Letters on Occult Meditation

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Letters on Occult Meditation Page 33

by Alice A Bailey

  intuitional, of adept, 339


  dedication, 283, 284

  description, 95

  development, 223, 310, 346-347

  effect of rhythmic movement, 197

  healing, 160-161, 242, 245

  in meditation, 6, 12, 94-97, 340

  refinement, 339-341

  stilling, 340

  stillness, 347

  training, 347

  of manifestation, 339


  dedication, 283

  healing, 158-159, 160, 161

  importance, 285

  re-building, 102

  relation to seventh ray, 221-222

  study and discipline, 283

  training, 334-336

  wise control, 285, 345-346

  Brain, physical—

  consciousness, realisation of access, 288-289

  dangers to, 103-104, 161

  function, 6

  Breaths, seven great, 54-58, 59

  Brotherhood of Light—

  activity, 136

  representatives, 302

  Buddha, Wesak Festival, 198

  Buddhic level, colour, 226, 227

  Buddhic vehicle, building, 319

  Builders. See Devas.


  Canada, school, 306


  body. See Body, causal.

  consciousness. See Consciousness, causal.


  beings awaiting eapression, 236

  healing from, 245

  vision, 245, 320


  awakeníng, 75

  changes on Path, 83, 275

  circulation of Kundalini in, 78-79

  description, 77-79

  development, 2, 70, 77-80, 275, 280

  effect of—

  initiation, 75

  occult meditation on, 81-86

  rhythm, 198, 199

  Sacred Word on, 70, 80-85

  enumeration, 71

  fundamental, 72-76

  healing power, 161-162

  life periods, 73-74

  linking, 83, 85, 290


  number, 80

  stimulation by meditation, 85

  stimulation by Master, 193, 275, 280, 339

  threefold nature, 80

  triangular progress, 76, 77, 275

  use in constructing funnel, 193

  work with, 82-83

  See also under specific names.


  future dominance, 41

  two evolutions, 128

  Ceremonies, control of elementals, 175-176

  Channel, unimpeded, 2, 4, 16, 33, 64-65, 68, 179, 198

  China, school, 309


  logoic, and analogy, 63-64

  of the Ego, 4, 259

  of the Monad, 4, 59; 259


  advent, 69

  department, 148

  See also Great Lord.

  Clairvoyance, use in—

  healing, 244-245, 246

  invocation, 195

  research, 67, 199

  teaching, 80, 249, 313, 315, 327, 329-330


  and form, 227

  application, 237-251, 279, 339

  correspondence to life, 222, 226227

  definitions, 211, 222-223, 228, 232, 237, 249

  effect on—

  environment, 236-237

  subhuman kingdoms, 236-237

  vehicles and planes, 206, 232

  forecasts, 249-252

  healing by, 241-252

  in microcosm and macrocosm, 230231

  synthetic, 205, 206, 210-215, 217, 220, 224, 227, 238

  use in—

  meditation, 205-215, 227-228

  religious teaching, 249

  uses, 237-238


  effects, 231-232, 237-238

  enumeration, 210-215


  and exoteric, 223-225

  application, 222

  significance, 224

  in auras, 233

  of Higher and lower selves, 4, 226, 227, 238

  relation to force or quality, 228

  seven bands and rings, 211-212

  synthesis, 210, 228

  three major, in meditation, 240

  transmutation, 228

  Common sense, necessity, 93, 105, 138

  Concentration, mental, 189

  Congestion, dangers from, 103-104


  atmic, 263


  attainment, 28, 83, 86, 90, 96, 292, 298

  centre, 84

  definition, 340

  development, 83, 84

  in healer, 245

  in teacher, 40, 60

  personality alignment with, 6

  cosmic, 252


  development, 23, 292

  flashes, 292

  formulas, 161

  relations, 23

  expansion, 262, 264, 313

  group, development, 266, 271

  of Master, 258-264

  spiritual, polarisation in, 11, 268


  basic, 228-230

  Law of, 223-224, 229

  Logos and Ego, 108

  microcosmic and macrocosmic, 225

  Creation, cosmic, process, 53-57

  Creator, individual, becoming, 59

  Crystallisation and seventh subtone, 56

  Curriculum of schools, 324-330, 319, 324-325, 327-330

  Cycles, importance, 40-41


  Dancing, effects, 197-198

  Danger to occult students, 303


  avoidance, 137

  due to—

  atrophy, 95, 96-97

  despair, 132-133

  devas, 129, 176-177, 181-182

  elementals, 126, 135, 176-177, 180-182

  fear, 137 inhibition, 95-96

  karma of student, 106-107

  sound and rhythm, 191, 192

  subtle forces, 92, 120-130

  of meditation, 93

  Dark brotherhood—

  explanation, 133-136

  protection against, 136-137

  Dark brothers, danger from, 130-133

  Despair, danger from, 132-133

  Detachment, kind required, 48

  Deva Lord Agni, work, 100


  communication with, 196

  cooperation with, 66, 68, 176, 177, 180, 182-183, 200

  danger from, 128-130

  definition, 174

  healing by, 183

  invocation, 89, 173-183

  of fire, 188, 189


  aim, 44

  attitude following action, 348349

  role, 310


  accepted, 270-271, 278-279, 280

  Path, 5

  Discipline, self, 270-271, 310


  in service, 344-345

  value, 132

  Diseases, causes, 158-161

  Doorkeeper, response, 294

  Duty, performance, 223

  Dynamics, knowledge of, use, 192



  future preparation for, 309-310

  Shamballah, 302

  See also School; Schools.


  chord, 4

  evolution, aid to, 34-35

  note, 4, 11, 20, 57, 59, 64

  ray, 15-19

  relation to—

  Hierarchy, 34-39

  its own development, 37

  Monad, 37

  other Egos, 37-39

  personality, 35-36

  subplanes, 23

  withdrawal into, 240

  work with personality, 36

  See also Soul.

  Egypt, school, 306, 307, 808


  relation to sound, 54

  use, 179-180, 336, 340


  calling, forms used, 173-183, 188

  danger from, 126, 135, 176-177, 180-182, 188

  definition, 174

  fire, 184, 188, 189

  Emancipation, attainment, 19, 29, 31, 33, 223


  abstraction, 2-3

  physical effects, 159

  Equilibrium, importance, 10-11


  deva, 174, 182-183

  effect on meditation, 193

  fire in, 183, 184-185, 186-187

  human, 55-57, 174, 184, 186-187

  in three wor1ds, aim, 5

  mantrams, 187

  microcosmic and macrocosmic, 100-101

  of centres, rate, 89

  of Ego, aid to, 35-36

  of race, aim, 304

  point in, 22-23


  early forces, 235

  latter, cooperation, 177

  of group, 193

  third, 182


  physical, 199

  two great, 182


  Fatigue in meditation, 95-96

  Fear, effects, 137, 159


  breath of, 55-56

  devas, calling, 188, 189

  elementals, calling, 188-189

  mantric forms, 183-188

  nature of, 102-103

  path of, 149-150

  types in macrocosm and microcosm, 183-189

  use, 150, 189


  meeting and blending, 186

  vital, 184

  Flame, indwelling, 26-27, 28, 30, 36


  manifestations, 183

  microeosmic correspondence, 184

  Food in school, 334-335


  comprehension, 179-183

  logoic manipulation, 199

  misuse, correction, 179

  regulation, 179

  stream, effect of—

  rhythm, 196-197

  Words, 180

  streams, research, 199

  Forecasts of sound and colour, 249252


  adaptation, 180

  and colour, 227

  building in meditation, 145-146

  mystic, 147-150, 157

  occult, 150-151, 157

  outgoing, sacrifice, and death, 261

  synthesis, 221


  collectively in meditation, 190 192

  in meditation, 42, 139-202, 227

  in raising the consciousness,140, 141-146

  in seventh-ray meditation, 42


  causation, 54

  mantric, 162-166

  ray, 42, 157-158

  shattering, 58

  specific, for specific ends, 154-155, 195-196

  use on special occasions, 200-202

  used in—

  calling, devas and elementals, 173,179, 188, 189

  healing, 158-162

  three departments, 166-168

  work on three bodies, 156-157

  France, school, 306, 307

  Fundamentals, four, to be taught, 300


  communication by, 191-192, 194, 195, 199, 201

  creation in meditation, 191, 192, 194, 195, 198, 200, 246

  for healing, 246


  Geometry, occult, 5, 67, 79, 104, 186, 197, 198, 219, 261, 274

  Glamour, danger from, 131-132

  God within, evocation, 186-187

  Great Britain, school, 305, 307, 308

  Great Lord—

  coming, 123, 300,. 301, 307

  See also Christ.

  Greece, school, 298, 307


  discussion, 205, 212, 213, 215-217, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227, 248

  healing by, 248


  affiliation, laws, 268-269

  affiliations, dangers due to, 114-115

  application of Sacred Word, 63-64, 65-67


  in outer service, 48-49

  on inner plane, 49

  aura, consolidation, 197

  consciousness, development, 266, 271

  contact with, 267

  formation work, 34, 39, 48-49, 276, 320

  personnel, effect of rhythm, 196-200

  terms, thought in, 309


  affiliated, three types, 115-119

  affiliation with, 44-49

  around a Master, 266-267, 271

  egoic, 292

  for specific purposes, 67-69


  Hall of Wisdom, 210, 231, 259

  Harmony, ray of, 17



  keying up, 339

  linking with, 83, 86

  meditation in, 83, 95


  and kundalini, 80

  seven, stimulation, 74

  vibration of contact, 290-291


  aid from clairvoyance, 246

  ascertainment of facts, 242-244

  by colour, 241-242, 246-248, 250-252

  by creating funnel, 246

  by devas, 183

  by groups, 200

  by mantrams, 186, 189, 196

  by meditation, prophecy, 251-252

  emotional body, 159-160

  forms used, 158-161, 190-192

  groups, work, 200-201

  mental forms, 160-161

  mental, trouble from causal level, 245

  physical forma, 158-159

  power of centres, 161-162

  questions, 243-244

  Health, need for, 154

  Heart centre—

  linking with, 83, 86

  Master in, 83, 289-290


  educational work, 299-304

  use of forms, 166-168

  use of mantrams, 162-166

  Higher Self—

  functioning, beginning, 3

  on its own plane, 33-34

  Hilarion, Master, educational work, 305

  Himalayan School, regulations, 302-305


  being, becoming, 30

  hierarchy, sound, 55


  Illness, sources, 158-160


  causes, 198, 208, 286, 288, 290, 341

  inducement, 269, 286

  Image of probationer, 278

  Imagination, value, 195


  choice, 20

  egoic group, 45

  Egos in, comparison with discarnate, 37

  entrance into, 56

  object, hypothetical, 108

  refusal, 37


  on ray, 239-240

  past and future, 12

  previous acquirements, 81, 102

  Indigo, synthetic, 205, 206, 210-215, 217, 220, 224, 227, 238

  Individualisation, process, 30-31


  avoidance, 96

  emotion, physical results, 159

  lower mind, dangers, 95-96


  effect upon centres, 75

  fifth, 271, 273


  condition of Buddhi, 319

  preparation for, 274, 318

  proportion of atomic matter, 339


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