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Bright Lights Billionaire

Page 56

by Parker, Ali

  "Good?" Discomfort rushed through me. Frank and I were close, but not that close. "We talked through a few things."

  "Let me give you a piece of romantic advice. I was thinking about it lying in bed last night."

  I lifted my hands. "Not sure I want to hear this."

  He gave me a look. "I've been happily married since-"

  "Jesus was a baby. I know."

  "Hush and listen, you moron. If you want to win over a woman, you have to use romance. It all starts with flowers."

  "Nope. Bad idea. I already tried that, and-"

  "Which one of us is married with kids?"

  He had a point. Maybe listening to him wasn't the worst way to spend my morning. Especially if it changed the way I was most likely spending my night.


  Chapter 91


  "Great job today." Frank stood in front of all of us later that afternoon and smiled. "Thank you all for getting back to work. I think we'll be able to wrap up the rest of the film over the next few days for the parts that we're filming down here."

  I glanced over to my right to find Ethan watching me. He'd been doing it all day, and I would have been lying to myself if I didn't admit that I loved it. I'd worked hard the night before in the room to walk through everything we'd done and been through together.

  My conclusion was simple. We had some shit to work through, but all in all, if he were willing to come after me, then I was going to try hard to meet him in the middle.

  "Riley. Come walk and talk." Frank motioned for me to join him.

  "Sure." I glanced back at Ethan and waved, wanting him to know that I was thinking about him.

  He blew me a kiss, embarrassing me. Silly ass.

  "That boy." Frank shook his head. "I swear. I've never seen him act this way around anyone for any length of time."

  "Oh yeah?" I moved up beside the older man and slipped my hands into my jean pockets. "You think he's putting on a show for all of us."

  "Not in the slightest." He glanced down at me as we moved along the shoreline. "I think he's found a good woman and doesn't want to let her go. It's how I felt when I met my wife."

  I wasn't sure how to respond to him, so I didn't. Did Frank really think that Ethan and I would end up together long term? That I would one day be his wife? He had to. He wouldn't have made the comment otherwise. Right?

  "Listen. Not to change the subject from something warm and bubbly, but I need to apologize to you, kiddo." He stopped, and I followed his lead, turning to face him as a frown formed on his mouth. "Ethan spoke up about Clayton coming back to work with the studio, and I didn't listen. And I should have."

  "Okay." I nodded.

  "I'm not sure why Mr. Welms holds such a grudge against Ethan, but he apparently did." Frank let out a long sigh. "I've been working with Deza to protect Ethan for most of his young life, and this time, I really messed things up."

  "You didn't know what Clayton was planning." I reached out and squeezed Frank's thick shoulder. "How could you know?"

  "I should have seen it coming, and even more so," he paused and glanced out toward the ocean, "I should have listened to Ethan. He's a pain in the ass most days, but he's like a son to me."

  "Then apologize to him." I released Frank and offered him a kind smile. "There's no reason to apologize to me."

  "Sure there is. I'm partially at fault for letting Clayton get in. Between him dicking with Ethan and this misunderstanding with Deza, our boy almost lost everything that matters to him."

  "He's still got you two and his job." I bit my tongue, not ready to let anyone know that the sexy bastard most likely still had me too.

  "And he would trade all of that in for a chance with you again." He crossed his arms over his chest. "You want to grab something to eat? My treat."

  "No, but thank you." I looked around, trying to find him. "I'm pretty tired after working all day today. I know it's silly, but I've been laying in my bed for two weeks, contemplating the meaning of life. Walking in the sand for half an hour yesterday had me whooped. Today? I'm toast."

  He chuckled and nodded. "I understand. Enjoy your evening, and take this as my apology for any part I played or didn't play in everything that happened. I'm truly sorry."

  "Me too." I gripped his hand and squeezed before turning and walking back up the beach. A peace settled over me knowing that I'd resolved everything that I needed to with Deza and Frank. Ethan was the last one on my list to clean things up with.

  I couldn't find him anywhere as I walked back to my room as languidly as possible. Where the hell had he gone? I yawned loudly as I got on the elevator, the elderly couple beside me looking over with faint terror on their faces. I laughed, unable to help myself.

  Ethan would have given me shit over my horrible yawn. Everyone that loved me did.

  I'd find him and make things right. Stop lying and put us back on the right track, but not today.

  Maybe tomorrow.

  "Sorry," I murmured toward the couple as I got off the elevator and walked down toward my room, not noticing the white rose pedals until I reached my door and found a pile of them.

  "Forgive me," was the sign on the door.

  "Ethan?" I whispered and looked down the hall, leaning back a little to really see around a tall fern. Nothing.

  I popped my key in the lock and walked in to find petals all over the floor and an envelope on the bed. "Find Me, was written on the envelope on the bed.

  A smile formed on my lips, and I pushed through the weariness beating against me and opened it. It was an invite to join Ethan for dinner. Just dinner.

  "Should I go?" I sat down on the edge of the bed and pressed the card to my nose, breathing in deeply and laughing. The nugget head had sprayed it with his cologne like some silly girl from an old-timey movie. I loved him so much. Even in the midst of being confused and hurt, I still loved him.

  I could forgive him. Standing, I pulled off my shirt and slipped out of my jeans before rushing around the room to get dressed for dinner. I'd keep my heart hidden behind the guise of friendship until I knew for sure that he still wanted me, until I felt the truth in his eyes, heard it in his voice.

  The white dress I wore was almost see through, but it would be hard to make out anything in the darkness. I let my hair down and brushed it a few times before slipping into a pair of white g-string panties and leaving the bra out. My breasts were big, but not so big that I looked slutty.

  I turned around, looking in the mirror, and praying like hell that he would find me beautiful, that I would leave him breathless just like he left me.

  "Please let this workout." I picked up a tube of pink lipstick and leaned in, brushing a little across my lips. "All I want is for someone to love me the way I know he can. Please let us be right for each other. Let it be tonight."

  I took a shallow breath before spraying on a little bit of perfume and grabbing my room key. I didn't need anything else, and hopefully, I wouldn't need that.

  The very thought of spending the night with him caused my body to ache in ways that no other man had caused. He was the one. I had no doubt, but this time it couldn't be me stepping forward. It had to be him. I just prayed like hell that he was ready to.

  The card had said that dinner was in room A-twenty on the first floor. I stopped by the front desk and asked the bellman. He offered his arm and walked me down to the door, his compliments sweet and his eyes kind.

  "Enjoy your evening." He bowed and moved back.

  "Thank you." I turned and reached for the handle, pausing as my knees shook. Ethan had been alone his whole life. If I was going to be his, I had to promise myself that no matter how crazy things got, no matter what our careers did, or how far we fell from each other that I would keep trying.

  I wouldn't be another part of his abandonment story. I would be the opposite. The reason he believed in love and hoped for a better tomorrow. I would be the light in the middle of any darkness he faced and hold him until he forc
ed me to stop.

  I would never walk away from him. He would have to be the one to do that.

  Breathing in deep, I pushed the door open. If he loved me... I was all in. Period. No matter the heartbreak that might be just around the corner. It would be worth it to have really loved him for some part of my life.

  The room was dim, lit only by candlelight, but it opened to a large patio on a private beach.

  Ethan turned from pouring a glass of wine and smiled as he picked up the other glass and walked toward the door. Soft music played in the background.

  "You came." He handed me the wine as I reached him.

  Butterflies danced in my stomach and nerves tore up my chest. "Of course I did. You asked me to."

  "And you coming is more than I deserve." He reached out and cupped my cheek, his eyes filled with so much love that it hurt.

  I pressed against his hand and turned my face a little, kissing his palm as he groaned softly and stepped closer. "Hush."

  "Yes, Ma'am." He tossed back his wine glass and set it down on the table, pulling me into his arms as I took a tentative sip of mine. "I know we talked about being friends, and I said that I was good with it, but I fucking lied."

  I chuckled and leaned over to set my glass of wine down. "Did you, now?"

  "You know I did, Ri." He brushed the pad of his thumb over my lips. "I wanted to die over the last two weeks thinking that I'd fucked things up between us. I was such an idiot on that platform, scared like a pussy and unable to tell you what I wanted to tell you since our first scene together. I didn't know if it was real. Nothing has been in my love life - ever."

  "I understand. I'm sorry for pushing you. I shouldn't have-"

  He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, silencing me as his strong hands raced down my back and squeezed my hips. The delicious hint of wine on his tongue caused my insides to turn to liquid heat as he rolled his tongue by mine and consumed me.

  "No more talking. I want a friendship at the base of what we have, but I want so much more than that. I want you. Every day." He nipped at my lips and flattened his hand against my lower back, locking me to him. The pressure of his huge erection against my stomach had my body wet, my heart dancing in my chest. I wasn't going to survive a love story like ours. Not if we did it right.

  "I love you," I whispered against his lips.

  "I know you do." He brushed his nose by mine and cupped my ass. "And I love you too. We'll figure this shit out. One day at a time. Just come to bed with me. Let's not start over, but pick up on the last good scene we made."

  I laughed at his reference and nodded, moving farther into his arms. "Yes. I would like that. A lot."

  "Good. It wasn't a request." He gave me a wicked smile and leaned down, making love to my mouth for a few more minutes until I pulled back.

  "Bedroom. Now." I tightened my hold around his neck and glanced around. "Unless you want me here."

  "I want you everywhere, baby. Anywhere." He kissed me again. "But I don't want anyone else witnessing what's mine. Come see if you can fit the monster inside of you."

  I laughed as he pulled me behind him, his excitement palpable.

  Love didn't have to be messy and complicated. It could be forgiving and yielding.

  He would steal my thoughts and become the center of my world, but that's the way all good love stories end.

  And least ours would.

  Chapter 92


  "Be careful with me," she whispered roughly as I pulled her into my room and slammed the door behind her. I pressed her against it as my hands roamed over her perfect body.

  "Like this?" I ground my cock against her stomach and leaned down to suck the soft skin of her neck into my mouth.

  She cried out and lifted her leg, hooking it over my hip.

  Never in a million years had I thought Frank's plan of romancing would work. Seems that I owed him a thank you. Or maybe Riley and I were primed to get back together no matter what. She needed to know that I loved her and always would.

  I'd tell her every fucking day if that's what it took.

  "Make love to me," she said and gripped the back of my neck as she undulated her hips. "All night."

  "You don't have to ask me twice." I gripped just behind her knees and picked her up easily. Her lithe frame that of a dancer. A ballerina.

  "I don't want to fight again. Don't let another misunderstanding come between us." She spoke her words in between kissing me and rocking against my erection.

  "Never." I laid her down on the bed and reached up, massaging her heavy breasts as she arched her back and cried out for me a little. "Tell me you're wet."

  "I always am when you're near." She pressed her heels against my chest and smiled. "Take off my shoes for me."

  I gripped her ankle and kissed the side of her foot. My free hand brushed up the back of her leg until I reached her warmth. A groan left me as I slipped my fingers into her panties and parted her sweet folds, fingering her tight entrance as she whimpered and trembled beneath me.

  "So hot." I licked at my fingers, needing to taste her on my tongue again. I'd put my mouth on two girls in my life, her being the second. There was something far too intimate about it. But with her? Anything was fair game. I wanted her to have all of me, to experience anything she wanted to.

  I could only hope she felt the same way. I didn't want a stone unturned between us; an experience left unexploited. Locking eyes with her, I carefully removed her shoes and let her pretty legs fall back to the bed.

  Tears filled her big blue eyes, and my heart ached in my chest. How many tears had she cried over me being an idiot?

  "None of that." I slid my hands up her smooth thighs, pulling her dress with me. "Nothing but good times for us to come, hm?"

  "I like coming." She gave me a cocky smile through her tears and dropped her legs to the side, opening up wide for me. "Taste me, Ethan. Drink me like you're starving for what I have to offer."

  My cock was so hard it felt like it might crack. "Anything you want, baby." I sunk down to my knees and tugged her panties off roughly before tossing them behind me. She yelped as I pulled her down the bed and ran my tongue through her folds before opening her up with my hands and diving in.

  The sound of her enjoying my attention as she rolled her hips and fucking herself against my tongue was almost too much. My balls contracted as tingles raced down my spine. Her moaned shifted, and I knew she was close to losing herself.

  "Need some help, lover?" I smiled and flicked my tongue over her clit as I pressed two fingers down into her slick body.

  She buckled and cried out, her muscles contracting and squeezing my fingers so good. I pressed a third in, trying to stretch her a little before I brought my cock out to play. We hadn't been together for weeks, and where I wasn't worried, I sure as fuck didn't want to hurt her.

  "Ethan," she screamed and arched her back hard, lifting up off the bed.

  "Milk it, Ri." I pumped my fingers into her and sucked on her soft skin until she moved back on the bed and turned to her side, panting loudly.

  I reached up and brushed my hands by her ass. "You look so good. Taste so fucking delicious."

  "Oh my God," she groaned. "I don't know if I can take you."

  "You don't have much of a choice." I pulled my shirt over my head and stripped out of my slacks before gripping her ankles and turning her over. I ran my hand down my erection and squeezed as I watched her eyes widened. "Like what you see?"

  "I love it." She sat up and pulled her dress over her head, leaving her beautiful body on display for me. Flawless, and it always would be to me. Nothing would ever change the way I wanted her, the way I saw her. It was wrapped in love. It changed everything.

  "Good." I winked at her and turned around, walking toward the bathroom. "I'm getting a condom."

  "They make them that big?" The cheekiness in her voice was cute.

  "Tentmakers, baby doll. Tentmakers." I stopped in front of the mirror and dug throu
gh my bathroom bag, finding three. That would be enough to get us started for the night. I planned on worshiping her between the sheets for as long as she would let me.

  "Hurry up. It's cold out here."

  I walked out to find her curled up under the covers, laying on her side, facing me. Her soft locks framed her face, and the smile on her lips was enough to have me coming without a touch. Beautiful. The most intense feeling of need I'd ever experienced blasted through me, and I reached for the wall, my cock bouncing like he was on a mission to have her attention solely on him.

  "Pink? I like it." She smiled and pulled the covers down. "Come here and let's see if we can fit that inside of me."

  I shook my head and crawled up on the bed before dropping to my back. "Get up here and fuck yourself for me. Get all your anger and hurt out. After tonight, we're moving onto a new chapter in this love story."

  "I like the sound of that." She moved to straddle me. We shared a deep groan as she slid her sweet pussy along my shaft in long strokes, not taking me in her body, but working against the thick vein that ran along the base of my cock. "God, you're so fucking fine."

  "Mmmm... flattery will get you nowhere." I reached up and gripped her shoulder, pushing her back a little as I used my free hand to grip my erection and lift it. "Get on."

  She glanced up at me, and a hint of fear raced through her pretty face. "Go slow."

  "I put you in charge for a reason, baby." I slid my hand from her shoulder to her neck. "Look at me."

  She pulled her gaze up from the center of my body to my eyes as her fingernails bit into my chest. "I love you."

  "Me too, baby. Take your time." I bit my lip as she pressed down on the thick head, taking it into her body with no problem.

  The moan that left her caused my heart to skip a beat. Heat flared in the center of my stomach as she closed her eyes and pressed back before lifting up and working herself on a couple of inches.

  "That's it." I licked my lips and slipped my thumb into her mouth as I watched her work herself down my shaft, her body opening up a little more at a time. The sound of her panting mixed with long moans of pleasure was almost too much.


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