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The Wolf and His Wife

Page 11

by Penelope Sky

  “I don’t see the harm in lighting up once in a while.”

  “Once in a while is like twice a year. Every week is not once in a while. You’re technically a smoker.”

  I shrugged. “It suits me.”

  “Well, it doesn’t suit me.” She came around my desk and opened the top drawer where my stash was. She grabbed them and stuffed them into her pocket so she could throw them away later.

  “I don’t appreciate you telling me what to do.”

  “Join the club.” She returned to the front of the desk, copping an attitude no one else could pull off. “I want you to live a long time, Maverick. And not just to keep me safe.” She turned around and walked out, her perfect ass shaking back and forth.

  I stared at it until she was out the door.

  Now, my dick was hard in my jeans, and I couldn’t remember what I was working on.

  Only one thing was on my mind.

  She was supposed to leave for work at the opera, but I had other things on my mind.

  I had her on all fours on my bed, her back beautifully arched and her perky ass pointed to the sky. My hand dug into my nightstand, bumping against the wedding ring I hadn’t worn since my wedding day, until I found a condom to roll down my dick.

  “I’m gonna be so late…” She looked at me over her shoulder, her pussy gleaming as the slickness dripped from her entrance.

  “Doesn’t look like you care.” I got onto the bed, my knees sinking into the mattress on either side of her hips. I pointed my head at the open slit and slowly pushed inside, getting through the first squeeze until my shaft glided inside. My hands gripped her waist, and I slowly inched deeper and deeper, pushing through her slick tightness until my entire base was sheathed.

  She moaned when she felt all of me, her hands gripping the sheets underneath her.

  Nothing made me feel more alive than this—being buried inside a woman. With her beautiful ass in my face, her little asshole on display, and such a sexy back, she was perfect. Her brown curtain of hair stretched down her shoulder blades, perfectly styled for the performance she was about to give.

  But I was going to fuck her before that happened.

  I held on to her hips and tugged her into me as I thrust, giving it to her deep the entire time. I was in the mood to sink deep inside of her pussy, to have every inch covered to the hilt. I wanted to feel her intimately, claim her before an auditorium of men gawked at her.

  She was gorgeous—and she was mine.

  I grabbed a fistful of hair and gave a gentle tug. “You want to go?” She was bouncing her ass back at me, her back arching deeper to get the angle just perfect. She moaned continuously, each separate cry fusing together into one long tremble. “Sheep, I asked you a question.”

  She clawed at the sheets harder. “No…”

  “You want your husband to keep fucking you?”

  She bounced back on my dick a little harder. “Yes…”

  I stared at the beautiful woman underneath me as I continued to fuck her, continued to get the greatest pleasure around my dick. It was so good, feeling her slickness like that. It was the best pussy I’d ever fucked, best pussy I’d ever looked at. “Good. This is going to be a while.”



  My thoughts drifted back to my husband often.

  Every minute of the day.

  When we weren’t together, I wondered what he was doing. When he was inside me, I wondered if he enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed him. He was the best sex I’d ever had, the best man I’d ever been with. The idea of going to someone else when I had him at home every night seemed absurd.

  Marrying him started off as a nightmare…but somehow turned into a fairy tale.

  I barely made it in time before the show started. But I certainly had no regrets. I was thoroughly pleased before I had to stand in heels for two hours and sing loud enough to shatter glass.

  I stepped onto the stage, gave my performance, and like every other night, it went quickly. Time passed differently during a performance. There was so much to do and focus on, there was barely any time to think about anything else.

  When the show ended, I returned backstage and sat at my vanity. Now I always hoped Maverick would appear behind me, giving me a kiss after my performance. I pulled the pins out of my hair then ran my fingers through the strands. My false eyelashes and lipstick were removed next. When I sensed a heated stare on my face, my heart started to race. I could feel his intensity. My lips softened into a smile because I knew I would see his espresso eyes when I looked in the reflection.

  When I lifted my gaze to look, I saw someone else.

  A pair of blue eyes stared back at me from a square face. A hard jawline led to a square jaw, every single square tooth visible in his strange smile. Maybe it was a smile to him, but it looked like a grimace to everyone else. His other features were difficult to determine in the small mirror, but he seemed to be tall—abnormally tall.

  When my eyes focused more, he stepped out of the line of the mirror and disappeared.

  With my clutch in hand, I left out the back door and took the steps to the sidewalk. My car was parked a few yards away, the only car in the parking lot because I was one of the last people to leave.

  My heels echoed against the concrete once I reached the sidewalk. I hadn’t brought my coat, so I had to suffer the cold evening air on just my bare skin. My dress was thin, but backstage was so stuffy that anything thicker would be a million degrees too hot.

  Soon, I wasn’t the only set of footsteps in the area.

  Another set accompanied mine—distinct and heavy.

  I didn’t turn around to make it obvious, but the approach unnerved me. There was no other car in the parking lot, so where was this person going? And judging from the heaviness of the thuds, it was definitely a man.

  Then I noticed two men emerged from separate directions.

  I started to panic.

  I pulled my phone out of my clutch, doing my best to seem casual even though I was fucking terrified. Three men were converging on me, and now it was overwhelmingly obvious what their intention was.

  I wished Maverick were there.

  But he was twenty minutes away.

  I kept walking, unsure what to do. If I sprinted into a run, one of them would catch me in seconds. There was nowhere for me to go. Nowhere for me to hide. I took my one shot and pulled up Maverick’s name on the phone.

  The second I hit send, the guy behind me took off.

  “Ah!” In heels, I ran as fast as I could and dropped my clutch in the process. My phone was still in my hand, and I dodged into the passageway between the theater and the bank beside me. All I could hear was the fear in my deep breathing, the terror I felt as my heart worked to pump enough blood into my system. “Shit, help! Help!” I called for anyone to help me, hoped Maverick was listening over the line. With a quick look on his GPS, he could figure out where I was.

  “Shut your mouth.” An enormous hand grabbed the back of my head and slammed me into the wall. “No one is gonna help you.”

  My body collided with the wall, and the air left my lungs. I barely had time to stuff my phone down the front of my dress and slip it in my bra. “Let go of me!” I kicked back.

  This man was bigger than a horse, so it was like kicking a mountain. He laughed then pressed me into the wall until I was squished like a bug. “I was gonna take you home, but after seeing how pretty you are when you sing…I think I’ll fuck you now.” He yanked up my dress and pushed down my panties.

  This couldn’t be happening. “Let me go.”

  “Fight, bitch. I was hoping you would.” He pushed me against the wall again and grabbed both of my wrists with a single hand. He was more than a foot taller than me, a fucking giant. He pressed my cheek hard against the wall then forced his big dick right between my ass cheeks. “Damn, you have a nice ass.”

  I wanted to scream for Maverick, but I couldn’t say a word. My eyes watered in panic, and I wanted to g
ive up because there was nothing else I could do. This was the beginning of the end, the start of a life of torture that would kill me. “Please…”

  “Please beg.” He spoke in my ear. “It’s one of my kinks.”

  I tried to buck him off, but it was no use. I would just break my back in the process.

  His dick throbbed against my ass cheeks, a monster with its own brain. “You have a small cunt, so it’ll be a tight fit. But we’ll make it work.” He licked his palm and smeared it along his crown and base.

  A police car drove past the street, the lights and sirens on. They weren’t coming for me, but they were enough of a distraction to make my assailant turn to look.

  Then I dropped down and hit the ground.

  He grabbed me by the hair and tried to yank me back. “There’s no running from this, baby.”

  My teeth clenched down on his hand, and I bit him like a damn animal. Blood gushed into my mouth and everywhere else.

  The man yanked his hand back, but he chuckled like it was a game. “You want to play rough, huh?”

  I got to my feet and sprinted. I ran across the street, almost got hit by a car, and kept running. There were only a few cars on the road but no pedestrians. The ones who were around immediately cowered away when they saw the commotion.

  I fished the phone out of my dress. “Maverick!”

  “I’m coming to get you!” He spoke a million miles an hour, knowing I didn’t have time. “You’re on del Corso?”


  “Turn left.”

  I would have asked why under normal circumstances, but this wasn’t normal. I ran as hard as I could, ignoring the aches from my feet and the possibility of breaking my ankle in my heels. Years in show business taught me how to move in the damn things. “I’m going.”

  “Keep going past the next two stop signs.”

  “I can’t run that long!”

  “You’re gonna have to!”

  I didn’t look back as I kept running, crossing traffic just to confuse the asshole behind me.

  “There’s a narrow alleyway with a blue bicycle to your left. Take it.”

  I did it without hesitation.

  “Keep going until you see another narrow passageway with clothes on a line.”

  I turned left, getting into a tighter space between two buildings.


  I was going back in the direction I came, back to the busy street.

  “Cross the street and go left.”

  “I can’t keep this up for long—”

  “Do what I say.” The sound of his revving engine was in the background.

  I kept going.

  He directed me through various passageways, getting me away from the assholes without covering much ground. I kept going, crossing streets and turning in circles as I shook off my attackers.

  I’d passed the same building a couple of times. When I rounded it for the third time, he told me to go inside.

  “What? I can’t get in there.”

  “There’s a keypad on the entrance. Find it.”

  There were double glass doors leading to some kind of private entrance. I found the keypad on the left. “Got it.”

  “Type in 64831 then pound.”

  My breathing was haywire, and I could barely keep my fingers straight. I somehow didn’t make any mistakes, even though I was losing my shit.

  “You should have enough time before they catch up with you.”

  A beep sounded and the doors opened.

  “Get inside.”

  I stepped inside the doors, and they closed a second later.

  “Take the elevator to the third floor.”

  I got inside and hit the button. I leaned against the wall and tried to catch my breath, my feet bloody and my dress torn. The door opened to a loft.

  “Disable the elevator by hitting the blue button.”

  I didn’t care if I could never get to the bottom floor. I smashed that button with my palm so damn hard, I nearly broke my hand. The doors opened, and I stepped into a living room, decorated in the same style as Maverick’s home. “What is this place?”

  “It’s my place in the city. There’s a pistol hidden underneath the coffee table.”

  I got on my hands and knees and grabbed it. It was the first time I’d ever held a gun, and now I realized just how heavy it was. It must be loaded with this amount of weight. Feeling it in my hand reminded me this nightmare wasn’t over. That giant could crawl up the side of the building like an animal if he really wanted to.

  “I have to go, Arwen.”

  “Wait, hold on.” He couldn’t help me over the phone, but letting his voice guide me was an immense comfort. “What’s gonna happen?”

  “I’m almost to the city. My men have been dispatched, so we’ll scare him away from the area. Keep your eyes trained on the door. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “How are you going to get up here?”

  “The stairs.”

  “Oh…of course, there are stairs.”

  “Keep that gun, but I’m sure you won’t have to use it.”

  I leaned against the wall and slid to the floor, terrified because that cruel man could still get to me. He’d lifted up my dress and pushed his hard dick against my ass like he owned me. I’d never felt so violated, so disgusted. If he walked through that door, I would empty that clip so fucking fast.

  “I’m gonna be the one that walks through that door, alright? Don’t shoot.”


  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  I wanted him there now. I wanted my wolf. “Please hurry…” I kept the tears out of my voice but barely. I’d never needed this man more in my life than I did right then. If it weren’t for him, no one else would help me. I would be snatched off the street and raped and tortured. He was the only person who actually gave a damn about me. “Please…”

  Twenty minutes later, a door opened.

  I rose to my feet and pointed the gun, my finger on the trigger even though I didn’t know how to use it. I just needed to look formidable, at the least.

  But thankfully, it was Maverick.

  Dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, his muscled frame entered the apartment, and his concerned expression landed on me.

  I set the gun on the counter, relieved I didn’t have to use it. My shoes were on the carpet, coated in blood from my feet. My dress was ripped in the places where that asshole had grabbed me. But now that my gaze took in Maverick, I knew I would be safe.

  With pain-filled eyes, he walked toward me, his expression anxious.

  I threw myself into his arms and rested my face against his chest, relaxing for the first time since the chase started. Shedding tears in front of other people was something I never did, but with him, I showed my most vulnerable side without caring. Tears soaked into his t-shirt, and I gripped him around the waist as I shook in his embrace.

  His hand cupped the back of my head, and he rested his lips against my forehead. “Sheep, it’s okay…”

  “Did you kill him?” When that man was dead, it really would be okay.

  His silence gave me the answer I didn’t want to hear.

  I pulled away and looked into his expression, not caring that I looked like absolute hell.

  His hand moved to my cheek, his thumb grazing over my soft skin. His eyes shifted back and forth slightly as he looked into mine, like he was absorbing all my pain into himself. “By the time I got here, he and his men had scattered.”

  “Kill him, Maverick. I want you to kill him.” I was ordering someone’s death like an executioner, but I didn’t feel any remorse for it. If I hadn’t been able to slip away, he would have raped me right in that alleyway, then did it again…and again.

  His hands moved to my arms, and he gave me a gentle squeeze. “I will.”

  I got what I wanted, but I still wasn’t satisfied. “He yanked up my dress and almost raped me—”

  “Please.” It was the first t
ime he dropped his gaze, like he couldn’t handle the horror story I was about to tell. “Just don’t…” He stared at the ground for a couple of seconds before he lifted his gaze to meet mine.

  When I saw the hurt on his face, I knew how real this was. I knew this wasn’t just a relationship we were forced to be in. We really were husband and wife. We really were a team that would do anything for each other.

  “I’ll kill him,” he whispered. “I promise.”

  “Do you know him?”

  “He was the one who showed up at my gates that night. He was one of the men your father crossed.”

  Now I was livid with my father for being so stupid. “Why did my father have to get involved in that?”

  “I know what he did was wrong, but I’m sure he had no idea what it would turn into. Your father was a good man who loved you, who would do anything for you. Don’t hate him.”

  It was the last thing I’d expected Maverick to say. “Thank you for coming… Thank you for protecting me… I don’t know what to say. I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am that I have you.” More tears poured from my eyes, but now they weren’t from fear. My affection for this man had deepened to a whole new level. I respected him, admired him…and would die for him.

  He circled his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. His hand rested against the back of my neck while he cradled me, letting me shed my tears onto his clothes and skin. “I’ll always be your wolf, Sheep.”



  I hid my anger from her.

  The last thing she needed was to see me blow up and lose my mind.

  I was livid that Kamikaze pulled this stunt right under my nose. He basically declared war on the DeVille family.

  Good thing my wife was smart enough to get away.

  I was sure that pissed him off.

  I drove back into the countryside with her in the passenger seat. Her dress was ripped in the places where he’d grabbed her, and her feet were bloody from running for her life. With her cheek tilted toward the window, she watched the darkness blur past outside. She hadn’t said more than two words since we got into the car.


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