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Worth the Wait: A Young Adult Sweet Romance (Oak Brook Academy Book 4)

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by Jillian Adams

  I tried not to puke.

  “The U.S. has you right now.” I shouldered my way through the group of girls and smirked. “Me in particular. You and I have permission to go out for the day.”

  “Oh? I didn’t realize that dating was arranged here.” He narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure you’re in the right country?”

  “It’s not a date.” I frowned as I heard a few of the girls whisper around me. “It’s an opportunity. I’d like to show you just how enjoyable it can be to be here.” I crossed my arms. “Unless you’d rather stay here and show off your accent, that is.”

  “Stay!” one of the girls beside me squeaked, then giggled.

  I noticed a flicker of annoyance cross Oliver’s face. How could he be annoyed if their attention was what he wanted?

  “Sure. I’m curious enough to find out what you have in mind. I’ll see you later, ladies.” He winked at them, then fell into step beside me. “So where are we headed?”

  “To the stables.” I flashed our pass at the guard near the entrance of the school. “We have as long as we want.”

  “Thrilling.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I thought you would plan something more adventurous.”

  “I’m just trying to make you feel a little more comfortable here.”

  “I’m never going to be comfortable here.”

  “You seemed pretty comfortable back there.” I glanced over at him as I hailed a taxi.

  “Did I?” He looked straight into my eyes.

  The sudden direct eye contact startled me, as did the anguish that I noticed.

  “Oliver, are you okay?”

  He pulled open the door of the taxi for me. “Ladies first.”

  I stared at him as I settled inside the taxi. Once I gave the directions to the driver, I turned to look at him. His smirk was back as he sprawled across the seat, his arm loosely draped above my shoulders. Had I imagined what I’d seen?

  “So, this is the big city.” He gazed out the window at the buildings we passed. “Not so impressive.”

  “It has its perks.”

  “Does it?” He glanced over at me. “What are your favorite spots?”

  “I have a few. But one in particular is a really interesting place to visit. Maybe I’ll take you sometime.” I looked down at my hands folded in my lap. Thinking of that spot made me think of Jennifer. It had been so long since I’d heard from my old roommate. I wondered if she’d ever contact me again.

  “Are you going to tell me where it is?”

  “Maybe.” I looked over at him. “Are you going to drop this tough guy act and be who you really are?”

  “You think I’m tough?” He smiled. “I like that about you.”

  “Nice.” I looked out the window and sighed.

  It wasn’t too long before the buildings disappeared and were replaced by a more country setting. Then the taxi turned down a long road that led to the stables.

  “Shady Meadows?” He read the large sign as we passed it. “How quaint.”

  “Trust me, it’s a great place.” I paid the driver, then stepped out of the taxi.

  “Maybe you should wait. I may not want to be here long.” Oliver met the driver’s eyes.

  “You want me to wait or go?” He frowned. “I get paid either way.”

  “Go.” I shot a look at Oliver. “You’ll survive.”

  “So you say.” He groaned as the cab drove away and we made our way toward the stables.

  I smiled at the young man who was walking toward me. Well, I couldn’t help but smile. Aaron, the horseback riding instructor, always commanded a smile from me. At twenty-one, he was the youngest of all of my teachers, and although he’d never been anything but professional with me, my imagination ran wild anytime I saw him. That long blond hair flying in the wind as he rode his favorite horse across the field, those bright green eyes filled with joy as he looked over at me and waved. Ah yes, Aaron. My smile spread even farther as he dusted his hands off on his well-worn snug blue jeans.

  “Mabel, it’s a surprise to see you. It’s not time for your private lesson, is it?” He paused in front of me.

  “Oh no, not until tomorrow.” I cleared my throat as my heart pounded. “I just wanted to introduce you to a new student at Oak Brook. This is Oliver.”

  Oliver thrust out his hand. “Pleasure.”

  “Welcome, Oliver.” Aaron gave his hand a squeeze then smiled as he released it. “I’m sure you’ll like it here. Oak Brook has a great reputation, with some of the best students in the country.” He winked at me.

  “I’m trying to convince him of that.” I ignored the way my heart skipped a beat when Aaron winked at me. “He enjoys riding horses back home, so I thought maybe you could give him the riding test. I know usually you like to do a few lessons first, but since he’s experienced...” I shrugged as I glanced over at Oliver as he walked over to one of the horses.

  “Sure, I can set that up.” Aaron pulled his phone out of his back pocket. “Let me see where I have an opening.”

  Oliver opened the gate to the stall and stepped inside. He stroked the horse’s neck and his mane.

  “What a beauty.”

  “That’s Clover. He’s not available to ride at the moment. He’s still being broken-in.” Aaron continued to search through his phone. “I’m a little booked up but I’m sure we can fit something in. Maybe at the end of the week?”

  “Can’t you fit him in today?” I frowned. “I’m sure it won’t take long. He’s a great rider. I just think it might help him feel a little less homesick if he had the chance to ride.”

  “That’s so sweet of you, Mabel.” Aaron smiled at me.

  “I’m not homesick.” Oliver glared at me. “And I’m not waiting until the end of the week either. I can ride just fine. I’ve broken in horses on my own; I don’t need a test to prove that I can ride.”

  “Those are the rules here.” Aaron’s shoulders tensed. “If you’re not willing to follow them, then we’re going to have a problem.”

  “No problem at all.” Oliver stared hard at Aaron.

  “Oliver!” I gasped as Oliver mounted the horse right inside the stall.

  Chapter 4

  “Hey, I said he’s not ready to ride.” Aaron’s eyes flashed as he started to step in front of the stall.

  Before he could, Oliver guided Clover out through the gate and down along the corridor of the stable.

  “He’s fine.” Oliver stroked Clover’s mane. “I like a little spirit in my horses.” He urged the horse to go faster the moment they cleared the entrance of the stable.

  “Stop!” Aaron shoved his phone back into his pocket and ran after him.

  Stunned, I stared after the two for a second. Then I jumped into action. I couldn’t let him get away. If he got hurt on his first day at Oak Brook, Principal Carter would certainly hold me responsible.

  I led my favorite horse out of the stable and climbed up into her saddle.

  “Alright, Goldie, let’s catch up.” I gave her golden mane a light stroke, then urged her to chase after Oliver.

  As I blew past Aaron, I heard him shout my name.

  “Mabel! Don’t get too close to that horse! He’s still wild!”

  My heart pounded. If Clover was still wild that meant his behavior would be a little unpredictable. Oliver could be thrown, or worse, trampled or kicked.

  “Oliver! Stop the horse!” I encouraged Goldie to speed up.

  Although I enjoyed horseback riding, I didn’t consider myself an expert. I mainly took the lessons just to spend time with Aaron—and I’d learned that the more mistakes I made, the more time he spent with me.

  When I glanced back over my shoulder, I noticed that Aaron had mounted Racer, a black stallion that he often rode. Within seconds he began gaining on both Oliver and me.

  Oliver appeared to be perfectly content to continue his ride. As he neared the exercise ring, I saw him lean down closer to the horse. My eyes widened as I realized that he intended to jump with
the horse. Could Clover even do that?

  “Stop! Oliver, stop!” Aaron had nearly caught up to me, but his voice projected much farther. Even with the sound of pounding hooves all around us, Oliver had to be able to hear him.

  As I watched, Oliver glanced back over his shoulder just long enough to meet my eyes, then he turned his attention back to the hurdle ahead of him. A second later, Clover launched himself into the air and easily cleared the first hurdle.

  When Clover landed, Oliver let out a loud cheer and laughed.

  I slowed Goldie down right beside him.

  “What are you doing?” I glared at him. “You could have been hurt or even killed!”

  “Oh, I thought this was the test?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me, then stroked his hand down along Clover’s mane. “Did I pass, Aaron?” He glanced at Aaron as he finally caught up.

  “Get off the horse.” Aaron scowled as he slid off Racer and landed on the ground right beside Clover.

  “I’ll ride him back.” Oliver started to turn the horse.

  “Get off the horse or I’ll knock you off myself.” Aaron’s hands balled into fists at his sides, which caused the muscles on his bare arms to stand out.

  “Aaron, I think there was just a misunderstanding.” I took a step toward him.

  “There was no misunderstanding, was there, Oliver? Get off the horse! Now!”

  “Relax, no need to overreact.” Oliver slid down off the horse and offered Aaron the reins. “He likes to go fast and he likes to jump. Give him a little more time doing that and he’ll be as docile as a pony.”

  Aaron snatched the reins from Oliver, then glared into his eyes. “You have no idea how dangerous what you just did was—not only to you, but also to Clover. You have five minutes to get off this property before I call the police. Don’t even think about coming back here.” He began to walk both horses back to the stable.

  “Mate, don’t be like that.” Oliver called after him. “I just wanted a little fun. I didn’t cause any harm.” Oliver sighed.

  “One more word!” Aaron glared over his shoulder. “And Mabel.” He met my eyes. “Don’t you bring him here again or you won’t be welcome here either.”

  I felt his words like a jab to the chest. My secret crush on Aaron was one of the few guilty pleasures I allowed myself. Of course I knew there could never be anything between us, but that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the fantasy.

  “I’m so sorry, Aaron, I had no idea he would act this way.” I shouted after him before glaring at Oliver. “What were you thinking?”

  “That I can probably ride better than that bloke.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s not my fault he takes himself too seriously.”

  “You’d better go, he’s serious about calling the police.” I frowned as I started to guide Goldie to turn back toward the stables.

  “Room for one more?” He launched himself up onto the horse behind me before I could answer.

  “This horse isn’t used to riding two people.” I frowned as I looked over my shoulder at him.

  He leaned forward so that our faces were only inches apart.

  “It’ll be fine. She’s strong.” He gave the horse’s side a light pat. “Let’s get out of here before things get messy.” He stretched his arms around me and picked up the reins.

  “Oliver, I can handle it.” I started to take the reins back, but he snapped Goldie into action.

  “Let’s let her get a good sprint going.” He shifted closer, his arms tightening around me, and the horse began to race beneath us.

  My heart pounded, as I didn’t usually ride very fast. Though I rode often, my confidence had not grown strong enough to really allow Goldie to open up to her full potential. As she galloped, I felt the wind brush against my skin and my body rocked back against Oliver’s. His broad chest pressed against my back and his strong arms kept me in place on the saddle. I could barely take a breath as my emotions swam between fury and excitement. I’d never felt so free as I did in that moment, with Goldie practically flying through the air and the strange but enchanting sensation of Oliver’s body wrapped around mine.

  I felt his cheek brush against my skin as he leaned forward and spoke directly into my ear.

  “We could just keep going if you want. All you have to do is say the word. Do you want to keep going, Maby?” He started to steer the horse toward the open field instead of the stables.

  For a split-second the word “yes” burned on the tip of my tongue. A part of me never wanted to stop. The thrill of the entire experience left me speechless. But that second passed as I recalled the fury in Aaron’s eyes and his warning about the police.

  “No.” I forced the word out, despite my desire to answer differently. “Take us back to the stables—now.” I tried to grab the reins, but instead my hands curled around his.

  “I’ll take you back.” He spoke into my ear once more, then guided the horse back toward the stable.

  We were halfway there before I realized my hands were still on top of his. I pulled them away and gritted my teeth. The whole experience had been strange and completely unpredictable. I wasn’t used to that. I tended to be the one in control and I preferred it that way. Things fell into place for me, and if they didn’t, I always found a way to make them. But Oliver? I had no idea where he was supposed to fit.

  “Last chance.” He whispered in my ear as we neared the stable. “All you have to do is say it and we can break free.”

  “Stop it.” I frowned as I shifted forward on the saddle in an attempt to escape the nearness of his lips. “I want off this horse and away from you.”

  Chapter 5

  Aaron stared up at us as Goldie eased to a stop in front of him. He grabbed the reins that Oliver released.

  “Your five minutes are up.”

  “Like I said, I caused no harm.” He slid down from Goldie’s back.

  Oliver offered me his hand to help me down in the same moment that Aaron offered me his. For an instant I considered taking Oliver’s, but instead I let Aaron’s warm hand close over mine. I noticed that his grasp was rougher than usual.

  “Why did you bring him here?” He tugged me down a bit quicker than I was prepared for and I stumbled forward against him.

  Flustered, I took a sharp breath and looked up at him. “He’s new, like I said. And I didn’t know he would do anything like this.”

  “I could have told you.” Aaron glared past me at Oliver. “Boys like that—they’re bad news, Mabel.” He met my eyes. “I thought you were smarter than that.”

  “Ease off, old man.” Oliver grinned as he walked around the horse. “I thought she could use a little fun. She seemed a little tense.” His eyes shined with amusement.

  “You have no idea what I need.” I crossed my arms as I stared at him. How dare he act as if he knew a single thing about me?

  “I was talking about the horse.” He laughed and gave Goldie’s back a light pat. “Horses love to run, you know. If you don’t give them a chance to feel free, they’ll never be content.” He looked over at Aaron. “But I’m sure you know that, right? Since you’re the expert?”

  “Get out.” Aaron pointed toward the road. “I don’t want to see you here again, do you understand me?”

  “I understand alright.” Oliver chuckled then walked toward the road.

  “Aaron, I’m really sorry.” I frowned as I tried to meet his eyes.

  “Sure.” He guided Goldie into the stable. “Just don’t bring him around here again.”

  “I won’t, I promise.” I called out to him as he disappeared into the stable. “We’re still on for our private lesson, right?”

  “I’ll be here,” Aaron called back.

  As I looked back at the road, I noticed that Oliver still stood there waiting. I felt a surge of anger as I saw the faint smirk on his lips.

  I marched toward him with vicious words already brewing.

  “I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m not going to let you come here and c
ause all kinds of trouble!”

  “You’re not going to let me?” He grinned as he held the gate open for me. “I don’t recall asking for permission.”

  “Maybe where you’re from people let this type of behavior slide, but around me, it’s not going to fly.” I glared at him.

  “I have no interest in impressing you. You said you wanted to show me around. And—well, this is me.” He spread his arms wide. “Are you having fun yet?”

  “Not even a little bit.” I tried to push the memory of what I’d felt while riding Goldie with him out of my mind. It had been a complete sensation of freedom. “In fact, you’re lucky that Aaron didn’t knock you out.”

  “You Americans.” He scowled at me. “So violent. I don’t think your boyfriend would have dared to lay a finger on me.”

  “My what?” My heart skipped a beat as I stared at him. Was it that obvious?

  “He’s a bit old for you, don’t you think?” He crossed his arms.

  “Aaron is my teacher, that’s all.” I frowned as I walked past him, back toward the end of the road.

  “We’re going to have to wait for a taxi to come out now. Unbelievable.” I pulled out my phone to order one.

  “I’m sure he is just your teacher, but that’s not all you want him to be.” He jogged up beside me and then began to walk backwards in front of me as he spoke. “I saw the way you looked at him.”

  “You’re crazy.” I rolled my eyes and stepped around him as I quickened my pace.

  “Am I?” He caught up with me. “I’m not the one lusting after someone out of my reach.”

  “I’m not lusting after anyone.” I felt my cheeks grow hot and I did my best to avoid his eyes. “I don’t have any plans to date anyone while I’m in high school.”

  “At all?” He slowed to a stop. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course I’m serious.” I waved down the taxi that approached. “Dating in high school is pointless and a distraction. Real love comes with maturity, something that teenagers just don’t have.”

  “Real love can come any time.” He matched my pace. “There isn’t some perfect part of your life where it happens.”


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