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Letters on Occult Meditation

Page 35

by Alice A Bailey

  of Master, 261-262

  ray, 18

  Safety requirements, 137-138


  one fundamental—

  branches, 304-305

  features, 303-305

  national subdivisions, 305-309

  recognition, 303-304

  true esoteric, founding, 300-301



  admission, 321, 330

  buildings, 322-324

  instructors, 318-319

  location, 313, 314

  personnel, 317-319

  entrance, qualifications, 309-310

  future, 45-46, 47-48, 296-331

  inner, chain, 300-301


  beginning, 300, 311

  curriculum, 312, 316, 319, 324-325, 327-330

  potencies becoming powers, 330-331

  times of study, 324-327

  types of work, 328-330

  plan of Masters, 300


  admission, 319-321

  and advanced, objectives, 312

  buildings, 321-322

  curriculum, 311-313, 316, 324-325, 328-330

  instructors, 315-316, 317

  location, 311-312

  personnel, 314-317

  Scotland, school, 306, 307

  Serpent of wisdom, pattern, 212

  Server, perfect, definition, 348-349


  adaptability, 222, 344, 345

  attitude fallowing action, 348349

  condition of control of devas, 91

  discrimination, 344-345

  finding one's place, 271

  liberation, 240

  life, 93, 342-349

  love, 285-286

  in groups, 48, 115-119

  methods, 344-348, 349

  motives, 161, 344, 349

  of Master, 262

  perfection in action, 347

  probationer, 269-270

  required of students, 312, 316-317, 321

  result of linkage of centres, 86

  sanctified, 282-283, 287

  Son of the Master, 272

  tests, 347

  three bodies, 97

  white magician, 331

  Sex centre, danger to, 99, 106

  Shamballah, educational work, 302

  Shell, protective, 66

  Shrine, plan, 322-324

  Sleep of students, 335

  Solar Logos, work, 52

  Solar plexus centre, functions, 73, 84

  Solar systems—

  alignment, 6-7

  correspondences, 53

  magnetic currents, 180

  notes, 17, 52, 59

  sonata, 4

  Solomon, Temple, 32, 59, 79, 210, 261

  Sonship to Master, 262, 271-273



  definition, 29

  usefulness, 280

  See also Ego.

  Souls, group, Heavenly Men, 266


  colour effects, 205

  cosmic effects, 53-56

  creation by, 51-56

  danger due to, 192

  destruction by, 57, 249-250, 336

  effects at Wesak Festival, 198

  forecasts, 249-252

  in meditation, 191, 192-196, 206, 208, 293-295

  laws, use in building, 249-250

  manifestations, 54, 205-206

  means of awareness, 293-295

  postulates, 51-56

  relation to electricity, 54

  uses, forecasts, 249-252

  Spine, base, centre, 74

  Spleen, functions, 72-73

  Stillness, value, 179

  Stimulation, undue, avoidance, 179, 181

  Studies in oecult schools, 312, 316, 319, 328-330


  atomic, matter, 335

  fourth, significance, 11

  second, synchronisation, 11


  matter, 3

  of emotional plane, 3

  of mental plane, 3, 30, 38

  of physical plane, 3


  domination, 11, 82

  effects of meditation, 11

  of emotional plane, stabilisatíon, 11

  of mental plane, stabilisation, 11

  three higher, of mental plane, 23

  Sun, rays, utilisation, 335, 336

  Supply and demand, 204-205

  Suppression of emotion, results, 159

  Sweden, school, 308, 309

  Symbols, use in schools, 322-324


  achievement, 234, 261, 287

  development, 84

  effect of sound, 192-193

  of colours, 210, 228

  of form, 221

  rays, 37, 40

  yogi, 284

  Syria, school, 308


  Teacher, World. See Bodhisattva. Temple of Solomon, 32, 59, 79, 210, 261

  “The secret of fire . . “, occult fragment, 101

  Thinkers of the race, 1, 306

  Thinking, clear, need for, 340


  abstract, 3, 84, 268

  elimination, right methods, 96

  Thoughtform of Master, building, 84, 145-146, 289-290


  clearing from mental body, 96

  correspondence to fire, 185

  making, 185, 340

  Throat centre—

  activities, 84

  keying up, 339

  stimulation, 75

  Time and space limitations, 292

  Transmutation of—

  colours, 228

  desire, 108, 260

  lower mind, 260


  approach to, 37

  atoms, 274

  contact with, 28, 94, 269

  downpouring from, 269, 286, 313

  entrance within, 261

  reabsorption into, 79

  Triangles for transmission of force, 65, 104

  Truths taught, 303


  United States, schools, 306, 307, 308, 309



  formation, 57, 58, 59, 65, 164, 192

  means of communication, 166

  Vampirism, cause and results, 181


  basis of invocation, 192

  holding, 267, 270, 275-276, 291

  laws, future discoveries, 249-252

  low, matter of, expelling, 58, 59

  of group, 267, 273

  of Master, reeognition, 290-291, 295

  personal, and colour, 215

  rate, work with, 274, 275, 278

  reciprocal, definition, 4

  relation of alignment to, 3-4

  sensing, 267, 290-291, 295

  similarity, 268, 272

  to key of Master, 292-293

  Vice, definition, 233


  colour, discussion, 205, 213, 214, 216, 220, 221, 224, 226, 248

  ray. See Ray of ceremonial law; Ray, seventh.

  Visualisation in meditation, 84, 145-146, 189, 289-290

  Vitamins, future, 337


  Wales, school, 307, 308

  Wesak Festival, meaning, 198, 200-201


  embodiment, 56

  use, 72, 73, 189

  Will-to-live, 248

  Wisdom, definition and functioning, 285-286


  lost, 194


  agency in formation of funnel, 194, 195

  chanting in unison, 65-67

  creative effects, 53-57, 58, 59

  destructive effect, 57-58

  effect on bodies, 70, 83

  effect on centres, 70, 81, 83, 85-86, 192-193, 194-195

  in meditation, 49-85

  mantric forms, 162

  misuse, 60

  musical response, 293

; sounding, 52, 57-58, 60, 62-63, 64-65, 96

  use for specific ends, 67-69

  use in group work, 65-67

  use in individual meditation, 61-63

  threefold, subtones, 55-56

  Words of power, use by Masters, 263-264

  Worry, effects, 159

  Writing of students, 326


  Yellow, discussion, 204, 208, 213-216, 218, 220, 224, 226, 227

  Yogi, true—

  definition, 284

  production, 284




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