The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One Page 18

by Britt Andrews

  “First of all, the whole place stinks of leather and sweat. I’ve always appreciated a man who could rock some leather. Your grandfather—”

  “No. Absolutely not. Do not finish that sentence,” I sternly told her, miming zipping my lips.

  Laughing, she added, “Second of all, your bed was a hot mess. One does not cause that type of disarray without just cause. Third, you are radiant, the look of a satisfied woman. Fourth, you’re sitting kind of gingerly on that chair, so I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that he’s into span—”

  “For the love of the moooooon. We’re done. No more. Yes, there was a man here, and his name is Cam. He’s one of the mages who lives above The Pig,” I supplied as quickly as I could.

  “Ah ha! I knew there was something to those tarot cards you chose the morning they moved into town. But if that were true, then...” Her eyes sparkled as her brain worked, and then she whooped, causing me to jump in my seat. “He’s not the only one vying for your affections.”

  Sighing, I fessed up because she would find out soon regardless.

  “No, he isn’t the only one. I’m actually kind of casually dating three of the four. In fact, I have a date tonight. He’s picking me up here at six, so I probably need to get a move on if I want to look like a real human before he gets here.” Checking the time, I gasped. “In an hour and a half!” I stood up, frantically grabbing our bowls and tossing them into the sink as gingerly as a panicked person could.

  “Three men. You went from zero to three men in what? Ten days? That’s impressive. Reminds me of the time I once went from zero to five in sixty seconds, but that wasn’t a relationship. Strictly sexual. Hell of a wicked time.” A smile lit up Gran’s face as she lived out her glory days in her mind while mine cried out for her to stop.

  Busting up laughing, I winked at her. “I’d never dare try to outdo you, Gran. I don’t believe it’s something that’s possible... though if I’m even going to try, I really need to get ready for this date.”

  “Okay, I get it. My bed is calling my name. I’ll let you get all dolled up. I won’t come out to meet this boy tonight, but I make no promises that I won’t be spying from my windows to sneak a peek,” she teased, waggling her eyebrows at me as she stood and sauntered out of the kitchen.

  What a freaking day.

  I was nervous. When was the last time I had felt nervous? Sifting through my memories as I drove out of town toward Saige’s cottage, I honestly couldn’t recall. I could read people and manipulate their minds; that typically made me the most powerful man in the room. The only reason I was able to put a name to the fluttering feeling in my stomach was from dealing with this particular emotion so often from other people.

  Feeling out of control and out of character, I tried to take some deep breaths. That’s what they told people to do when they were anxious, right? Yeah, it wasn’t really working. Her driveway came up on the right quicker than I would’ve liked despite having ridden around for a couple of hours, scoping out the perfect picnic spot, and trying to calm my nerves.

  Turning onto the gravel path, I studied her cottage. Cozy and lived in. Those were the first words that I’d use to describe this place. A lot of it was covered in vines, and hanging baskets were suspended along the covered front porch. The siding was whitewashed, and the paint was chipping in spots. Maven came darting out from behind the house, yipping at my bike, so I slowed down, worried I’d hit her beloved fox. He sure didn’t give a shit, keeping pace with me the rest of the way to the house, snapping at my tires. Ballsy little devil. I laughed at his antics, only seeming to piss him off further. There was a garage on the side, so I pulled up there and cut the engine so that I could check my phone. There were a few messages from the guys, but I ignored those and opened up the newest one.

  Saige: Come on in through the side door by the garage. I’m almost ready.

  Those freaking butterflies were back as I pulled open the screen door and stepped inside. I’d made it to the hallway when the sound of someone coming down the steps pulled my attention to the left.

  “Hey, you found the place!” Saige jumped down the last two steps and slid across the hardwood floors on her socks, wrapping her arms around me in an embrace as she collided with an oof. The nerves dissipated immediately as I reciprocated her hug.

  “Yeah, the directions were pretty easy,” I replied. The directions were pretty easy? What the hell kind of response is that?

  Giggling, she stepped back and smiled up at me. “I’m so excited to hang out with you tonight.”

  I couldn’t read her emotions, but I could read her face, and she meant it. Joy and excitement were simply radiating from her body. She’d put on some light make-up, but her lips were painted a deep red. She was wearing a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a dark green tank top that was more lace than anything else. Her breasts were pushed up, a necklace with a crescent moon hanging precariously close to the dip between those beauties.

  “You look beautiful,” I breathed, my voice raspy as hell.

  Pink bloomed on her cheeks, and she gave me a beautiful smile.

  “You look good, too. I just need to grab my sweater. It’s still pretty warm out, but just in case I need it for later...” Stepping around me, she walked over to the hooks that lined the wall in the mudroom. Plucking a dark gray cardigan off one of the pegs, she draped it over her arm and turned to face me. “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Right. Okay, let’s go.” Motioning for her to lead the way, she stepped outside and squealed when she saw my bike, the sound sending a wave of desire through my body. The sounds she makes... stars give me strength. Thanks for the tip, Cam.

  “You brought your bike? Okay, this is already officially the best date I have ever been on.” She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet, her contagious excitement bringing a smile to my face.

  “And to think, I was so nervous to take you out this whole time. All I had to do was bring the bike, and I’d be the winner of ‘best date ever’?” I teased, and she laughed along.

  “What can I say? I think they’re sexy, but the men who ride them are even sexier.” She winked at me, and I groaned internally. Thank god she’ll be sitting behind me. I can regain some self-control then. “Well, hop on behind me, and we’ll see if I can continue to impress you tonight, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes twinkled at the nickname that had tumbled from my mouth without my permission. She was the sweetest person I had ever met, so at least it was fitting. Pulling the bike upright, I swung my leg over and held it steady, pointing out the footrest for her.

  “Oh wait, can you put this on your back? It’s not heavy. I just want you to be able to hold on safely,” I asked, slipping the backpack off of my shoulders. Nodding, she reached out and took it from me, sliding it on her curvy body and tightening the straps a bit before holding my arm and hopping on the seat behind me.

  “This feels different from Cam’s,” she nearly whispered, uneasiness lacing her voice.

  “Well, this bike was built for speed. You have to lean forward instead of sitting upright. Press your chest completely flush against my body and give me your hands,” I directed, taking hold of her wrists and pulling her closer. Her arms wound around my waist, her breasts pressing tightly against my back. Now I was pretty sure the guys told me to bring the bike because they knew I’d blow my nuts off in my jeans before we even made it to dinner. Bastards.

  “Like this?” she breathed, her cheek resting on my shoulder blade.

  “Perfect. Let’s do this,” I grunted, needing to move so I could focus on something other than the goddess wrapped around me.

  I pressed the ignition button, and the engine roared to life, causing her thighs to tighten as her heartbeat raced. Just as I pushed the bike backward, I finally picked up on a single emotion, and although it was small, I breathed a sigh of relief. Desire. Red hot. Dropping a hand to her knee, I gave it a squeeze.

  Preparing to head out, I looked around to make su
re Maven wasn’t lurking somewhere. There was a tiny cottage along the back of the property, and my eyes widened when I saw a woman standing in the front window, the curtain pulled back. I’m such a fucking idiot.

  The desire I’d picked up on hadn’t been from my goddess. No, it was coming off of this witch like flames. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and the desire quickly changed to amusement. The curtain closed, and I gunned it down the driveway. Is her beloved grandma a pervy old witch?

  I’d scoped out the area for a nice place to take her. I didn’t want any distractions, just the two of us getting to know each other. Feeling giddy, again, I drove us about ten minutes outside of town where there were some small mountain ranges. It was pure luck that I’d found it, the perfect place.

  At the base of this mountain, there was a small river with a couple of little waterfalls. Hoping she hadn’t seen it before, I pulled the bike off the side of the road, steering it down a dirt path that led to the forest that expanded before us. The path narrowed once we hit the trees, a bit overgrown from lack of use. Letting the bike roll slowly to a stop, I killed the engine, and the sounds of nature took over.

  She slipped off the seat behind me, and I turned around to find her gazing up at the mountain. Hooking my fingers through the strap at the top of the backpack, I lifted it off her back and slid it on my own.

  “I could’ve carried that,” she told me, eyes still locked on our surroundings.

  “I’ll be damned if the woman I’m taking out is going to lift a finger. I already feel shitty that you had to wear it on the way out here.”

  Tearing her eyes away from the view, she looked up at me and reached out to intertwine our fingers together.

  “Who knew you were so romantic?” she murmured.

  Well, I sure as hell didn’t, but it seemed like Saige liked my romantic side, and that thought had a surge of warmth spreading through my chest, so I hoped I kept it up. Her smiles, her happiness, her laughter, I wanted all of that tonight. All of this was all new to me. I’d never had an official relationship; the closest thing would be my arrangement with Sloane. I did love him, and I’d do anything for him, but he’d never expressed a desire to take our casual relationship to the next level, which was why his recent mixed feelings had been confusing as hell to me. He was jealous, extremely so, and that was an emotion I had never picked up on from him. I wasn’t sure how to process that, and I was willing to bet that he wasn’t either.

  My mind was turning into a little bit of a battlefield because I was struggling with the fact that Sloane didn’t seem to be a fan of Saige, and for whatever reason, that hurt me. There was just something about her that pulled me in and refused to let me go, and Sloane was deluded if he didn’t think that I felt the same way about him. I couldn’t give him up; I would never want that. I needed to talk to him sooner rather than later because I wanted them both, and I would find a way to get what I wanted.

  Shaking off those thoughts, I brought myself back to the glorious woman who was here with me now instead of dwelling on the grumpy bastard I had waiting at home. Rubbing my thumb over the top of her hand, I smiled at her. “We have to walk for about five minutes, and then we can eat.”

  “It’s beautiful out here. There’s a state park about ten more minutes down the road. I’ve been there a few times, but I never thought to just park on the side of the road and go scouting on my own.” Saige laughed at the end of that thought, and I glanced at her from the corner of my eye as she took in everything with her big green eyes, not paying attention to where she was walking. She struck me as the kind of woman who would rather experience the journey versus sticking to a map or any sort of plan.

  “I wanted to find the perfect place. I like finding things that nobody else pays attention to, places that haven’t been trampled by thousands of feet. There’s something calming about a spot that you can be alone in, the view unseen by others. I spend a lot of time looking for quiet, and I’ve gotten pretty good at finding it, at least in nature.”

  Squeezing my hand, she seemed lost in thought for a moment.

  “Thank you for sharing this with me, Fischer. From what you’ve told me, I know that you don’t get much alone time. I’m happy you decided to share some time with me tonight.”

  Flicking my gaze to her again, her eyes were now locked on the ground in front of her, a shy smile gracing her mouth, and my blood warmed at her declaration. Little did she know, when I was with her, it felt like I was alone, but not in a shitty way. In a way, being here with her allowed me to be me. To feel what I wanted to, knowing that my emotions weren’t being manipulated by anyone else’s. She made me feel normal, and it was quickly becoming addicting.

  The sound of rushing water drifting through the pine forest caught my attention. “Ah, here we go. I’ll get everything set up!” I announced, dropping her hand and striding over to a large open spot just off of the water.

  Opening my bag, I pulled out the large quilt I’d packed and laid it out on the grass while Saige grabbed one of the corners and helped me to lay it flat. “This place is amazing, Fish. I can’t believe this is here, so close to everyone, yet nobody knows about it. The water is so clear, too,” she observed as she leaned forward and dipped her fingers into it.

  “Uh huh,” I mumbled. I wasn’t looking at the water; my gaze was locked onto her ass as it stuck up in the air. By the moon, I can only imagine how glorious it looks naked.

  She pushed herself back and sat down with her legs crossed. A grimace flitted across her features, and concern struck me as I reached for her. “Are you hurt?”

  “No,” she squeaked, a blush tinting her cheeks, “just a little, um, sore.”

  Sore? From the ride here? I watched as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt, and realization dawned on me. Barking out a laugh, I startled her accidentally.

  “Oh, yeah. Cam didn’t give details, he would never do something like that, but I do know he spent last night with you,” I confessed, raising an eyebrow to see how she would react to that information. My own ass was a little tender if I was being honest, so who was I to judge?

  “And you’re okay with that?” She dropped her eyes to the blanket, cheeks tinting with a slight blush that made her all the more adorable.

  “Sweetheart, look at me, please.” Her beautiful green eyes lifted, and I continued, “Cam is my best friend. All of the guys are. I love them all equally. They’re great men, and they deserve to be happy. You do, too. If we can all make each other happy, why wouldn’t I be okay with that?” Based on her nervousness about dating multiple guys, I had to admit I was slightly worried about what her reaction would be when I told her about Sloane and me. Would that be the bit of information that sends her into overload? Knowing I would tell her tonight before this went any further, I decided to wait a little longer, ensuring first that she was comfortable.

  “I guess I just never thought that anything like this was possible or that it could actually work. What are the odds of a group of hot guys moving into my small town, then three out of four of them wanting to not only date me but being okay with all of this? It’s like a hot fantasy come true,” she laughed, shaking her head in disbelief.

  Moving across the small distance between us, I picked up her hand and pressed a kiss to her fingertips.

  “What are the odds that we would come here for a job and find a gorgeous, sweet witch who wants to put up with all of us? I think we’re the ones living out a fantasy. I had hoped that one day we might find someone who would be willing to accept our team.” We shared a look and a shy smile, and I could feel the heat of a blush spreading across my cheeks this time. Christ, I feel like I’m thirteen years old again.

  “Thank you, Fischer. You’re so sweet.” Her voice was soft as she stared at me. Stars, if she only knew just how not sweet I truly am.

  Clearing my throat, I turned to my bag and pulled out the foil-wrapped sandwiches and the container of homemade chips.

  “Aww, did you actually make this for toni
ght? That is so cute, Fish,” she gushed as she grabbed the container and flipped the lid before popping one of the chips into her mouth. Groaning, she closed her eyes as she savored the taste. Why is she so damn sexy when she’s eating? For fuck’s sake.

  “Actually, I can’t take credit. Kai’s the chef of our group, so he offered to make us dinner,” I confessed.

  Swallowing her bite, she giggled. “Gods, he is too much. So are you, by the way, and these chips are the bomb. I need to get the recipe.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek, and an emotion that I wasn’t familiar with bubbled to the surface of my mind: contentedness.

  Using our foil as makeshift plates, we poured out the chips and continued eating together, the moment peacefully quiet. After a few moments, I pulled out the bottle of wine and held it up in question.

  “Wine sounds great, thanks.” The date suddenly felt much more ‘date-like’ if I was judging by what I’d seen others do. Food, check. Alcohol, check. Sexy as sin witch, check.

  “Yeah, we didn’t have any unbreakable glasses so... we’ll have to drink it from the bottle. I apologize,” I explained with a frown. What if she wasn’t the kind of girl who would just throw back a bottle of wine? I’d been watching her intensely the whole night, not wanting to miss a reaction since I had to scrutinize each one to figure out how I was doing with this whole date experience. Searching her expression for any sign of disappointment, I released a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding when a brilliant smile lit up her features. Shit. When she smiled at me like that, it made me feel like I’d genuinely pleased her, not my magic, but me, Fischer Bahri. It was addictive, and I wanted to see that brilliance every moment I could.

  I’d never been a lazy man or a slacker. Bored was often the best word to describe me. It might sound arrogant, but I couldn’t remember ever really having to work hard to win someone over. Look at that real estate agent last night. Initially drawn in by my looks, all it took was a slight push of magic to snare her in my trap. Saige was an enigma though, and she captivated me. I found myself wanting to know everything about her so that I could earn her happiness and affection, not manipulate it. I welcomed the challenge. To be fair, I was downright fucking excited about finding out all the things I could do to get her to smile at me, the words I could say to get her to swoon in my arms, the delicious things I could do to her body in order for her to give herself to me completely. Yeah, I was going to implant myself in this woman’s mind, in her gods damn body, and I was going to do it organically as myself.


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