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On the Edge of Forever

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by Amanda Perry


  Fangers, Furries, and Fruit Flies, Oh My!

  Amanda Perry

  A J Anders



  Published by Covey Publishing, LLC

  PO Box 550219, Gastonia, NC 28055-0219

  Copyright © 2018 by Amanda Perry & AJ Anders

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the writer, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design Copyright © 2018 Covey Publishing, LLC

  Book Design by Covey Publishing,

  Copy Editing by Covey Publishing, LLC

  Printed in the United States of America.

  ISBN: 978-1-948185-58-5

  First Printing, 2018



  1. Remy

  2. Remy

  3. Remy

  4. Reid

  5. Remy

  6. Reid

  7. Noah

  8. Remy

  9. Remy

  10. Elijah

  11. Remy

  12. Remy

  13. Reid

  14. Remy

  15. Noah

  16. Remy

  About the Authors


  One hundred and forty-nine years ago, supernaturals grew tired of hiding in the shadows and emerged from the dark, demanding equal rights. The revelation they were not alone tore the human world apart overnight. Hysteria and mass panic broke out. Neighbor no longer trusted neighbor, friends turned to enemies. The resulting war almost decimated the world; humans on one side, supernaturals on the other. While the supernatural communities controlled incomparable magic, humans had the numbers. Five hundred to one. For ten years, the two sides battled, one never claiming victory over the other.

  With the dead lying in mass graves, families forever devastated, and cities still burning, it became apparent neither side would win. Both sides came together, negotiating a ceasefire and the human-supernatural coalition was born from the flames of the dying pyres.

  Working in co-op, the coalition divided each continent into new regions, areas segregated by species. In North America, the south and northeast remained in control of the human population. The northwest became home to the Vampire and Fae populous. The middle states from North Dakota down through Texas became Lycanthropes or Shifter territory.

  These new regions were independent. Two laws reigned supreme in the world: those that pertained to humans and those that pertained to all supernatural species.

  While crossing borders wasn’t strictly forbidden by either law, it was highly frowned upon unless a direct invitation was issued. Crossing borders without consent from the residents could easily lead to death.



  The sun shone brightly over the approaching horizon. The glare bounced off a sheen of dust that accumulated during the long ride, the small microscopic pebbles glistening like diamonds. Remy pushed the sunglasses up higher on her face, trying to keep the light from blinding her. Being late afternoon, the temperature outside remained a constant ninety-eight degrees. The air conditioning worked overtime, trying to cool the dry desert heat as it wafted through her overtaxed vents. Remy squinted further against the brightness, trying to make out the details of the SUV far ahead of her, hoping it was her dad’s car.

  The life she knew disappeared slowly behind her, one agonizing mile at a time. Her dreams and aspirations, gone, her whole life uprooted all thanks to her dad’s new job. A junior in college, one moment she’d been enjoying the last few days of the semester with all her friends, every adventure being committed to memory. The next, her father came home with the news of his new position. Her last week of school was spent helping her family pack up the house while her friends partied each night.

  Maybe destiny wanted her to find her best friend and boyfriend in bed together. Maybe the fickle bitch wanted to uproot Remy’s life, causing turmoil just as Remy was getting a solid foundation under her feet. With the news of the impending move breathing in her ears, she begged to be left behind, wanting nothing more than to pursue her own path. She was twenty-one, legally an adult for over three years. But the news about her dad’s position spread. Society labeled him a traitor against humanity, and the whole family suffered for his decision. Without provocation, the University revoked her scholarship.

  Of course, Remy and her father protested the decision, demanding a hearing. When the dean of the school mockingly referred to her dad as a furry lover, Remy lost it. Her arm swung out, nailing the nasty man right in the lower jaw. Caught off guard, the obnoxious jerk tripped over the leg of a nearby chair as the force of Remy’s punch propelled him back a step.

  The stupid shit ended up with a broken arm as well as a sore jaw. Remy’s father had grabbed her up before her carefully orchestrated kick could connect with the dean’s private parts. Kicking and screaming, her father hauled her out of the university office, laughing joyously at his baby girl’s actions.

  In her tight-knit family, Remy's temper was legendary. Her sweet demeanor often mistaken for submissive or demure, people were quite shocked when her true colors came to light. Granted, Remy was shy and quiet for the most part but mess with anyone she loved or piss her off, she lit off like a rocket, always swinging first, damning the consequences.

  Shockingly, after the altercation, her father's new bosses had pulled strings to ensure charges weren't brought against Remy. This spoke volumes of the desperation his new employers faced, needing her dad's services. When Remy once again balked at moving, a new opportunity was presented; another full ride scholarship. The school coincidentally happened to be located in the same town her family planned on moving to and Remy would have to move with them to take advantage of it. Like a debutante with a diamond dangled in front of her, Remy relented.

  Two weeks later, she drove behind her family's SUV in her beat-up old truck with her music blaring out of the speakers, her small backpack of favored personal items next to her.

  Remy groaned. She needed to make a pit stop. If she didn’t, the seats were in jeopardy of getting wet. Her dad’s relentless need to get them to their destination had them only stopping when absolutely necessary. Knowing she couldn’t hold out much longer, she reached for the cell phone lying in the center console. Keeping an eye on the road in front of her, she used her thumb to press the home button. When Siri dinged at her, she responded tightly, “Call Dickhead.”

  An eternity went by before the ringing stopped and an annoyed voice yelled, “What?”

  Remy ignored the snark. “Tell Dad I need to stop.”

  “Holy crap. You just went an hour ago. What the hell? You on your period or something?” Her sixteen-year-old brother, Todd, had no filter. And apparently, couldn’t tell time either.

  “It was three hours ago, you dipshit. Tell Dad I need to stop. Otherwise, I’m stopping on my own and I’ll catch up with you.” Remy jiggled around in her seat, trying to relieve some of the pressure on her bladder.

  Her brother’s loud complaining came through the phone but her father’s response was muffled.

  “Dad said we’re almost at
the border crossing. Once we pass into furry territory, he says there’s a rest stop.”

  “You shouldn’t call them that. It’s derogatory,” Remy lectured for the hundredth time.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s what you say all the time. Give it a rest, why don’t cha?”

  Remy gritted her teeth, biting back her retort. She waited until she reined in her temper before responding. “Fine, but if you open your mouth and one of them takes offense, don’t expect me to bail your dumb ass out.”

  Her little brother’s attitude annoyed her but he was only repeating words he’d heard before. Most humans held the same prejudices. Lycanthropes would forever be known as furries, Vampires as fangers, and Fae as fruit flies.

  Remy hung up the phone and said a silent prayer that her bladder would hold out.

  Thirty minutes later, they finally crossed the border. Remy followed her dad's car into the parking lot of a small convenience store just a half mile in from the border. Without waiting for anyone else, Remy leaped from her car and rushed into the building, cursing every god she could think of when she discovered the unisex bathroom locked. Her eyes drifted up to the hanging sign reading, “Patrons must obtain the key from the attendant at the counter. – Management.”

  Stomping her way back to the front of the store, Remy gave the cashier her best glare. “I need the bathroom key, now.” She squirmed in place for a moment before adding, “please.”

  The older man behind the counter widened his eyes even as he reached under the counter and pulled out the requested item. Remy faltered at the sight of the key ring attached to the little silver piece of metal. “Are you freakin’ kidding me? You tied the key to a full sized stuffed animal. Who does that crap?”

  The man simply shrugged and held the giant bear with a tiny silver key around his neck over to Remy.

  She didn’t waste any more time. She ran for the restroom and unlocked the door. After her urgent need was tended to, she exited the spotless restroom, only to find her dad on the other side of the door waiting for her. Her brother, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found. Probably too busy raiding the snack aisle.

  “My turn.” Her dad waited for her to step to the side before going into the bathroom.

  Not wanting to stand around in the hallway by herself, she went in search of the drink coolers. Passing through the aisles, she made eye contact with another customer moving towards her. Somewhere in his early thirties, the man’s behemoth height would make most leery. Remy’s head barely came to his chest. She realized she stood staring when the man shot a cheeky grin her way. A second later, that grin faltered when someone ran into his side, forcing him to take a step back.

  “Watch where you're going, Furby!”

  Remy cringed, recognizing her brother’s voice. She rushed around the man to scold Todd, but she was too late. The man growled down at her brother and fear raced up Remy’s spine. “If you want to keep that tongue of yours in your little human head, you’d better watch what the fuck you say to us shifters. You’re on our territory now, little boy. You play by our rules or you get hurt.”

  Remy watched as Todd took multiple steps away from the scary shifter, though he still tried to hold onto his bravado. Stupidly, he lifted his chin with a small bit of defiance. “Whatever.”

  Ready to step in and save the asshat’s life, Remy stopped short when the shifter glanced at Remy over Todd’s head, sending her a subtle wink.

  “Why don’t we take this conversation outside?” The shifters voice lowered in volume, the threatening tone amplified.

  Todd turned tail and scampered off, wide-eyed and in way over his head. As soon as he was out of sight, the shifter turned his attention back to her. "You might want to keep an eye on him. If he'd said that shit to someone less understanding, he'd have lost a limb."

  “He’s just a stupid teenager,” Remy shrugged. “Reasoning with him is like trying to have a conversation with a brick wall.”

  “Young shifters run hot,” the man explained seriously. “Most wouldn’t just scare the kid. They would’ve attacked in the heat of the moment. If I were you, I’d keep him on a tight leash. Otherwise, someone might use him as a chew toy.” The shifter moved passed Remy, turning on his heel as he left so that he walked backward while continuing to smile at her. "Nice bear, by the way.”

  Remy glanced down at her hand, suddenly remembering the stupid stuffed bear she held. She groaned and rolled her eyes. Of course, she’d been seen carrying around a stuffed bear in shifter territory. Her whole family was making such a great first impression.



  The pack house loomed at the end of a long gravel driveway off the main road on the outskirts of the town of Cedarsmill. Located in the heart of what used to be known as Texas, Remy expected the landscape to be more dry and dusty. Instead, she gawked at the lush greenery adjacent to the entire area. Deeply wooded forests and blue-green grass gave her the feeling of peaceful isolation. In reality, hundreds of houses and cabins neighbored the large community building. Scattered in small developments and standalone homesteads, those buildings housed all who worked for the Alpha or those who held businesses in Cedarsmill.

  Next to the pack house was a parking lot that allowed residents to park their vehicles. From that point on, vehicles were prohibited. Occupants had two choices: either walk to their homes or use an ATV. Remy pulled into an empty spot next to her father’s much larger and newer SUV. She had christened her truck Samson, in honor of her grandfather Samson Stevens. He’d gifted it to her on her sixteenth birthday, days before he passed away peacefully in the night.

  Turning off Samson’s engine, Remy stepped outside, leaving the cool confines of the cab with wistful regret. The dry summer air felt oppressive, heavy and uncomfortable. Sweat immediately pebbled along her forehead. Being the beginning of summer, Remy imagined it would only get more miserable in July and August, the hottest months of the year.

  “Leave everything here for now. We need to check in with the Alpha and then we can figure out the best way to get our boxes to the cabin. The Alpha mentioned something about an ATV coming with the cabin.” Her dad stepped out of the SUV, stretching his muscles as he spoke.

  Reaching behind her, Remy grabbed her backpack but left everything else alone. Shouldering it, she moved to stand next to her dad. “So, that’s what the pack house of the North American Alpha looks like?” Remy’s words were peppered with disbelief. The pack house, while on the large side, wasn’t the grandiose and affluent dwelling Remy expected. Instead, a two-story log cabin, with a large wrap around porch on both levels, stood before her. An overhang on the lower level allowed visitors to sit on shaded benches to either side of the main entrance. A large brick chimney dominated the roof and the attic eaves hinted at additional space. Green trim outlined each window and accentuated the dark oak wood on the cabin’s exterior.

  “From what I’ve heard, the Alpha is pretty down to earth. Not like some of the snotty supernaturals we often hear about.” Her dad wrapped an arm around her and looked over his shoulder. “Let’s go, Todd.”

  Her brother grumbled as he dropped down from the passenger seat. “Damn it, Dad. Can’t I wait in the car? That building probably smells like wet dog.”

  Her dad glared at him as he released Remy. “Have I mentioned that Shifters have very sensitive ears? They can pick up on your heartbeat a quarter of a mile away in shifted form. In human form, their hearing isn’t as acute but it's good enough that most can hear clearly from a significant distance.”

  “What Dad is trying to say, asshat, is to keep your trap shut. Otherwise, you might just piss off the wrong person and he’ll go all Wolverine on your ass,” Remy reprimanded.

  “Shifters ain’t people,” Todd mumbled under his breath as their dad walked forward out of hearing range. Remy heard him though and shot him another warning look. That boy was going to get his face beat in if he didn’t lose the self-righteous attitude. Shaking her head, Remy dismissed him an
d followed her dad. Either the little shit would do the same or he would stay by the car sulking. Remy didn’t care either way.

  Taking the steps two at a time, she came to a stop before the front door, slightly behind her dad. Heavy stomping behind her indicated Todd decided to listen for once and trailed behind. Her dad threw a quick smile over his shoulder at both of them, offering silent reassurance before he knocked on the wooden door.

  Remy’s stomach churned as they waited for a response. She didn’t know what to expect from the Alpha. Rumors suggested him to be a fair ruler, but those same rumors said he ruled with an iron thumb. The Alpha didn’t allow dissent in those who served him. He demanded total loyalty. Remy pictured him to be an older man, scarred, his body showing the marks of ruling such a violent species born with short tempers, barely able to suppress their animalistic instincts. The need to dominate and control all those around them. At least, that was what all the stories said.

  After an eternity, the door swung open and a giant of a man blocked the entryway. There must be something in the water in Texas because just like at the gas station, her father’s height of just under six feet seemed short compared to the newest arrival. Her dad’s head barely reached the man’s shoulders. Bushy eyebrows frowned down on them but then his face lit up as he smiled, softening his threatening appearance.

  “You must be the Stevens family. I’m Bruce, the Beta for the North American pack.” Bruce extended a meaty paw for her dad to shake. His friendly demeanor and easy-going attitude put Remy at ease.


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