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Tales Of Eleutheros

Page 16

by S D Huss

  “What are you…?” She asked.

  “I…” Robert said, almost unable to keep tears from pooling in his eyes at the spectacle. There was something about her that was completely incomprehensible, the sheer level of unknown power that flowed from her. Robert felt all of it. Every wave of the alien Dunamis took yet more strength from Robert's body. “I’m… a human being.” He said finally.

  The violet spirit cocked her head to the side slowly.

  “Miza…?” Mioh asked, pulling her attention. “It is so good to hear your voice again… we have missed you so much.” The pale green spirit’s face now shone with a smile. One of genuine affection and happiness. “This is a human… there were many that arrived recently… when they did, you began to stir again… after so many years… we believed you had gone with the great spirits.”

  Miza’s gaze was lucid. She slowly turned again to Robert, who she still held gently between her hands. “A… Human?” She looked closely into his eyes. “But… your eyes… they are ancient… before the Dae… before the spirits… before our world.”

  “What?” Amynta said, chiming in. “Of what do you speak, oh great spirit of old?” She tried to be as respectful as possible, while still maintaining her unbridled curiosity.

  Miza did not look to the Dae scholar, but she did smile at her words. “Oh, daughter of Rajim… I am not a great spirit… merely an old one…” She took her hands away from Robert’s face and sat on the grass before him.

  “What do you mean… ancient?” Robert asked, his mind a whirl of wonder and confusion.

  “Tell me of your arrival… I would very much like to hear it.” She asked, ignoring his question.

  chapter 19

  Katrina shifted uncomfortably from left to right as she stood in the Regios great hall. Avria sat in a small throne next to her father, Telmos, the lord of the House Regios, who now listened to his petitioning subjects. High lords who served the Hego all governed different areas of their territory. They were ultimately beholden to the Hego but could cast judgment on nearly all matters within their territory. It was also law within Eleutheros for these high lords to make time to hear their subjects grievances, or settle disputes.

  Small beads of sweat trickled down her back, irritating her, but still, she remained standing at attention. This was her first official appearance as Avria’s squire, and standing beside her father, who offered very little in terms of encouragement, she felt even more nervous.

  “Palen Gorrak, subject of house Regios!” Called a crimson-clad warrior.

  A thin Dae entered the hall, he wore a colorful assortment of clothing and brandished a strange and floppy hat.

  “My Lord Regios.” He said, bowing deeply.

  Avria’s father waved his hand and gave a slight nod in reply.

  “I have come before you today to bring up a grave matter. One of importance and absolutely in need of your immediate attention.” Palen said.

  Katrina saw that the Dae was holding back a great deal of anger and irritation.

  “My family and I came to Vul De Rah to bring our goods here and increase profitability. I am a simple merchant and live a humble life, but came here from Vuk De Toh for a better one.” He sighed as he reached into one of his coat’s pockets, bringing out a large slab of wood slightly burned on the edges. “This my lord… is all that is left of my cart. I was beaten and robbed by Doulos thieves in the street. They took my goods, and burned my livelihood into nothing…” He dropped the piece of wood back into his coat and hung his head. “My Lord, I am here today because I have nothing left… Please help me…”

  The Lord of house Regios did not stir or react in any way to the Dae’s woeful story. He just sat on his throne imperiously. His skin was the same shade as his daughter’s, and his eyes shared a similar harshness. But his gaze was one that could bring even the strongest warrior slight hesitation.

  “Palen, was it?” Lord Regios asked finally.

  “Yes, my lord…” The merchant replied.

  “I am deeply disturbed by this news.” He looked to his left and locked eyes with his daughter. “Are there witnesses who can substantiate this claim?”

  “Yes, my Lord. There are many people who watched it happen, and the crime was in fact committed within Regios territory of Vul De Rah.” Avria said.

  Lord Regios pondered for a time, leaning back in his throne and adjusting to a more comfortable position.

  “Let it be known” He finally said. “That all trespasses against my subjects are and will be considered a grievous attack against house Regios itself.” He looked to a scribe who sat in the corner, scribbling his words down on a scroll. “We will find these Doulos thieves and skin them for their crimes, along with any who may have been involved in this. Avria, do what is necessary to smoke them out.” He then looked to Palen, who stood anxiously. His strange hat now being wrung by his hands. “As for your wares? You may take one of the carts of my house, we should have some stored here. If not, one of my Stewarts will commission one to be built. What did you sell?”

  “Fine clothing, my lord,” Palen said.

  Lord Regios hesitated a moment, looking at Palen’s clothing again. Katrina almost thought she saw the faint formings of a smirk on his stern face.

  “In that case, I would like to extend an offer for your services as a designer for the ladies of my house. Speak with my Stewart about that as well.”

  “Thank you, my Lord!” Palen said, falling to his knees. “You are just and noble. May the spirits bless you for all of your days.”

  Palen was escorted out of the hall by one of Lord Regio’s Stewarts, and the Lord let out a tired sigh.

  “This is what you must expect.” He said, turning to look at his daughter. “To come face to face with your subjects and rule fairly. To witness their anguish or joy at your judgment. You must not be affected by this.”

  “I am aware of that father. I see how you and Hego Ignos govern your people.”

  The mention of Agron gave Lord Regios a moment of pause.

  “Yes.” He said hesitantly. “If only you weren’t so stubborn... and would finally join our houses. Prince Oros is a brash and arrogant Dae, but he is heir to the throne and needs a strong influence.”

  Avria scoffed at the mention of Oros. This was clearly not the first time her father had pushed the idea of her joining with the Dae prince.

  “He does not like me, and to be perfectly honest with you, father, I loathe him quite the same.” She stood to leave, waving for Katrina to follow. She did so instantly, moving her stiff body after the several hours spent standing at attention.

  “Hold yourself.” Lord Regios said sternly. “I have not dismissed you.”

  Avria stopped and turned to him irritatedly, but obeyed him.

  “We must speak about your brother.” He said, glancing to Katrina with an unreadable gaze. “Tell your squire to leave us.”

  “Father, I will vouch for her. She has proven to be loyal and trustworthy.”

  Lord Regios sighed again. “Must you challenge me at every turn... Very well” He adjusted himself again in his chair. -It must not be very comfortable- Katrina thought.

  “As you witnessed first hand, your brother was disgraced before the court several months ago. I did what I could to protect him, but he was dismissed by Lord Kanter as his squire. Two months ago, he began his course in the Proistem, and it would seem that the human who was responsible for his disgrace was sent there as well. They are… classmates.”

  Avria’s eyes widened at the news. “How? Aren’t we curators of that training? Did you not send him away?”

  “I tried, but it would seem Hego Ignos has it in his mind to insist on giving the human the freedom to go where he wishes. It seems he is content with the training and wants to stay.”

  -Daniel is in the Proistem?- Katrina thought to herself. -How the hell did he end up there?-

  Avria shook her head. “Do you want me to go there? I will solve this.”

  Lord R
egios nodded. “I would like you to make an appearance. Show Commander Glaus that we are not at all pleased with this. Either way, it should keep the creature away from Delmos.”

  Katrina stiffened at the words. It was clear that Lord Regios did not see eye to eye with Agron’s opinion of her and her companions.

  “Yes, my lord,” Avria said, turning to leave.

  Daniel walked into the mess hall of the Proistem. It was considerably smaller than what he was used to seeing when training with the common whelps. There were eight tables altogether, positioned with four tables on one side, and four parallel on the other. The kitchens were located outside, where Doulos cooked and prepared genuinely delicious meals. Daniel looked down to his own. A bowl of what looked like rice and meat, seasoned and smelling delicious. He also held a cloth wrapped piece of bread and cheeses.

  As he approached the center, there was always a sense of alienation. He had arrived at this school only a month ago and had spent his time trying to understand, as best he could, the power that he now possessed and the strange culture he was now associated with.

  “Spirit sent!” Called a familiar face. Delmos, the brother of Avria and fellow outcast of the group. After his defeat at the hands of Daniel in the trial of Doxo, the young Dae had been ostracized by his family and by the court. It wasn’t the defeat that brought him this shame, it was the fact that he broke the rules by using his power, and still managed to lose.

  Daniel gave him a smile and walked to his secluded area at the corner of one of the far tables.

  “Daniel, good to see you! Have a seat, my friend.” Delmos said.

  “Likewise,” Daniel said, sitting down across from the Dae

  The two had become fast friends when Daniel arrived. For some strange reason that he couldn’t quite figure out, Delmos was eager to make this so. He held no ill will or resentment to him after his defeat. It was more reverence than anything.

  “I heard that we are going to the Glade today, finally an opportunity to train more with the Dunamis,” Delmos said, taking a mouthful of food.

  “Really?” Daniel asked. “I thought it wasn’t until commander Kuriton returned from the capitol.”

  Delmos shrugged his shoulders, taking a long drink from his bowl of wine. “Not sure. I think there is someone new who came from the Keep. Maybe one of the princes. You know this wouldn’t have happened normally, I can guarantee that it’s because of you.”

  Daniel chuckled slightly. “You’re probably right.”

  “I mean, you choose to go to the training with the commoners, get in a fight with them, and as punishment, get promoted to the Proistem? First of all, no commoner is sent here without a grand display in battle, and even then, they are trained separately from us nobles.”

  Delmos leaned back in his chair with a grin. “Then again, you are far from a commoner.”

  “Well, in my world things are different. I mean… they weren’t always, but common people can rise to a high station if they work hard enough.” Daniel said.

  “Interesting… and you said that they have no power like the Dunamis?”

  Daniel nodded. “No power at all like that.” He looked at his hand again, opening his fingers like he usually did when in deep thought.

  “Still haven’t been able to use it, huh?” Delmos asked.

  “No…” Daniel let out a sigh. “I can feel it there, pulsing, taunting me, but I don’t know how to get to it. It’s frustrating as hell.”

  “Yeah, well it is far beyond my skill to help you there. Every element is different, and to be honest I’m not quite sure which you are. Too bad a spirit didn’t appear and help you out like your friend. She was lucky. Which brings me to a question. Are there any spirits in your world? You haven’t really mentioned that.”

  “Well… that’s kind of a difficult question to answer. Many people believe there are, but there are many who don’t. We don’t see them, and there are tons of different religions… it's complicated.”

  Delmos nodded with a blank expression. “It sounds so… interesting. What a bizarre place.”

  The door to the mess hall opened abruptly, and a yellow-clad instructor entered.

  “Alright, lordlings! Finish your food and get your pampered asses out here now.”

  All the cadets clamored and cursed as they rose to get out.

  They all ran and got into lines outside the hall. Dust clouded the area as the twenty-five cadets scrambled into the well-practiced formation. Daniel found himself quite comfortable with the maneuver, having done something very similar in his own military career.

  The platoon made its way around the edge of the Regios estate. They often did as the overseer of training for the warrior caste was, of course, Lord Regios, Avria’s father. The military facilities and training grounds all surrounded the large estate. Daniel’s eyes always drifted within the grounds, looking to see his companion Katrina, who he had not seen in almost two months. Though they didn’t know each other very well, Daniel still felt more comfortable dealing with her and Robert. -I wonder how they’re doing- He thought to himself.

  Daniel found himself once again in the massive dome known as the Glade, only this time, he was standing in the center of the arena with his fellow Cadets. Before them, their instructor was giving them an introduction of what they were going to be going over for the session.

  “Today we have a very special period of instruction. Lord Regios has commanded that we begin this advanced training of the Dunamis under the tutelage of some of Vul De Rah’s very best.”

  The instructor turned around to face the large door that opened into the arena and saluted with his arm across his chest.

  The doors slid open smoothly and a crimson-clad Dae walked in with the grace and power of a lioness. Behind her was a familiar looking human girl.

  -Katrina?- Daniel noticed with surprise. He then noticed who else strode into the arena, confidently. It was none other than Avria Regios, ward of the Hego herself. -Son of a bitch…-

  Avria saluted to the instructor as she passed him, and stood before the platoon of Cadets.

  Katrina did the same, standing to her right, just behind Avria and at the position of attention. Daniel stared at her in awe of the discipline she now displayed. Only two months and she had already started to become a warrior.

  “Good afternoon, Cadets,” Avria said, with a surprising amount of respect. “House Regios bids you welcome to this sacred ground and offers you an opportunity to learn from some of the finest warriors in Lokkadonia. Our clan has survived for many years because of our dedication to the warrior’s code we all share.”

  She took a moment to scan the faces of the students. Daniel tensed instinctively as her eyes met his. They narrowed ever so slightly and continued past him.

  “I see we have many loyal and honorable houses in this class.” She continued. “Let us begin. Katrina?”

  Katrina bowed her head respectfully and stepped forward. “All Cadets stand in a line facing to your left!”

  There was an immediate shuffle as the Cadets obeyed her command. Daniel stood for a moment looking at her, she seemed so different to him. His daze was interrupted as Delmos grabbed his shoulder to get him moving. “Let’s go,” he whispered.

  Daniel and the rest of the Cadets stood shoulder to shoulder in line, facing the wall to their left. The Glade’s arena was, from what Daniel could observe, nearly twice the size of a football field from his own world. The wall they were facing was several hundred feet in front of them.

  Katrina pushed her hands out, and before each of the cadets, about fifty feet away, rose large slabs of stone from the sand.

  Daniel’s eyes widened at the display of power. “What…?” he said softly. It occurred to him that she had learned more than just military movements and commands.

  Many of the other cadets gasped as well. They knew who she was, and hadn’t expected it either.

  “Thank you, Katrina,” Avria said, walking before the Cadets again. “Today we wi
ll go over the fundamentals of offensive executions of one's Dunamis.” She raised her hand toward the closest slab of stone. There was the crackling sound of electricity flaring and a burst of energy shot against the stone. The casual display of power brought many Cadets to straighten their backs and renew their resolve. “Everyone close your eyes and focus on your dunamis. Tend the flame within, and feel the spiritual energy around you.”

  Daniel looked again at his hands, frustration gripping him. A Dae girl beside him had her eyes closed and followed the instructions of Avria with earnest obedience. Her hands opened and he could see a small cyclone of water forming in her palm. -How?- He thought. -Is she pulling moisture from the air?-


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