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Page 14

by K. L. Savage


  Which is my own doing. I can’t blame anyone else but myself for that.

  Kicking my shoes off, I unbutton my pants and get prepared to stay in for the night. My feet disappear into the lime green shag rug Libby insisted on having, and I reach to turn on the pink standing light on her side of the room. It casts a dim yellow glow, nothing too harsh for the night I want to have.

  I toss the mail on the space-themed desk I have. It’s gorgeous. It has the night sky behind the planets, Saturn being in the center, which is perfect because it’s my favorite planet. The desk has an array of different colors on it, but it’s the sky that’s the prettiest, with hues of blues, blacks, and purples with vivid constellations. I love all of it.

  Best part? It was on sale.

  I’m about to step away when I notice my books.

  The books Mateo had are sitting in the middle of my desk, neatly stacked. My heart does that funny wild, unpredictable beat.

  “You really need to be more aware of your surroundings, Stellina. You never know who you will run into.”

  I gasp and spin around when I hear Mateo’s voice. He’s in the corner, staring at me through his lashes. He steps forward in a navy blue suit that hugs his body. His shirt is white and unbuttoned around his neck.

  The man is wrapped sin and bad intentions.

  And the world he is so eager to show me drips with the same molten lava I’m hypnotized by when I stare into his eyes.

  He is the chocolate.

  And I’m a sinner for wanting another taste.

  She has no idea how badly I want to bend her over my knee and spank her for what she did. She left me in the early morning. No goodbye, no see you later, no one last kiss. Nothing. I’d planned on having breakfast with her, consisting of my mouth between her legs, feasting on her sweet tangerine.

  And when I woke up alone with nothing but her scent embedded in my sheets? I was fucking furious. No one walks out on me.

  No one leaves me wanting.

  Everyone who tries never gets away with it. Nora is no different.

  Has she really been thinking she snuck out of my hands? I’ve been watching her since day one and if I couldn’t watch her, one of my men did. I have known her every move, every breath, and every time she nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “How did you get in my room?” she asks, keeping her distance from me.

  I glance around the dorm, small, old, with furniture that needs to be replaced, and grin. “Money talks, Stellina. I can do whatever the fuck I want, when I want. Your little university needed funds for a new science building, so I made it happen. And so now, as of three days ago, I am an esteemed member of the University board. I own a five-star resort, Stellina. Getting into a dorm room is easy as snapping my fingers.” I snap my thumb and middle finger to add flare. “You cannot run from me, Stellina. I don’t like that you think you had to.”

  “I got nervous,” she says in a small, shaken voice that stirs my cock. “I didn’t know you wanted me there.”

  “Baring my soul to you the night before you left, I would think that would be enough for you to know how badly I want you.” I take a step forward and the hint of strawberries hits my nose. Her scent. I’ve missed it. It’s only been five days, but five days is too long when I want to submerse myself in her life. In my life.

  “I’m sorry.” She laces her fingers together and twists her hands out. My eyes fall to her palms, and that’s when I see the phone number written in blue ink.

  With a savage growl, I take three steps and grip her wrist, lifting it into the air. My men didn’t tell me about this today. “What the fuck is this?” I hiss, squinting my eyes at the name below the numbers.


  A dead man.

  “A friend,” she exclaims on a light breath. She doesn’t try to pull away from me. If anything, her body goes lax, nearly limp.

  “A friend?” The word is poison, numbing my tongue as I speak it.

  Friend. No man in their right mind would want to be just friends with Nora.

  “I’m not interested in him.”

  “I know,” I say on a slight edge of cockiness. I yank her to me, her body warm and right against mine as we fit together like a puzzle.

  I might kill him anyway, depending on how much of a threat he is.

  “I could be for all you know,” she dares to sass me when I’m on the edge of fucking her in her dorm room.

  I’m really not happy she left how she did.

  “And you’d be lying,” I snarl, inching my way closer to her mouth. “There’s no way you feel what you feel right now.” I skim my nose down her cheek and press it against her throat. “There’s no way your pulse beats as fast with someone else like it does for me.”

  I kiss the side of her neck, feeling the jump of her heart right under the skin. “There’s no way your body yearns for someone else like it does for me.” I rub my thumb over the hard nipple tenting her shirt, then pinch it, causing her to gasp and moan. I slide my leg between hers and press my knee against her center.

  “There’s no way you get as wet for someone else like you do for me.” I skim my hand down her body, unbutton her jeans, and push my hand under her panties. The trimmed hairs scratch against my palm as my fingers circle her clit. She writhes against my leg, tossing her head back as I pinch that sweet bundle of nerves.

  “I called, I texted, I had my men watching you, I watched you. Just so I could get a glimpse of what I wanted most.” I tangle the strands of her hair around my wrist, then sink my fingers into her scalp. “Tell me right now,” I say, slipping my fingers through her wet sheath and parting her delectable folds, then sinking my finger into her cunt.

  She grips onto my biceps, face flushed, lips parted, with an uncertain look on her face that I can’t quite place. It like she can’t believe something inside her could feel so good. I slide it out, then back in and out. Slow and torturous. My cock is straining under my pants, dying to be freed and to slip inside her.

  “Tell you what?” her voice quivers, her nails sinking into the material of my suit. I can feel them denting my skin.

  “Tell me you don’t want me. This. Us. And I’ll still make you come, and then I’ll walk out that door.” I don’t say that I’ll always watch her and find a way to make her mine. I keep that to myself. There is no getting away from me.

  I don’t believe in waiting. My philosophy is time waiting, is wasted time.

  I want her now, for good, in the worst and most unhealthy ways. I’m consumed. Tormented. Haunted. And plagued.

  I’ll die proving to her we have to be together. She might want me to dominate in the bedroom, but she dominates me out of it.

  I quicken my speed, my finger hammering into her sweet cunt like I want my cock to. I feel the thin barrier of her virginity. Thunder boils the back of my throat as I threaten to break the wall again. I want it as mine, but no matter how much I want to rip through it with my finger, I want it more with my cock.

  “Tell me or I’ll take your silence as a yes.”

  Her cheeks flush. she can’t get control of her breath. The sapphires of her irises glimmer with a hint of fear. She wants to take the leap. I can feel it, but something is holding her back.

  My forehead falls to hers, and in a moment of weakness, my brows compress together. “Stellina, I won’t let anything happen to you. The safest place for you is with me.”

  Her eyes pool with tears and drift to something on the desk before settling back on me. I want her to trust me. It isn’t me she doesn’t trust, it’s love. If I were someone else, this would still be an issue, but I know she wouldn’t allow anyone else to get this close. I’m not lucky.

  She was just made for me.

  “I’ll always protect you. I’ll vow my life on it. Te lo prometto,” I state, whispering in her ear. Words are pointless. It’s action that matters. Over time, she’ll see just how hard and how intense my love can be. “I promise.”

  “Okay,” she n
ods with a lick of her lips. Her shoulders sag and the apprehension leaves her body. “Yes. Yes!” It’s a loud statement mixed on a deep moan. She throws her arms around my neck, and that’s all it takes to break me.

  I smash my lips against hers, hard and punishing. I’m fucking desperate. I bite her bottom lip and suck it between my mouth before letting it go with a plop. Our teeth clank together, but she doesn’t fight me to be in charge, she submits like the good girl she is.

  My tongue glides over hers. They tangle around one another in an erotic dance. I slide another finger into her hole, which is slightly stretched from one finger, and curl them together, making her whimper down my throat.

  Fuck, she’s so damn wet.


  I close my eyes when I hear my name coming from a lust driven part of her. I pull my fingers out and she sighs in pleasure and frustration that I’ve left her. But not for long. I suck my index and middle finger into my mouth, groaning as I lap at the honey. I take a step back and unbutton my blazer, fold it, and lay it across her roommate’s bed. As my attention is focused on Nora, I notice how different she looks outside of a sexy dress. Her style is simple, affordable, and yet I couldn’t imagine her wearing any other type of clothing. This style suits her. Her arms wrap around her waist. She must get the feeling that I’m judging her for what she’s wearing, but I’m not.

  “You’re beautiful,” I tell her as I unbutton my shirt. I shrug it off and lay it over the top of my blazer.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” she admits bashfully.

  She begins to take off her own clothes, but I stop her. “I will undress you.” I kick my shoes and pants off and I stand in front of her in tight briefs that do nothing to hide my erection. My cock is peeking out from where my underwear ends on my thighs and I imagine Nora falling to her knees and sucking the tip from the material. Nude.

  I work the buttons of her shirt, then tug each sleeve down her arms. She stays perfectly still, letting me do whatever I want now that she’s agreed to be mine.

  All fucking mine.

  My fingers rub against the skin under her tank top, then lift the plain light green material over her head. Her brown hair becomes messy and unkempt as it sticks out in certain places. I drop the shirt onto the floor in a useless puddle.

  “Bellissima,” I admire, wrapping my hands around her waist, then drifting them to her back. With my palms, I push up, traveling up the lean curve of her spine. Her bra gets in my way, so with one hand I release the clasps and the straps loosen around her shoulders.

  I slowly work my way around and slip the bra off her body, showing the perky breasts I have been dreaming about for five days. “Do you know that I’ve woken up every morning for the last five days with come on my stomach dreaming about these tits?” I dip down and suck one of her breasts into my mouth. I try to fit it all in, hungry for her, but I can’t, so I settle for sucking her rose bead.

  Her hands rub over my chest and those lithe fingers tighten in my hair. “Every night?”

  “Sometimes twice.” It’s the truth. I’d wake up in the middle of the night, coming on a shout as I wake from a dream of her and me. I’d be sliding into her for the first time, and when her heat engulfed me, I lost it. I’d clean myself off then eventually fall back asleep, only to wake up from another dream about fucking her tits and coming all over her chest.

  But it was my chest that was a mess.

  I kiss my way down her stomach, flat and lean, so petite and small. I dip my tongue in her belly button before sliding it down to the waistband of her jeans. I unbutton her pants and slide her zipper down, revealing black lace panties. I can see the faint hint of her light brown bush underneath and a primal growl battles in my chest.

  I tug the jeans down from her hips, then tug them off, tossing them with her shirt on the floor. Burying my face between her legs, I inhale the sweet sugar soaking her flimsy underwear. I bite the lace and make sure I have a good grip, then yank my head back, ripping the damn things off her body. They fall in tatters around her feet. I’m at eye level with her pussy. Her pink clit shines, poking out from the folds slightly erect and swollen, needy for me.

  Lifting one leg off the floor, I place it on my shoulder and pull her to my mouth. My tongue lashes out and I moan as I feel her velvet lips part for me.

  “Yes!” she gasps, tossing her head back as she ruts against my tongue.

  I don’t want to stay down here too long. I want us in bed. I’m still going to say no sex, until she’s ready, but I want to tiptoe up to the territory. I suck one fold into my mouth, then the other. I dip my tongue into her, then slide it toward the front and latch onto her clit. Her thighs shake around my head; the whimpers and pleas that leave her have a dribble of precome dripping from my cock onto the floor.

  The way I want her is dangerous, sick, and mental.

  Five days I’ve been without her.

  Seven days since I’ve met her.

  And she’s changed my life.

  “Oh god,” her body jolts when I bite down on her like she does to me.

  I can feel when she’s about to come, so I pull back, letting her clit go with a pop.

  “What? No. Why I did you stop?” She looks down, struggling to breathe.

  I kiss my way up her body. “Taste yourself,” I order, shoving my tongue against hers. With a little more force than usual, she deepens the kiss. I rip my mouth away and her mouth shines with her juices. “You like how you taste, don’t you?”

  She bobs her head and licks her tongue around her lips, gathering every drop she can.

  “My turn,” I say, backing toward the bed and sitting down. I swing my legs onto the mattress and scoot up until my head hits the pillow. My cock is standing straight into the air, unwavering and I wrap my hand around the base. “Get on the bed, get between my legs, and suck me,” I order. “Ora.”

  With tentative steps, she obeys, and climbs onto the bed. Nora crawls until she’s face to face with me. She bends down and licks each orb of my sack.

  “I said to fucking suck me now, Nora. No teasing,” I sneer, twisting one of her nipples as punishment. She cries out and I take the opportunity of her lips being parted and shove my cock into wet heat. She gags but recovers just as fast. She wraps one hand around the base and strokes me in rhythm while she bobs her head. She bites down and I jackknife off the bed, holding onto her hair tight as she pulls off and traces the head like a lollipop. Seeing my wide head against her tongue, pink on pink, is another kind of intimacy that no other man has been able to experience with her.

  My orgasm is too fast to stop. A spurt leaves me, marinating her tongue in a thick white stream. I growl, tensing my body and pressing my head against the pillow as I hold back the rest of my orgasm. It fucking hurts, but I refuse to come more. I can’t. Not yet.

  My sack burns. My body is on fire. My teeth are pressing so hard against one another I’m afraid they are about to crack. Deep breaths through my nose and out of my mouth, I finally calm myself.

  “Why did you stop?” she asks, the edge of innocence glowing from her face as she stares at me.

  “Because you always come first, Stellina. Always.”

  “What if there are days where I want to make you come first?”

  I sit up, grab her arm, and pull her to me. Her pussy is right above my cock, and the heat radiating from her has my hips automatically thrusting to slide within her depths. “Then when I’m done painting the back of that throat, I’ll get on my knees and make you come too,” I state.

  Her hair falls around us, creating a curtain. It gives us our own private world for a minute. I press my palm against the right side of her cheek and take a moment to fall into her more. Our eyes lock, her blue eyes sparkle with hesitancy and mischief, but the thing that hits me the hardest is trust.

  She took a leap and decided to trust me.

  I push onto my elbows and kiss her, making love to her lips like I want to make love to her. My kiss is firm yet slow, my tongu
e demanding and dominating over hers.

  When I pull away and open my eyes, she has a bit of red scruff burn along her chin, but she doesn’t complain. “What do you want me to do, Mateo?” she asks.

  I’m dominant, sure, but I’m not into women calling me ‘Sir’ or ‘Master.’ I want control without the rules, plus I think telling her to call me that will only make her afraid of what is next. My Stellina is skittish if not handled properly.

  “No sex, just us enjoying each other like last time,” I say.

  She’s relieved, but when she looks away from me to stare at the wall, I know she’s disappointed too.

  “There’s no rush here, Stellina. It’s me and you. When you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere. There’s no pressure.” I have to remember how much younger and inexperienced she is than me. Not just with sex, but with emotions too. I have to respect that. If I can’t, then I don’t deserve to be with a younger woman like Nora, or any woman for that matter.

  “I watched porn one time…” She chews on that damn bottom lip, driving me fucking crazy. My hands are wrapped around her back, yet I can still feel the fever taking over her body as she starts the story. “They tried one thing, and I know you’ve probably done it a hundred times, but I’d like to try it with you.”

  I push against her chest and have her sit up, her hair tumbling over her breasts to hide them. She looks like a goddess right now. “Show me.”


  “—I said to show me,” I deepen my tone, expecting her to obey me.

  This is the push she needs when she wants something. This is when I need to be dominant. I’m not forcing her. She knows she can stop every time, but I think it helps her to know how much I want her.

  There she fucking goes, chewing that lip again. Cazzo, I don’t know why it drives me so fucking crazy. I think it’s because she isn’t trying to get me in the mood or trying to ‘look’ sexy. She just does it because it’s a habit, and she’s so damn innocent.


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