Letters on Occult Meditation

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Letters on Occult Meditation Page 34

by Alice A Bailey

  fourth, creation of body, 275

  second, atomic matter, 339

  significance, 271, 339, 340

  third, attainment, 240

  training for, 187, 267, 301, 304, 307-308, 312, 319, 330

  use of mantrams, 163, 196

  work of, 83


  group preparing for, 267

  sixth and seventh, 263

  small, 339

  Insanity, causes, 104, 123

  Inspiration through meditation, 65, 122, 347

  Intellectual application, third ray, 286-287


  and atmic consciousness, 263

  and imagination, 195

  and development, 220

  channel to, 58, 59, 63, 86, 91, 98, 149

  development, 4, 43, 71, 85, 86, 91, 231, 249, 260, 313, 330

  fulfillment of plan, 305

  function, 339

  play, prevention, 300

  use, 237, 252, 263

  Intuitional activity, centre of, 84

  Intuitions, bringing down, 58, 73


  by emotional group, 195

  of devas, 173-183

  of elementals, 89, 173-183

  of Intelligences or Powers, 191-192

  Involution, force, 174-175

  Ireland, School, 307, 308, 318

  Italy, School, 307, 308


  Japan, School, 309

  Jericho, walls, 194

  Jesus, Master, 41



  dangers due to, 91-92, 107-109

  factor in discipleship, 272

  group, 155, 269

  national, 45

  none, 155

  transcending, 319

  unfinished, 182

  Karmic condition to be considered, 15, 22-32, 91-92, 154


  all, 16, 18, 222

  occult, 190


  arousing, 85, 103, 186, 187

  definition, 185

  in centres, 78-79, 80, 84, 102-103, 186



  meaning, 180


  attraction, demonstration, 57, 341

  attraction and repulsion, 54

  correspondences, 223-224, 229

  subsistence, definition, 204

  supply and demand, 204-205

  vibration, 243, 246, 247, 250, 251

  Liberation, achievement, 18, 19, 22, 31-32, 57-59, 240, 268

  Life, utilisation of form, 238-239

  Lights, coloured, use, 335-336

  Logoi, life and activity, 30, 56


  chord, 63-64

  funnel to, 200

  note, 55, 64

  Self, union with, 167, 169

  seven great Breaths, 54-56, 59

  Lord of Civilisation, 148

  Lord of the World, 167-168, 169

  Lords of the Flame—

  mantrams, 163, 187

  work, 30, 56, 207-208, 210


  demonstration, 187

  in meditation, 284, 285-286

  in service, 282

  necessity for, 91, 258, 282

  reflex and Threefold Word, 55

  true, description, 285-286



  ceremonial. See Ray of ceremonial law.

  evil, 192

  white, 196

  Magician, white, definition, 331

  Magnetisation by mantrams, 189


  line of, 170, 172-173

  work, 166-167, 189, 196

  Manasic level, colour, 226, 227


  connected with fire, 183-189

  creation of funnel, 164

  definition, 162

  kinds and use, 162-166, 177-179, 186-189

  of Hierarchy and Logoi, 164

  of power, 177-179

  ray, 165

  united sounding for specific purposes, 195-196

  used in calling devas and elementals, 173-179, 188


  department, 148

  line, 169, 170

  work, 166-167, 189, 201


  ashram, remembrance, 291, 292

  choice of pupil, 274

  contact with, 290-295

  definitions, 5, 28, 258-264

  English, educational work, 305

  relationship to, 33-37, 43, 265-273

  relationship with pupil, 274-280

  service, 262

  sonship to, 271-273

  thoughtform of, 84, 145-146, 289-290

  vibration, recognition, 290-291

  work with pupil, 274-280


  access to in meditation, 27-28, 39, 84, 163-165, 249, 256-294

  Himalayan, educational work, 302-304

  instruction from, 38, 39, 65, 66, 68, 69, 89, 103, 275-276

  project for harnessing mind, 300-301

  work with devas, 182-183


  adjustment and vitalisation by fire, 83

  atomic subplane, 335

  effect of rhythm, 196, 197-198

  of third subplane, 3

  Medical science, next step, 245


  access to Masters, 27-28, 39, 84, 163-165, 249, 256-294

  aims, 9, 49, 58-59, 65, 103, 145

  assignment, 13-14, 40, 42, 45, 48, 110-111

  Atlantean and Aryan, 111

  by Logos, 206

  by Masters, 259-264

  colour in, 204-251

  continuous, 144-145

  dangers, 60, 65, 86-137

  definitions, 227, 285, 326

  effect of evolution, 193

  fatigue, 95-96

  first ray, 285

  form in, 139-202, 227

  hindrance to development, 109

  importance, 9-10

  in head, 86, 96, 113

  in heart, 84, 86, 113, 289-290

  in mental body, 94-97

  in occult schools, 312-313, 316, 326-327, 328

  occidental and oriental, 113


  effect on centres, 81-86

  projects, 240-241

  requirements, 93-94

  response to forces, 235

  on love-wisdom ray, 285

  opportunity for Master's help, 277

  posture, 61-62

  ray, secret, 206

  results, 8, 10-11, 27, 28, 62-63, 97, 206, 227-228, 268-269, 287, 291

  Sacred Word in, 58-85, 293

  schools, future, 296-331

  sounds heard, 293-294

  third ray, 286-287

  visualisation, 84, 145-146, 189, 289-290

  with seed, 58

  without seed, 58


  abstract, exclusion, 300

  laws, 260


  development, 315, 316

  study and use, 284

  transmutation, 260


  chord, 59, 260

  link with personality, 57

  ray, 27, 43, 234, 235, 238

  sounding of note, 56-57


  colour, 227, 228, 238, 240

  force, downflow, 187

  sheath, withdrawal into, 241


  effects, 336

  notes in meditation, 293-294

  Mysteries, preparation for, 301, 307


  comparison with occultist, 147-148, 151, 152-153

  three things to do, 150


  Need of period, and man's availability, 39-43

  Negativity, discussion, 98-99, 121-122

  Nervous system, dangers to, 104-106

  New world, prophecy, 41

  New Zealand, school, 307

  Nirmanakayas, work, 199

  Non-resistance in regulation of
force, 179

  Note of—

  Ego, 17, 19, 56, 64, 293-294

  group, 294

  Logos, 56, 64

  Monad, 56-57

  personality, 57, 59

  solar system, 17, 52, 59


  Obedience, occult, true, 309

  Obsessing entities, 126


  causes, 99, 123-125

  cure, 126-128

  dangers, 121-123

  divine, 122-123

  prevention, 99-100

  treatment, 68

  Occidental vs. oriental traits and meditation, 112-114

  Occultism, study, definition, 204


  comparison with mystic, 147-148, 151, 152-153

  self-taught, 318

  three things to do, 152

  work, 130

  One Initiator, office, 168

  Orange colour—

  discussion, 205, 207-208, 210, 213, 214, 216, 220, 224, 226, 227, 248

  healing by, 247

  Oriental vs. occidental traits and meditation, 112-114

  “Our God is a Consuming Fire,” 210


  Path of—

  Discipleship, 5

  Initiation, 28, 187, 272

  manifestation, 238-239

  Probation, 31, 36, 144-145, 148, 200, 251, 265, 267-270, 273

  Purification, 130

  renunciation, 44

  return, 238, 239-240

  Perfection, ultímate, 210

  Perfume of Master, 291

  Periodicity, factor, 38

  Perseverance, need for, 340-341


  alignment with—

  causal consciousness, 6

  Ego, 3-4

  dangers inherent in, 91, 94-98

  domination, 9

  essence, absorption by monad, 79

  link with Monad, 57

  note, 57, 59

  obedience to Higher Self, 3

  perfected, 11

  ray, 15, 19-21

  Physical body. See Body, physical.

  Physical brain. See Brain, physical.

  Pineal gland, development and funetioning, 2

  Pituitary body, development and functioning, 2

  Planets, alignment, 6-7


  cosmic, 26

  definition, 333

  egoic body, 292

  emotional, 333, 338

  in causal body, 268

  in Logos, shift, 25

  in spiritual consciousness, 11, 268

  lower, 9-10, 24-25 shift—

  agency in healing, 161

  at individualisation, 30

  from emotional to mental nature, 25, 26, 82, 333

  from personality to Triad, 274

  from physical to mental permanent atom, 84-85

  to atomic, 335, 338

  to causal body and spirit, 33, 82, 95, 333

  to egoic body, 292

  transition, tests, 339

  Posture in meditation, 61-62

  Prana, custodians, 183


  current in Kundalini, 185-186

  currents and health, 184, 186

  Probation, Path, 31, 36, 144-145, 148, 200, 251, 265, 267-270, 273


  image made by Master, 277

  three objeets, 267-270


  by Himalayan adepts, 303

  by Master's aura, 280

  by teachers, 319

  from world tension, 179

  use of mantrams, 177, 178

  Purification of—

  place, 189

  vehicles, 130, 189, 199, 310, 332-341

  Purification, Path of, 130


  R., Master, 41, 305


  fourth root, education, 303, 309

  sixth root, education, 304, 305

  Raja Yoga and rays, 285, 286


  activity-adaptability, egoic, 16, 17


  alliance, 216

  method, 17-19

  significance in meditation, 148

  teachers, 318

  See also Ray of Science.


  and Raja Yoga, 285

  initiation, school for, 307

  meditation, 285

  monadic, 43

  school, 307, 318

  See also Ray, power.

  forms, 157-162

  fourth, method, 17

  incarnations on, 240


  egoic, 15-16, 17

  meditation, 285-286

  See also Ray second.

  mantrams, 178

  of causal body, 15, 32

  of devotion—

  method, 18

  See also Ray sixth.

  of harmony, method, 17

  of ceremonial law—

  aid in contacting devas, 182-183

  aid in control of elementals, 175, 178

  utilisation by Masters, 300

  work, 41, 56, 114, 155-156

  See also Ray seventh.

  of devotion, 18, 41, 43

  of Ego, 15-19

  of Harmony, 43

  of Monad, 27, 42, 235

  of personality, 15, 19-21

  of Science, 43

  of Science. See also Ray fifth.

  parent, return to, 239-240


  egoic, 15, 16

  See also Ray first.

  primary, incarnations, 240

  schools, 318


  initiation, school for, 307

  monadic, 43

  schools, 307, 318

  significance, 285-286

  See also Ray, love-wisdom.


  aid to occultists, 151

  collaboration with devas, 68, 15.5156, 182-183

  coming in, 128

  method, 18

  opportunity, 114, 155-156

  relation of electric body to, 221

  study, 330

  synthesis of form, 221

  See also Ray of ceremonial law.

  sixth. See Ray of devotion.

  Synthetic, 16, 20, 210, 211, -216, 234, 235, 285, 286


  and illumination, 286-287

  initiation, school for, 308

  meditation, 16, 287

  school, 308

  service, 17


  effect upon evolving life, 219

  flux, 233-234

  interaction, 220

  manifestation, 55, 230, 234-235

  Red, discussion, 205, 207, 213, 216, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227


  body building, 335

  earth, 306

  on path of return, 240

  See also Incarnation.

  Renunciation on path of return, 239, 240


  effects at Wesak Festival, 198

  in contacting non-human entities, 187-188

  in dancing, effects, 197-198

  in development, 82

  new, imposing, 338

  use collectively in meditation, 190, 191, 194, 196-202

  use in contacting Manu, Bodhisattva, and Mahachohan, 201-202


  effect of colour on subhuman kingdoms, 236

  movement, use, 197, 198-200

  vibration, study, 235

  Ring-pass-not of a man, 108-109


  for control of elementals, 175-176

  See also Ceremony.

  Rod of initiation, use, 187

  Rose colour—

  discussion, 226, 227, 248

  healing by, 247

  Rounds, fifth and fourth, character, 286

  Russia, school, 308




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