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Wicked Angel

Page 12

by Sawyer Bennett

  As the men approach, I swivel my stool toward them, uncrossing my legs before crossing them again. As one, their eyes drop to get a peek. If they’d been quick enough, they now know I’m not wearing any panties.

  “Elena,” August says in a gruff, appreciative voice. Leaning down, he brushes his lips across my cheek. “Please tell me I’ve found you on a night when you don’t have any plans.”

  My laugh is husky, but it carries a slight tinge of nervousness. It appears I’m going to be getting laid sooner rather than later, and I push that guilty feeling away.

  “I just got here, and I’ve barely taken a sip of my martini,” I say vaguely, but I give him a wide smile to convey interest. I don’t know what my hesitation is in committing to him, because I know he would be an excellent lover. I’ve watched him fuck other women on occasion, and they had clearly enjoyed it if their moans and blissed-out expressions were any indication.

  August makes a sweeping motion toward the dark-haired man. “This is my teammate, Cage Murdock.”

  When I hold my hand out, he takes it, pulling my knuckles to his lips.

  “So you work for Kynan as well?” I ask.

  Cage gives a nod. “Sure do. I’m based out of the new Pittsburgh headquarters but I’m in town for a few days and thought I’d visit my favorite place here.” My gaze goes to August. “And you?”

  “I like it fine right here in Vegas.” His eyes roam over me, settling on my breasts for a moment before coming back to meet mine. He gives me an impish grin. “The scenery is fantastic.”

  Cage and August order drinks. We make small talk and flirt, laying down enough sexual innuendo there’s no doubt how this evening is going to end.

  When I get near the bottom of my martini, August asks, “Would you like another?”

  I shake my head. “I usually only drink one. I don’t like my senses to be dulled.”

  He nods, touches my arm with the back of a knuckle, then runs it lightly over my skin, causing me to shiver. “Just how adventurous are you, Elena?”

  My mouth goes dry, but I manage to reply, “Very. What did you have in mind?”

  August cuts a look toward his buddy, then gives his attention back to me. “Are you interested in taking us both on at the same time?”

  While I’ve done a lot of dirty stuff in the sex club, I’ve never been with two men at the same time. I’ve been fucked by more than one man in the same evening, but I’ve never had two inside my body at once. I’m not going to lie—I get wet thinking about it. There’s not a shred of guilt anymore. It’s been fully replaced with burning lust.

  “I think I would like to give it a try,” I murmur. My intention isn’t to come off coy, but it does just the same.

  “Anal?” August asks for clarity. “Can you take my cock there?”

  My mouth goes even drier. I lick at my lips, giving a short nod.

  “Both of us at the same time?” he pushes, making sure we are clear on my boundaries. “Cage will take your pussy while I take your ass.”

  I start to agree, but something in the corner of my eye catches my attention. Shocked, I whip around, my brows shooting up when Benjamin steps up beside me. He’s glaring with a ferocity I’ve never seen before, and it’s directed at August and Cage.

  He only gives them a moment before his hot eyes land on me. In a clipped tone, he snaps, “Elena.”

  “Benjamin,” I reply curtly, then start to turn away from him.

  But his words stop me cold. “You didn’t waste much time.”

  It’s an uncalled-for accusation, and I whirl on my seat to face him. “You didn’t wait long either.”

  With nothing but a blasé shrug, Benjamin orders a bourbon from the approaching bartender. I continue to glare at him, but he ignores me.

  So be it.

  With as much dignity as I can muster, I rise to grab August and Cage by their hands. “Let’s go get a room.”

  “Would you like to invite your friend to come with us?” August asks. The question isn’t issued in a polite way. Instead, it clearly spells out he hadn’t liked the tone Benjamin addressed me with. August uses his words to rub Benjamin’s nose in the fact I’m choosing to go with August and Cage.

  Benjamin stares stonily across the room, pointedly ignoring us, but I don’t spare him more than a glance.

  “No thank you. I believe the two of you are more than enough to satisfy me.”

  I swear I hear a growl from deep within Benjamin, but I don’t acknowledge it as I lead August and Cage away from the bar toward a hallway running along the perimeter of The Silo. From there, we can go into one of the empty glassed-in rooms to fuck on full display for everyone to see.

  My heart beats wildly out of control, but it has nothing to do with the fact I’m soon going to let two men inside my body at the same time. Instead, it has everything to do with Benjamin being there to see me.

  Clearly, though, he doesn’t give a shit, which hurts more than it should. I wish it would make me want to put on a show just to spite him. Instead, it’s only causing me to have major doubts.

  As soon as we are in the room with the door closes behind us, August makes his move. He steps up to me, frames my face with his hands, and gives me a deep, searing kiss. Trying to relax, I force myself to melt into his embrace.

  Cage comes up behind me, his hands going to my hips. The material of my dress starts to snake upward, and cool air hits my ass.

  His mouth goes to my neck where he gives a not-so-subtle bite, one of his hands dropping between my legs.

  Suddenly, the door flies open. While Cage and August do nothing but flick lazy, nonchalant glances that way, I jolt as if a lightning bolt has speared through me.

  Standing in the doorway, looking like an enraged bull, is Benjamin. His face is red, his eyes are rolling, and his fists are clutched to the knob on the end of his cane so hard his knuckles are white. He may not have the military experience these two men do, but right now, I get the distinct impression he could take them both with the strength of his fury.

  “Get your fucking hands off her right now,” he snarls at the two men caging me in.

  Neither man moves. Benjamin steps into the room, then lifts his cane a few inches from the floor before tossing it up about a foot. His hand strikes fast, grabbing it at mid-shaft. With that move, it became a weapon.

  I don’t know August well—Cage at all—but if they’re even anything like the other people I know who work for Jameson Force Security, they are usually Special Forces with a healthy dose of alpha-male confidence. I would not expect them to give up the woman standing between them very easily.

  “Elena,” August says in a low, calm voice. “What do you want us to do?”

  What do I want? Well, I don’t want Benjamin to go down for assault. I have no doubt he’d start cracking heads if they don’t move away from me.

  “If you don’t mind,” I reply evenly, never taking my eyes off Benjamin, “I think I’ll take a rain check with you and Cage.”

  Benjamin growls and takes a step toward us, rage I’d even suggest rescheduling the threesome flashing in his eyes.

  Quickly, I amend, “Actually, I think we’re just going to have to cancel permanently.”

  At this point, I’m not saying it to save August and Cage’s hides, but rather… because I only want Benjamin. Relief fills me at his presence—at his caveman-like attitude as he claims me.

  I’m still so stunned at his interruption, at his anger at what I was about to do, that I barely even comprehend what he’s doing as he pulls me into his arms. His hand goes to the nape of my neck and he grips a handful of my hair, pulling on it roughly to tip my head up to meet his eyes.

  “Nobody fucks you but me,” he murmurs so possessively a tremor shoots up my spine, my legs pressing together to alleviate the surge of lust building there.

  Helplessly, I keep my gaze pinned on his, only vaguely sensing August and Cage moving toward the door.

  “Don’t,” Benjamin orders, and I’m
confused about what he means. Is he talking to me?

  But then he swivels his head to pin his gaze on Cage and August.

  “Stay and watch. It will be worth it… I promise.”

  I drag my eyes from Benjamin to the two men, and I see lustful interest in their expressions. Hope they’ll maybe get a taste.

  Benjamin quickly disabuses them. “You aren’t touching her, though.”



  I am officially fucked in the head. I’m so furious with Elena for wanting to fuck those two men, and yet at the same time, I’m also turned on by the fact she had wanted to fuck two men. Had wanted to take both at once.

  How the fuck can I be turned on by that, yet want to kill the men who had dared to touch her?

  Worst of all, why am I even doing this? I’d already cut her loose. I’d determined it was in my best interest, but I’d never felt such relief as I had when she chose me over them.

  Elena stares up with soft brown eyes, trusting she’s right where she needs to be. I hate that for her, because I have no clue what I can offer her for a future. Probably nothing outside the walls of this sex club, and I’m a selfish fuck for claiming this.

  The door to our room opens, then closes with a soft noise. I assume those two assholes left, but I don’t give a shit. The offer for them to stay and watch had been genuine, but it was more for my benefit than theirs. I wanted them to see what they’d never have.

  Elena strains against my grip so she can look that way, but when a growl rumbles deep in my chest she swivels back toward me. My hold on her hair relaxes minutely when she freezes.

  “What in the fuck am I doing?” I rasp, hoping to hell she’s got an answer for me because I’m totally lost.

  “Apparently, you are claiming what’s already yours.” Her voice is husky with desire, and it’s exactly what I need to hear. I’d been afraid she would say something too intimate like “following your heart” or “seeking happiness”. I would’ve bucked against any response like that. Possibly even walked out the door.

  Oh, who the fuck am I kidding… I can’t walk away from her.

  I’m also not sure if I can give her much more than orgasms, either.

  But great sex is going to have to be enough.

  Dipping my head, I bring my mouth to hers. She gasps, and I can tell it’s because she was expecting a full onslaught given the fact I’m still buzzing with an anger-fueled energy.

  But miraculously, my kiss is sensuously soft—gentle even—as I graze my lips ever so slowly against hers.

  Her breath flutters out in a sigh as her arms wrap around my neck. She leans her body into mine, but not in a sexual way. Not even in a submissive way. Instead, it feels like support.

  Not that lust is absent. It’s coursing through me like a wildfire, and my cock is hard as granite.

  But for right now, it’s enough that Elena—in this moment—is mine.

  The cane slips from my fingertips, clattering to the wood floor. After working the knot of her halter-top dress free, I slowly pull it down past her breasts. Slip my thumbs into the edge of the material and push it down her body, squatting as I go. When it moves over her hips, I realize she has no panties on. I can’t help but pause. Press my lips to her smooth pussy before she gracefully steps out of her dress. I ignore her sexy-as-fuck sandals, choosing to let her keep those on as they’ll look beautiful propped on my shoulders.

  I straighten, kiss Elena again, and move her toward the bed without breaking the contact. We’re in The Silo, the dirtiest, kinkiest sub-room of The Wicked Horse, yet I have no desire to use any of the sensual props that are widely stocked throughout.

  All I want is Elena in her purest form, her beautiful body bare and available to my hands, mouth, body, and cock.

  Her legs hit the bed, and I lower her down. She never takes her eyes off me, and I only know this because I can’t take mine off her.

  I release my hold on her, straighten once again, and start to remove my clothes. She watches me with keen eyes as I strip layer after layer off my body until I’m completely naked and I’ve got my hardened cock in my hand stroking it.

  She seems in a daze for a moment. But when I take a step toward the bed, she moves hastily backward, making room for me.

  Her arms come up as she reaches out for me.

  One knee to the mattress, a hand by her ribs, and the other to Elena’s face, I cover her body with mine. Her legs spread and wrap around me. My cock instinctively finds her warmth. My hips move as my mouth takes hers again in yet another slow, deep, and consuming kiss. I slide in deep, her wetness a testament to what she feels for me.

  A fucking divine validation of how much she wants me.

  “Benjamin,” she gasps into my mouth as I hit deep and press hard against her. Christ, that feels way too good.

  But I knew it would.

  Every time with Elena, it just feels too fucking good. It’s why she’s dangerous. It’s also why I apparently can’t let her go.

  There on silken sheets with our mouths fused together, one of her hands tangled in my hair and one of mine holding tightly onto her hip, I fuck her slowly and without a timetable to release. There’s no rush. No people outside the glass with their greedy, lustful eyes on us. I have nowhere else I’d rather be than in this moment of pleasure and sensation.

  Knowing deep in my gut even if I’m too fearful to admit it, I might be a little too lost in Elena. There’s a very real chance I’m setting myself up to experience pain again by giving in to this need to be with her.


  It’s part of the unwritten club rules that after members have finished fucking in one of the rooms, they are to vacate sooner rather than later. This lets discreet workers come in, clean the place up, and ready it for the next hedonists to enter.

  We’ve overstayed our limit for sure, yet I don’t want to pull away from Elena. I came harder than I ever remember having done before. If the ferocity of her scream when she released is any indication, she’s feeling as mellow as I am right now. I’m still on top of her, my cock having already softened and slipped out of her heat. Her hands lazily stroke my back. While I hold most of my weight off her with my forearms into the mattress, my head lays heavy on her breasts.

  “Benjamin,” Elena whispers, and I feel her head turn so her lips press briefly to the top of my head. “We should probably get going.”

  I lift my head so I can see her. Her expression is soft and satisfied. She looks wrecked, and I love being the one to have caused it.

  It’s been a long fucking time since I’ve taken such immense pride in what I can do to a woman.

  My dick pulses at the thought of doing it again. I lean down and kiss Elena. Her tongue touches mine without hesitation, and I start to swell. Christ, I want her again.

  I pull my mouth from hers with a sigh, wondering just how ensnared I’ve become by this woman. My head tilts, and I look out the glass wall to see those two men who were in here with her standing there…. watching. One of them smirks in a knowing way as if to say, “Yeah, buddy… you are so fucking whipped right now.”


  Part of me wants to show him differently. Show them both.

  My eyes cut to one of the sex toy machines in the corner. It’s a contraption that has a jackhammering dildo a woman crouches over. I could put Elena on it, let it take her from below while I fuck her ass.

  It would show them there’s nothing they can give her that I can’t do better.

  Except… is that better?

  Does she want the experience of two men?

  Do I have the capability to give her that? The thought of another man touching her makes me want to kill, but… could I put that aside for her?

  I’m not sure, but now it’s going to gnaw at me until I know for sure.

  I look back to Elena, whose eyes are still on my face while her fingers play in my hair.

  “Do you want to be with more than one man at the same time?” I ask blu

  She blinks in surprise. “Um…”

  “Because if you do—”

  “Actually no,” she says so quietly I barely hear her, yet I’m immensely relieved when I make the words out.

  “Are you sure?” I press.

  She shrugs. “I mean… I was curious about it. And that’s why you and I come to The Wicked Horse, right? For that type of debauchery? And well, you and I weren’t together anymore, and they offered, so…”

  “I’ll make it happen for you if you want,” I say, my gut churning over my rash offer. But strangely, I find myself wanting to offer her the moon if I could, which I can’t. So I offer her something else instead.

  She shakes her head, bringing a hand to my jaw where she caresses it. “I’m going to say something at the risk of freaking you out, but honestly Benjamin… when I’m with you, I don’t need anything else. Not another man or two other men—not the toys here at the club. And I’m not saying it in a possessive way. Nor am I declaring my devotion to you or expecting anything from you in return. I’m merely saying you completely satisfy me sexually. There’s nothing else I need.”

  I can’t help but smile as I bend, bringing my face closer. “Jesus… now I want to fuck you again.”

  She grins back. “I would not say no to that.”

  I had forgotten my earlier vision of her silver sandals propped on my shoulders, having been too lost inside of her previously. I rear up, push my palms under her thighs, and raise her legs high in the air. Tilting my hips, I’m able to align myself easily. With one hard thrust, I’m deep into nirvana again.

  Elena groans as I lean into her, pressing my palms into the mattress. Her calves come to rest on my shoulders, causing her to fold almost in half as I start to fuck her again.

  This time, it’s not so slow.

  It’s a hell of a lot deeper with this angle.

  Even better than the last time.




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