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Page 14

by Philip Wylie


  "Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jordan Shayne," Hugo wrote. Then he paused in thought. He began again. "I met your son in Marseilles and was with him most of the time until his death." He hesitated. "In fact, he died in my arms from the effect of the same shell which sent me to this hospital. He is buried in Carcy cemetery, on the south side. It is for that reason I take the liberty to address you.

  "I thought that you would like to know some of the things that he did not write to you. Your son enlisted because he felt the war involved certain ideals that were worthy of preservation. That he gave his life for those ideals must be a source of pride to you. In training he was always controlled, kindly, unquarrelsome, comprehending. In battle he was aggressive, brilliant, and more courageous than any other man I have ever known.

  "In October, a year ago, he was decorated for bringing in Captain Crouan, who was severely wounded during an attack that was repulsed. Under heavy shell fire Tom went boldly into no man's land and carried the officer from a shell pit on his back. At the time Tom himself sustained three wounds. He was mentioned a number of times in the dispatches for his leadership of attacks and patrols. He was decorated a second time for the capture of a German field officer and three of his staff, a coup which your son executed almost single-handed.

  "Following his death his company made an attack to avenge him, which wiped out the entire enemy position along a sector nearly a kilometre in width and which brought a permanent advantage to the Allied lines. That is mute testimony of his popularity among the officers and men. I know of no man more worthy of the name 'American,' no American more worthy of the words 'gentleman' and 'hero.'

  "I realize the slight comfort of these things, and yet I feel bound to tell you of them, because Tom was my friend, and his death is grievous to me as well as to you.

  "Yours sincerely,


  Hugo posted the letter. When the answer came, he was once again inaction, the guns chugging and rumbling, the earth shaking. The replyread:


  "Thank you for your letter in reference to our son. We knew that he had enlisted in some foreign service. We did not know of his death. I am having your statements checked, because, if they are true, I shall be one of the happiest persons alive, and his mother will be both happy and sad. The side of young Tom which you claim to have seen is one quite unfamiliar to us. At home he was always a waster, much of a snob, and impossible to control. It may be harsh to say such things of him now that he is dead, but I cannot recall one noble deed, one unselfish act, in his life here with us.

  "That I have a dead son would not sadden me. Tom had been disinherited by us, his mother and father. But that my dead son was a hero makes me feel that at last, coming into the Shayne blood and heritage, he has atoned. And so I honour him. If the records show that all you said of him is true, I shall not only honour him in this country, but I shall come to France to pay my tribute with a full heart and a knowledge that neither he nor I lived in vain.

  "Gratefully yours,

  "R. J. SHAYNE"

  Hugo reread the letter and stood awhile with wistful eyes. He rememberedShayne's Aunt Emma, Shayne's bitter calumniation of his family. Well,they had not understood him and he had not wanted them to understandhim. Perhaps Shayne had been more content than he admitted in the mud ofthe trenches. The war had been a real thing to him. Hugo thought of itsinsufficiencies for himself. The world was not enough for Shayne, butthe war had been. Both were insufficient for Hugo Danner. He listened tothe thunder in the sky tiredly.

  Two months later Hugo was ordered from rest billets to the major'squarters. A middle-aged man and woman accompanied by a sleek Frenchmanawaited him. The man stepped forward with dignified courtesy. "I am TomShayne's father. This is Mrs. Shayne."

  Hugo felt a great lack of interest in them. They had come too late. Itwas their son who had been his friend. He almost regretted the letter.He shook hands with them. Mrs. Shayne went to an automobile. Her husbandinvited Hugo to a cafe. Over the wine he became suddenly less dignified,more human, and almost pathetic. "Tell me about him, Danner. I lovedthat kid once, you know."

  Hugo found himself unexpectedly moved. The man was so eager, sostrangely happy. He stroked his white moustache and turned away moisteyes. So Hugo told him. He talked endlessly of the trenches and the darkwet nights and the fire that stabbed through them. He invented bravesorties for his friend, tripled his accomplishments, and put gaiety andwit in his mouth. The father drank every syllable as if he wascommitting the whole story to memory as the text of a life's solace. Atlast he was crying.

  "That was the Tom I knew," Hugo said softly.

  "And that was the Tom I dreamed and hoped and thought he would becomewhen he was a little shaver. Well, he did, Danner."

  "A thousand times he did."

  Ralph Jordan Shayne blew his nose unashamedly. He thought of hispatiently waiting wife. "I've got to go, I suppose. This has been morethan kind of you, Mr. Danner--Lieutenant Danner. I'm glad--more gladthan I can say--that you were there. I understand from the major thatyou're no small shakes in this army yourself." He smiled deferentially."I wish there was something we could do for you."

  "Nothing. Thank you, Mr. Shayne."

  "I'm going to give you my card. In New York--my name is not withoutmeaning."

  "It is very familiar to me. Was before I met your son."

  "If you ever come to the city--I mean, when you come--you must look usup. Anything we can do--in the way of jobs, positions--" He wasconfused.

  Hugo shook his head. "That's very kind of you, sir. But I have somemeans of my own and, right now, I'm not even thinking of going back toNew York."

  Mr. Shayne stepped into the car. "I would like to do something." Hugorealized the sincerity of that desire. He reflected.

  "Nothing I can think of--"

  "I'm a banker. Perhaps--if I might take the liberty--I could handle youraffairs?"

  Hugo smiled. "My affairs consist of one bank account in the City Loanthat would seem very small to you, Mr. Shayne."

  "Why, that's one of my banks. I'll arrange it. You know and I know howsmall the matter of money is. But I'd appreciate your turning over someof your capital to me. I would consider it a blessed opportunity toreturn a service, a great service with a small one, I'm afraid."

  "Thanks," Hugo said.

  The banker scribbled a statement, asked a question, and raised hiseyebrows over the amount Hugo gave him. Then he was the father again."We've been to the cemetery, Danner. We owe that privilege to you. Itsays there, in French: 'The remains of a great hero who gave his lifefor France.' Not America, my boy; but I think that France was a worthycause."

  When they had gone, Hugo spent a disturbed afternoon. He had not been somoved in many, many months.


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