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Brute: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Kaizon Book 5)

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by Luna Hunter

  “I don’t even know where to begin. It all happened so fast. There were a few cases, a mysterious illness going round. Regrettable, but nothing too serious. Or so I thought. I was convinced my people would find a cure. After all, our science departments were led by Surlok, a once-in-a-lifetime genius. Only he didn’t. And the cases started piling up, speeding up, once after another… and suddenly we reached a tipping point, where the entire Kaizon society ceased to function. You never think it’s going to happen in your lifetime, a catastrophe like that. That happens to ancient civilizations. Not yours. Until it does.”

  His lips tighten into a thin line.

  “Tell me more,” I whisper. “And please untie my arms.”

  “Why, so that you can run away and leave me as well?”

  “It’s dark. I’d probably stumble into one of your traps and lose a leg. No thank you. I just want to stretch my arms a bit.”

  “Hm. A bad idea, but… why not.”

  He takes the vines and snaps them as if they were made out of air.

  With my hands finally free, I wrap them around his big frame and squeeze him as hard as I can.

  “It sounds to me like you need a big hug,” I say. “You’ve been through a lot.”

  “Your human sentimentally,” Ibalen says, pulling his face away. “It makes me sick.”

  “Stop lying,” I say. “I can feel your hearts race. You like it. Admit it.”

  “Your sun will stop burning before I admit that.”

  “Ah, so it’s true! You are just too chicken to admit it.”

  “Chicken? I do not know that word.”

  “It’s a small animal, domesticated. Very common before The Mistake. It means cowardly.”

  His nostrils flare. “You dare call me cowardly?!”

  “I double dare.”

  Ibalen’s hand flies through the air and smacks me right on my ass with a sharp thwack, the sound carrying across half the forest. A flock of birds cry out and fly off.

  He keeps his hand there, pulling my body close to him. “Shut up, or I will have to punish you, human.”

  “I don’t want that,” I lie. My body is begging for another touch, but like him, I’m also too proud to admit some things.

  “Good. Now, I need to mask my scent… with yours.”

  “You what now?”

  “Yes. The royals will smell me, and the element of surprise will be lost. I must mask my scent with yours. Take off your clothes, Eileen.”

  Instantly, my heart is racing.

  “Is this just a cheap ploy to get me naked?”

  “I don’t need a ploy!” he says. “You are only wearing clothes because I allow it. And now, I am no longer allowing it. Take them off. Now.”

  “You promised me we weren’t going to mate, remember?”

  “I’m not talking about sex, human. I’m talking about scent. Do you find that so hard to believe? Do you think I only care for mating?”


  His eyes shoot daggers, and I find myself slowly standing up, taking off my clothes one by one. Ibalen’s eyes are glued to my body, shifting color as more of my skin is exposed to the faint moonlight. He takes the rest of his armor off, exposing his beautiful frame to me. My mouth goes dry just looking at him.

  Ibalen grabs my hand and pulls me down on top of him. Damn. I can feel every inch of his impressive body, and I can’t help but admit that it feels.. good.

  Really good.

  I breathe a blissful sigh I’ve been holding back all this time. I close my eyes and listen to his heartbeat, and let his skin warm mine. He pulls his cloak over me, and I realize I feel… safe.

  Chapter 8


  Her snoring awakes me. The world is light once more, this planet’s central star shining down on my face. I squint and glance down, and the sight I see makes my heart thump.

  Having this human female in my arms feels… wonderful. I can’t help but wrap my arms around her tightly and squeeze. She utters a throaty groan, and nuzzles my naked chest.

  Her wonderful scent, combined with the view of her beautiful face so perfectly relaxed, and the feel of her breasts pressing against my naked chest, is enough to drive me absolutely wild.

  My body is ready. And it’s not just lust that burns brightly inside of me. No, I feel the overwhelming urge to… protect her.


  That’s not the plan. My objective is to subdue this world, to breed countless of Earth females, to secure the future of my lineage by fathering hundreds of children…

  And yet, this strong female feels like… enough.

  That’s not the right word. She’s more than enough. She’s all I need. Eileen’s a fighter, just like me. She’s known struggles of her own, and while she’s no match for my raw strength, she’s undoubtedly clever.

  Perhaps I ought to test her.

  Gently, I lift her off my chest. She doesn’t wake, lost in deep sleep, as I stand up and strap my armor back on, despite my cock protesting very hard against being locked back up.

  I pull my cloak back over her naked body, but not before giving one last look at her luscious curves.

  Damn it.

  If I don’t leave right this second, I will not be able to keep my promise to her. I said I wouldn’t mate with her, and for some strange reason, I want to keep my word to her.

  Very strange indeed.

  Chapter 9


  The chirping of birds wakes me up. I roll over, enjoying my warm bed.

  I wonder what Jade is cooking this morning. It’s always a surprise what kind of dish she’s invented now. Her creativity really knows no bounds.

  My eyes open slowly, and then they snap open in an instant. I’m not in my bed. I’m not even in a bed. I’m lying on the ground, a huge, Kaizon cloak covering my naked body.


  It all comes rushing back to me in an instant. I sit upright and glance around, but Ibalen is nowhere in sight. My throat closes up — did I miss the battle? Did something happen to him?

  I know I ought to feel relieved, but in truth, I’m just afraid. And that’s crazy. He’s my abductor, he’s plain evil, or so they say. And still, I find myself caring for him.

  I got him to open up a bit last night, and there’s a whole lot going on underneath the surface. It feels like I’m this close to cracking the code to his heart.

  All I need is a little more time.


  The bushes rustle.

  Please don’t let it be Vuka, or Kerax, or any of the others, I find myself thinking. I want to see Ibalen’s face, his unique horns, his vivid eyes.

  I want to see the guy who makes my heart thump harder.

  The bushes part, and Ibalen’s face pokes through. He’s got a deer slung over his shoulder, carrying it as easily as if he was holding a rabbit.

  “Good morning,” he says as he walks up and drops the deer down. He pulls out his knife, flings it in the air, catches it and starts skinning the deer.

  A cold breeze makes me realize I’m still naked as can be, and my breasts are bared for all to see. Well, just Ibalen in this case, but still. I gasp and pull the cape back up.

  Ibalen raises an eyebrow, and looks at me with that characteristic, arrogant look of his, the type of look that makes me want to slap him and kiss him at the exact same time.

  It’s infuriating how much a single look of his gets me going.

  “Hiding your body from me? I have seen it all already.”

  “That doesn’t mean you get a free show whenever you like,” I say as I try to put my clothes on while hiding underneath the cape. It’s a struggle.

  “You were testing me, weren’t you?” I say. “I can see it in your eyes.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I was getting breakfast for you.”

  “Don’t lie to me. Did I pass your test?”

  “Perhaps,” he chuckles as he starts a fire and roasts the meat. “Perhaps.”

p; “Has anyone ever told you can be quite tiring?” I grumble, the hunger making me cranky.

  “Once or twice. They never lived long.”

  Gulp. “Noted.”

  We eat in silence. It’s not as great as Jade’s cooking, but hey, I don’t have a lot of choice right now. When my stomach is full, I turn to Ibalen.

  “Let’s go for a walk.”

  “A walk?” he says. “I must prepare for the coming battle — I must warm my muscles, sharpen my claws.”

  “Can’t you warm up by walking?”

  “I could, yes, but—”

  “And you can smell them coming, can you not?”

  “Of course!” he says proudly.

  “Then it won’t matter. We won’t go far, but I need to stretch my legs for a bit. Or do you plan to tie me to a tree?”

  His eyes glaze over, gradually shifting color.

  Oh, crap — did I just spark an idea?!

  “Fair enough,” he says. “Let’s go then, while the central star is still low in the sky.”

  Together, we wander towards a small babbling brook. It’s very picturesque here, and for a while, it doesn’t feel like I’m his prisoner. It feels more like… a date.

  I don’t know if I’m getting through to him, or if I’m just losing my mind.

  Perhaps both.

  I drop down to my knees next to the brook and wash my hands, splashing some of the cold water on my face.

  “Let’s swim,” I say. “I could use a refreshing dip.”

  “No,” Ibalen says sternly. “No, you can’t. I need your scent strong, to draw the princes in. No washing.”

  I look up at him in surprise. “Well, that’s the first time a guy has ever said that to me.”

  “What do you mean?” he growl.

  “Nothing,” I chuckle. “Have it your way.”

  “It is a good idea, though,” he says. “For me.”

  “Hm?” I ask.

  Before I’ve even finished my question, Ibalen is already stripping his armor away. All I can do is stare, open-mouthed, as his naked body comes view.

  It’s a treat every single time to be allowed see his broad shoulders, his muscled pecs, his perfect abs, and of course, who can miss it, that dangerous spear he’s got dangling between those powerful thighs of his.

  He wades into the brook, his body disappearing underneath the surface, and all I can do is sit and watch and let my heart pound like mad.

  Ibalen walks out, water glistening on his dark gray skin.

  I can’t help but notice how a few drops slide down his length. Is he ever not hard? Or is this just how Kaizon walk around the entire time? I don’t know if this thought scares or pleases me…

  “Ready to go back?” he asks, sliding his armor back on.

  It saddens me to see his gorgeous body hidden behind that armor of his again, and I almost regret telling him we couldn’t mate…

  I mean… why did I do that?

  All the other girls are doing it. Why do I have to be so prim and proper? I can let myself go. Just this once.

  “Eileen. Are you coming?” Ibalen asks, snapping me out of my trance.

  “Y-yes. Of course.”

  “Why is your face red?”

  “The sun,” I lie. “It turns my skin red.”

  Ibalen shakes his head. “Humans. Your skin doesn’t even protect you from your own central star?!”

  “Shut up,” I whisper. “Let’s just go back, okay?”

  Chapter 10


  The night falls once more.

  With no sign of the royals in sight. No hint, not even a whiff of my mortal enemies.

  I would have thought they’d track her down by now, but it seems they are slow. And in the quiet of the night, my thoughts start to wander.

  My singlemindedness has faded, along with the light. I wish they’d show up, just so I can get it over with.

  And yet, at the same time, I hope they don’t show. Every second they are not here is one more I get to spend with the human female.

  If I slay her friends in front of her — well, she won’t look at me the same anymore. Right now her eyes are filled with wonder.

  With care.

  With attraction.

  Can I risk that all? Can I throw it all away…?

  Woodlands critters chirp in the distance, and a soft breeze makes the trees sway gently in the wind.

  What am I saying. Of course I can. I must. For my house, for my honor, for my people!

  And yet… I don’t want to sacrifice what I have found. The way she looks at me, the way she talks to me, it makes me feel…


  And that is not something I’ve ever experienced before. My father was unhappy with his place in life; a high-ranking noble, but not quite high enough for his liking. Ambition consumed him, and he took all of his frustration and anger out on me. All I’ve ever known was hate.

  And then this woman walks into my life. So pure, so happy, so cheerful.

  All the while, I’m the one keeping her from her friends, her family — the very things I desire so much. Am I just… a monster?

  Am I the very thing I’m fighting against?

  “What’s on your mind?” Eileen asks, placing her hand on my shoulder.

  I jump, awakened from my deep thoughts, and instantly my claws unsheathe.

  “Careful with those murder mittens, it’s just me,” she says, holding her hands up in the air.

  “Sorry,” I say, resheathing my claws. “Lost in thought is all.”

  “I noticed. Here, have a cup.”

  She hands me my flask of hot water with freshly brewed leaves floating in it. The smell is quite pleasant.

  “What is this?” I ask. “Where did you get this from?”

  “Oh, I just plucked some herbs and heated up some water over the fire to make us some tea. It’s, um, a human beverage. Just because we’re hiding out in the wilderness doesn’t mean we have to live like savages, right? I hope you don’t mind I used your flask.”

  My eyebrows raise. “You wandered off? It’s dangerous — you could have walked into a trap!”

  “For the last time, Ibalen, I can take care of myself. I’m not some fragile little flower, okay? I’m, like, an oak or something.”

  “Sturdy and unyielding?”

  “Sure. I was going to go with ‘strong’, but I’ll accept sturdy.”

  I take a sip of this human tea, and it warms my throat. “This is good.”

  “Thank you,” she says. “I have to ask though; since when do you care if I live or die? I thought I was just bait to you. And the smell of my dead body will still attract the princes…”

  “Never say anything like that ever again,” I growl, baring my teeth.

  “And why not? You care about me all of a sudden now?”

  “I do.”

  “Bullshit. I’m just a tool to you.” Her beautiful eyes are narrowed, her lips an angry line. It seems she’s done some thinking of her own, and it’s gotten her very angry.

  “You are so much more, Eileen.”

  “Then prove it.”

  I lean in and kiss her roughly, one hand grabbing the back of her neck, the hot tea spilling all over the earth as I pull her close to me.

  “That’s not what I meant—” she protests.

  “You want me to prove myself to you, then that’s what I will do,” I growl. I yank her pants down with one fell pull, exposing her beautiful thighs.

  The beast inside of me roars. I’ve fought all this time against my animalistic instincts, but no more.

  No. The princes could arrive at any time. I will take her right here, right now, and enjoy all this world has to offer.

  Fuck the consequences.

  I pull her panties to the side. The sight of her pussy makes my two hearts race, and my quad throb with anticipation.

  “Oh my god, I haven’t even—”

  “Your scent is mesmerizing, human,” I growl. Her pheromones drive me wild, and wit
h an animalistic groan I bury my head between her legs.

  She stumbles backwards, landing in the soft earth, as I push her legs up, making her sex readily available to me. I drag my forked tongue up her wet folds, tasting her sweet nectar, and every drop makes me hungry for more.

  “Oh, fuck, Ibalen, this is not what I mmmmoh my god!”

  I have never tasted anything so heavenly. Her taste fills me, driving me to the brink of madness. My cock is hard and ready, and I want nothing more than to fill her right up — but first, I want to get her off.

  I love seeing her face scrunch up. I love how she grabs my horns, how she pretends to struggle, all the while pushing her hips into my face, grinding herself against me.

  My tongue enters her, exploring the hole I will soon spread apart and deposit my potent load in. It will be a tight fit, but she’s dripping with juices.

  Her body is ready.


  Oh my fuck.

  Those are the only words that come to mind.

  Ibalen has me folded in half, my feet dangling helplessly high up in the air as his forked tongue explores my most sensitive, intimate places.

  All I can do is watch through half-opened eyes and moan. I can’t fight him, and honestly, I don’t want to.

  To see this man go crazy for me, to see the pure lust in his eyes… it’s the biggest compliment imaginable.

  I want this. As much as he does, if not more.

  Ibalen stands up and practically rips his clothes off. I follow suit, and take what remains of my outfit off. It’s night, and quite cold outside, but my body is burning up all the same.

  The moonlight illuminates his massive horns, his impressive musculature, his broad, tall, intimidating frame… and all I can do is stare with amazement.

  This is my man.

  He dives back between my legs, his forked tongue finding my throbbing clit right away, and as he suckles I sees stars. My hands fly to his horns, guiding him up and down.

  “I’m close,” I pant.

  “Yes, come for me, my mate,” he growls.

  “Am I… really your mate?”

  “Oh, yes,” he growls. “You are mine, now and forever. I’m going to mark this pussy, make it mine, fill you up and make you scream my name.”


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