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Star Minds Chasing Stardom

Page 4

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "We'll concentrate on the songs and the look and the voice at first. If you enjoy dancing, I can find you a dance teacher."

  "I might actually have one," Kay-low said, thinking that Ker-ris wouldn't refuse him if he asked. He didn't like to admit it, but his father's better half was the best dancer he'd ever met, even better than Zaphadin. "But I don't know how to write songs," he added, worried.

  "Do you really think Zaphadin writes his own songs?" Hatcherd scoffed. "Trust me, he doesn't. Dahumada buys them or steals them for him."

  "Oh." Kay-low wondered if through Hatcherd he might land the retiring superstar's manager. Just in case Hatcherd wasn't good enough on his own. "So, how will we proceed?"

  "Well, we could introduce your voice by recording an album of covers. We will choose different sounds to show off your range and gather fans. Then we'll ask them to write the songs for you. If people are willing to write songs for holograms, imagine for a real person."

  Kay-low nodded, thoughtful. He knew the virtual stars didn't have the software to compose songs, so users provided the lyrics, and the company producing the holograms and videos added the music. Sundarta – an android female – sang computer-generated songs and she wasn't a big success. Hatcherd's plan might actually work.

  "Let's try this," he said with a smile.

  "I'll send you a contract. Just sign it, and I'll make you a star."

  Kay-low cringed at the sound of the word "contract", but pretended it didn't matter. He'd have a lawyer on Marc'harid check the legalese to make sure he wasn't selling his soul to the devil. He wasn't that desperate after all. He wanted to be famous, but some things he wouldn't do, and he didn't want to be bound for life by a contract. Maybe in a year or ten he'd have enough and would retire, like Zaphadin was doing...


  "Kay-low called," Kol-ian announced over the phone. "He found a manager and has sent me the contract. I'm passing it to our lawyers to check it. And I told him to call you as well."

  "Thanks," Bess-lin grumbled. "He should have called me first."

  "When you start looking at least mildly interested in his music career, he might come to you first," Kol-ian said. "And if the guy is half as good as he says, Kay-low might make it big. So try not to act shocked or outraged because he's putting the House of Meraini in the limelight in the wrong way."

  Bess-lin sighed. "I don't know what to do with that boy anymore."

  "He's not a boy, he's a young man and he knows what he wants. I haven't seen him this excited about something in years. So try to be a little more supportive, okay?"

  Bess-lin muttered her acceptance and ended the call.

  "What possessed me to try for a boy?" she wondered aloud, making Maela smile. "Kay-low is nothing like my brother and way too much like his father!"

  "He's still your son," Maela replied. "And don't think that a daughter would have been easier to handle."

  "Well, if I'd made her on Sylvania, she'd be a lot more like me..."

  "And could you handle your younger self? Really?"

  Bess-lin stared at Maela, frowning. "I guess you're right," she muttered. "I wasn't easy to handle when I was Kay-low's age."

  Maela smiled. "When I met Kol-ian, he was twenty-four or twenty-five. He was a brooding beau, much like Kay-low is. He couldn't express his feelings – he was so guarded and wary of everybody..."

  "Imperial Prince Kol-ian Vaurabi." Bess-lin pondered. "He was cute, but I thought he was very boring. Too quiet. I had no idea of what happened behind the mask. Kay-low is much more obvious."

  "Because he doesn't need to hide his feelings like Kol-ian did," Maela reminded her. "But I don't think he has fallen in love yet. When did you first fall in love, Bess-lin? We know Kol-ian was nineteen when he fell for M'aera S'iva..."

  "Mm, I don't know... I was probably in my twenties," Bess-lin answered.

  "See? He did take something after you." Maela grinned.

  Bess-lin smiled against her will. "You're lucky your son grew up away from you," she commented. "But thanks for the help in handling mine."

  And then Kay-low called. He looked flushed and sounded excited. He'd signed the contract for two records and a tour, and he was headed to a recording studio for his first album, that would be of covers, to showcase his voice.

  "And don't worry, Mom, the Meraini name won't be displayed in the entertainment business," he added with a grin. "I will be launched as Stardust Kay-low."

  Bess-lin smiled at his enthusiasm. Kol-ian was right, she'd never seen her son so lively and happy before.

  "I wish I could hug you and wish you good luck in person," she said. "And when you play your first solo gig, I'll be there, in the first row."

  "Really?" he asked, puzzled.

  "Yes, Kay-low. I'm sorry I underestimated your dream. I'm sure you'll be the greatest star that ever lived."


  "We need to give you a new look," Hatcherd said, observing critically Kay-low's disheveled look. "The bad boy thing doesn't really work."

  Kay-low gulped, knowing he needed to do something, but not knowing what. "Should I cut my hair?" he whispered, feeling his throat go dry. He liked his blond mane, even if it wasn't his natural color.

  "Maybe not. Let's call an expert."

  Frangi was a young, hip stylist who wore glasses. He had golden skin and a very short, willowy build. He barely reached Kay-low's shoulder, but Kay-low felt intimidated in his presence. Frangi's stare made him feel naked and ugly, even if he could see the man's mind churning ideas and getting more and more excited by the minute.

  "Yes! I know what look would fit for him!" Frangi pulled away from Kay-low and went to stand next to Hatcherd. Kay-low's first album was playing in the background to give the stylist an idea of what the sound of the upcoming star was like.

  Frangi talked using his hands to frame parts of Kay-low's body for Hatcherd as he explained what he saw. He came up with different costumes for the different songs, and suggested various garments even for the first video they were about to shoot.

  Emphasis was on rugged, billowing black garments. A long black vest and boots. Amulets and earrings as accessories. Solid colors and shoulder pads. Dark green, yellow-green, and dark aqua were variations of the colors of the shirts that had ethnic patterns. And then there were the tight dark bronze garments with sleeveless tops to show off Kay-low's tattoos. Armbands and belts were used as accessories. Silk and buttons were staples of that style.

  Kay-low never had such a varied wardrobe. Since the Sire aristocracy had toned down their lifestyle, he hadn't often used the ceremonial clothing his parents had worn at the Imperial court. His own tastes were quite casual, but he didn't mind dressing up as a prince – a Stardust prince ready to conquer the galaxy with his voice.

  Stardust Kay-low's first video was uploaded to the meganet and soon went viral. Song lyrics started pouring in from fans and admirers from all over the galaxy while Kay-low shot the second video under Hatcherd and Frangi's stern eyes. For the second video, more costumes were made and Kay-low started feeling elated by all the attention.

  Everything was happening very fast. Only two months after running away from Earth with the Haiduc he started climbing in popularity on the online charts. His manager obviously knew what he was doing, and Kay-low was very happy to let him and Frangi guide him to stardom.

  He was checking lyrics and matching them with melodies when his portable videophone rang. He saw it was Jay-lee, so he hesitated, but then took the call.

  "Hey, Jay-lee, what's up?"

  "Hi, Kay-low. I was afraid you'd ignore the call," Jay-lee said with a trembling smile.

  Kay-low left the room he was sharing with his manager to talk to his friend on the balcony.

  "I'm sorry I didn't call – been busy," he apologized.

  "I know. I thought you'd use some of the songs I wrote for Italian Ignorance in your rise to fame."

  "I considered it, but my manager thinks it's better to use new songs – and for the album o
f covers we chose much more popular songs."

  "I see. I can write something for you, if you wish."

  "We're receiving lots of lyrics. You better keep yours for the band."

  "Which band? I'm not with Italian Ignorance anymore."

  "Oh. Are they still playing?"

  "Not really. David and Astrid prefer acting to playing in a band."

  Kay-low scoffed. David and Astrid were seventeen, and obviously had different plans for their future. Italian Ignorance would not become like the Tigers – a family business.

  "Laura and D'oji'mon are on hiatus, auditioning people every now and then," Jay-lee continued. "I think they're busier exploring their relationship than anything else. I'm afraid they're not serious about a career in music at this point – if they ever were."

  "I haven't made it big either, yet," Kay-low said, thoughtful. "But I'm working on it. I might be opening for Zaphadin on his last show."

  "Really?" Jay-lee brightened. Zaphadin was an example for both. Except he was a solo artist, and Jay-lee had no intention of becoming a solo artist. He'd probably be happy simply staying in Kay-low's shadow, but after what he'd said on Earth, Kay-low wasn't too sure he wanted him close. He had only glimpsed the depths of Jay-lee's feelings and it had scared him away – even if he denied it.

  "I love those costumes they gave you on the videos. Will you be doing a real show with change of costumes and that stuff?"

  "Yes, we're studying some kind of choreography, or if we manage do to a concept album with a story, a sort of movie – a musical or a rock opera, like they say on Gaia."

  "So are you taking dance lessons too?"

  "Not yet, but I might in the future. I'll come back and ask Ker-ris if I need some."

  "Yes, Ker-ris is the best dancer in the universe." Jay-lee nodded, serious now. "I hope to see you again soon."

  "I don't know when that will be, but I'll send you all invites for my first solo show," he promised, feeling awkward again. Even on the videophone Jay-lee's feelings were obvious, and Kay-low felt an icy Sire again. As if all his enthusiasm was gone in front of Jay-lee's love.

  Jay-lee's empathy seemed to allow him to understand that his time was over, so he waved good-bye and signed off. Kay-low sighed. He was now surrounded by strangers and sometimes he felt lonely. Maybe he should ask Jay-lee to join him in his adventure. It might be fun to share successes and failures.

  But Jay-lee was in love with him, and he couldn't bring himself to return that, so asking his friend to join him as a friend only was cruel.

  "Kay-low!" Hatcherd called him back into the room. "This one says she knows you."

  Kay-low took the tablet and stared at the email. Selinda Angelle. From Ypsilanti. They hadn't really met, but yes, he did know her name. He knew Dadina considered her her half-sister. He knew Selinda's mother had spent ten years with Maela and had had Selinda on Sylvania. And Laura had kept in touch with Selinda through the years as well.

  "You can be friendly, but not too friendly with the fans," Hatcherd warned. "If you want to be a star, you need to be unreachable."

  "But I do know her," Kay-low replied. "And don't I need groupies? She might be the first."

  Hatcherd scoffed. "You do know a lot of a music star's life, don't you? Did you take it from movies?"

  "And from reading minds," Kay-low retorted. "Including yours."

  He'd gleaned some information on his manager, especially on his work in Zaphadin's entourage. Other info he'd read in Frangi's mind and the other people in the industry Hatcherd was introducing to him. He had a much clearer idea of what he wanted, now that he knew what to expect, and he was obeying his manager because the man obviously knew what he was doing.

  "You'll meet every fan whose lyrics we choose for one of your songs," Hatcherd said. "To thank him or her personally. So have a look at this Selinda's submission before you answer her query."

  Kay-low read the lyrics Selinda had sent in and they weren't bad. It was poetry and as he read it, a melody sprang immediately to mind, so he started humming it as he read.

  "I think it's quite good," he said, looking at Hatcherd. And he sang it all as it came to him, only his voice to give life to Selinda's lines.

  "That was great!" Frangi entered the room, clapping his hands. "Is that your next hit?" The stylist adjusted the glasses on his nose. "I can see you wearing ornate, fitted dark blue-violet garments decorated with brooches and bracelets..."

  Hatcherd smiled and shook his head. "Fine, Selinda's song is on the album. What's next?"


  Ten songs were selected and the songwriters were invited to meet Stardust Kay-low. Hatcherd had rented a villa with a recording studio, so the rising star welcomed his fans on the patio and invited them to spend a day with him around his pool. They listened to the newly finished album and lazily commented on each song.

  There was a young man with bronzed skin and plain features, who was a sucker for lost causes, blind faith and gratuitous violence. Another had straight light-brown hair, almond-shaped dark blue eyes and ebony skin. A third had a shifty expression and moss green eyes, a charismatic and not very shy fellow who tried to monopolize the conversation. Then there was the Vain One, with golden skin, a tall build and gorgeous features, who loved gambling, strict regulations and cute, fuzzy things. And the one with dark skin, long fiery red hair and almost black eyes who wrote beautiful poems that easily turned into songs. And the unattractive one with pale green eyes who lusted after Kay-low and had sent in a very sexy song.

  And then there were the girls: the oldest, in her late twenties, had pale green eyes, dark skin and a small scar. She was wise and not very competent, but in her dreamworld she came up with the most wonderful ballads, even if she disliked sappy romantic things. Then there was the girl with long frizzy hair and a muscular build, who enjoyed exercising and actually composed while doing push-ups. She reminded Kay-low of Astrid, although she was older. And then there was the lesbian with wide blue-gray eyes and short fiery red hair, who reminded him of Halina and her initial hostility. She was very taken by Selinda, same black hair of her mother and same pale skin, who was completely smitten by Kay-low.

  "I can dance," Selinda said. "Do you need a background dancer?"

  Kay-low looked at Hatcherd who pondered.

  "We intend to set up a great show for Kay-low, so yes, background dancers are very welcome," the manager said. "Any other volunteers?"

  The others mostly bowed out, so that left only Selinda.

  "Show us what you can do," Kay-low said. "Pick your music."

  She brightened and obeyed. She could dance, not as sexy a siren as her mother had been, but she was only nineteen. She was very talented and promised to become as good as her mother or her aunt, whenever she decided if she preferred modern, ethnic or ballet dance. And her steps were easy enough for Kay-low to learn them and do a simple dance routine.

  Thus Selinda was hired for Stardust Kay-low's entourage – and Kay-low personally thanked her for her skill by making love to her for a whole night. Which of course made her fall completely in love with him, but he was still the rising star and she was just a background dancer. She was smart enough to be aware of the situation. She didn't make any demands and simply took what was offered with gratitude.

  Kay-low knew she hoped eventually to nail him and for the moment he was too busy building his career to bother telling her he didn't fall in love. As he prepared himself physically and mentally for his first live show he had other things on his mind than a girl's heart.


  The first live show was actually opening for Zaphadin's last performance. Kay-low couldn't believe his manager had squeezed him in with two more young acts, and reached the arena excited at the prospect of meeting his idol.

  Except Zaphadin had tight security around him and nobody was allowed to get near him, especially since during his last tour he'd been grabbed by his fans and mobbed – which was probably why he was now retiring from the music scene

  "You worked for him, can you make me meet him?" Kay-low begged Hatcherd. He knew the manager hoped to make him the next Zaphadin, but at the same time – like everybody else – he was scared by Dahumada, even if – or maybe because – he had worked for him.

  Hatcherd hesitated then went to his former boss and asked him if one of the opening acts could meet the superstar. Kay-low didn't avert his eyes under Dahumada's stare – if Dahumada took him on, he was on a highway to stardom – and saw the big man nod. Hatcherd came back to him with a grin.

  "You have five minutes before you go on stage," he said. "Come."

  He guided Kay-low to Zaphadin's dressing-room and knocked. Zaphadin's assistant let Kay-low in and waited outside.

  Kay-low found a man sitting in front of a mirror, lost in unhappy thoughts. In spite of being only thirty-five, Zaphadin in person showed the first wrinkles on his clean-shaven face and his trademarked smile seemed completely gone. He wore his stage clothes, but his mind oozed sadness. He was ready to wear his mask for the last time, but looked forward to the end of the show when he'd be free.

  "Hello, I'm Kay-low Meraini, I'm honored to meet you," Kay-low said, coming forward and offering his hand.

  Zaphadin snapped back to reality and looked at him. "So you want to be a superstar?" he asked.

  "Well, yes, I want to be like you," Kay-low admitted, sitting on a chair and rubbing his hands on his pants, uneasy. He'd expected something else in the presence of his idol. He wasn't surprised Zaphadin avoided physical contact, but the man looked exhausted, as if they'd squeezed all life out of him. A tortured and lonely soul.

  Zaphadin smiled ruefully. "Good luck. Just make sure you don't sell your soul."

  "I had my contract checked by lawyers before signing it. And I'm a Sire."

  "Oh. It's definitely harder to take advantage of a telepath, no matter how young he is." Zaphadin's voice was sour.

  Kay-low could see the abuse he'd been through, especially when he was younger, at the hand of his mighty manager. Zaphadin's mind was scarred forever, although he hoped to mend by going home and rekindling a lost love. Kay-low wasn't sure love would cure the superstar, but then, he'd never been in love.


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