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Worth the Wait: A Young Adult Sweet Romance (Oak Brook Academy Book 4)

Page 16

by Jillian Adams

“So? What’s the secret?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “One day you’re going to meet someone, someone absolutely wonderful. When you do, nothing that anyone else thinks is going to matter to you.” I tipped my head toward Oliver. “Trust me, I know.”

  “That’s sweet, Maby.” She smiled as she looked over at Oliver. “He really is a great guy. But that’s just not in the cards for me.”

  “What do you mean?” I met her eyes. “Don’t you want to fall in love?”

  “No.” She pursed her lips. “I don’t think anyone could understand what I’ve been through over the past year. I don’t think I want to explain it. I just want to be on my own for a while.”

  “I can understand that. But I’m living proof that things don’t always work out that way.” I smiled as I recalled how hard I’d fought to deny my feelings for Oliver. “I would suggest that you keep your heart open. See where it leads. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

  “Hm…well, it all seems to have worked out pretty well for you.” She offered that infectious smile and nudged my shoulder with hers. “Everything happens at the right time, right? I’m just pretty sure that this isn’t the right time for me. Maybe one day, though. Maybe.” She shrugged. “Your romance turned out to be pretty great. Mine didn’t. As much as I believe in love, I’m not sure that I’ll want to take that risk again for a long time.”

  “Whatever you need, I’ll be here for you.” I hugged her.

  “I know you will be, Maby.” She smiled as she looked into my eyes. “Now go snuggle up to that adorable little creature before he gets too lonely without you.” She gave me a light shove toward Oliver.

  I laughed as I walked over to him. Even as his arms wrapped around me, I looked back over my shoulder at Jenny. Now that I knew just how wonderful it could feel to be in love, I hoped that my best friend would be able to experience that for herself one day. Until then, I intended to be the best friend I could to her.

  “I love you, Maby.” Oliver leaned his forehead against mine.

  “I love you too, Ollie.” I closed my eyes and savored the moment.

  Coming Soon!

  A Fresh Start

  Oak Brook Academy Book 5

  Chapter 1

  The halls echoed with familiar sounds—laughter, lockers banging shut, and someone somewhere bouncing a ball against the floor. In many ways, everything about Oak Brook Academy was exactly the same. There were a few new faces and some new posters had been hung, but the same paint was splashed on the wall and the same numbers posted above each classroom. Yet, everything felt different to me.

  It had been almost a year since the last time I’d walked down these halls. So much had happened in that time.

  I took a deep breath, closed my locker, and walked in the direction of my first class. Maybe it was me that had changed and not anything else. It was hard to go back to life as usual when nothing had been normal for so long.

  “There you are Jenny!” Maby waved to me from the end of the hallway and smiled. “Hurry up, we’re going to be late.”

  I managed a smile and caught up to her. “Relax, we won’t miss anything.”

  “Maybe not, but you know how grumpy Mrs. Cavanaugh is when we’re late.”

  “True, but she’s grumpy when we’re on time too.” I laughed as I followed her to the classroom.

  As soon as I stepped inside, the pre-class chatter stopped. I had learned to keep my eyes down when I entered a room. It made it easier to avoid the stares aimed in my direction. Still, I could feel the eyes on me. I could also hear the whispers that passed back and forth right behind me as I made my way to my desk. I didn’t have to hear the particular words spoken to know what they were about. Yes, I’d caused quite a scandal and there was no way to get around that. I’d just have to endure the looks, the comments, and the mean words scrawled across my locker.

  I thought that I’d prepared myself for it, but actually living it was a different thing altogether.

  “Don’t let it bother you.” Maby shot a glare at the other girls. “They’ve just got nothing better to do.”

  “It’s fine.” I sat down at the desk beside hers. “I’m more interested in what’s going on with you. I want to know all about the new romance.”

  “It’s not exactly new anymore.” Maby shrugged. “But I can’t deny that it’s a romance. I never thought it would be possible for me.”

  “Now you know better.” I winked at her and opened my book just as the teacher closed the door of the classroom.

  I still heard a few whispers, but once the teacher began to speak, they died down. I lost myself in the material for a few minutes, then surfaced again with a jolt when the classroom door swung open.

  “I need to see Jennifer.” Principal Carter hovered just inside the door.

  Why would the principal come in person? He could have easily just called my name over the PA system or sent a note to the teacher. Instead, there he stood.

  He narrowed his eyes as he tapped his right foot impatiently against the floor.

  “Jennifer?” The teacher waved me up to the front of the class.

  More whispers. A bit of laughter. Someone offered a mock gasp.

  I couldn’t remember ever being so cruel myself. But maybe I had been. Maybe back then, I just hadn’t realized it.

  “Come with me, Jennifer.” The principal gave me a small smile.

  I glanced back at Maby, who met my eyes with a light frown. When I turned back to the principal, he held the door open for me.

  I stepped out into the hall and did my best not to panic. Was this it? Was he going to kick me out of school once and for all? Maybe he’d caved to the pressure and decided that I didn’t belong at Oak Brook Academy anymore.

  “How are things, Jennifer?” He strolled down the hall casually, as if it were perfectly normal to chat with one of his students during the middle of class.

  “Fine, sir.” I avoided his eyes. I already knew what this was about.

  “Good, I just want to check in with you—make sure that you’re settling in.” He glanced over at me.

  “Look, I know you don’t want me here.” I met his eyes, despite his trying to look away. “You don’t have to worry, I’m not going to cause any trouble.”

  “Somehow I’m not so sure about that.” He frowned. “I hope that I can trust you, Jennifer.”

  “You can.”

  The lunch bell rang and I felt a jolt carry through my body. The last thing I wanted was to be in the middle of all the stares.

  “Good. Get to lunch.” He turned and walked away.

  My stomach twisted. I’d hoped that he really wanted to know how I was doing. Instead, he just wanted to reaffirm that I would stay out of trouble.

  As I walked toward the lunchroom, I heard my name called out from behind me. I turned to find a few girls I remembered from the year before, none of whom were friendly.

  “Look at you, walking through here like you own the place.” One of the girls put her hands on her hips. “I guess you think you do, since it’s your fault that Chuck got kicked out.”

  “I don’t know why he had to go away just so we could get you back.” A second girl shook her head. “It wasn’t a good trade if you ask me.”

  “I didn’t have anything to do with him leaving the school.” I stared straight back at them. “That was his choice.”

  “Sure.” The first girl laughed. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

  As they turned and walked away, I thought about running. I could run right out of the school. I could find someplace in the city to hide out until I figured out my next move. I didn’t have to be here. I didn’t have to endure the bullying or the memories. I could start fresh as an entirely different person. I didn’t have to be me anymore.


  Maby’s voice drew me out of my dazed state. I turned to face her and forced a smile. “Hey.”

  “Are you going to come eat?” She pointed to the entrance of the cafeteria. “It�
��s this way.”

  “I guess I got lost.” I followed her inside.

  Yes, I could run. I could turn my back on the school that had been my home and the first place where I’d made such a tight group of friends that they felt like family to me. But no matter how upset I was, Maby’s voice had a way of drawing me back from the edge.

  I wasn’t ready to flee, not just yet.

  She led me to the same table I’d eaten lunch at for years along with the same friends that had surrounded me, aside from one person—Chuck—and with the addition of a few new faces.

  I sat down across from Apple and returned her eager smile.

  What if Chuck hadn’t left? What if I were face to face with him instead of Wes or Candy?

  My heart pounded at the thought. No, Oak Brook Academy was not the same place anymore and I certainly was not the same person.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

  From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations.

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