Book Read Free


Page 7

by Tony Ortiz

  Oh really? I didn’t know you guys had the sit-down already. That’s good, you’re ahead of the eight ball then. Just some advice; don’t take anything personal the first few days until she warms up to you. Just do what she says and stay out of her way. Trust me.

  Laura seems easy going though, I don’t think it’ll be a problem.

  Easy going to chill with, sure. Work is a whole other story though brother. She’s Pit-bull like territorial when it comes to her sector. And the word around the campfire is that she’s not too thrilled about you buddying up with her.

  Damn, thanks for the heads up, I responded as I walked away. I wasn’t sure if he was messing with me to get me nervous or was being serious. Charlie said something similar though so I was definitely on edge at that point.


  I walked over to Laura’s sector, and she seemed to be deeply into something. Intently watching a feed on the video screen while scanning background information on one of her transcript feeds.

  Knock-knock ... No response. Hey, Laura? I’m supposed to shadow you today.

  Oh, hey Hector, sorry didn’t see you there. Yea, yea have a seat anywhere. I’ll be with you in a bit.

  She was zoned out. Really into some sort of groove. I let her be. After about 15 minutes or so of not one word, I spoke up.

  I’m really looking forward to working with you and helping out wherever I can.

  That's great slick, you wanna do me a big favor? She responded.

  Yea sure, of course.

  Brooke is out getting us lunch and I can't step away right now. Mind getting me some coffee?

  Yea, ok.

  I started walking toward the kitchen, realizing that the guys weren't bullshitting about her work demeanor. She really didn’t seem up to being shadowed.

  Light and sweet please, she shouted out.

  I came back with the coffee a couple minutes later.

  Here you go, coffee à la Laura.

  What's that? She asked with a confused look on her face.

  Light and sweet ... just like you, I responded.

  Ha, that's funny, she responded without smiling or any other indication that she thought it was actually funny.

  Thanks, she continued. I really needed this.

  See, and everyone thought you’d be hell to work with, I said.

  Oh you’ve got jokes huh? We’ve got a Comic in the house ladies and gentlemen.

  She went back to doing her thing. I went back to observing. The rest of the day went pretty much the same way, up until I had to go work with Jake. She only acknowledged me to go and fetch her things, and swiftly rejected my attempts of offering help and dismissed me just as quickly when I asked questions.

  I went over to Jake’s disillusioned and apparently wearing my heart on my sleeve because he picked up on it right away.

  Rough first day? He asked.

  How could you tell? I said.

  Don't worry man, it'll get better from here on out.

  I just don't get it. She's been one of the most friendly approachable people since I've been here, and today it was literally like dealing with a different person.

  Haha, that sounds about right, Jake said as if he was amused.

  What am I missing? I asked.

  You met work Laura. Up until today you've only known leisure Laura. The one whose company we all enjoy and love. Work Laura on the other hand, totally different story. Think of it as having Kobe Bryant as a teammate. She'll be one of the best players on the floor nine times out of ten, but not the most pleasant person to deal with. That said, you could always learn something from her.

  Tell me about it. Geez, you guys weren't kidding huh? I could tell she has a lot to offer too. I could learn a lot from her, and really want to. I just don't want to step on her toes though.

  My advice, just keep showing up and give it time. Let her warm up to the idea of working with you enough that she starts trusting you. Once she trusts you, you'll be fine.

  Alright, I'll give that a shot I guess.

  Sounds good, Jake responded. You had a long enough day so let's dive in on our end tomorrow. Take the rest of the day for you.

  Are you sure? I don't mind getting into it at all now, I responded.

  Yea, you'll actually be helping me out because I'm behind on a couple things. But here, take these information pamphlets we’ve put together over the years and read through them. They give some historical context to what we’ve done and what we do.

  Ok thanks, I said.

  I decided to lay low the rest of the day.

  The next morning I decided to take a proactive approach to Jakes advice of getting Laura to trust me. I was up and at her station before she was. I’ve always been of the ‘if you can’t join them, beat them’ mentality. So my methods for achieving certain objectives are admittedly unorthodox at times.

  I have a knack for picking up on things quickly, so in my time observing her yesterday I knew exactly how she set things up in the morning, before beginning work. From the software she opened up to have on standby, to the physical positioning of her monitors. I set these all up and started reviewing the feeds she submitted to Jake the day before. Really good, quality stuff, from what I could tell with my limited experience. You can see her work ethic reflected in what she submitted. Clear video, sharp framing angles, relevant content, detailed descriptions and extra notes on everything. You name it. I think she even found a possible new recruit for the team. At least that’s what it seemed like to me from the patterns I picked up on.

  What are you doing at my station?

  Oh, hey Laura. Good morning to you too.

  You didn’t answer my question.

  Damn, take it easy. I was just setting you up for your day.

  I didn’t ask you to do that. And besides, I like my setup in a very particular way. Now I have to waste my time undoing your uninvited damage.

  I know you didn’t ask, and I know you like things a certain way. If anything is out of place or not to your liking, I apologize and it won’t happen again. But if everything is where you need it to be, as I trust it will be ... you’re welcome. I’ll go fetch your coffee now.

  Of course she realized everything was exactly as she would have set it up herself. She was just being unsurprisingly territorial. But at the same time, she couldn’t help but be impressed. At least that’s how I saw it. Maybe now she’ll trust me enough to be more inclusive with her process.

  Here you go. Light and sweet.

  You don’t forget much, huh?

  It’s a gift and a curse.

  Listen, I’m sorry for over reacting. I’m really particular about certain things like I said, and honestly just not a morning person. I need a few cups of these before becoming remotely approachable. You did a good job here. Really good.

  Thanks L, I said deciding to slide in a nick name to help soften things up. I’m just here to help. To help and learn. So hopefully we can do more of the later today?

  Yea, I’m with that, she responded.

  The rest of the morning she was more inclusive. I admired her laser like focus and attention to detail when it came to her work. It was infectious. We took our lunch break out in the patio. Indulging in some sandwiches and conversation.

  So what's up with you? I asked Laura. What's your story? How were things before you wound up here? If you don't mind me asking of course.

  Well, pretty normal before the skipping started actually. I'm 24 now and been here for almost 4 years, so I guess I was around 20-21 when I got here. I was skipping, for like a year before Miguel found me. Prior to that I was just going to school, trying to get used to the whole College thing, getting good grades and wanted to be a lawyer.

  Oh so you were a nerd.

  Haha, no. Just had super strict parents that had my life planned out before I knew I had a say in the matter.

  So you didn't want to be a lawyer but were going to be anyway?

  Yea I guess. I mean, I didn't want to let them down, yo
u know?

  I get that part, but not at the cost of completely letting yourself down.

  Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't going to be one of those career track, partner driven attorneys. I was going to do the bare minimum to check off that proverbial lawyer box, and keep it moving from there. I’d just work twice as hard and after work when I was on my time, I’d do whatever I really wanted to do.

  Fair enough. What do you think your post-work time would have looked like?

  Well, definitely some volunteer work. Probably something with kids. Like in an elementary school or children's hospital. I love kids. I also love writing so I'd definitely spend all my nights and weekends writing the next great American Novel.

  That sounds pretty cool actually. I guess it would have been a hard sell at 19 to tell your parents you were planning on feeding yourself via volunteer work and writing books.

  Imagine? I would've been the shame of the family. I wouldn't have even dared bringing it up back then. Every conversation with them was like a mini water boarding session. You should've heard when they had “the talk” with me. I felt like I was taking a masters Biology class at Yale.

  Haha, really? Damn. I bet it wasn't as awkward as mine though.

  C’mon, “the talk” for a guy, has to be way less embarrassing than it is for us girls.

  You think so?

  Of course. There’s no comparison.

  I don’t know about all that. I mean, mine was no cake walk.

  Let me guess, your Mom walks into your room one day after doing laundry and washing your crusty tube sock, and asks you if they spoke to you about sex in your Junior year health class. You awkwardly told her yes, and continued yes-ing her until she was satisfied, and neither of you ever mentioned the conversation again. Am I close?

  Haha, nah. It was actually my pops. Before he passed.

  Oh wow, sorry.

  Don’t worry about it.

  Wait, didn’t he pass away when you were like 10?

  12. How'd you know that?

  You think we pick up random strangers from the street around here? We vetted you. I read your file.

  Oh ok, that makes sense, I responded.

  So, you were having sex at 12?!

  What? Hell no. That was the embarrassing part. I was 11 at the time actually, a couple weeks shy of my birthday. So, he walks into my room and pushes the door halfway closed. He walked over and sat down at the foot of my bed and asked:

  Got a sec kiddo?

  Yea pop, what’s up?

  I gotta speak to you about something, come here, sit down. Do you have any questions you want to ask me?

  Um, no. Not really. Why?

  Your Mother found a condom in one of your drawers while she was cleaning your room last week.

  What?! Why was she going through my stuff?

  She’s worried about you being sexually active and wanted me to make sure I speak to you about doing everything correctly.

  Awe, c’mon Pop.

  Trust me this conversation is just as uncomfortable for me as it is for you. I know you have the internet and all sorts of stuff, and you’re a smart kid but I’m your Dad and you need to hear certain things from me. Using condoms is a good thing so you’re already on the right track. Never have unprotected sex.

  Geez c’mon Dad.

  Don’t c’mon Dad me. Are you paying attention to me? Never have unprotected sex. I don’t care if you’re in love or if you think you’re going to marry the girl. You can never know how active someone else is, and how safe other people they’ve been with were with their previous partners. Also, you don’t want to be having this conversation and sitting where I’m sitting in a few years, do you?

  No pop. I understand.

  Last thing, make sure you use them right so that they don’t break.

  They break?

  Yes, they’re not indestructible kiddo. And if it breaks then it’s the same as if you weren’t wearing it to begin with. Anytime you put one on, roll it half way on —

  Dad c’mon.

  Roll it half way on, and then pinch the bubbled tip to let out the air in it, then roll the rest of it on. That’s important you hear me? Google it and make sure you have it right, and then let me know if you have any other questions ok?

  Ok pop, fine. Thanks.

  I’m serious, I don’t feel like being a Grandpa just yet.

  Ok, okay I will.

  By the way, he said as he stood up and started toward the door, here’s a pro-tip for you; if you cleaned up your room more frequently, nobody would have reason to come into it and find things while they’re cleaning it. He winked at me, walked out and shut my door.

  The next day he gave me this small metal box with a lock and key, for my ‘personal items.’

  Ha ha ha, that’s hilarious. Your Dad was a cool guy. That didn’t sound too bad by the way.

  To you it didn’t. But I wasn’t even having sex yet. Nowhere near it. I had one tap kiss from a girl named Rebecca that came up to me during lunch because she was playing truth-or-dare. She just came over and kissed me in front of everyone. I turned so red people thought I was going to start gushing blood. I left the lunchroom and spent the rest of the period in the library.

  So what the heck were you doing with a condom in your room?

  My best friend at the time found it on the bus. Someone must’ve dropped it. We thought it was the coolest thing. Made us feel like grown ups or something, I don’t know. We made a pact to take turns holding on to it until one of us needed it. He was even less experienced than I was. That shit wound up expiring.

  Laura bursted out laughing, non-stop. That is priceless! Ha ha ha.

  I bet yours was a walk in the park compared to that, huh? Let me take a stab at it; your Dad walks into your room while you were transitioning between your barbie doll and goth-girl stages, asked you to put down your copy of The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath for a second and said: ‘Hey, don't get yourself knocked up. You're not welcome here if you do’?

  Very funny. But no, I didn't have a gothic phase in high school, thank you very much. Those kids always weirded me out. I was actually a bit of a jock. Captain of my swim team and everything.

  You know Swimming’s not a real sport right? I chimed in sarcastically.

  Anyways, she said as she squint-rolled her eyes adorably, it was my Mom. And it happened after I got my period for the first time - which happened during swim practice and in front of everyone! My coach called home even though she promised not to tell anyone else. I didn't know what the heck it was so I begged her not to tell my parents. Til this day as irrational as it may be, I hold it against her. I was so embarrassed that I don't even remember how the actual conversation with my mom went that night!

  Damn, that is rough actually.

  Word to the wise-if you want to stay off my shit list, don't make me any promises you can't keep.


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