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Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel

Page 19

by Nicole Edwards

  But sharing her with another person was not going to happen. Not tonight. Maybe not ever.

  When she looked up at him, he could damn near taste the lust pulsating through her veins. This turned her on. Was it the voyeuristic aspect? Or did she fantasize about herself inside of one of those rooms living out her deepest, darkest fantasies?

  Tag didn’t know the answer to any of the questions that plagued him, but he did know that before he took McKenna to view the upstairs rooms, he wanted to introduce her to Mistress Serena – the woman in charge of The Club. While they waited for her to be finished with her subs, Tag took McKenna back to the bar.

  “What would you like?” he asked, realizing he wasn’t quite sure whether she drank anything more than wine.

  “Vodka and Seven please,” McKenna told the bartender when she approached.

  The music was loud, but not too loud that they couldn’t have a civil conversation, so as they waited, Tag turned to her. “What do you think so far?”

  “It’s... interesting.” Her smile had the ability to make his blood boil.

  “Just interesting?”

  “Do you want my professional opinion, or my personal one?”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “If I look through my professional lens, I could describe every nuance and detail down to what the women and men in the cages are doing right at this very moment. Or even the group settled on the large round sofa in the center of the room. If I look through my personal lens, I’d tell you that it’s interesting in a fetish club sort of way.”

  “So, are you saying this doesn’t turn you on?” he asked, taking the two drinks the bartender sat in front of him and slipping her a twenty dollar bill as a tip. The drinks were free in the club, but the tips were appreciated.

  “It absolutely turns me on,” she clarified. “But that doesn’t mean it’s something that appeals to me right now.”

  “Do you like being watched?”

  That was part of the intrigue of the club, he knew. The voyeuristic aspect – the watching and being watched – was what most people really sought when they came to a place like this. There were the hardcore masochistic types, and before the night was through, he was sure they’d see some things that would damn near blow her mind.

  Because it was dark, Tag couldn’t tell whether his question made McKenna blush or not, but he could see from the look in her eyes that she was hesitant in answering him.

  “Do you?” he asked again.


  Tag fought the urge to pull her against him right then and there and do to her the things he’d dreamed about since the day he met her. Instead, he kept his distance, leaving the few inches between them as he glanced back at the first room, noticing Mistress Serena was, in fact, coming out of the room.

  And walking directly toward them.

  Tag saw McKenna’s eyes widen as Mistress Serena approached, holding a stainless steel whipping rod in her hand.

  “Mr. Murphy, I see you brought your guest.” Mistress Serena’s sultry voice was surprisingly calmer than he was used to, and he noticed she seemed more fixated on McKenna. Tag wondered whether it was the immensely dominating personalities that both women exhibited.

  Did Mistress Serena see McKenna as a threat? The thought intrigued him.

  “McKenna Thorne, meet Mistress Serena. She’s in charge of The Club.”

  “Nice to meet you,” McKenna replied, not holding her hand out or moving in any way.

  Tag watched in amazement as McKenna kept her eyes up and locked with the Domme’s. Most people, it didn’t matter whether it was a man or a woman, seemed to lower their eyes when Mistress Serena scrutinized them.

  Tag glanced over, witnessing the small smile on Mistress Serena’s lips and the way she held the whipping rod close to her chest as though fearful she might just use it unexpectedly.

  “Will the two of you require a room this evening?” Mistress Serena asked, not directing the question to either one of them specifically.

  “Yes,” Tag replied. He wasn’t completely sure they would be using it, but he was definitely going to show McKenna one of the rooms at the minimum.

  If he had anything to say about it, she might just become familiar with it while they were there.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  McKenna watched Mistress Serena as she walked away. Never once did she lower her eyes from the intimidating woman, wanting to ensure her that she was in no way a submissive, nor was she here to play. Having been in the dominating role before, McKenna had no desire to be dominated by a woman like her.

  “She manages the club?” McKenna asked when Mistress Serena was out of earshot.

  “With an iron fist. She’s the official club manager, and she’s a Domme. Whether because of one or the other, she allows absolutely no room for bullshit,” Tag explained. “She ensures the safety of every club member, along with two of her submissives who make the rounds frequently if Mistress Serena is otherwise engaged.”

  McKenna was happy to hear that. From experience, she knew that BDSM was not something that should be experimented without extreme caution. Especially when it came to punishment the likes of which she saw Mistress Serena dishing out. There was too much room for mistakes, or for people who were doing it for the wrong reason.

  “So you reserved us a room?” McKenna couldn’t help but ask the question as she looked up into Tag’s piercing green eyes.

  “I wanted to ensure you received the full tour,” he told her. “Whether we use the room is entirely up to you.”

  McKenna’s belly fluttered with excitement. It could have been the atmosphere in which they were enveloped in, or just the man standing a few inches away from her, but whatever it was, she was highly aroused and if she had her say, they’d definitely be putting that room to good use. However, before she could commit to something like that, she wanted to see the rest of the place.

  “If the people in the rooms aren’t actors, are the ones in the cages?” McKenna referred to the eight cages suspended above the crowd.

  “No, they aren’t actors either. They’re members. There aren’t any actors here. The only employees are the bartenders, and as you’ll notice, there are armed security guards at either end of the bar.”

  McKenna turned, and that’s when she saw two big, burly men standing at opposite ends of the bar. When she looked at the other side of the room, she noticed two more.

  “There aren’t any waitresses either. Luke and Logan didn’t want to take the chance of one of the waitresses being subjected to something they didn’t want to be subjected to.”


  McKenna completely agreed. Although these people paid high dollars to be members of the club, and no matter how thorough a background check was done on them, you couldn’t predict what a human being might do. And with sexual stimulation of this nature, there was bound to be at least one person who didn’t know how to control themself.

  She had to admit she was highly impressed with how well thought out this club was. This wasn’t your run of the mill sex club, and it clearly wasn’t an anything goes kind of place either.

  “So what’s upstairs?” she finally asked.

  “Let me show you.” Tag took her empty glass and returned it to the bar before taking her hand and leading her to a large metal staircase that led up to the second floor landing.

  When they reached the first of the two floors, McKenna heard the sounds coming from every direction first before she actually saw anything. On all four sides, there were glass rooms, about five on each wall, made entirely of glass on three sides while butting up against the exposed brick wall of the exterior. For all intents and purposes, they were exact replicas of the rooms on the ground floor, just significantly smaller.

  Guarding each wall were security guards who stood watch over the people who were both inside the rooms as well as those who were seated just outside in the chairs lined up in front of th
em. It was a live porn show for anyone who wanted to view, and from what McKenna could tell, it catered to almost every kinky fetish.

  The number of people in each room varied about as much as what they were doing. It was a fascinating mishmash of assorted fetishes, ranging from the standard woman/man, or woman/woman, or man/man intimate encounter to people wearing blindfolds and being treated to oral pleasure of different types, to a room with six women in a daisy chain. For some reason, it seemed as though these rooms were relatively tame.

  “Is there a difference between this floor and the next?” she questioned Tag as they made their way back to the staircase.

  “Yes.” Tag turned and looked down at her. “Since everyone has to stop at this floor, they only allow certain activities here. The hardcore scenes are upstairs. They figure that not everyone is into some of the things these people come up with, and this allows a member the opportunity to decide for themselves just how much they can handle.”

  “But what about the rooms downstairs?” McKenna knew that at least one of the scenes downstairs was not for the faint of heart.

  “A member has to submit in writing what they intend to use the room for as well as everything that they could engage in while they are there. Mistress Serena reviews every application and decides whether she’s willing to allow it on the ground level or not.”

  “But what makes her a good judge on what’s appropriate? She’s a Domme.” McKenna retorted.

  “Trust me; she doesn’t let anyone get out of hand.” Tag grinned and then took her hand, leading her up the second flight of stairs. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “Yes.” McKenna was curious to see what exactly they considered hardcore.

  On the third floor, as they made their way around the perimeter, she found it almost impossible to look into each of the rooms. She didn’t have much of a choice because all of the walls on this floor were made of glass as well and surprisingly, there were even more people sitting in the viewing rows than the other floor.

  She saw everything from a man licking a woman’s shoes to a man wearing a diaper while a woman spoon fed him something and varying degrees of other, less attractive things going on.

  “Ok, I think I’m good,” McKenna told Tag as they neared the stairs once again. She was ready to get back to one of the other floors. Either that, or perhaps rip her own eyeballs out.

  Thankfully, Tag descended the stairs until they were back on the ground floor where he led her back to the bar and ordered more drinks. Once they were served, he took a step back, gesturing with his hand for her to lead the way. She appreciated that he was allowing her a few minutes to get acquainted with her surroundings. Not that she hadn’t seen everything before in some form or fashion, but this was the real reason she was here.

  Considering for the last few days, McKenna had been playing house with a man she continued to find more and more compelling the longer she was around him, she knew this was what she had worked so hard to get to. Being with Tag was a bonus, one that she was pretty sure would only last as long as the contract specified. So, being the savvy business woman she prided herself to be, McKenna set about the room, attempting to log everything into her memory for use later.

  Surprisingly, there were two different scenes from the ones earlier when they arrived. She was just grateful they were much more sexually stimulating than where they had just been on the third floor.

  Now, if the alcohol would only help to erase what she’d just witnessed up there, McKenna might just be able to get on with their night.


  For the last few minutes, Tag had followed close behind McKenna, doing his best not to disturb her as he watched in amazement the way she mentally archived every little detail of the club into that brilliant mind of hers.

  He was glad for this little diversion also because it allowed him to forget the few things they had just witnessed on the third floor of the club. There was a reason he didn’t go up there. He was a staunch supporter of the term “to each his own”, but he also knew better than to subject himself to that type of activity. It did absolutely nothing for him.

  To his relief, McKenna didn’t seem to be bothered by it one way or the other, aside from her enthusiastic agreement to leave. Now that they were back on the ground floor, surrounded by writhing, thrusting bodies in various stages of dress, she seemed to be once again focused on the most intriguing aspect of the club.

  When she stopped to linger in front of one of the glass rooms again, Tag moved closer, taking her empty glass from her hand and depositing it on a table near them along with his. Pulling her up against him, Tag pressed his chest against her back, wrapping his arms around her waist as the fresh, sexy scent of her hair lingered in front of him.

  He glanced at the room McKenna was fixated on, seeing Mistress Serena once again, but this time she had two men with her, one of them on his knees before her with his tongue buried in her pussy. Tag recognized the one licking her cunt as one of her submissives while the other was a regular member of the club who repeatedly requested Mistress Serena’s company.

  Holding McKenna close to him, Tag felt her chest begin to rise and fall more rapidly as the scene played out before them, and he knew, without hearing, that her breathing was becoming a little more labored. Her arousal was proof that she had all but forgotten about what had transpired on the third floor, and he was grateful.

  As she leaned into him, Tag slid his hands beneath the hem of her shirt, caressing the smooth skin he found there. Sweeping her silky hair out of the way, Tag tilted his head down and gently sucked on her neck until she was pressing against him. He wondered if she even realized she was doing it. In fact, she seemed so focused on the scene in front of her, he wondered whether she knew he was even touching her.

  When she turned in his arms and pulled his head down to hers, crushing her mouth to his, he got his answer. She apparently liked it.

  Kissing her back was the hardest thing he’d done in a long time because he was trying to keep himself under control. With several people hanging around, their eyes just as easily roaming the two of them as much as the trio in the room, he wanted to ensure McKenna knew exactly what she was doing.

  When she pulled back and those exotic eyes locked with his, he held his breath. He didn’t care what she said next, as long as the result was going to be him buried inside of her in the very near future.

  “You were going to show me that room, weren’t you?”

  It was his turn to be speechless as he nodded his head and took her hand, damn near dragging her back to the stairs. He managed to slow down as they ascended, but how he wasn’t sure. He just needed to put his hands on her. All over her. Everywhere.

  He wanted to drown out all of the chaos in his brain and the only way he found that was possible was to lose himself in McKenna. Ever since that very first kiss in his car, Tag noticed that the noise in his head quieted when he touched her. The only thing he couldn’t seem to get past was the place.

  The club didn’t bother him, in fact, he had frequented it on many occasions, reaping its full benefits, but with McKenna, it just felt different. For the first time in his life, he questioned whether or not he wanted strangers witnessing the ecstasy he managed to find in McKenna’s arms. Maybe it was the vulnerability he felt when she unraveled him with just her eyes, or the barest of touches.

  As they approached the second floor, Tag realized it was too late to think about it now. The only option he had was to continue until one or both of them firmly decided otherwise.

  Approaching the security guard, Tag typed his code into a small, portable keypad the man held out in front of him. The guard glanced down at the small screen before turning it back for Tag to see. On the screen were three red numbers that corresponded to the room they’d been assigned. Nodding his head, he walked as slow as his long legs would allow with McKenna in tow.

  Once at the room, he had to scan his club key in order for the doors to open. Tag pushed open
the heavy glass panel door, then stood back and allowed McKenna to precede him into the room. The door closed behind them with a whoosh, the lock clicking loudly in the small space.

  “The McCoy’s spared no expense did they?” McKenna asked as she began moving about the small space.

  “They’re concerned about safety,” he told her. “Can you blame them?”

  McKenna smiled back at him, and he once again was lost in her beauty. Good God he was turning into a fucking sap.

  “After seeing that floor,” McKenna nodded her chin upward, “I can’t say that I do.”

  Tag couldn’t agree more. He had never been fond of the third floor, but that’s because his own kinks leaned more toward bondage, the occasional spanking, and being watched. He didn’t even get a great thrill out of watching.

  Tag stood back, allowing McKenna to look around the small, ten by ten room. There wasn’t much to see really. The back wall was made of exposed brick while the other three, including the only door, were made of glass. Still to this day, Tag had no clue how Mistress Serena managed to keep all of the glass so clean and clear, but somehow she did.

  He knew the rooms were sterilized after each person left, and for sanitary purposes, they used only a fitted white sheet on the small mattress in the room. That’s also why the room wreaked of bleach and disinfectant. The floor was tiled with white marble, and the only other piece of furniture was a small bedside table with a single drawer in it.

  McKenna pulled open the drawer while Tag watched, and he knew what she would find. Condoms. That’s all. And there weren’t that many because again, Mistress Serena was concerned with safety, so she had them restocked after every use to ensure they hadn’t been tampered with, which Tag explained to McKenna as she eyed them.

  “It’s definitely not an upscale hotel room,” McKenna smiled.


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