloved.” I kiss her as I get up.


  Dinner with elves

  T’os and I walk outside.

  I address a problem that’s been bothering me. “T’os, you mentioned that you were not permitted to have sex with the elves. That constraint no longer applies. If you form a relationship with a woman, regardless of race, and she is willing, there is no reason you could not have a sexual relationship with her. I will ask all the ladies to limit themselves to one child each. Rebecca probably has an herbal tonic they can take to prevent pregnancies until you want one. I’ll talk to Rebecca and Leonore about getting the word out to the elven ladies. Regardless, I want you to understand - you are not a second-class member of our family. As elves come out in public, I’ll ensure you are also not a second-class citizen in our world either.”

  T’os reaches up and pats my shoulder. “You cannot guarantee it for the world or even this nation, Lord. I’ve been studying humans through your media and histories since long before I arrived here. I have seen how strong human prejudices are. Your dark-skinned humans are not treated as equals by the light-skinned humans, and the reverse is also true. Your males don’t respect your females, and your females hate that the males subjugate them. National boundaries also generate prejudice. Your nation thinks they are superior to all others. Each Asian group thinks they are superior to everyone else, including other Asian groups - it doesn’t matter which one because they all think that way despite how very similar their appearance is. Then add in your religions and political ideologies, and it’s amazing you’ve managed to not kill each other off centuries ago.”

  I hang my head in shame because he’s right. T’os sighs, “Lorn Valeran justified colonizing your planet and euthanizing your race by saying, ‘It is inevitable that they will eventually kill each other off whether we come or not. We might as well take advantage and hurry the process along before they destroy their ecosystem.’ Did you know your race’s tendencies to hate and violence make your people valuable mercenary slaves among the space-faring pirates. They give you the opportunity to breed, and you will create more hateful fighters for whoever feeds you.”

  I object, “We value our individual freedom. I can’t imagine humans, especially from the United States, making good slaves.”

  T’os shakes his head in disagreement. “Your countrymen are among the worst. Your corporate leaders tell you what to believe and who to hate. They feed you a twisted version of ‘liberty’ as a religion that has nothing to do with freedom. Easily 75% of the population buy it completely. Independent thought has been bred and trained out of you, and then they use the media to distract you with meaningless entertainment and sporting events all while whipping you to spend wealth you don’t have on things you don’t need. Most are like sheep. Like your Roman empire, the success of your country is the root cause of its eminent downfall.”

  He stands in front of me. “I know you mean well, Lord. And I believe you will fight for me. I am satisfied that your word is law among us here and the rest of your family, but you can’t change human nature or the culture of your country or world. Don’t set yourself up for frustration and failure. I appreciate that you saved us rather than killing everyone. That single act makes you a human of distinction. There are few that would have done the same. I hope one day you will call me your friend.”

  I smile ruefully at that. “You’re more astute than I am, T’os. And I hope one day I earn your friendship, too.”

  He smiles at me. “Well, I would like to go see if I can catch the eye of any of the ladies. It’s been a long time. Wish me luck, Lord.”

  “Good luck, T’os,” I answer with a chuckle.

  I go back inside to rejoin the group at the dining table and finish reviewing with Susan. Clarice and Lara are helping Rebecca get food ready.

  Before I sit, Rebecca stops me with a hand on my arm. “We will be ready to set up the serving line in about thirty minutes. Will you help, William?”

  I pull her into a hug and kiss her passionately while I grope her firm little ass. As I let go of her mouth she smacks me. “William, I’m cooking. Don’t distract me!” Her words say ‘no’ but her face and the way her fingers are cinched in my hair say ‘yes!’

  “You look good in those jeans, Baby. Shall I skin them off you?” I murmur in her ear.

  She smacks my shoulders. “No, husband.”

  I kiss her neck and murmur, “I could lay you right down on the table and shock everyone.”

  “William, go do your work with Susan! Go!” She points out of the room, and tries desperately to look stern. “I’ll call you when I need you.”

  “Fine,” I sigh. “Let me get a couple glasses of water.” The ash blond elven girl smirks at us and fills two glasses from the tap.

  The elf says quietly, “Safe to drink this water.”

  I bow graciously. “Thank you, miss.” She darts in and kisses my cheek.

  I sit on the couch and Susan lays back in my lap and resumes her earlier report. “As I said, of the ninety-seven sex slaves, basic soldiering and fucking seem to be their core skill sets. Nineteen said they had magic. A handful, seven to be exact, worked in the kitchens as soldiers. Three grew up on farms helping grow and preserve food. One of them claimed to have basic butchering skills, but she broke down when she said it was butchering her brother and two elder sisters.”

  I interrupt her report, “Let’s not put her in position to butcher meat.”

  Susan grimaces, “She says she would like the opportunity to practice it on animals rather than people.”

  I nod. “Okay, but we need to keep an eye on her. Maybe ask Warren to check her out and ease her suffering.”

  She looks up at me. “Warren said he has some truly messed up cases to deal with. Apparently this one is well off in comparison, but we can keep an eye on her and shower her in kindness.” I nod, and she continues. “Of the ninety-seven pleasure slaves and nineteen female healer staff, fifty-eight of them want to be your concubine or wife.” I palm my face. Susan continues, “The tiny one with the strawberry-blond hair, Zenia…” I nod with my face still in my hand. “...she’s not taking no for an answer.” She looks up at me trying to stifle a laugh.

  “I almost hate to ask, but what exactly did she say?” I murmur into my hand.

  Susan loses it then. “She said, ‘Lord love me. I love him. Make huge hooman babies.’ I told her, ‘Get in line, sister. There are four ahead of you...I kind of assumed Lara was in there with Tori and Berna… er … Alöise.”

  “Yeah,” I grimace. “I still struggle with using her given name, too. I never knew it until Babette told me on her deathbed.”

  We’re both quiet for a couple of minutes holding hands. “Would you like to consummate our marriage now, Susan?” I ask.

  “I want to, but I think we can wait until we can get to a bed,” she murmurs. Then she bites her lip.

  I smirk. “If you’re not sure, we can go inspect the guest room,” I tell her quietly.

  She gives me an intense look and bites her lip. Finally she whispers, “God! I want you so badly, William.”

  I lean down and kiss her. “How about we do lots of cuddles and kisses until you just can’t wait any longer.”

  She smiles at me warmly. “That’s just
what I need.”

  “I love you, Susan.”

  She scrambles and crawls into my lap, and cuddles into my chest. I wrap her up and nibble her ear. She sighs and relaxes into my embrace.

  Susan murmurs, “You don’t know how many times over the last three years I thought about transferring you to home office just so I could do this with you.”

  I chuckle as I nuzzle her neck. “I doubt I would have gone for it unless you got divorced and told me the reason you wanted me to move up there. Chicago is no Prescott.”

  She turns her head to bare her long neck to my mouth. “Yeah,” she moans. “I didn’t think it through very well. I should have just proposed marriage.”

  I cup her breast and squeeze her ass cheek as I nibble on her ear.

  Clarice pops in the room. “Excuse me, Daddy. Rebecca said ‘stop groping Susan and get in here to help me.’ What should I tell her?”

  I laugh, “Tell her, ‘yes, dear.’ Thanks, honey.”

  “You’re welcome, Daddy.” Clarice leans in to kiss my cheek before whispering to Susan. “You should have fucked him, Susan.” She giggles and skips away.

  Susan laughs and calls after my daughter, “You’re probably right, Clarice.” She gets up and leads the way into the kitchen. She murmurs, “She really likes calling you ‘Daddy.’ Did she do that before?”

  I shake my head. “Only since Babette told her to.”

  Warren calls me to help setting up tables, but Rebecca stops me first to take a big pot of stewed lentils outside. The smell of the onions and garlic are mesmerizing. Clarice points to a table with a cloth on it, and I set it down. Then Warren and I set up saw horses and with plywood on top for tables. Susan and Lara put tablecloths on the tables while Erica and Audrey set up chairs around the tables. Zenia and a couple other elven ladies run inside to help carry food, bowls, plates, and utensils to the three folding tables in a row. Rebecca sends Warren and me in for the big iced tea dispenser and the big water dispenser.

  We get everything set up as Marissa walks out of the barn with her parents, Jack, Darcie, and a young woman I’m sure I’ve seen on a magazine cover.

  Jack frowns at the elves helping serve and the gathering elves getting ready to eat. I collect hugs from Dan and Maria and introduce them to Susan and Lara. Darcie introduces us to April, their guest.

  April is a tall, lean, brunette. Her skin is like a smoky cream, and there is a hint of wavy hair to indicate a bit of African heritage. She is Susan’s height, maybe even Josie’s - it’s hard to say with the heels on her thigh-high boots. Her lean figure is encased in a tight black knit dress with a collar that is open enough to show underboob. The hem of her dress barely extends four inches past her treasures. I estimate her breast size as B-cup, but her nipples and areola are tenting the fabric of her dress. Apparently, April is excited to be here. Her hair is down, hanging just past her shoulders to nearly touch the slopes of her breasts. If I weren’t prejudiced towards my lovely wives, I would have to admit that April is probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Dan and Maria have their eyes glued to April.

  Also, April is wearing a black braided leather collar. Darcie is holding the leash. Apparently she is a new pet of Jack and Darcie’s.

  I shake her hand, and my wives hug and engage her in conversation as Jack draws me off to the side.

  Jack sidles up. “We need to talk. Soon.”

  “Is this about the priest that called Viktorija a whore? I may have to kill him, too.” I am pretty certain my expression tells Jack I’m serious.

  He asks, “Do you know anything about a hunter team in town?”

  I nod, “They tried to kill Manuel and abduct Rosalie. I objected. Stridently.”

  He looks around and whispers to me. “Damn it, Will. They’ll resurrect them and find out what happened.”

  I look at him. “Can they resurrect them from ash and scorched concrete?” Jack startles. I continue, “I think I would have to have left something for them to find, right?”

  Jack nods slowly. I tell him, “I have the hunter and sorcerer contained. I figured you might want to be present when I interview them.”

  Jack murmurs, “You are full of surprises today, Will.”

  “Trying to keep ahead of the jackals, Jack.”

  That elicits a chuckle. “Okay,” he says. He frowns again. “I have stuff I need to share with the group, too. We can do that later. For now, we’re on KP?”

  I nod, “Yep. Mama Bear’s orders.” We laugh and report to Rebecca for our assignments.

  Dan, Maria, and April are all amazed by the elves, and a little wigged out from T’os’ tusks. I notice about five ladies are huddled around him, obviously flirting with him, and he is giving as good as he gets. I think to myself, ‘You go, big man!’ He shoots me a grin and a wave.

  Rebecca hands me a bowl, and I put a big scoop of lentils stewed with tomato, onion, garlic, celery, and carrots into each bowl before Josie adds a scoop of brown rice. Susan serves roasted vegetables on a small plate that sits on top of each bowl. Carla and Marissa are serving up the naan and a handful of fresh vegetables from Costco veggie trays. Jack is serving drinks. Audrey, Erica, Darcie, and Lara all help people get to tables with the drinks and plates. We all make an effort to smile and greet each of the elves.

  Suddenly, Zenia is standing beside me. She shouts, “Lord! You no serve!” As soon as I hand the bowl off to Josie, the tiny elf grasps my arm with both hands and pulls hard. She’s tiny, but elves are definitely stronger than they appear.

  She yells again, “You no serve! You the Lord!” She looks scared. I use her tight grasp to pull her closer and snatch her by her throat and lift her up into the air. The poor girl’s eyes bug, and she gasps for breath.

  I look at her. “Are you going to stop?” She tries to nod her head as she switches her grip from my spooning arm to the one holding her in the air. I set the spoon down. I snag her legs and then shift her to rest in my left arm with my right holding her legs to firm up her seat. She is surprisingly lightweight for how strong she is.

  “Listen closely, Zenia.” She nods seriously and slowly. “We are all working to create a community here where elves and humans can live and thrive together.” Zenia looks confused. I look around and call out, “I need a translator, please!” I murmur to the little elf, “Hold onto my neck, Zenia. I don’t want you to fall.” She nods and leans forward to grab my neck as Leonore and T’os hurry up.

  I feel a hand on my lower back, so I look down. Lara says, “I am here, Lord.”

  I smile at her. “Let Leonore do it. It will help reinforce her position with her people. You can check her work. Stand beside her so you can correct her quietly without embarrassing her in front of the people.”

  My elven advisor smiles back. “As you wish, Lord.” She runs around and stands next to Leonore and murmurs what is going on.

  Leonore nods and asks, “How may I serve, Lord?”

  “Zenia was upset that I was serving food,” I explain. “She didn’t understand the words I used. Would you translate? Lara can help if you run into a problem.” She nods, so I start over addressing Zenia.

  “We are all working to create a community here where elves and humans can live and thrive together. You all treat me like a lord, but you need to understand there is no place for an elven-style lord in this community.” I wait for Leonore to finish speaking. “I refuse to act like an elven lord.” I wait for her to finish that short translation before I continue. “I believe that a leader serves the people he or she leads.” Leonore speaks after a short consultation with Lara. “That means that the leader sets standards and expectations. The leader ensures the people understand, and that the people have everything they need to meet their leader’s expectations.” Leonore shares that with Zenia loud enough that all the people nearby can hear.

  I look at Zenia, “When I decided to keep you alive, I took responsibility for you. You are not elves to me. You are my people, my extended family. I do not treat my family
like footstools. I do not kill my family and eat them. I do not treat my family as disposable.”

  Leonore consults with Lara on the disposable comment and repeats it in Elvish.

  “I know almost nothing of your culture, but I am trying to learn and take into account that your expectations and mine are likely not the same. Serving you food, training with you, working beside you, are things that I will do to get to know you, and to allow you to get to know me.”

  I continue after Leonore pauses, “There is a storm coming. The people you left behind on Prime want to take our lives and our land. We will have to work together to survive. There is a lot of work to do, and it is all important. Each of us, myself included, will have to perform a variety of duties to ensure that we not only survive, but thrive. I will be compassionate when I can. I will be harsh when I have to be. And I will get you through the coming storm to a life of peace, prosperity, and happiness.” Leonore wraps up her translation.

  I grin, “Now everybody eat before your food gets cold!” Some of the elves laugh, and the others join in after Leonore translates.

  I look at the little beauty in my arms. “Clear?”

  She nods, “Lord serve food. Lord work like us. Lord…” she struggles to find the word in English. “... cares us.”

  I nod, “Yes.”

  She gives me a tearful, wide-eyed innocent look. “Lord no for-ni-cate Zenia?”

  I shake my head, “No, sweetie.”

  Lara says something in Elvish to Zenia.

  Zenia’s response is a dreamy expression. Then she kisses my cheek. “Down, Lord.”

  Lara says, “No, Zenia. Say ‘Please put me down, Lord.’ You...” the rest is in Elvish.

  Zenia says slowly, “Please put me down, Lord.”

  I set her on her feet, and she hurries away with the tails of her little toga flapping in the breeze.

  I pick up my ladle and ask, “Who’s hungry?” as I take another bowl from Rebecca.

  I hear Jack murmur to Warren, “Someone just took charge.”


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