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Head Over Heels: A Rock Star Fake Marriage (Southern Temptations Book 2)

Page 10

by Roxy Wynn


  Chapter Fifteen


  “Kimberly knows how to throw a party,” I said to Ollie when we arrived at the packed night club.

  “It’s not all for you, Mate. VIP section is in back. You’re lucky Jeff Jaxon is her best friend’s husband.”

  “Why’s that?” I asked, yelling over the noise while I followed him to the bar. There were hundreds of people dancing, packed closely together as far as the eye could see while the DJ stood in a booth spinning the beats.

  “Just looks good,” he said. “You know Station Girl hit number three on the Billboard today?”

  I stared at him surprised. “I did not. That’s brilliant news!”

  Oliver laughed and clapped me on the back. “You’ve been locked up in that house too long, you have no idea how popular you’ve become. A lot has happened in the past few days. Once you’re married, you’ll be a very busy man. We will get you into the big studio with the new band straight away. The sooner you get the album finished, the better. I’m still working on world tour specifics, but I imagine they’ll want you out on the road as soon as possible.”

  I could barely hear what Ollie was going on about over the noise. Instead, I noticed the crowd, and for the first time since landing in Louisiana, people were looking back. When we arrived at the bar, people parted to let us through. While several women eyed me seductively, their men gave me high fives. One bloke even snapped a selfie as I walked by.

  People in L.A. knew who I was after Music Makers, but seeing celebrities out was normal for them. They were used to it. Not the case in Mont Clare. Besides Jeffrey Jaxon, the only famous person in this town was me.

  “How is the home life going?” Oliver asked while he waited for his drink. “You and her getting on well?”

  I nodded. “More than well, Mate. She’s brilliant.”

  Oliver looked past me as his eyebrows shot up. “Really? That young mum is a tart.”

  I scoffed. “She’s not a tart…”

  Before I could finish, Oliver nodded toward the door. In it stood Sarah, her best friend Chrissy, and the very famous Jeff Jaxon. Their escort immediately took them back to our VIP section.

  Must not be that famous if I can’t even get a security escort, I mused before noticing just how lovely Sarah looked. She was so radiant, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the tiny beauty. She was the most beautiful woman in the room, with all that gorgeous hair framing her face. While I stood there gaping at her delicious skin on display, I realized I had never seen her in anything so revealing. Besides the shower incident that is. Other than that, it was yoga pants and tank tops. The way she looked tonight was almost too much.

  Her friend nudged her arm and motioned in my direction. Our eyes locked straight away. Suddenly I couldn’t think straight, and my cock took over. I wanted to get her alone and ravage her. Rip the dress from her body and taste her right on the dance floor.

  Forgetting all about my gin and tonic, I headed toward her, ignoring the people who attempted to stop me along the way. I was a man on a mission. She was all I could think about, all I wanted.

  I wonder how difficult it’ll be to get her alone?

  “Hi,” she said with a smile, as I approached the roped off section. The security guard, a giant of a man, quickly opened the rope to let me past. As soon as I was in, I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, inhaling her vanilla scent. This time, she didn’t turn away.

  God, she even tastes good. What kind of sorcery is she using on me?

  “For the cameras,” I said, pressing my forehead to hers.

  She pulled her head away and glanced around, smirking.

  “That’s funny, I don’t see any cameras,” her pregnant friend said. The woman appeared out of nowhere with a tall, fluorescent yellow drink in her hand.

  “Chrissy, pleased to meet you. You look lovely tonight, positively radiant,” I said, kissing her cheek.

  “Was that for the cameras too?” She asked, giggling. Before I could answer, she handed Sarah the drink. “Jax got this for you. It’s called a coco-plosion… or something like that.”

  “Oh, I don’t know if I’m ready for a drink just yet,” Sarah said, locking eyes with her friend. The two women stood like that for a moment, staring at each other, as if they were having an entire conversation in their heads.

  Witchcraft. I knew it.

  “Yes you do. It’s sweet and tastes like coconuts,” Chrissy said.

  Sarah gave in and took several large sips. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” Chrissy looked me up and down and winked. “You two have a good night. Mazel Tov.”

  The way they communicated with their eyes… did that mean Sarah was nervous? With how radiant she looked, she had nothing to worry about, unless she was nervous being around me.

  “Nice girl,” I said, watching the pregnant woman waddle her way back to the plush table in the back. “Shall we head back there and join them?”

  Sarah nodded, and I placed my hand on her lower back, guiding her to the table. If her dress had no back, did that mean she wasn’t wearing a bra? What about knickers? I was driving myself crazy thinking about her.

  The VIP section, while less crowded, still had a fair amount of people dancing and mingling. Some of them I recognized from various events I played in L.A., but the rest were strangers.

  “Ollie, who are all these people?” I asked when he appeared with my forgotten drink.

  He scanned the room taking note of all the faces he knew. “Some are record company plants. Some are here at the request of Calloway. The point is to make the event feel exclusive. We want the people in that part of the club to wonder what’s happening in this portion of the club.”

  “You cheeky fucker,” I said, knocking my drink back.

  While our groups mingled, I was finally able to spent time getting to know Sarah’s friends. Chrissy, the only one without a fancy cocktail, kept the lot of us entertained with embarrassing stories only drawing the ire of Sarah once. They seemed like good people. While the drinks flowed, Sarah inched closer. When I put my arm around her, Oliver had his phone out immediately snapping pictures.

  “Christ, Mate,” I yelled. “Turn off the flash, for fuck’s sake. Are you trying to blind us?”

  “I need photos for your Instagram, Alfie. Will you behave, please?” He asked, pushing me into Sarah. “Get close.”

  I looked down at Sarah as she snuggled into my side, erasing any distance between us. The smell of her hair was maddening.

  “Closer!” He yelled.

  “Mate, if I get any closer, I’ll be penetrating her,” I said laughing.

  Sarah, choked on her drink.

  Ollie snapped his picture and smiled examining his handiwork. “That’s perfect, Mate. That’s the one to post right there.” He turned his phone towards us and in the picture we resembled a couple madly in love, having a laugh. Her hand was on my thigh, and if my eyes weren’t deceiving me, she was blushing.

  My expression was sincere, I wondered about hers.

  “You all right? You choked on your coco-plosion” I said, not removing my arm from her shoulders.

  She shook her head. “Nope. That was hilarious though.”

  Why was I so nervous? I had shagged my share of beautiful women in my life, but the way she made me feel was new. I felt like a boy in primary school again, wanting to ask the pretty girl to dance. I’m a bloody rock star, why couldn’t I take my eyes off her?

  “You want to dance?” I asked.

  She giggled and attempted to take another sip from her empty glass, but when the straw gave her nothing but air, she frowned.

  “Can I get you another, Love?”

  “No, I better not.” She wiped a curl from her face with the back of her hand. “But yes, I would love to dance.”

  I stood up and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor. Oliver must love this, I thought. If he wanted to sell the public on two people in love, photos of
us tonight would do the trick. The chemistry between us was undeniable. Every time I offered my hand, she took it willingly. I didn’t know if any of it was real from her end, or if she was just a fantastic actress.

  But I was dying to find out.

  On the dance floor, surrounded by people, Sarah began moving her hips in circles. I stood behind her, feeling the music and keeping beat with her. I did my best to keep a respectable distance, staying a few inches back. But every time she moved, she got a tiny bit closer to me.

  By then, I had a raging hard on. If she got any closer, the jig would be up. She would see how turned on I was, and storm out of the club, demanding we call off the wedding. I would have to go back to Manchester and spend the rest of my days in clubs wondering where my music career had gone.

  Focus on the dancing, Alfie. Think about music. Think about your mum. Do not let that small devil woman tempt you…

  I managed to contain myself for about thirty seconds. After that, she grabbed my hands, and pulled me close, rubbing her hips against me. The sensation was fucking brilliant.

  She had to feel it. There’s no way she didn’t.

  “Sorry about that,” I said in her ear. I tried laughing it off, like it was just something random. Like I just get hard ons all the time, and not at all because she was rubbing against me trying to make me come.

  She pulled my hands higher up her body until they rested just below the swell of her breasts and thrust her ass out again. “I’m not,” she said, grinding herself against my cock.

  She knows exactly what she’s doing…

  “Fucking hell…”

  Just as abruptly as it started, she stopped and turned to face me. “I have to pee.”


  Okay? Alfie, you wanker.

  “I’ll see you later,” she said before pushing her way out off the dance floor.

  Well, that was bloody brilliant.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

  I walked directly to Chrissy’s table to find her and Jax feasting on a plate of mozzarella sticks.

  Since when do night clubs sell fried cheese?

  “I have to pee,” I announced to the table. “And you’re pregnant so you do too.”

  Jax raised an eyebrow, but Chrissy didn’t hesitate. She popped the last bite into her mouth and stashed another in a napkin for the trek.

  At the back of the VIP room was a long hallway that led to a semi bathroom. Since it was away from the main floor, it wasn’t only cooler, it was also much quieter. I was able to hear my thoughts for the first time in close to an hour. Pushing the door open, Chrissy followed me in, and we both stood in front of the sinks.

  “How’s it going out there?” She asked.

  I paced back and forth, fanning myself with my hands. “Dude, it is SO on. We had a boner situation.”

  She swooned. “I love boner situations.”

  “Why am I so nervous?”

  “Because you haven’t had any dick in five years. You probably have cobwebs up there,” she said laughing. By now her back up mozzarella stick was long gone.

  When a toilet flushed, we both turned and made eye contact with a very grumpy middle-aged woman. She gave Chrissy the stink eye before pushing her way past us out to the club.

  “Wash your hands next time,” Chrissy yelled after her. “That’s disgusting, that’s how germs are spread…”

  “Enough about the germs, Chrissy. You are literally the one eating cheese in a public bathroom.”

  She shrugged it off. “I never said I was perfect.” She grabbed me by the shoulders to stop my pacing. “Listen to me you small crazy person. He is super hot, and you look sexy as fuck right now. You can do this. And if you screw up, or if it sucks the first time, wait twenty minutes and try again.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “That’s because it is easy.”

  I shook my hands took a deep breath. “Alright. I’m gonna do this. I can do this.”

  She pulled me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, dude. Go in that club and get you some. Clear those cobwebs out.”

  Storming out of the bathroom, I was a woman on a mission. I escorted Chrissy back to her table, grabbed a mozzarella stick for fortitude, and headed in Alfie’s direction.

  You can do this. You want it. He wants it. And you are both consenting adults.

  When I found Alfie, he was in a corner, deep in conversation with Oliver. They had their heads huddled together to hear each other over the roar of the music.

  This is it. Don’t be a chicken.

  “Alfie,” I said, poking him in the shoulder. “Can I talk to you in the hall?”

  He looked back at Oliver. “Right, I’ll talk to you later, Mate.”

  I took his hand and led him back down the dark hallway, past the bathrooms, to the emergency exit door. It wasn’t a perfect place to seduce someone, but in my defense I had been out of the game for a long time.

  “Listen,” I started. “On the dance floor, I felt…”

  He blushed and began apologizing. “About that… I just…”

  “You just what?” I asked. I felt like I was about to hyperventilate at any moment. The anticipation made my groin ache.

  Is there a female equivalent of blue balls?

  “You just looked so sexy. I’m a man. I’m only human, Sarah.”

  “You too,” I blurted out.

  He tilted his head and cleared his throat. “What are you getting at?”

  “Alfie, I want you so badly, I can practically taste it. I know it is the opposite of what I should be doing or thinking, but I can’t get you out of my mind.”

  He took a step toward me, making me take a step back out of reflex, but there was no more space behind me, just cool brick wall against my back.

  “I’ll be straight with you, it has been five years. And I know you can get any woman you want, and I know this is all a terrible idea, but I’m game if you are.”

  He leaned down and put a hand on either side of the wall next to my head, holding me with his gaze.

  “What do you think?” I asked, my voice nearly a whisper.

  His reply, perhaps the most amazing reply ever, was to pick me up and kiss me. Every cell in my body screamed out in ecstasy at once when his tongue stroked mine. I wrapped my thighs around his hips and tilted my pelvis until it rubbed against his hard cock. “God damn, Alfie.”

  “What is it, Love?” He breathed into my hair. Now that he had my body pinned with both the wall and my thighs, it freed his hands up. I felt them run down my body until they were under my dress, exploring my ass. Each time he pressed himself against me, I felt the tip of his finger brush over my thong.

  After going so long without feeling the touch of a man, I thought I was going to come right then and there. He kept whispering dirty things into my ear in that accent while slowly running his finger up and down my wet slit.

  The end of the hallway was empty, but there was a thrill to knowing we could be discovered at any moment.

  “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you,” he breathed.

  I moaned and clawed at his back. “Alfie, we have to get out of here. I’m going to explode…”

  “Right.” He let me down from the wall, but kept his forehead pressed to mine. “How do we get out of here?” He asked.

  I glanced at the door to my left, but there was a sign warning that an alarm would go off if opened. “There’s a ladies room right there, what if we go in and climb out the window?”

  He seemed to consider it before realizing there was a better way. “Or, we could go back in there and tell our guests we are stepping out for some air. Then we get in the limo and go home.”

  “Well, my idea was way more exciting, but we can try it your way.”

  He adjusted himself, then took my hand in his and led us back into the VIP section of the club. Suddenly, everyone and their fucking mother wanted to congratulate us. We tried our
best to escape, but each time we ducked someone, another person would pop up.

  A tall man with a Kiss T-shirt on, slapped Alfie on the arm. “So nice to meet you, man. I’m your new drummer, Terry. After you two lovebirds come back from your honeymoon, I’ll be working with you in the studio.” He held his drink up in cheers. “I’m a big fan of Station Girl…”

  “Cheers, Mate,” Alfie said, attempting to push past him. “I’m going to step outside and get this one some air,” he said, tipping an invisible drink back.

  “Oh yeah, right on, man. Hope you feel better.”

  We pushed our way through the crowd again when Jax stopped us. His tie was open and the top four buttons of his shirt hung open. Now this guy needed some air.

  “Sarah, my sweet little friend,” he slurred. “I feel like I gained a small, angry sister the day I married Chrissy.”

  “Sweet Jesus, go back to your table…”

  “I’m just scared and excited to be a dad, you know?”

  Alfie tried pushing past him, but Jax continued. “I love you guys…”

  “Hey, Drunky McDrunkerson,” Chrissy said, grabbing him by the arm. “Why don’t you come back to the table with me and let these two red-faced young lovers have some time to themselves?”

  When he turned his attention to Chrissy, she mouthed the word, ‘Go’ and dragged him back to the table.

  Alfie took my hand one last time and dragged me out the side door. The one that wasn’t marked as an emergency exit.

  Chapter Seventeen


  If Jax hadn’t pointed out the secret side door earlier, I never would have known it existed. Tucked away behind kegs of beer and boxes of plastic umbrellas, the door served as an escape for people like Jax, who had a habit of being hounded in public places.

  Now that I had Sarah in my arms, I had a chance to put the door to good use.

  “Where is the limo?” She asked, breathless and beautiful from the sexual energy.


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