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Mystic Rising

Page 7

by J L Lawrence

  Micah’s and Tristan’s jaws dropped at the same time. Even Camilla shook her head. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh please. I could zap them all. I’m not a fool. None of these particular demons are much of a threat. They’re not even sure what they’re tracking. I say we let them in and give the humans a chance to experience a demonic threat. These are the types of demons and minions that we will ask them to face off against at the Rising. We need to know. I can’t lead them into battle with no chance of survival. It’s already slim enough.” Angie stayed quiet, but finally gave her nod of approval. Then Xander and Xavier gave their agreement.

  The remaining Council members relented. Camilla and Micah returned to the Meadows. Marcus and Cian decided to remain in headquarters to monitor the situation. Rowena and Tristan agreed to lead the demons into the center of the compound. Kate and Angie prepared the soldiers and trained warriors, while Xander and Xavier set up the battlefield.

  They’d either survive and move one step closer to the Rising, or fail miserably and be sent home. She wasn’t willing to cast her vote at the moment.

  * * *

  Conversations buzzed as the news spread like wildfire through the rumor mill. The recruits rushed around grabbing their weapons and discussing strategy. Angie gripped Kate’s shoulder. “I sure hope you’ve got a plan, Kate. I see a lot that could go wrong. What if they can’t overpower them and then lose confidence instead of gaining it?”

  “You worry too much. Do you really think I’ll allow them to fail? We’ll be on the outskirts to maintain control. What I’m concerned about is the recruits demonstrating their skills to the Council and proving this adventure is worth the effort. To send them home now would be a huge setback we can’t afford. That’s why I orchestrated all this. No one on the Council actually wants them to join us. Even Tristan avoids me when I ask if they’re ready. We have to prove they belong and deserve the chance to fight for their freedom.”

  “Well, when you put it that way. I’m sold. Let’s get’em ready.” Angie climbed the bleachers and gained their attention. Hearts raced and minds swirled. Their focus splintered in a million different directions. “They’re too distracted, Angie.”

  “I know.” She held up her hand for silence.

  “It’s time for your first battle with non-humans. Some are demons and some are minions. We’ve taught you what they are and how to kill them, but remember, both are deadly. They have no remorse, no care for who or how many they destroy. They’d murder a child if she got in their path. I tell you this to remind you that this fight is to the death, hopefully theirs.”

  Silence stretched and tension grew to astronomical proportions. Rowena and Tristan had already brought the demons inside the shield and would have them in place any second. Xander and Xavier had carefully crafted the battleground to maintain control. It also allowed them to stay on the edges unseen unless necessary.

  Kate stepped beside Angie. She had to calm and focus their minds quickly.

  “This is your moment. How many wars have you survived? How many criminals have you removed from the streets? How many nightmares do you face every single night? It affects us all. No one is immune to the damage of war, or evil. But you never backed down. Never surrendered. Why? Because you believed in your purpose. That you were saving the lives of those you loved and innocents you’ve never met. Duty and honor live inside each of you, or you wouldn’t have been chosen. The fear growing inside you is proof of your passion, yet lack of knowledge. To fight in the Rising, you must conquer the fear. Take that first step today. Trust in your fellow soldiers as you have so many times on the battlefield. If you need me, just call out my name. Now, grab your weapons and follow me!”

  They shouted triumphantly and jumped up to join her. The men and women high-fived and talked a bunch of bull, pumping each other up. Their minds cleared and a quiet strength now echoed in the facility. She crossed her fingers and prayed this worked out the way she hoped.

  Angie walked forward and bumped her shoulder. “Yeah, yours was a little more inspiring than mine.”

  “Comes with practice. I learned a few lessons on all those recruitment missions. Who knows? Maybe that’s all part of the design.” If so, she sure hated to think about what would come next.

  She and Angie led them to the outdoor training field. There were more demons than she’d realized. About forty tracked after Rowena and Tristan. Her recruits outnumbered them ten to one.

  Should be an easy fight, right?

  Her stomach flipped when they entered the circle. The warriors moved around them. The demons couldn’t sense the magical presence, so they believed they’d stumbled across a bunch of humans. They smacked their lips as if getting ready for a great feast. It took everything in her not to stand in front of them.

  She reached out her hand toward Teri.

  Xander pulled her back. “Your idea. Let them fight.” He kept a steadying arm around her waist while she held her breath in anticipation. The demons came in hard and fast.

  In the first few moments, her soldiers couldn’t track their supernatural movements. A couple hit the ground hard. Chris and Randy, on the other hand, were doing great. They kept Teri between them, but she delivered several solid punches of her own.

  Chris shot one demon right between the eyes, and then the heart of the second. Randy followed it up by slicing his head off. At least they’d paid attention. Once other warriors got their bearings, they used their training. They settled into the fighting and made decent progress, though a few were severely injured.

  Kate’s grip on Xander’s hand tightened. It was all she could do not to intervene. Her inner voice said no, so she forced herself to silently watch.

  The soldiers came together and formed protective groups. They used their skills together.

  Kate nearly wept with joy. The Council couldn’t deny their abilities now. Their hand-to-hand techniques were incredible. While they didn’t have the speed of the demons, they had accuracy and patience. Those choosing to wield weapons did so beautifully. Every blow made an impact. A part of her doubted they could learn this type of fighting so quickly. Maybe this test had been more than proving the Council wrong. Her human recruits were kicking demon ass.

  Before they’d hit the twenty-minute mark, more than half the demons lay dead. The recruits continued to use their hands, swords, knives, and anything else at their disposal along with the knowledge gained from training. One soldier fell and another covered and protected him. They’d become a team. Still a little rough around the edges, but becoming one unit. That was the only way they’d survive.

  When the last few demons remained, Kate stepped inside the circle.

  Time to show what magic could do.

  She allowed her tattoo to be partially seen. The demons cowered and lowered their heads, begging for mercy. She didn’t have any for these soulless creatures. Without saying a word, she silenced their cries and held them frozen in place.

  Wind whipped around her as she drew in the energy. Lightning hit the outside of the circle, causing everyone to jump. A few theatrics to make a point. Her eyes swirled and emanated their bright blue light. Pure power extended from her fingertips. She lifted her hands, then aimed the light toward the demons. They erupted in fire, screaming in agony.

  By the time she turned to face her human soldiers, only a pile of ashes remained.

  Her appearance returned to the more human version. She hoped the point had been made and understood. The warriors could see their place and trust her to take care of the nastier demons. Their role would be to plow the field and clear her path from distractions. The consequences of the battle also became obvious as did their chances for survival. Truth weighed heavy in their hearts. She couldn’t alleviate it. Many would die. However, she could also see conviction to save humanity.

  They’d passed the first test.

  One more obstacle remained. Could they go into an uncontrolled situation and be just as successful? They’d soon find ou
t. She’d allow them a little more training and time to digest their new role. Then, she’d send them out in small groups to save the innocents and defeat more demons.

  Randy, Chris, and Teri shined during the drill, but could they hang on? At least they’d known the enemy from the beginning and what humans would endure in their hands. It gave them a stronger purpose and understanding. Something to remember if they ever recruited from the human realm again.

  Kate nodded. Xander and Xavier healed all the warriors and moved them back into the facility to debrief. Tristan cleaned up the mess while Marcus purified the area.

  Rowena strengthened the shields, then turned to Kate and met her eyes. “You were right about all of this. You’ve been right about everything regarding the humans. It’s hard for us to see their potential or believe in their willingness to help others. We focused on the negative and all the pain they caused our kind. We forgot about the good inside them. Yet, you could see it all from the beginning. I see the purpose of fate’s design, and I now know why Cass and Guinevere chose this path. You wouldn’t have been half the Mystic you’ve become without the humanity within. I wonder if it will continue to serve you or be the crutch that holds you back?” Her eyes paled and her thoughts drifted.

  Was there a compliment or insult in all of that? Kate wasn’t sure.

  Rowena returned to the Meadows. She seemed more weary than usual. Visions probably kept her mind moving night and day. Kate hoped they weren’t all negative. Even one positive scenario gave hope like the one Roxy had given her. She held onto it tightly. Maybe Rowena feared the quest and whether she could survive it.

  The nightmares of what could be haunted them all. One mountain at a time. Finish training the humans. Secure them in the Meadows until the Rising. Then, complete and survive the quest.

  Look out Mt. Everest, here I come.

  * * *

  Glass screens popped up around the room. The map covered in red dots held Kate’s attention, and Xander felt her heart break. The human death toll escalated daily. Hiding the slaughter amongst the humans had become increasingly difficult.

  Cian had brought in more of his people to focus on Internet control. They squashed every rumor before it could take hold. But how long would that last? Braxus’ main goal was to weaken Kate as much as possible. Xander wanted to comfort her, but she’d hidden away behind the fortified walls of her mind.

  How many people died because he and Xavier had failed to kill Furyik decades ago?

  Every action has a reaction. Tough lesson to stomach when an entire battle rests on the shoulders of the one person you can’t live without.

  She’d shut down mentally while Tristan arranged all his papers and plans. Staring at all the death made her physically sick, so she tended to disconnect. Xander couldn’t blame her. He sent her strength and love.

  She’s too stubborn for her own good.

  Her plan to bring in the demons had worked. Scared the hell out of him but had been a success. The recruits were focused and motivated. He still wasn’t convinced with the second phase they were discussing, but who was he to question these days? He didn’t doubt Kate’s theory, but the risk to the magical communities bothered him.

  It was one thing to let people fight for themselves and for what they believed. It was another to trust the very species that drove magical beings into hiding in the first place. If not for the humans’ absolute stupidity, they could coexist in peace. A better world for all. Human nature would never allow that. Petty disagreements and their self-absorbed ways prevented them from living in an enlightened world.

  Too bad he couldn’t trade the Human Realm for Kate. Then again, she’d never forgive him. He couldn’t live with that. However, he could live without all these humans. They surrounded him constantly. He dreaded learning about her quest, but couldn’t deny he’d be ecstatic to get away from them.

  Kate’s former team didn’t annoy him as much anymore. They were excellent soldiers and would willingly lay down their life to protect Kate. He respected them for that. And he’d witnessed that the human mind could be quite resilient amidst the insanity. Maybe that’s what Kate had seen all along. Rowena was right. Fate had chosen the perfect Mystic.

  His heart skipped a beat every time he thought about the final battle. He didn’t care if the humans survived. Not even Kate’s friends, with the exception of Angie. He only cared that Kate lived. It didn’t matter how many died protecting her, including himself. His thoughts had become much more fatalistic since his time being tortured.

  He hid his thoughts once Tristan began covering some of the worst attacks. Luckily, Kate had been so overwhelmed lately that she didn’t pry much into his mind. Maybe she simply didn’t want to know them all. Her own head wouldn’t give her peace, and trying to control the power Roxy had transferred proved to be another hurdle in her mind. His doubts and fears were hidden for now. In the end, they were irrelevant anyway.

  What will be, will be.

  Some things were permanently written in the stars at birth, no matter how many centuries passed.

  New Orleans had taken a heavy hit since the Gliders and Rogues left the area. Even though they’d eliminated a ton of vamps that night, not all had been killed. Apparently, they told their friends and it had become open season on humans. More demons migrated to the area to share in the spoils.

  What I wouldn’t give for the Shadow Warriors to go in and clean it all up.

  This time, his people had to do it along with a bunch of inexperienced humans. Should be a blast. Tristan appointed two teams to that location. Nate led one of the groups. Maybe by saving so many others, he’d finally find peace from the nightmares of his youth.

  Kate’s inner pain wrenched his gut.

  What the…? He searched her mind.

  She couldn’t stand the death tolls rolling across the screen. It’d been her job to protect innocents. In her thoughts, she believed she’d failed them. Just the opposite, she was the only one that could save them. Watching had to be difficult when hundreds, if not thousands, were dying weekly. The Council had decided to take the ten worst areas and send teams to alleviate the attacks. If they finished quickly enough, they might add in a few more cities.

  “But what about all the other cities?” Kate demanded. “They all cry out for our help. We can’t leave them defenseless. They don’t even know what they’re fighting against. Or what they’re dying for.” Her voice broke. She continued to stare at the map as, minute by minute, new dots appeared.

  While they were talking, more died. Xander wanted to fight, too. Demons were not the responsibility of the humans. That pleasure belonged to his people.

  Kate’s mission required completing the quest and obtaining the light. She couldn’t shut down their cries for mercy, so he blocked them. She needed a clear head. Braxus had found an effective weapon against her biggest weakness; protecting innocents from harm—especially human ones. His plan had been carefully crafted to target her.

  Xander would be willing to bet that Lucian played a large role in that plan. Braxus wasn’t smart enough. He had to keep Kate focused on the mission.

  Tristan looked at her with sympathy and determination in his eyes. “Kate, you knew this would happen. It always does. They need negative energy to power their side. We need positive. They take a life. We save one. This tactic isn’t new. Even the Shadow Warriors couldn’t prevent all of the carnage in the weeks leading up to the battle. I’m sorry, but you have to put this out of your mind. Stay in control.”

  “Stay in control?” That comment would piss her off for sure. “That’s all I ever do! You would all be terrified if I unleashed the turmoil that stirs within me. These humans are dying in a war they can’t see, can’t fight.” She calmed and sat back down. She counted numbers in her head while he struggled to maintain his composure. He placed his hand on her knee in sympathy. “I know we can’t tell them. I understand the pain and chaos that would cause. But we can help protect them. I can. I’m taking one of the t
eams into a chosen area. Even if I only save one, it’ll matter.”

  Micah stood so quickly, his chair flew across the room. “Absolutely not! We’ve indulged enough of your nonsense. You are causing us to chase rabbit holes. Our purpose is to help the Mystic gain the light and defeat the Omega. End. Of. Story. By doing that, we save your precious humans. Wise up, honey. Start worrying about saving your own life and the entire world. Perspective, my dear. I suggest you gain some.”

  Her eyes flashed bright blue, so Xander moved out of her way. She jumped from her seat and stood nose to nose with Micah. To his credit, he didn’t back down. Xander hated the prick, but still felt sorry for him.

  Kate sneered. “How dare you speak to me like that? You whining, sniveling, pathetic excuse for a man. Jealousy has clouded your visions of this entire Rising. I’ve read the archives on past Seers. You haven’t provided us nearly as much information. Guinevere and Roxy both could have run circles around you. Roxy did, in fact. I know. They’re all in my head. Don’t worry about me and my preparations for battle. Focus on yourself and your part in saving the whole world. It rests on your shoulders too, you weasel.” She sent him flying against the wall. She’d never struck against the Council like that before.

  Despite the fact Xander wanted to cheer out loud, he didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire.

  Camilla helped Micah to his feet. His eyes were dark green in fury.

  The Council bickered until Marcus quieted them. “Micah has a point, however misguided. The Mystic is our one weapon against mass destruction. We must protect her and help her stay focused. But for the first time we have a Mystic born as a human. It’s not a coincidence and it changes things, whether we like it or not. As a Council, we must decide. Do we choose to follow our Mystic who hasn’t led us astray and has conquered several amazing feats? Or do we try to control and oppose her, causing strain on us all? In my mind, she’s proven herself many times. We haven’t. I vote to follow our new leader wherever she deems fit.”


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