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Letters on Occult Meditation

Page 21

by Alice A Bailey

  September 3rd, 1920

  In the steady adherence to the next duty and the planting of the foot firmly on the next step ahead lies the open road to the Master, and the incidental clearing away of all difficulties. In the formulating of high mental concepts, and the expressing of them on the physical plane lies that development of the mental body that permits of an ever greater influx of the life from above. In the stabilising of the emotions, and in the transference of desire from that plane to the buddhic comes the ability to reflect truly the higher point of view. In the disciplined, purified physical body comes the capacity to work out that which the inner man knows. If these three things are attended to, the law can then work and emancipation be hastened. People ask themselves, how does the law work? What is our part in the carrying out of action that sets the law loose in the individual life? Simply adherence, as stated above, to the highest duty and an ordering of the personality life so that that duty may be perfectly achieved.

  The Esoteric and Exoteric colours.

  Today our subject is the second one in our letter on the use of colour and deals with the law of correspondences [224] and of colour......The esoteric meaning of the exoteric colours is not yet wholly imparted, as I have already told you. Some of these meanings have been given out by H.P.B. but their significance has not been sufficiently apprehended. One hint I give for your wise consideration. Some of the information given in The Secret Doctrine anent colour and sound concerns the first solar system and some concerns a portion of the second solar system. The distinction has naturally not been apprehended, but as a key fact for studying in the newer school, the revelation will be great. In this statement as to the esoteric significance of the colours I would have you now tabulate (even though it can be found in The Secret Doctrine), in order to form the basis of such later communications as I may seek to impart.

  Only four as yet can be communicated, but if rightly understood they hold the key to the present fourth round, and to its history. This being the fourth chain and the fourth round you will note therefore how in the number four lies the history of the present. Especially would I urge you who are the teachers and students of the coming generation to ponder upon the significance of white being esoterically violet. It has special application now in the coming in of the violet ray, the seventh ray being one of the three major rays in this round; it wields power in ratio to the four, on the four and under the four.

  The esoteric colours of the exoteric red, green and orange may not yet be imparted to the general public, [225] though students and accepted chelas, whose discrimination can be trusted, can attain the necessary knowledge with effort.

  I would here like to point out certain other considerations which can be best dealt with by a brief consideration of the law of analogy and correspondence. We might therefore consider the following points:—

  a. Wherein the microcosm and the macrocosm correspond.

  b. The basic correspondences.

  c. Colour in the microcosm and in the macrocosm.

  Let us briefly take up each point, for in the right apprehension of the law lies the ability to think esoterically, and wrest the inner meaning out of the external happenings.

  Exoteric Esoteric

  Purple Blue

  Yellow Indigo

  Cream Yellow

  White Violet

  2 - Microcosmic and macrocosmic correspondence.

  The relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm is accurate, and exists not only broadly but likewise in detail. This is a fact to be grasped and worked out. As knowledge increases and progress is made, and as the ability to meditate results in the faculty of transmitting from the higher Triad to the Personality, via the causal, then these facts will be ever more clearly demonstrated in detail, and perfect comprehension will ensue. “As above, so below” is a truism glibly repeated but little realised. What is found above and what will consequently be developing below?

  Above will be found Will, Love and Activity, or Power, Wisdom and Intelligence, the terms that we apply to the three aspects of divine manifestation. Below will be found these three in process of appearing:—

  a. The Personality expresses active intelligence. [226]

  b. The Ego expresses love or wisdom.

  c. The Monad expresses power or will.

  You have in the three worlds of the Personality:—

  a. The physical, expressing a reflection of the activity aspect.

  b. The astral, expressing a reflection of the love or wisdom aspect.

  c. The mental, expressing a reflection of the will or power aspect.

  What have you for the colours of those three bodies, exoterically described?

  a. The violet of the physical as expressed by the etheric.

  b. The rose or red of the astral.

  c. The orange of the mental.

  What have you in the Triad, or the world of the threefold Ego?

  a. Higher manas, expressing the activity or intelligence aspect.

  b. Buddhi, expressing the love or wisdom aspect.

  c. Atma, expressing the will or power aspect.

  What again are the colours of those bodies exoterically described?

  a. The blue of the higher manasic levels.

  b. The yellow of the buddhic level.

  c. The green of the atmic level.

  They are in the process of transmutation. You have to effect the corresponding change of colour from the lower to the higher. Couple up this information that I have here imparted with that given in an earlier letter on the transference of polarisation.

  There is a direct correspondence between:—

  a. The violet of the etheric level and the blue of the higher mental. [227]

  b. The rose of the astral and the yellow of the buddhic.

  c. The orange of the mental and the green of the atmic.

  The secret of it all is to be found in the application of the occult laws of meditation.

  Again you can shift the whole range of colour higher, and in the Monad work out the correspondence.

  a. The green of the third aspect.

  b. The synthetic blue or indigo of the second aspect.

  c. The red of the first aspect.

  I would point out here that as you return to the centre of systemic evolution the nomenclature of these colours is most misleading. The red, for instance, has no resemblance to that termed red or rose on the lower plane. The red, the green and the indigo of these high levels are to all intents and purposes new colours of a beauty and translucence inconceivable. If justly interpreted, you have here a hint of the correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm.

  The colours exoterically have to do with the form. The forces or qualities which those colours conceal and hide have to do with the life, evolving within those forms. By the use of meditation the bridge is formed which connects these two. Meditation is the expression of the intelligence that links life and form, the self and the not-self, and in time and in the three worlds the process of this connection eventuates on the plane of mind which links the higher and the lower. The correspondence will always be found perfect. Therefore through meditation will come that knowledge which will effect three things:—

  1. Give the inner significance of the exoteric colour.

  2. Build in the qualities that those colours veil. [228]

  3. Effect the necessary transmutation of the colours from the Personality to the Triad, and later from the Triad to the Monad.

  The causal body acts as a synthesis of these colours in the life of the reincarnating Ego, just as the synthetic ray blends all the colours in logoic manifestation. Endeavour to keep clear in your own mind......that colours are the expressions of force or quality. They hide or veil the abstract qualities of the Logos, which qualities are reflected in the microcosm in the three worlds as virtues or faculties. Therefore, just as the seven colours hide qualities in the Logos, so these virtues demonstrate in the life of the personality and are brought forward objectively
through the practice of meditation; thus each life will be seen as corresponding to a colour. Ponder on this.

  The basic correspondences.

  It is in the study of these correspondences in the different departments of the manifested universe, and the application of these colours to their adjusted portion that the beauty of the synthetic whole and the illuminating of the microcosmic life ensues. Let us enumerate or tabulate in broad general fashion, leaving the detailed working out to the student of meditation. More at this juncture is not possible.

  1. The threefold solar system.

  The threefold evolving jiva.

  The three aspects of the Logos.

  The threefold Monad.

  The spiritual Triad, the Ego.

  The threefold Personality.

  The three worlds of human evolution.

  The three persons of the Deity. [229]

  2. The four Lipika Lords.

  The four Maharajahs.

  The fourfold lower man, the quaternary.

  3. The five planes of human evolution.

  The five senses.

  The fivefold department of the Mahachohan.

  The five kingdoms of nature.

  a. The mineral kingdom.

  b. The vegetable kingdom.

  c. The animal kingdom.

  d. The human kingdom.

  e. The spiritual or superhuman kingdom.

  The fifth principle of manas.

  4. The seven rays or hierarchies.

  The seven colours.

  The seven planes of manifestation.

  The seven Kumaras.

  The seven principles of man.

  The seven centres.

  The seven sacred planets.

  The seven chains.

  The seven globes.

  The seven rounds.

  The seven root-races and subraces.

  The seven initiations.

  What I seek to emphasise in the above table is that to the adept the correspondence of all these is perfectly known and exists in terms of consciousness, in terms of form, and in terms of intelligence. He knows it,—if I may so express it,—in terms of colour when dealing with form; in terms of sound when dealing with the life side, and in terms of vitality when dealing with intelligence, or the activity aspect. The above statement will repay much [230] earnest thought; it contains a statement of occult fact. According to the three lines of approach as dealt with in our preceding letter, will be the use of the terms as above described

  Colour in the microcosm and in the macrocosm.

  Here lies much of difficulty owing to the process of constant mutation. Colour in the microcosm is subject to the following factors:—

  1. The factor of the ray of the Ego.

  2. The factor of the ray of the Personality.

  3. The factor of the point in evolution.

  One hint may here be given. At a low point in evolution the colours are largely based on the activity aspect. Later comes the working in the love, or wisdom aspect, which has three effects:—

  a. The dropping out of colours from the lower sheaths which are the left-overs from a previous system. It involves the elimination of such hues as brown and gray.

  b. The transmutation of certain colours into those of higher tone.

  c. An effect of translucence, or an underlying radiance or brilliance, which is the result of the greater purity of the bodies and the dimensions of the ever-growing inner flame.

  4. The factor of the ray, or rays, that are manifested passing out of manifestation or coming into manifestation. These rays necessarily affect the egos in incarnation; they cause a change of vibration somewhat or a consequent change of colouring or of quality. If a man, for instance, is on the Ray of Science, and comes under the influence of the incoming Ray of Harmony, the effect on his trend of thought, and consequently on the colour he [231] will be demonstrating, will be quite noticeable. All these factors cause the blending and merging and mixing that is practically inextricably confusing to the man from the standpoint of the three worlds.

  ......I appreciate your feeling that even these hints but lead apparently to greater confusion. But by constant application to the subject in hand, by frequent brooding and meditation on the colours, and by an endeavor to attain their esoteric significance, and their microcosmic application, will gradually appear the thread that will lead the student out of his confusion into the clear light of perfect knowledge. Have, therefore, courage, a broad elasticity of view, and an ability to reserve opinion until further facts are demonstrated, and also an avoidance of dogmatic assertion. These will be your best guides in the early days of your search. Many have, through meditation and a receptiveness to the higher teaching, found their way out of the Hall of Learning into the Hall of Wisdom. Only in the Hall of Wisdom can the esoteric interpretation of the colours be truly known. That Hall is entered through the meditation which prepares the student for that initiation which opens to him the door. Therefore, hold fast to meditation and falter not in purpose.

  September 4th, 1920.

  We have for discussion today, something of real spiritual application in a practical sense. Much that I have imparted to you has provided food for thought and for speculation. It tends to the development of the higher mind and by stimulation of imagination it somewhat develops the intuition. Much of it has been in the nature of prophecy, and of the holding forth of an ideal some day to be attained. Only by pointing out the goal and by emphasising that point will man be induced to make the [232] necessary effort and thereby approximate in some measure the desired position. But today we come down to practical living and the imposing upon the personality of a certain rate of rhythm. We do this in our study of the third point upon the effect of colour:—

  a. On the bodies of the student.

  b. On the groups with which he is affiliated.

  c. On his environment.

  The point I seek specially to emphasise is the life side and not the form side of colour. As I wrote earlier, colour is but the form assumed by force, of some kind, when that force is moving at a certain measure, and when its action and movement is impeded or unimpeded by the material through which it plays. In this sentence lies the key to the solution of the problem as to the colour differences on the higher planes and on the lower. The resistance of matter to the downflow of force or life, and its relative density or rarity accounts for much of the colour distinction. One of the distinctions has, necessarily, a cosmic basis and is consequently difficult of apprehension by three-dimensional man in this, the fourth round. But the basic reason of the difference can be apprehended sufficiently to permit the pupil to realise the absolute necessity of steadily refining his vehicles so that the force may radiate through with greater facility. It is therefore on the three lower planes a question of practical living and a bringing of all the three bodies under edict rules of refinement.

  These forces in terms of spiritual development, and not so much in terms of form, demonstrate through the virtues, as you call them, through magnetism and through vitality and intelligence. To put it quite briefly, as the student builds a pure physical body and a refined etheric, as he develops the emotional virtues and as he co-ordinates [233] and enlarges his mental body, he is continuously altering its rate of vibration, and changing its rhythm, which change demonstrates to the eye of the clairvoyant as mutation in colour. As you have been taught, the colours as seen in the aura of a savage and in those of the average developed man are extraordinarily dissimilar. Why? Because one is moving or vibrating at a slow rate and the other with greatly increased rapidity. One has a rhythm slow, sluggish and heavy, the other is pulsating and moving with a tremendous velocity permitting consequently a more rapid play of the material of which those bodies are constructed.

  Therefore, I would like to point out that as the race progresses as a collective unit, Those Who gaze upon it from a higher plane are aware of the steady improvement in the colours seen, and of a greater purity and clarity of hue in the aura of the rac
e, which aura is composed of the composite auras of the units of the race. For instance, the aura of the Atlantean root-race and that of the Aryan are widely diverse, and radically different. We have, therefore, demonstrated our first point that, as the units evolve, the colours change and this is brought about by the transmutation of what you term vices, into virtues. A vice is dominance of an involutional quality of the same force which at a later period will show forth as a virtue.

  The second point I seek to make is that these influences (which show forth as colours when they contact matter) move in their own ordered cycles. These cycles we describe as the coming in or the going out of a ray. In this fourth round usually four rays are in flux at any one given time; by this I seek to impress upon you that though all rays manifest in the solar system, at certain stages of manifestation more or less of them will be dominating simultaneously. These rays, forces, influences, or [234] co-ordinations of qualities, when expressed in terms of light, colour the matters they impinge upon with certain recognisable hues, and these give the tone to the life of the personality or to the Ego. They are recognized by you as the composite character and are seen by the clairvoyant as colour.

  Groups, therefore, of units who converge through similarity of vibration will be seen as having approximately the same basic hue, though with many lesser differentiations in colour and tone. As stated before, the colour of large masses of people can be gauged and judged. It is in this way that the members of the Hierarchy in Whose Hands is placed evolutionary development in the three worlds, judge of the stage attained and the progress made.


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