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When Knight Falls

Page 24

by Nikki Rose

  Anthony gripped my hand, spun me around and pulled me flush against his body—my back to his front. He slipped a hand around my waist, gliding over my stomach and pushing me against him as his hips began to grind against me. Anthony’s warm breath caressed the shell of my ear as he whispered in a low, sexy rasp, “Oh, I’ll show you moves.”

  My breath shuddered and my thighs clenched as I bit my bottom lip. We began to move slowly to the sensual beat of the music. I closed my eyes and let my head roll back against his shoulder.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, just before his soft lips pressed against the tender flesh at the base of my neck.

  I moaned and rolled my hips against his growing erection that pressed against my ass as we swayed.

  He allowed his hands to roam over my body, gliding up my sides and into my hair. He moved me with him, turning me around to face him and kissing my neck again. He left a trail of heat up to my ear, caressing and nipping until I trembled. A soft, distant rumble of thunder signaled a shift in the air. We continued to sway to the slow rhythm of the music and thunder. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, illuminating Anthony’s lust-filled eyes. My core clenched with excitement and desire. God, how I need him.

  Anthony’s lips found mine, softly gripping my hair to hold me to him. I melted into his hard, muscular body. He slid his hands up my thigh, just as the clouds let loose a drenching downpour.

  I gasped as the large drops hit my overly heated skin. Anthony pulled me against him, infusing me with his warmth as he ushered me under the small palm-leaf shelter where they prepared the food.

  The men cooking wrapped up our order quicker than I’d seen anyone move before, and Anthony and I ran down the sandy path back to the hotel.

  We ran into the hotel lobby completely soaked, and I shivered in the air conditioning. Anthony wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we hurried up the elevator and to our room.

  “You’re soaked,” Anthony said in a low voice as he held my shivering body in his arms. “Let’s get you out of those wet clothes so you can warm up.” I just nodded. He peeled off each dripping piece of cloth until I stood completely naked in front of him.

  “You’re wet too.” I smiled at him, taking in the wet shirt clinging to his chest.

  Anthony looked down as if noticing for the first time. “So I am.”

  “You helped me. I should only return the favor.”

  “If you insist,” Anthony smirked and I lifted his shirt over his head.

  His chest, arms and shoulders were like etched stone and managed to take my breath away every time I saw them. I traced each valley as I took in the amazing specimen of a man before me…my husband.

  Anthony cradled my chin, lifting my face to his and running his thumb over my lower lip. Lust smoldered in those brown and green swirls. No one had ever looked at me the way he did. He looked straight through to my soul. His soft touch moving slowly up my bare arms nearly took my breath. My body was on fire. I was locked into his gaze, held captive by his stare, and I never wanted him to let me go.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispered on a breath, and I couldn’t speak.

  I darted my tongue out to wet my lips then pulled my lower lip between my teeth. Anthony’s gaze fell from mine to my lips for a moment. He rested a hand on the small of my back, firmly pressing me against him. Our bodies fit together perfectly.

  Anthony backed me up to the wall. He lifted me and I hooked my legs around his waist. He held me between the wall and his hard, unyielding body. It only took him a moment to adjust, then he was there, hard and ready, demanding entrance to where I needed him most.

  It only took one hard thrust and he sank into me all the way to the hilt, joining us as one. I threw my head back and relished the fullness. He made me feel complete. He was my missing piece. I grasped his biceps as he began to plunge into me again and again in a desperate, needy pace that took my breath away. I’d craved him and rejoiced at finally having him.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I stood out on the balcony overlooking the ocean. Mixed emotions filled me as the day to leave the island arrived. On one hand, I missed our friends and family, our home and our life. On the other, I loved having Anthony here all to myself—no family, friends, work or life to take him away from me. I was becoming very spoiled with all the time I’d been able to spend with him. I couldn’t imagine how I could love him more, but each moment proved me wrong again and again.

  Anthony came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me again him. “Ready to head home?”

  “Yes and no.” I turned around in his arms to face him. “I was just thinking how I like having you here, all to myself.”

  “Trust me. I like having you all to myself too.”

  “I miss our family, though.”

  “Me too. I’ve spent enough time away from my family to last me a lifetime.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I knew what I was signing up for when we got together, and I’d never ask you to change who you are or what you do, but I wish you didn’t have to travel so much.”

  “Consider me your genie then.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  I laughed and looked up at him, but his expression was completely serious. I quit laughing and tried to read into what he wasn’t saying.

  “I talked to Director Graham this morning. It turns out he’s getting a promotion. They are moving him to DC and he gets to name his successor. He chose me.”

  “You? You mean you’d be the director of the agency?”

  “Of the local office, yes. There are agencies like ours scattered throughout the US.”

  “So you wouldn’t have to travel?” Excitement bubbled just below the surface as I tried to take in this new information.

  “I’d have to fly out to DC twice a year or so, and I might have to step in if things ever needed my assistance, but for the most part, no, no more traveling like I do now. I’d be working at the office, running special ops and sending teams out.”

  “Would you enjoy that job? I mean…not being out in the field anymore?”

  “I’ll admit that it will be an adjustment, but I look at it like this… I’m not a kid anymore, and I have responsibilities beyond my job. I have a wife, a kid and another on the way. I can’t keep putting my life on the line when I know you guys are home waiting for me. Besides, I wanted to be there for my team. This is how they need me now.”

  “Oh, Anthony, this is so great.” I lunged at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a fierce kiss.

  “Careful… You’re going to start something we don’t have time to finish. We don’t want to miss our flight.”

  “I’d make it worth it.” I raised my eyebrows suggestively and Anthony chuckled.

  “I have no doubt you would, but are you sure about that? We get to enjoy a private flight back. I’m just sorry we weren’t able to enjoy the same on our way here.”

  “The trip here was fine, but you’re right. We really will miss our flight if we keep on like this.”

  I moved to pull away but Anthony tugged me back. He kissed me again feverishly then said, “We have a little time.” His raspy voice vibrated over my skin as he ran his lips down my throat. “I want you just one more time before we get back to reality.”

  Once we were both fully satiated, Anthony and I had to rush to the airport. Luckily, we were able to skip the lines since we were taking a private plane. Before long, we were settled into our luxurious leather seats, buckled in and ready to fly home.

  “I still can’t believe you got a private plane for our honeymoon. This whole trip has been so amazing.”

  “I wanted everything to be perfect.”

  “Then I’d say you succeeded, my wonderful husband.”

  “I’m glad to hear it, my beautiful wife.” He kissed my lips while we waited to go.

  Just then, the pilot�
��s voice came over the intercom.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Parker, we’re about to take off. If you will make sure your things are secure and that your seatbelts are fastened.”

  “Ever thought about joining the mile-high club?” Anthony waggled his eyebrows and laughed.

  “Oh, no.” I laughed and pushed on his arm. Anthony had seemed so carefree on our honeymoon. I’d missed this version of him. The situation with Ian had been really rough. It had made him paranoid—not that it had been a walk in the park for me, either.

  The plane took off smoothly and we were soon at a nice cruising altitude where we were free to move around the cabin. Anthony pulled me into his lap. I yawned and rested my head on his chest.

  “Still tired?”

  “Yeah, this pregnancy thing is no joke. It wears me out.”

  “Why don’t you take a little nap while we’re heading home?”

  “I don’t make a very good travel companion.”

  “Of course you do. I want you resting so you can focus on growing my baby.” He placed his hand on my belly and I closed my eyes, but it seemed like only seconds later that my peace was disturbed.

  “Rachel, Rach, wake up. Hurry.” I was dragged out of my deep sleep by a panicked-sounding Anthony.

  “There seems to be some kind of mechanical issue. Please secure yourselves quickly. I don’t think we… Going down…” the pilot was saying over the speakers.

  “What—? What’s going on?”

  “There’s something wrong with the plane. I think we’re going to crash. I need you back in your seat and buckled in safe.” Anthony’s voice was all business.

  “Where are we?” I glanced out of the window, trying to grasp what was happening.

  “Somewhere over the ocean. I don’t know. I dozed off too.”

  “Oh my God, are we going to crash into the ocean?”

  “If so, the seat works as a float. We’ll be fine. Just brace yourself.”

  I fumbled with the seatbelt, cursing my trembling fingers, so Anthony grabbed it and quickly buckled me in. I took his hand and tried to brace myself for impact. The plane shook and rocked back and forth.

  “Anthony—” I said in a panic.

  “I know. Just hold on tight.”

  There was a hard jostle and a loud noise. We were flung from side to side, only staying in the seats by the buckles strapping us in. I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to see what was going on around us. A sharp pain exploded at the side of my head. Then there was nothing. Everything went quiet, dark and peaceful.

  * * * *

  “Rachel, baby, please wake up.” Anthony was brushing wet strands of hair from my face. His hand was unusually rough. “Please wake up, sweetheart.”

  I wanted to talk to him, to tell him I was okay, but I couldn’t talk. I tried to open my eyes. I wanted to see him and know that he was okay but I couldn’t. My eyelids felt so heavy.

  “Don’t worry. I’m going to get us out of this and I’m going to take care of you. It’s all going to be okay.”

  I know, Anthony. You always take care of me. You make me feel so safe. My words wouldn’t come. My body refused to listen to me.

  “I have to go get some things. I’ll be back as soon as I possibly can. If you can hear me, know that you’re safe. I just need to get some supplies from the plane and set up camp.”

  Don’t leave me. I wanted to shout the words to him, but I couldn’t even get my mouth to move. I must have drifted off because Anthony was back again.

  “Baby, can you wake up for me? Please? I need you.”

  I’m here. I can hear you.

  “I’m going to take care of you. I’m just going to pick you up so I can move you into our hut.” Anthony lifted me from the sand with his strong arms and cradled me against his hard chest.

  “I think you’re going to like the shelter I put together. I was able to salvage a lot of stuff from the plane to make it better. The seat cushions are laid out to use as a bed and I was able to find a little food and water from the plane’s supplies. Here we are.”

  Anthony laid me down on the soft chair cushion and allowed me to rest. I stopped fighting to wake up and allowed myself just to drift for a while. When I finally woke up more fully, I looked around the impressive shelter Anthony had built for us. The sand was covered with an opened parachute and there were two chair cushions lying side by side to make our bed, complete with blankets he must have salvaged from the plane.

  I felt a little dizzy when I sat up, and my head throbbed. I reached up to feel a bump on my head. The only thing missing from our little bed was Anthony. I was careful as I left the tent.

  A good distance from the campsite was a large fire. It was too big to be a campfire. I wondered if it was from the crash. Anthony stood nearby.

  “Hey,” I called out to him.

  “Rach, oh thank God.” He smiled and rushed through the waves to me. “You’re awake. How do you feel?”

  “My head hurts and I’m a little off balance, but I’m okay. What happened?”

  “I’m not sure what made the plane crash, but when it did, something knocked you in the head. It all happened so fast that I didn’t see what hit you. The next thing I knew, we were surrounded by a bunch of scrap metal and debris. I got us out of the plane and waited to make sure it wasn’t going to explode or anything, then I went back to gather supplies to use for shelter, drink and food. I was able to find our suitcases too. Luckily, everything stayed pretty well together.”

  “Wow. I think we need to stick to driving from now on. First the helicopter, now this.”

  “I’m with you there.”

  “Where’s the pilot? Did you ask him what happened?”

  Anthony’s expression fell and I knew what he wasn’t saying.

  “He didn’t make it?”

  Anthony shook his head. “After I got you out of the plane, I went back to check on him, but…”

  I wanted to cry. I hadn’t known the pilot—we’d only just been introduced—but now he was dead. I was sure he’d had a family, friends…people who would miss him, and he was gone. Anthony wrapped me in his arms and held me tight for several minutes.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. You had me really worried.”

  “I’m okay, and I saw the campsite. You’ve been busy. How long have I been out?”

  “A day.”

  “A day? So, the crash wasn’t today?”


  “We slept here all night?”

  “Well, I didn’t actually sleep. I stayed up to keep an eye on you.”

  “Oh, Anthony.” I kissed him. “I love you.”

  “I love you too…so much.” He slipped his arms around my waist and held me close.

  “I have some snacks from the plane. You haven’t eaten since yesterday. You need some food.”

  “If you insist.” I grinned and put my hand on my belly and my heart sank. “You don’t think the crash did anything—”

  “Nothing appeared to hit your stomach. If you don’t have any pain or anything, I’d think you’re both going to be fine, but I want you to get checked out the minute we get back.”

  “Okay.” I leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me back to the camp.

  We sat and watched the waves crash onto the rocks and shore. The spray shone in the dark, illuminated by the moonlight.

  “What was that big fire over near the water?”

  “A signal.”

  “I thought it might be the plane at first, with all the smoke, but then you said you were able to get stuff from the plane because it didn’t catch on fire.”

  “I included one of the tires from the plane to help it smoke. I had a time trying to roll that thing.”

  We ate snacks from the plane, gazing out at the beautiful beach and sparkling water. If we hadn’t been stranded on the island after a terrifying plane crash, it would have made a very romantic scene.

  “What if no one sees the smoke?”

have more tires, so I can keep the fire going for a while. I plan on going exploring farther inland now that you’re awake, to see if there is civilization.”

  “Do you think there might be?”

  “I don’t know. If there is, it’s not big or they would have already settled this land over here to see this view. Then again, it could be a really rich guy who decided to buy a small island as his own private getaway.”

  “When are we going?”

  “In the morning. I want to make sure we have plenty of daylight. Do you feel up to walking? I’d much rather have you resting, but I’m not willing to leave you alone here all day.”

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” I finished my food and settled in next to Anthony’s, laying my head on his chest.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I opened my eyes slowly, squinting as the bright morning light pierced through the cracks in our makeshift hut. I worried when I turned to see Anthony’s empty spot beside me. The last thing I remembered was our conversation about Anthony wanting to go exploring that morning. I hoped he hadn’t decided to go without me. He’d mentioned wanting me to stay and rest. Maybe he changed his mind about taking me with him. I jumped out of bed to go find him.

  “Anthony,” I called out the moment I stepped out into the early morning.

  “Hey, I’m right here. What’s wrong?” He called from the other side of the shelter, and I followed his voice. Anthony was kneeling down in the sand over a backpack.

  “I thought you might have changed your mind and left me here.”

  “I’d never just leave you like that. I’m packing some supplies for our trip. Then I was going to wake you up.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “I'm just wrapping this up. You might want to get dressed. Something tells me my T-shirt wouldn’t be the best hiking gear.”

  “Oh yeah, good thinking.” I chuckled and hurried back inside to change.

  I was so glad Anthony had been able to salvage most of our luggage. It was nice to at least have normal clothes and shoes for this hike. Our first hike through the wilderness hadn’t gone so well back in Colombia, with my scraps of clothing and bare feet.


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