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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

Page 11

by Britt Andrews

  “Legs up. Hold them.”

  Fish hooked his palms underneath his knees to open himself up to me, and I swirled my fingers into him, dipping them in and out so easily. Seeing his asshole wide open made my head fucking spin. Sparing a glance at his face, I’d expected to see him looking at the ceiling, but his eyes were pitch black as he watched what I was doing to him. Pulling my fingers out of him, I slapped his ass, and his gaze locked on mine. With a smirk, I gathered saliva in my mouth and let it drop right into his hole, the thought of my spit coating his insides leaving my balls motherfucking boiling.

  “Fucking shit, Master. Fuck me.”

  I lined up and thrust into him balls deep. If cocks could groan in relief, mine was doing that right now. Not that anyone would hear with it being buried eight inches into Fish’s tight ass. His groan joined my growl as his eyelids slammed closed, his body squeezing my dick for all it was worth. Grunting, I leaned in and put my palms on either side of his hips, starting to really fuck him.

  “Is this what you need? You needed to take my cock like a good little bitch? What do you feel?”

  “You. I feel you. Oh fuck.” His legs began trembling, his ass gripping me like a vise.

  My pace was relentless. The best part of our sessions was that I could shut my pet down completely. He would never have to worry about my emotions bombarding him, neither of us would, for that matter. Sweat dripped down my chest and back as my core temp rose, causing steam to radiate from the droplets covering my flesh. Was he taking my dick like a pro? Yes. Did I want him to know exactly how much I enjoyed fucking him? No. I essentially put a gods damn choke chain around my feelings and yanked the leash any time they needed grounding.

  The increase in my temperature was indication enough for him to read me, and he took the bait.

  “You fuck me so good.” Groaning out the last part, he reached between us and took himself into his hand.

  “Are you ready to feel my cum? I’m going to fill this ass up, pet. My cum will be dripping out of you for hours. Look at me.”

  Fish’s eyes snapped open and locked right into my gaze. Fuck, this is intense. He wrapped his legs around my hips and clasped his hands around my forearms.

  “Give me your cum, fuck me. Fill me up. Please, make me come.” The beast inside of me purred in satisfaction with each of his pleas. Leaning back, the change in position allowed my dick to hit at a different angle, and I knew right when I hit that magical spot inside of his body because his ass started constricting so fucking hard.

  “Fuck! Do it, now. Come for me, pet.”

  He grabbed his dick and pumped it in time with my wild thrusting, spurts of cum shooting out of him to decorate his stomach and the dragon wings on his chest. Just as I’d told him earlier, my name spilled from his throat as he worked every last drop from himself.

  “So. Fucking. Tight. Milk me, pet. Squeeze. This. Dick,” I gritted out, my jaw clenched so tight it was bordering on painful. His hips were frantically meeting mine, and I only lasted another moment before I fucking exploded, shooting ropes of hot cum in his ass. A roar left my throat, my head thrown back, letting the stars know what the hell had just happened here.

  It was just after seven when I finished up the few things that Frank and Arlo hadn’t gotten to before they took off. I had already locked the shop up an hour earlier, and my stomach gave a rumble, signaling that it was time to head back home. Before leaving this morning, I had thrown a bunch of ingredients into my cauldron, so I would have some soup ready when I got home. Just thinking about it had my stomach growling again.

  “Off lumine,” I commanded, the lights in the building obeying and turning off. Snagging my backpack off of the counter, I swung it around onto my back as I walked out of the front door, Maven hot on my heels. Pulling the door closed, I stuck the ancient skeleton key into the lock and twisted, making sure everything was locked up for the night. The key itself was spelled, so while it physically locked the mechanism, it also activated the security spell I’d designed. Satisfied, I hopped down the steps and on to the sidewalk, walking over to my bicycle. Maven was already in the basket, paws on my handlebars, ears wiggling.

  “You’re such a cute boy, Mave,” I cooed, scratching the top of his fluffy head with my fingernails. “Let’s get home! I’m starving.” He gave me a yip in response, curling himself into a fluff ball in the bottom of the large wicker basket.

  Before pulling away, I shamelessly eyed the door of the guys’ apartment. I hadn’t seen any of them all day. Kai had told me earlier that he had to go out on a run to burn some energy. Ugh. I loathed running and did everything in my power to avoid it. Biking was as far as I went when it came to physical activity, aside from walking everywhere and doing hard labor on my land.

  I had only made it about a quarter of the way back to my cottage when I felt the telltale signs of a flat tire. Shit. The squishing sound was just getting worse and worse, and there was no way I could finish the ride back. Dismounting, I leaned the bike seat against my hip and hastily gathered my long hair in a top knot and secured it with the elastic band I had around my wrist. This is exactly why you should never be without one, ladies and gents.

  Sighing, I began pushing my now useless bicycle down the side of the road. By bike, I could make it back and forth in just over five minutes, but having to walk was going to really increase my time. My stomach was pissed, and I was getting hangry. Maven stalked me from a few paces behind, his mood matching my own if the scowl on his face was any indication. Then again, he scowled so often that who knew what the little beast was actually feeling.

  “This is our life now, Mave. Flat tires, creepy prophecies, wonky magic, hot men we can’t touch... yet, and ex-dicks who won’t fuck off. It’s just me and you, buddy,” I mused, glancing down at the little fox. He yipped, whether in agreement or because he was tired of hearing me whine, who knows.

  The roar of a motorcycle sounded in the distance, and I scoffed, “Show off.” Turning around, I looked back just as the rider would have passed me, but instead of flying by, the rider slowed. Cam.

  My eyes met his, and he slowed down even more, pulling up behind me. Fuck me, he looked edible. Like a big leather-wrapped present. I know what I want for my birthday. Swinging his leg over his Harley after kicking out his kickstand, he left his bike and started walking in my direction. His right hand came up under his chin as he unclipped his helmet, removing it from his golden head and tucking it against his side with his arm.

  I’m not kidding you, this guy was sin personified. Big black boots, tight black leather pants... Are you fucking shitting me? A long-sleeved black shirt and a leather vest over that with various patches on it. I pinched my arm. Was I having another episode like I’d had at The Pig?

  Please let this be real. Please let this be real, I pleaded with whatever deity in the universe would hear my prayer and make this leather daddy not disappear when I opened my eyes again. Cam’s baritone chuckle made me snap my eyes open. I squealed, mentally fist pumping the sky.

  “Please let what be real?” His velvety voice carried over to my ears, and goosebumps erupted on my skin. Fuck, I must’ve said that out loud. Heat enveloped my cheeks.

  “Oh, you know. Just got a flat tire here, and I’m getting hangry. Still have about half an hour to walk back home since my bicycle’s busted, so I was just happy to see a familiar face.” I smiled big at him, hoping he bought that.

  “Here, let me take a look.” I held my hand out so I could hold his helmet, and he stepped up to the opposite side of my bike, kneeling down to investigate the tire. His big ass hand squeezed the rubber, looking for whatever might have caused this travesty. “Ah, here we go.”

  Holding his hand out to me as he stood, I took the nail he dropped into my palm.

  “Great. Of course it’s not the kind of nailing I’m interested in,” I whined, stuffing the offensive object into my jean pocket. Its tire shredding days stopped with me!

  Cam barked a laugh. Shit, I said that o
ut loud too. Focus, Saige. Seeing Cam’s face, I laughed along with him, trying to hide my embarrassment.

  “Let me give you a lift home. I don’t have anywhere urgent to be. I was just going out for a drive. No business, just pleasure.” He winked. Mave snorted. I creamed. Mother of the moon. My jaw slammed shut before I embarrassed myself further by telling him my new fantasy of having him wink up at me from between my legs.

  “Oh, no. I don’t want to inconvenience you, Cam.” My fingers twisted in the straps of his helmet, unintentionally drawing out our time together. I wanted to be on the back of that bike, but I didn’t like putting people out. “It’s not that much further; we’ll be alright.”

  “No way, Saige.” He stepped up right in front of me, reaching for the helmet. “It wasn’t a question, so let me rephrase. I’m giving you a ride home. What kind of man would I be if I left a woman stranded on the side of the road at dusk?” Cam gestured to Maven. “Grab the furry little guy. I’ll push your bike over against the fence here, and I can come back tomorrow with a fresh tire and change it out for you.”

  Wow, okay then, bossy leather pants. I did want a ride home. I did want to spend time with Cam, and now that I was being given the perfect opportunity, I was surprised by just how true that realization was. That helped calm the initial struggle I was having about being maneuvered into doing something I didn’t want. My stomach jumped with joy as I scooped up Maven and turned to walk back to the stunning Harley. Spotless silver so shiny I could see my reflection in the metal and an impeccable paint job. Glittery purples, black, and blues swirled around each other, huge lightning streaks in whites and golds crackling against the dark backdrop. I let my fingers trail over one of the bolts, awed at how realistic it was.

  Cam walked up beside me, and I flushed under the weight of his quizzical stare. “This is beautiful, Cam,” I breathed.

  “Custom paint job, worth every penny. I love this fucking bike. Have you ever ridden one?” He had his arms crossed across the broad expanse of his chest, his feet just as wide as his massive shoulders.

  “No, so you’ll have to tell me what to do. Maven can run home.” My foxy friend growled in response, but he could get over it. I’m riding this fucking bike! I set him down, and he took off down the road before cutting right into the fields.

  Jumping up and down a few times, I dropped my bag onto the pavement and went to throw my leg over the seat while grabbing the handlebars.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?” A firm arm snaked around my waist, hoisting me right out of the damn air before I could sit. Cam pulled me against his front, and I spun around to look up at him, an innocent smile at the ready.

  “I’m mounting this metal stallion! What’s it look like?” Of course, I didn’t think I was actually going to drive his bike, but he didn’t know that. And he was so easy to fuck with.

  Cam looked at me like he couldn’t decide whether he liked my sass or wanted to squash it. I kind of want to find out which one it is, though. I like teasing him.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely not. You’re riding on the back. Where you’ll be safe. You can’t think I would actually fit on that seat. I can’t even imagine how that would look.” He shook his head, exasperated with me, but his eyes were glittering with amusement.

  Glancing at the smaller seat in the back, I couldn’t blame him. I mean, he does have a point.

  “You think my ass is going to fit on that?” I raised an eyebrow at him, and he grinned as he secured his helmet. Safety first.

  “I’m excited to see what your ass looks like hugging it.” His eyes flashed at the thought, and I realized I was still pressed right up against his hard body. Releasing me reluctantly, Cam left me standing with my mouth gaping once again and headed for the back of the bike where he lifted one of the flaps on a saddlebag and produced a second helmet for me to wear.

  “This crown won’t fit right with that top knot, little witch,” he teased. Fingers easily finding the elastic in my hair, he tugged on it gently so it didn’t pull. My breathing hitched and his gaze heated when my hair spilled down around my shoulders and face. Tucking a few wayward strands behind my ears, Cam put the helmet on and buckled it, making some adjustments to be sure it was fitted correctly. Satisfied with his ministrations, he nodded once before turning me to face the Harley.

  “Here, I’ll get on first and stabilize it, then you can climb up once I’m on. Put your feet here,” he directed, pointing to a small foot grip, “and keep your legs away from here. This gets really hot.” He continued to direct me as he put the kickstand away, his strong arms pulling the bike upright. With zero effort on his part, Cam stepped over the seat of the bike like he was merely stepping over a pesky little mud puddle. Quickly snagging my bag and dusting the dirt and gravel from the bottom, I slung it over my back. When he was situated with both feet flat on the ground, he turned to me. “Go on, then. I got you.”

  For someone who’d been in a horrible relationship not long ago, it surprised me how naturally I trusted Cam. He made me feel safe, even from the first moment in The Pig, when he’d scolded Kai for possibly scaring me. The funny mage’s face flashed in my mind, and my belly flipped when I thought about how I also had a date tomorrow with Fischer, yet here I was, about to saddle up against an absolutely massive mage who could crumple me up like a pretzel. Not that I’d mind... Gran is going to flip her lid over this!

  Poly relationships were accepted in the magical community, but there just weren’t any in Emerald Lakes, though not for Gran’s lack of trying to score herself a harem with unlimited members. Honestly, I’d never considered it for myself, especially since the options in town were insanely limited.

  I wiped my sweaty palms down my jeans a few times. Placing my hand on his forearm for balance, I swung my leg over and wiggled to get into position, my thighs effectively squeezing his hips from behind.

  As he turned the key, the bike flared to life. Whooping my excitement to the sky, I could feel Cam’s laughter, the vibration of his body adding to the bike’s revving. The engine quieted down to a low rumble, and he turned his head back toward me. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight. If we take a corner or a turn, lean into the turn slowly. Let it flow naturally.”

  My arms snaked around his hard torso right where I could feel his abs rippling when he steadied the bike with his legs. He gave a little gas, and I held my breath in anticipation as he picked his feet up. We were doing it! I’m riding this big ass Harley with this big ass mage.

  “Here we go!” he shouted, and we shot down the road, the bike’s vibrations thrumming straight through my body. I was already so turned on, I knew I was going to be a fucking mess by the time we got to my place. The entire two minutes it took to get to my long driveway were filled with my shrieks and hollers of excitement. Cam was laughing so much, it just made me go even more wild.

  “This is my driveway on the right,” I shouted, tapping my right hand against his stomach. I swore I felt every rock in that one hundred foot driveway. Mmmmm. I might need to buy a motorcycle.

  Cam pulled up to my garage next to the side door leading to the little mudroom off of the kitchen. Cutting the engine, he stood up and once again held the handlebars steady for me to dismount.

  “That was so awesome!” I squealed once my feet hit the gravel.

  After securing the kickstand, Cam turned to face me, and without thinking, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. “Thank you so much for that. I’ve always wanted to ride on a motorcycle. What a rush! Gah, I feel like I could do anything right now. I’m so pumped up!”

  His arms engulfed my body, my cheek pressed against his chest, and I was not petite. A deep inhale brought his scent to the forefront of my mind. The leather from his clothes was prominent, but there was also another scent that was all Cam. Gods, he smelled delicious, like fresh rainfall.

  “Well, that is one of the best perks of having your own motorcycle.” A genuine smile lit up his face, his eyes crinkling slightly at the
corners, and I wondered if he was hiding dimples under that burly beard. “Any time I need an adrenaline rush, I can just hop on and get energized,” he explained. His tone was full of love talking about the open road, and I completely understood from just that two-minute ride.

  We stepped apart from each other at the same time, awkward silence descending. I shifted from foot to foot as he stared at me, studying his features, examining his short well-kept beard. It was a dark shade of gold, a few shades darker than his hair. A colorful tattoo snuck up his neck to the base of his jaw. Fuck, I bet that shit hurt. His bottom lip was full, and his smile was rugged. Everything about Cam screamed ‘The Boss.’ If he walked into a room, you couldn’t help but be drawn to him; he was captivating. I knew he had stories, I could feel it, and I wanted to know all of them.

  “I better get going...” Cam trailed off as he took a step toward his bike.

  “Stay for dinner? It’s the least I can do since I interrupted your adventure, and I did make homemade potato soup.” I rubbed my palms together in a completely dorky as fuck manner that was meant to be enticing. This is why I’m single.

  He looked torn. Deciding to make it easier on him, I closed the short distance between us and grabbed his hand. Intertwining my fingers in his, I pulled him behind me as I made my way to the door.

  “Are you sure? Do you have enough? I can always just head back to the apartment to eat. It’s no big deal.” His voice sounded the tiniest bit vulnerable, but despite that, he wasn’t resisting my lead.

  “Of course, I’m sure. I always make enough to have leftovers to freeze. Makes easy lunches when you’re only cooking for one or two,” I explained. “Gran eats over often, but on Thursday evenings she goes out with a few of her friends, so it’ll just be us. It’ll be nice to have the company,” I told him, throwing a glance over my shoulder and smiling at him. I dropped his hand and muttered an unlocking spell to disarm the wards I set every time I left my house. Pulling open the screen door when I felt the magic dissipate, I waited, sensing Cam’s hesitation. He was running his hand over the top of his head, flattening down some of the flyaways that had escaped the low messy bun he had his long golden hair twisted up in.


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