Mystic Rising

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Mystic Rising Page 17

by J L Lawrence

And there’s the catch. Risk getting caught up in Never Land and Angie dies. Face the dark and deadly and she sure wouldn’t linger on that path. Angie’s smile, followed by the pain of fighting for her life, flashed into her mind. Like it or not, she didn’t have a choice. Whatever provided the best chance for Angie to live is what she had to do.

  She shook her head. I’m so gonna regret this. She closed her eyes and jumped into the darkness.

  Her first greeter came in the form of a vampire. Oh yeah, this will be fun. She manifested her sword and swung down, removing its head. More vampires came flooding out of the woodwork. One after another swooped down or jumped out of the jagged decaying trees. Using her sword and energy bursts, she defeated each one.

  A sharp squeak erupted in the night sky. Thousands of bats swarmed above her. And she’d bet they were the rabid or a demonic sort. She pulled energy and sent streams of power into the masses. From the outside, it probably looked she had a laser gun from a sci-fi movie.

  The bats kept attacking, and she kept killing them. Growing weary, she pictured them all in her mind and sent a mega-blast into the atmosphere. They screeched in agony and fell at her feet. She’d definitely be using that again.

  Darkness deepened as she crept forward. This thing hadn’t dished out a grand finale yet, so she stayed cautious. Every shake of a branch, or rustle of dead leaves, had her jumping out of her skin. Angie faded minute by minute while fate had some fun at her expense. How did this even relate to the prophecy? She’d already fought and defeated her share of demons.

  “I’ve grown tired of this test. Send your worst and let me finish this!” Her cry echoed in the night. No bright light. No demon.

  She kept inching forward until a massive ugly demon stepped in front of her. The second he appeared, her mystical energy vanished leaving only her former human powers as a defense. A creature she knew. How ironic. A thorn demon stood across from her like the one she and Angie had faced that fateful night in the alley. Her life had shifted, and the Awakening had begun on the night she met Xander. He and Gregory had killed the menace and saved their lives.

  Her turn.

  It grunted, recapturing her attention. “What the hell do you want? To die a little quicker?” A lot of bravado. Hope I can back it up.

  Two laser beams shot in her direction. She barely dove out of the way in time. What the…? Her old friend hadn’t possessed that talent, or had he? Slowly lifting her head out of the brush, she stared at the creature trying to find her. His eyes were an electric shade of green. Testing her theory, she stepped into the open and he fired more blasts.

  Damn. It came from his eyes. That’s what her serial killer demon had been searching for. She’d tracked him for months but never made the connection. How could she? She didn’t understand this world back then. He’d been driven mad by his fruitless search. He’d mutilated them out of frustration and anger.

  His eyes tracked across the area where she hid. It wouldn’t take long to find her. This thing had its full power, but she’d been reduced to her human state. The clock ticked as she searched her mind for possibilities.

  Saying a silent prayer, she stood. He fired his laser eyes, which she deflected. She ran. He chased. Angie’s life depended on her killing this stupid beast. She’d better start acting like a warrior instead of a coward.

  She charged in with a jump kick, barely making an impact. Hand-to-hand wouldn’t do much good. He’d last longer. He returned her attack by lifting her over his head and throwing her into the nearby bushes.

  Ouch. She stretched her body. Muscles screamed in protest. They didn’t heal. Crap. But she’d been able to manifest before she’d entered the Meadows. Could she do it now? Focusing her mind, she imagined the weapons’ room in Xander’s home. She found the perfect sword and called it to her. When she opened her eyes, it fell at her feet.

  “I’m gonna kick your big ugly ass.” Launching off the ground as high as she could, she aimed her foot straight into his face.

  He caught her leg and threw her to the ground. She spun and aimed all her strength at his knees. He stumbled. She rolled out of the way. How do you stun a big-ass demon? Every man’s weakness. Tucking into a ball, she flipped between his legs. She put every bit of power into a shot to his crotch, then moved out of the way.

  He fell with a satisfying thud. Not wasting any time, she grabbed the sword and swung down toward his neck. Pain had scattered his thoughts, so he didn’t block in time. The unerring strike of her blade silenced his cry of pain and anger. The thorn demon burst into flames and turned to ash. The memory of that night in the alley washed over her. Xander had once said if they had known what they were fighting, they could’ve defeated him back then. She’d defeated her nemesis and proven she’d always possessed the heart of a warrior, even as a human.

  A pale light appeared at the edge of the forest. She walked toward it cautiously. She didn’t need any more surprises. I don’t think this is an exit. She stared at the massive desert laid out before her. What now? Were there more creatures to defeat?

  Give me a break.

  Once she stepped onto the sand, the forest disappeared behind her. She wouldn’t find the exit that way, so she moved forward. The next step offered the challenge. Her body became completely human. She couldn’t locate any powers. Now she had to cross a freaking massive desert with no assistance or abilities. Did she have a choice?

  Here I go again. The first few minutes weren’t bad. Hot, but manageable. After what seemed like an hour, her body began to feel the effects of desert heat. With no food or water, how long could she last. She didn’t see an end in sight, so she kept putting one foot in front of the other.

  Pain shot up her side and her muscles cramped. Without her abilities, she had no hope of connecting to Xander. She didn’t know if Angie was alive. The hot sun burned her skin and her lips cracked. Fatigue settled in heavily.

  She couldn’t fail. If Angie still lived, she had to keep going. No one else needed to die because of her and this crazy destiny that had taken so much from her. Maybe that was the point.

  Am I supposed to lose everything to atone for the sins of the past?

  Her legs gave out, and she sank to the sand. She began to sob but didn’t have enough water for tears. She dry-heaved until the pain overwhelmed her. A picture of Angie and their time in college floated through her mind. Forcing her body to move, she crawled and crawled, but didn’t see any end to the vast desert expanding in front of her.

  The light gave me a choice. Did I choose wrong? Have I failed?

  Her body locked up and collapsed. Her head hit the sand. She couldn’t move. Despair came over her like a tidal wave. She’d failed. The reason Angie would die. The reason the world would die. How had it come to this? She’d never tell them all how much she loved them, or be able to say goodbye.

  Moving caused excruciating pain, so she lay still and closed her eyes. She surrendered to the unconscious safety of her mind. At least, before her death, she could dream of those she loved. Her mind reached for memories of those she’d leave behind, but she ended up in the past.

  “Kate, little Katie. Where are you hiding?” Papa’s voice rang out from the kitchen on the night after her twelfth birthday.

  He opened the closet door which happened to be her favorite hiding place. The horrible nightmares had woken her again. The man in the mist called to her, but she wouldn’t answer. And the big orange bird tried to swallow her again. It kept repeating something about her future, but she couldn’t make out the words.

  Reaching for her hand, he pulled her out of the darkness and into his warm embrace. He rocked her gently and placed her on his lap letting the fear fade. One of his favorite John Wayne movies played in the background. “Did you have the dreams again, honey?”

  “Yes, I don’t understand why they keep haunting me. Or why they’re always the same. It’s not even complete. Almost like I’m watching someone else’s life. I feel sorry for whatever it is.” She only hoped it wasn’t

  The longer they sat, the anxiety faded. She laid her head against his chest and started to drift off. He moved to reawaken her. She fought hard not to read his mind but something troubled him.

  “Kate, you are bound for a future that doesn’t compare to any reality you’ve witnessed. All those special gifts inside you have a purpose. You’re not meant to understand it yet. I’m afraid I don’t either and can offer little comfort.”

  She crossed her arms and pursed her lips in mutiny. “I don’t want any of this. I want to be normal like you and mom. Like everyone. I don’t want to see things about the future or hear people’s thoughts. Papa, they fear me.” A tear slid down her cheek.

  He brushed it aside. “How can they fear what they can’t see? You hide behind those barriers in your mind showing only the mask you want others to see. You can’t hide from me. I know you. What is this normal you desire? Are there rules for it? What you seek is feeling at home in your own skin and at peace with what’s inside you. Until you embrace it, everything else is smoke and mirrors like those magic shows you love so dearly.” He smoothed her hair, trying to alleviate her anxiety. In the past he’d always avoided serious conversations, but he seemed determined this night.

  “Maybe, but even Mom looks at me funny. My birth dad ran away and my stepdad keeps his distance. I know he loves me but he has the same fear. They rarely stay in a room alone with me. Sometimes, I’m glad. At least then I have peace from her constant nagging. But sometimes…” She shrugged. Keeping her emotions hidden had become her greatest tool.

  She met his eyes and had the most serious expression. “If I ever find a way to get rid of all this, I will. I’ll do anything to be free. I’ll have a family and regular job like you. I’ll be just like you.” She laid her head on his shoulder. The tears flowed once more.

  “You’re more like me than you may ever know.” He shifted and forced her chin up. “Kate, I want you to remember what I’m about to say. Bury it deep and pull it out in your darkest moment. There will come a time when you’ve given up all hope and think you’re at the end of your life, clinging to the last threads of sanity. Then remember this night. Remember who you are. A warrior who never surrenders. A friend whose loyalty and honor are beyond question. A healer with a gentle touch that lifts everyone around you. You’ll be an inspiration for the entire world to behold.

  “That’s what you are. The person you’re meant to become. Katie, you’ll be a leader that saves the world. A leader that controls the fate of humanity. Don’t let the fear have control or wish away your destiny. Embrace it. Be thankful you were chosen for this amazing purpose. I know I am and always will be. I love you, sweetheart.”

  She sniffled, and he rustled her hair. “Lay your head back down. This is one of our favorite parts in the movie. No more thoughts about this for a while. We’ll lock it away until you need to remember. Rest. After the movie, we’ll cut up some grapefruit and spend some time out in the workshop.” She did love the smell of fresh cut wood.

  He leaned down and kissed her forehead. All the thoughts disappeared. Hidden but not forgotten. The memory began to fade. He’d been like her and had visions like her. Did it matter?

  Gasping for air, she slammed back into the present. She forced the pain into her compartments. She hadn’t died and wasn’t meant to. Her destiny wouldn’t be denied by stupid tests or human limitations. She pushed to her feet and ignored the searing pain slicing through her entire body.

  She flung her arms up toward the sky, and through bleeding lips, screamed as loud as she could. “I AM YOUR MYSTIC! The warrior, lover, and healer, all three reside within me. The universe shall bow to my will. You will kneel before me as I am the Supreme Ruler of all Realms. Your Mystic has been chosen. I’ve been chosen. Release me!”

  The human inside had been silenced. Memories of that past life became dim. The endless power of Mystics flowed and filled her entire being. She didn’t need anyone to release her from this prison. No one had dominion over her anymore. The overflow of energy singed the air around her.

  With a snap of her fingers, she returned to the Drombeg Stones. No doubt or fear remained.

  Chapter 12

  Kate had completed the mission and landed back in the center of the stones. Xander wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her lips hard. He held her hand as she went to Angie.

  The blue light pulsed around her. Time had stood still during Kate’s adventure. She brushed her hand across Angie’s ashen face and healed her. Xavier scooped her off the ground and squeezed her against his chest. He tried to control his emotions, but the tears flowed.

  Kate’s feelings bounced all over the place and many of her memories had faded. When she met Xander’s eyes, her desire for him raged. The depth of her love took on a whole new life because she no longer had human constraints. His cheeks flushed as he followed her thoughts. In the back of her mind, the phoenix screeched a warning. She pushed it aside. She’d have enough power to destroy Braxus and any others who crossed her path.

  She had become an ultimate warrior.

  “Is the quest complete?” Xavier stood, bringing Angie up with him. “Can we go home?” He’d finally come back to his surroundings and gotten control of his emotions. Angie clung to him, dealing with her own fear and relief.

  Kate lifted the amulet, but the diamond hadn’t returned. Despite mastering the tasks, one piece still remained. What had she missed? Then it hit her. She must go back to where it all began. Where she’d been given the prophecy and a chance to prove her worth. She’d finally beaten the humanity inside herself.

  “We must return to the Cliffs of Moher.” Without waiting for their response, she waved her hand, and they all appeared on the edge of the cliffs.

  * * *

  Xander jumped back behind the barrier. Angie and Xavier followed. They’d had enough adventure for this trip.

  But Kate stayed on the ledge, balancing back and forth like a tight rope. He didn’t know how to approach her. The woman who jumped into the mist wasn’t the same one who’d popped back out. Her body appeared more translucent and her eyes shined a pale eerie blue. The connection to her past—one of her most cherished treasures—had been severed. He feared what had happened and what she’d become.

  The only positive change was her burning, constant desire for him. That he could live with, but the rest freaked him out. She looked through them, and her natural compassion had become nonexistent. He searched her mind for memories, but couldn’t find much before they’d met in that alley.

  Angie called out her name, but Kate didn’t turn her head. Instead, she stared out over the ocean.

  What had those bastards done to her? A part of her mind had been completely blocked from him. He started to reach for her, but feared what he’d find. He didn’t want this Mystic. He wanted Kate.

  Her head tilted toward the sky. Then, she gave a brief smile. His stomach sank. She leapt off the cliffs with her arms outstretched, making no effort to fly.

  “Kate!” He jumped the fence as she plummeted toward the jagged rocks below. “Kate!” He tried to connect, but found only silence. He even tried to levitate her back to the ledge, but his powers were useless. His heart stopped as she neared the bottom.

  Her body suddenly shot straight into the air and burst into flames. No, not flames. A phoenix. The wings expanded several feet in the night sky.

  What the hell is that, and where’s Kate?

  “Kate!” Angie screamed, then turned to him for answers.

  He didn’t have any. They could only stare in awe as the majestic creature flapped its wings above them.

  “She’s become one with the phoenix. The first Mystic to achieve full transformation. Be calm. Kate is still with us. By the way, I’m Cassius.”

  Xander had recognized him from Kate’s vision, but how on earth were they able to see him this time?

  He smiled and turned to watch the astonishing creature lighting up the night sky. It dove through the air. �
��This will be my last visit. My power is no longer required to guide her on this journey. It’s hard for me to reach her now, but please let her know how much I love her and how proud I am of the woman she’s become. She’s much more powerful than I could ever be. Guinevere knew she’d be amazing, but even she didn’t see how strong she’d become. By achieving full transformation, she possesses the strength to protect the realms. She’s one of a kind…”

  Xander had a million questions he wanted to ask, but Cass had already begun to fade.

  “Before you leave, is there anything else we should know to survive the battle?”

  He placed a hand on Xander’s shoulder. “My son, she has everything she needs. However, one final test remains. It’s an internal choice that she’ll make when the time comes. One thing might give her some additional peace. With the amulet repaired, the Shadow Warriors will receive their chance at redemption. They must defeat the sins of their father. I believe humans refer to them as the seven deadly sins. Kate will know more when the time is right.”

  Cass had nearly vanished from view, but Xander had one more question. “Why does this have to be your last vision? Is it time for the Rising?” The one answer he feared the most but needed to know.

  “Kate completed the prophecy. She’s attained the ability to set us all free, including me. I can now cross over and be with my family. She’s given me my greatest desire. I’ll always be thankful she had the strength that I didn’t. As for the Rising, you already know the answer and have for some time. Find peace, my son. And give her all your love.” With a slight bow, he disappeared. His journey had been completed, and he could finally join Guinevere in the Eternal Realm. Did that count as a happy ending that Kate so desired to witness? Xander wasn’t sure anymore. He didn’t even know what she’d become.

  Would she even care?

  A bright flash of light recaptured his attention. The phoenix drifted toward them. As it approached the land, she transformed back into her human form, creepy pale blue eyes and all. The amulet flickered in the moonlight with the white diamond returned to its place of honor in the trunk of the tree. She’d be able to receive the full power of the light on the night of the Rising.


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