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Mystic Rising

Page 11

by J L Lawrence

  “Are you sure?” Xander’s concern squeezed her heart. He brushed a strand of hair from her face. At her nod, he sent the message, and they headed out.

  Driving on the wrong side of the road definitely qualified as a distraction. After a few minor mishaps, Angie zipped around the streets and roundabouts like a pro. She’d finally convinced the guys to allow Angie to drive, since she had the most experience with cars in general. Xander had mostly let Gregory drive, and Xavier had been hanging out in the shadows the past few decades. Her own mind had so much clutter, she didn’t even contemplate taking the wheel.

  They found a little place called Hunters Lodge. The food smelled heavenly. She tried the chicken curry followed by an amazing bread pudding. Angie praised the Irish stew, and the guys found equally delectable meals. The food and fun provided a brief moment of distraction and just a tad of relief. In these moments, she could once again feel the human inside her, and it reminded her why she’d fight to the death to keep the world safe. All of the Omega’s victims had a face in her mind. She couldn’t allow him to keep murdering innocents.

  I might not survive, but I’ll sure as hell take that SOB with me.

  On the way back, their minds were filled with unanswered questions about the task ahead. What would be waiting for her on the cliffs? Would the message be simple or full of more riddles?

  “What’s the plan?” Angie broke the silence when they neared their B and B.

  “We’ll pop in at the top of the cliffs. I’ll place shields around us, so we shouldn’t raise any alarms. I’ve dreamed this vision nearly every night of my human life. It’s only meant to inform us and then send us in the right direction. I don’t sense any evil in this place. The cliffs themselves are magical and pure, and that’s a strong indicator on why this place is our destination.” Still, every tick of the clock tightened her stomach.

  Xander and Xavier weren’t helping. They began pacing in the small confined space. What were they nervous about?

  I’m the one being swallowed by the phoenix if my dreams are correct.

  A spark of energy lit inside her, creating an urgency to go. “It’s time. They’re calling to me. Take my hand.” Each one stretched out their right hand. The second they all connected, she let the building force inside her pull them where they needed to go.

  Landing with a thud, she jumped to her feet and scanned the area. Something wasn’t right.

  “This doesn’t exactly look like a tourist spot.” Angie turned around, trying to assess what had happened.

  “I agree. Something’s missing.” She thought back to all the pictures they’d found online. The ropes and fence lines were gone. The barrier to prevent silly tourists from getting too close to the edge had disappeared. Looking over her shoulder, the building with restrooms and gift shops didn’t exist. They were obviously at the cliffs, and yet, not.

  She reached out and connected to the air and energy surrounding them. “I’m not picking up much human traffic or activity. That’s impossible unless…” Of course, past Mystics would keep things in their own time. Plus, they wouldn’t risk human exposure.

  She cast a bright light into the night sky. Untamed land surrounded them, but no parking lots. “We’re at the cliffs, but in the distant past. I’m not sure if it’s part of the magic or for protection. Either way, we’re meant to be here.

  The cry of the phoenix erupted, hurting their ears. Her dream since childhood came rushing back.

  A voice spoke softly. She turned, but no one was there. Straining, she tried to hear all the words being said.

  “Kate, my child, your destiny is upon you. Fate must be followed despite the path taken. The power inside you should not be feared. Embrace your future. So much exists in this world that you refuse to believe, but you will. In time, you will know all. Find peace, my daughter. We shall meet again at the Awakening.”

  What the hell did all that mean? Her father was still alive, so who was this joker? The things he spoke of couldn’t possibly exist. It made no sense. Maybe this was simply a regular dream and not a vision.

  Then, she saw it.

  Out over the ocean stood a symbol that had plagued her since birth. She could never figure out its meaning and hoped it would go away. Phoenix wings spanned the width of her vision. Two swords appeared and crossed in the middle. Blue and red flames surrounded them. Something like ivy seemed to wrap around the blades. She squinted to see the center. In the middle was a circle with ancient symbols. Most looked to be Celtic in origin, but they all signified types of ancient power.

  It rushed toward her and shot through her body. The last thing she heard was the voice telling her it was time.

  It all made sense now, and she bore the image on the tattoo across her chest. She turned and faced the phoenix. “I’m not afraid.”

  Fiery wings embraced her, yet she felt no sting from the flames. “Welcome, Cadence Hope Smith,” a voice whispered. “We hope you prove worthy to be the next Mystic.” How cryptic. She couldn’t make out whether this entity was male or female. Didn’t matter. It had information she needed.

  “Who are you? Why have I been chosen for this path? Where do I go from here?” She rattled off some of her biggest concerns.

  “So full of questions. Yet, you didn’t ask one that’s necessary. We find you curious. So much bravado, so little faith. Why do you ask questions when you already know the answers? Do you dare test our powers?” Uh oh. She’d be wise not to piss off the only thing that could guide her in the right direction.

  A different approach. “No, I don’t challenge or test you. I’ve had a long journey, and I’m not sure where to go from here. I’m requesting your assistance and guidance to repair the damage done to the Mystic amulet. I’d like to receive the light at the Rising and save all of our realms. Please help me right the grievous wrong.”

  The light flickered almost as if this ethereal being contemplated her request. It extended the tip of its wing and touched her chin, forcing her head higher. It searched her mind and soul. She couldn’t hide from its presence within her. Finally, it released its grip. What had it seen? A million thoughts and doubts sped through her mind. She’d never felt so insecure.

  “Very well.” The being’s voice echoed in her mind. “You’ve been found worthy enough to attempt the tasks to restore the mystical lineage. Be warned. This does not guarantee you will achieve these requirements. The Mystic trials are sacred, and they will challenge your existence and push you further than comprehension. One thing we can promise is that you will emerge a different person either way.”

  That sounded ominous. It didn’t help that they didn’t seem too confident she would be able to complete the tasks. Taking a chance, she decided to ask another question. “How did a simple amulet come to hold so much power?”

  “A reasonable question, so we’ll answer. The Shadow Warriors were mistaken in assuming the first Mystic gave them the amulet. Bartholomew became the fourth Mystic. I and two others were the original Alphas, spanning fifteen hundred years. Through our combined visions, we foresaw the changing landscape and the new direction of humanity. We couldn’t foresee if corruption would affect Mystics in the same manner. We created a hidden mystical realm for the three of us to guide future Alphas and help them harness their power. To gain this control, we fashioned the amulet.

  “What you refer to as the Tree of Life became our symbol of choice, and we placed the diamond in the trunk and roots to represent the light and hope which make up the essence of life. When Bartholomew became the next Mystic, we entrusted it into his care. We didn’t anticipate the amplification of power when he received the light and killed the Omega.”

  Kate held her tongue and waited for the story to continue.

  “Once we witnessed the true extent of what we’d created, we knew it shouldn’t be harnessed by one being alone. So, Bartholomew went to the Shadow Warriors who were the strongest soldiers of the time. None of their kind had ever turned evil, so it seemed the safest place to p
ut our trust. For many centuries, our choice proved wise. Shadow Warriors guarded the amulet and passed it to each new Mystic at the Rising. A perfect system until the previous battle, when the bonds of trust became shattered by the actions of a Mystic and the Shadow Warriors.”

  The silence stretched for a full minute. Sadness emanated from the apparition representing three former Mystics. They’d given up some of their powers to protect the future and became locked in the realm they’d created. This semi-projection of itself represented their only form of communication.

  “What must I do to make this right? I’ll rebuild the trust you once had in us, if you’ll help me find my way.” She reached out and stroked the wing of flames to console.

  “Maybe. But you can only correct the wrongdoings of the Mystic line. The Shadow Warriors will face their own quest when the time comes, if you are successful. For their sin became much more grievous than yours. They must prove evil cannot infiltrate their ranks, and that they are the self-sacrificing species they were created to be.”

  What were they talking about? Zane’s dad had been flat out crazy. He hadn’t intentionally ruined their realm. Grief had simply overwhelmed him, right? A piece clicked inside her mind and a pinch of doubt surfaced. Did she have the whole story? Did it matter? She couldn’t lose focus and needed to face her own sins. Well, Cass’s screw up.

  Squaring her shoulders and raising her eyes to meet the intense stare of the creature, she accepted her time had come. The tasks were her burden to bear. No more questions.

  “I’m ready. Tell me what to do.”

  A pale blue mist began to swirl around her feet and moved upward until it completely enclosed her body. She became weightless and drifted toward the flaming phoenix until it embraced her. Warmth and light flowed through her. She felt safe and never wanted to leave. Warning bells triggered in the back of her mind, so once again she demanded to know what must be done.

  The voices circled her, speaking from the mist itself. How odd, yet she had no fear. They whispered the age-old prophecy of the quest.

  “Come, my child to where it all began.

  A pagan ritual first sealed this land.

  It then became a place of power and might.

  By the hand of a Mystic with the gift of sight.

  We are three that you must conquer.

  Truth, Choice, and Self intertwine to create restoration and time.

  The amulet will show you the way.

  Make haste or the Dark One will have the final say.

  Truth spoken can still be deceiving.

  You must seek the knowledge of the past before believing.

  Battles waged must be endured.

  For freedom to be understood.

  Choice can break the hearts of many

  Or of the one you love so dearly.

  Have faith that light will rule the day.

  Or your path will lead you astray.

  Self is a reflection of who you’re meant to be.

  When looking at your own reflection what do you see?

  A warrior, a lover, a healer, or all three?

  Only you can embrace what you’re meant to be.

  Three tasks you will face to find your path.

  If you succeed, a new fate will form.

  All will have a chance to be reborn.

  Redemption is within your grasp.

  Choose well, Mystic, and your reign will last.”

  The mist cleared, and Kate returned to where she’d been standing on the cliffs. Angie’s knuckles were white as she squeezed Xavier’s hand. Her heart still raced with fear. Xander’s eyes were panicked but relieved. The strange orange and red light floated back out over the ocean, then it paused. “Good luck, Mystic. We are with you always. The amulet will guide your way.”

  When the colors in the sky disappeared, they returned to the modern-day Cliffs of Moher. The warning signs posted around the edges brought immense relief to all. She had to give them credit. They waited patiently for her to fill them in on all the details. Xander struggled the most, so to spare him, she sent him everything through their link. Then, she decided in the interest of time to share with all. The prophecy had been imprinted into her mind.

  “What does it all mean, Kate? It seems a little too cryptic to even begin. A starting location would’ve been nice.” Angie jumped the fence despite Xavier’s complaints and sat down on a large boulder overlooking the ocean. The majestic scene provided hope for many that visited. The energy from their dreams and wishes still lingered. Maybe it’d do the same for them. She wasn’t sure anymore.

  Just when she thought things couldn’t get any weirder, the amulet warmed on her chest and communicated with the phoenix in her tattoo. She decided it wasn’t worth the effort to be surprised anymore. “We’ll be traveling to the Burren, Poulnaborne Dolmen, to be exact. We arrive tomorrow night. It’s a drivable distance, so I suggest we extend our stay at Beechgrove. They won’t suspect anything, and I’ve already confirmed availability. It’s a decent home base if we were to split up for any reason.”

  Kate leaned on the fence and propped her head in her hands. “The prophecy is too vague. I get the three tasks, but I already knew that. I guess the first is getting past the bull and finding this mysterious truth.” But which truth remained? Unless, the beings or her visions had lied to her, what else did she need to know about the past?

  Shrugging, Angie turned to face her. “Maybe they’re hiding a secret that isn’t theirs to tell. So, it’s up to you to find the right person.” Kate still couldn’t see how any of this made sense. If I’m chosen to save the Mystic lines, what secret would they need to keep hidden?

  A little more confidence wouldn’t hurt right now.

  * * *

  Placing his arm around her, Xander pulled Kate’s body tight against his. More for reassurance than anything else. He’d been scared as hell when the phoenix lookalike had surrounded her. The fear had reached a new high when the mist had swallowed her whole. All he could do was wait, and he hated sitting around and doing nothing.

  It would continue to get worse, until the Rising. He’d have to sit on the sidelines and send her off to battle with the most powerful demon in the realm. The idea alone made him physically sick.

  Kate stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. He pushed the dark thoughts aside and tried to focus on the positive energy radiating from her. He understood the fatal flaw of the Guardian, protecting his mate. A distraction that could get them all killed. He kept repeating, stay focused, in his mind, until he finally pushed the doubts away and processed the first clues of the prophecy. Of course, Xavier was already way ahead of him.

  Angie snapped her fingers and traded an excited look with Xavier, who nodded in return. “We know this all went south when Cassius did his thing. Rowena mentioned not knowing that the Shadow Warriors would renounce their birthright and complicate things. Here’s my theory. Cass knew there’d be a price to pay, but believed that with the Shadow Warriors protecting the amulet, everything would work out. He knew once you proved yourself with the tasks, all would return to normal. Minor reversible damage occurred. Then, the amulet broke, rewriting destiny. Irrevocable damage.

  “Don’t you see? It all hinges on the amulet and what happened to change the course of fate. No way was this all caused by one crazy man. You know Cass’s story and lived it. Now, we need to learn about Ari and Laxus. What if we’re missing a valuable piece? What if we don’t know the truth? Zane only has the archives, but they were written by others. Truth spoken can still be deceiving, you must seek the knowledge of the past. I’d bet anything, Kate, there’s more to this story. To destroy an entire lineage takes more than misguided intentions and a little crazy. And you’ve suspected this for a while.”

  Kate tried to process everything, while he sent her all the support he could. Angie had a point and confirmed his own suspicions. “Yes, it takes an act of great evil to ruin something pure. But who committed it, and how could it stay so well hidden? You’re
right, Ang. We have to find someone who knows the whole truth and convince them to tell us. My only concern is whether this is the first task or a distraction.” Kate rubbed her forehead and stretched her neck to alleviate some of the tension escalating inside.

  “Does it matter? It’s a place to start. The rest will fall into place, and you know it. Hasn’t that been the theme of this journey?” Angie hugged her and looped her arm through Kate’s.

  Xander could see the wheels turning in her mind, working out every angle. The former Mystics had questioned her faith, and it’d stung her pride a bit. She’d begun to second-guess herself. In his opinion, they’d simply challenged her to let go of the control and trust her instincts. But what did he know?

  She threw up her hands and began to pace. “Have I mentioned I hate all this cryptic crap? Why can’t they give me a list and I’ll get it done?”

  Xander stopped her movement by grabbing her hand. “If that was the case, anyone could complete the trials.” He forced her to meet his eyes and squeezed her hand for reassurance. “You’re the chosen one, Kate. It’s not meant to be easy. Restoring fate’s design and their faith in you should be a challenge. Like it or not.”

  She sighed in acceptance, but still had a lot of resistance in her heart. He tried not to take it personally every time she wished for her old life. He knew she relied on it as her defense mechanism, but it still bothered him. At least, she never imagined her life without him. Instead, she wanted him to be a normal human, and have herself still working with the FBI. That one spark of humanity prevented her from meeting her full potential, and he didn’t know how to help her let go.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. Let’s head back. I’m not sure what our next few days will bring, so we better rest while we can.” She transported them all back to the B and B.

  He wished he could complete this set of trials in her place. She deserved a break from all the crazy demands in her life. Now, the entire Shadow Warrior existence rested on her shoulders and weighed heavily on her mind. It worried him, too. How would any realm survive without them?


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