The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One Page 19

by Britt Andrews

  “This will be perfect as long as you don’t mind getting my cooties,” she teased, taking the uncorked bottle from me. Raising it to her plump red lips, she took a drink, a drop of wine dripping from her chin when she pulled the bottle away. I found myself reaching out and swiping it with my thumb. I popped it into my mouth, and her pupils dilated at the action.

  “I’d be honored to have your cooties, sweetheart.” I flirted and she blushed.

  She passed the bottle back to me, and we ate while we made small talk about the quirks of the town, how good the food was, and stories about her gran. Yes, that pervy old lady was indeed her gran. We finished eating and drained the bottle of wine, the time having passed quickly.

  “Oh my stars, I am so full,” she groaned, laying down across the blanket on her back. Rubbing her hand over her belly, she draped her other arm over her eyes. A breeze whipped through the trees, my hair tousling with the force of it.

  “Are you getting cold? I have your sweater here in my bag...”

  “I’m okay right now. Come down here and talk to me,” she murmured, keeping her arm over her eyes. I scooted over to where she was and laid down next to her, on my side. Propping my head up on my hand, I couldn’t look away from her. Red waves splayed out around her head, her pearly skin nearly glowing in the dusky lighting.

  “Fischer?” My name on her lips was like a prayer.

  “Yes, sweetheart?” I answered, heart racing with anticipation of what she might say next.

  “For someone who can read emotions, I thought you might have kissed me by now,” she nearly whispered, lifting her arm off of her eyes and giving me a cheeky grin.

  A genuine laugh spilled out of my mouth, surprising me when it filled the air around us. I wasn’t used to a partner who made me laugh and smile like this; I was used to one who fulfilled every dark fantasy and had very different noises coming from my mouth. My heart sped up at the thought of having them both and how well they complemented each other.

  “Is that what you want? A kiss?” I moved closer to her now, my body pressed up against hers.

  “For starters,” she quipped back with zero hesitation. Throwing my arm over her waist, I leaned away so that I could look down at her beautiful face. She blinked slowly, her eyes drinking in my features just as greedily. The soft touch of her hand warmed my cheek, her fingers running through the dark stubble that was always there.

  Lowering my lips to hers, I brushed them lightly with my own, a shiver working its way down my spine. So soft. Breaking away, I looked down at her to see if that was okay. I didn’t want to push or take advantage of her.

  The next thing I knew, I was the one on my back, and she was leaning over me, her hair falling around us, blocking out everything else. I ran my hand up the back of her thigh and hooked it over my hip, grabbing a handful of that amazing ass. Groaning, she took my mouth and ran her tongue over the seam of my lips, wanting entry. Opening for her, she dipped into my mouth and teased my tongue, deepening the kiss as my hands ran along her back. I pulled her closer to me, the sudden, hungry movement throwing her off balance until her thighs straddled me, moans escaping us both when she settled and sank her hands into my dark curls.

  “Gods, I have wanted to do that since the freaking cookout at the lake,” she panted above me. I pushed my hips up against her core, the movement blessing me with a small whimper.

  “The sounds that you make would bring any man to his knees before you,” I gritted out between clenched teeth.

  Carefully pushing myself upright since she was still wrapped around me like a monkey, I held her tighter, loving the feeling of her curves against me. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then gathered the rest into one hand behind her back. Tugging gently, her neck stretched, and I buried my face into the nook between her shoulder and throat, inhaling. I ran my nose up her neck, peppering her jawline with kisses while I held her hair tightly to keep her locked in place.

  “Fish!” The breathy sigh that slipped from her lips had my cock jumping, and I was ready to hear it again and again.

  “Sweetheart,” I growled, “you are something else, but as badly as I want to take this further, I can’t. I want to romance you and win your affections, learn everything there is to know about Saige Wildes. I have never been so captivated by a person in my life.”

  Leaning back, I dropped her hair so that she could look into my eyes. I felt exposed, and for the first time in my life, truly seen.

  “You’re a good man, Fischer Bahri. I didn’t peg you as being such a romantic, but I guess I just got lucky.” She slid off my lap and put some distance between us.

  “I don’t know about all of that, but I do have something to confess. A couple of things, actually...” I trailed off, swiping my palms down my thighs, hoping to dry some of the moisture that had come out of nowhere. Raising her eyebrows, she nodded and waited. I wasn’t a good man, and I’d done some really dark and disturbing shit in the name of my job. The underground criminal networks all knew who I was, shit, they knew my entire team. If they got stuck in a room or cell, and I walked in, I was the one who struck fear into the hearts of our enemies. I’d seen some of the most ruthless and depraved men shit their pants when they realized I was going to be doing an interrogation.

  Feelings of guilt rose up inside me. I was already beginning to hate having to lie to her about who I really was, who we all really were, but that was the job, and the job always had to come first. Before everything. We were all in our thirties, or close to, and only one of us had ever had a serious relationship. I’d never given a shit about that since Sloane always took care of my sexual desires and a relationship always just seemed like too much work for someone with my affinity.

  Deciding that I wanted to be a little more honest with Saige, I started, “So, I wasn’t being completely honest at the cookout; I can’t actually read you. At all. You don’t give off any readable emotions or feelings.” Her brow furrowed, a flash of alarm spiking in her eyes.

  “Really? Is that... normal?” I could hear the concern in her voice, so I took her hand in my own.

  “I’m not sure if it’s normal or not, but it is very rare. There has only ever been one, maybe two peopleI can think of that I couldn’t get a read on. Some witches and mages are better than others at mentally shielding themselves from cogs, but I don’t think that’s what you’re doing, especially since it’s not conscious on your part. It would be incredibly hard to keep that up for longer than a few minutes,” I surmised, thinking out loud.

  “No, I’m just being my regular self. That’s so weird.” She bit her bottom lip, and I could almost see how hard she was thinking by the little crease that showed up between her eyes.

  “It’s not a bad thing; it’s one of the things I enjoy most about you. Since I was a teenager and all of this started, I don’t feel like I’ve been able to just be myself. The guys are all great with shielding their minds around me; they’ve done it so often that it’s second nature to them,” I reassured her. Running a hand through my hair, I stared at her through my dark eyelashes.

  “So that’s why you’re so attracted to me? Because I’m the first person you’ve been with who you have to actually interact with? You know, the peasant method of dating.”

  I blanched, but amusement danced across her face.

  “Are you... teasing me right now?” I asked her, letting false disbelief filter through my tone.

  Giggling, she shrugged. “I think it’s cute. You’re learning what it’s like to read body language for the first time. I just thought you were studying me so intently because you liked my face.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I do like your face, and the rest of you for that matter. But yes, you do show what you’re thinking through your facial expressions, and this is all new to me. You’re the first person I’ve taken on a date. Just never saw the point before. Sometimes, my affinity is more of a damn curse. When it comes to the mind, sometimes the less you know, the better,” I explained.

; “I’m glad you asked me out. I’m having a great time, and you deserve a break from your powers.” Her hand squeezed mine, and she was handling this first hurdle so well that I was just so tempted to skip the next for now.

  “We should head back to the bike before it gets dark,” I thought out loud, looking up at the darkening sky.

  “You said there was something else you wanted to say?” She tilted her head to the side and reached over to grab her sweater. Slipping her arms through, she pulled it tight around herself.

  Fuck. I hope this isn’t a deal breaker for her.

  “Yeah, so I told you before about how it’s hard for me to get out of my own mind. When I was seventeen, I kind of found a way to achieve that even though it doesn’t last for long,” I explained, wringing my hands together.

  “That’s great! I’m sure any break, even a small one, probably feels so freeing.” She smiled, that small reassurance giving me the push to just fucking tell her.

  “Sloane and I, we have a little more than a traditional friendship...” I cleared my throat as she gave me a puzzled look. “He likes to be in control, and I like to completely let go.”

  “You mean, what? Like BDSM?”

  “That’s part of it, yes.”

  “You two...” She paused, her cheeks turning the reddest I’d seen. “Have sex?” She squeaked the last part out, but it wasn’t in disgust. More like... curious and slightly confused interest.

  “We do.”

  “Shit, that’s so hot,” she breathed. I barked a laugh, but then she stiffened and narrowed her eyes on me, a quick but righteous fury already building. “Does he know you’re here? You aren’t like, cheating on him? I am so not meant to be the other woman.”

  “By the moon, I swear he knows we’re seeing each other. It’s not like we’re exclusive or anything. It’s really an exchange of needs when we hook up, and I love him just like I love all of the guys.” Kind of. I shrugged my shoulders, trying to portray the casualness of our arrangement.

  “I’m sure he’s thrilled you’re out with me of all people,” she muttered, her gaze now locked on the water, and she sounded almost... sad?

  “Sloane likes you. I know he’s abrasive and rough, but deep down he is one of the best men I know. He just doesn’t trust easily and is very career-driven. He’ll come around. He wasn’t bothered at all, and even if he were,” I shook my head, “it wouldn’t have stopped me from pursuing you. Does this change things for you? I can’t give him up, Saige.” I held my breath, hoping like hell that it wouldn’t.

  “Do you want a relationship with him? A real one?” she questioned, tilting her head and searching my face for the truth.

  I opened my mouth to respond and then shut it again quickly because I had no idea how to respond to that. Seemed ridiculous, but the possibility of officially locking down Sloane was always so fucking slim that I’d never allowed my mind to venture down that route. Maybe it was from fear of ruining our dynamic that already worked so well, or maybe fear of rejection, but I simply hadn’t let myself consider it.

  “Would it be crappy to say that I don’t know? Believe me when I say that this is the first time I’ve ever thought about it. It has always been purely sexual, each of us chasing a release that the other knows how to perfectly provide. I don’t know what a relationship with him would look like, but what I do know is that I want to explore things with you. So, does it change things for you?” I asked again, feeling shy and vulnerable.

  Her focus stayed on the rushing water for several moments, and I thought my heart was surely going to beat right out of my chest. Just as I was about to open my mouth and fill the silence, she spoke. “Thank you for being honest about it. I know that we’re also not exclusive. I mean, I’m dating two of your friends, so it would be very hypocritical of me to be jealous. The fact that it’s Sloane and not another woman makes me feel better about it somehow. So, no. It changes nothing for me. I still want to get to know you better, and this was a good start,” she told me honestly before she leaned forward and pressed a slow kiss to my lips.

  Thank the freaking moons. Relief flooded my system, and I enjoyed taking her mouth, licking her tongue with promises of what mine was capable of. Maybe, just maybe, I could keep her... and my fiery pyro. Gods, I could only hope. Stepping back from her, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and she smiled up at me.

  “Come on, sweetheart, let’s get out of the woods.”

  Standing, I pulled her up to me, and together we folded up the blanket before putting everything back in my bag, linking hands, and trekking back to the bike. Glancing down at her, the setting sun lit up her hair like shimmering fire. Her whole body glowed with the setting rays, and I swallowed roughly. Emerald Lakes was shaping up to be the best assignment I’d ever been on.

  The sun had set completely by the time we pulled back into Saige’s driveway, my headlights illuminating the tall figures of my brothers standing by the damaged gardens. All three of them turned their heads when we approached, so I cut the lights as I pulled into the open spot in front of the garage and killed the engine.

  Kai had already bounded over and was lifting Saige off of the seat, squeezing her in his arms, straight up sniffing her hair. Instead of being creeped out, she just laughed and called him a weirdo, slapping his shoulders in an effort to get him to put her down.

  Cam and Sloane shuffled up behind Kai, and I gave them a smile. Cam gave me the bro nod, but Sloane just stared at me with an expression that had me on edge. That’s definitely jealousy.

  “Do you mind if I go inside and use the restroom before we head out, Saige?” Sloane asked, but still, his eyes didn’t leave my face.

  “Oh, yeah, of course.” Saige tossed the keys to him. “Just go in through the mudroom and take a right. It’s the first door on the right,” she explained as Cam reached out, pulling her to him and I watched Sloane stomp off into the house. She smiled up at him, and the big man stared at her like she was something precious to protect. I could feel his happiness and arousal, and once he had her firmly in his grasp, relief. He was relieved he had his large hands on her hips, feeling her body pressed against his to confirm that she was safe. He’s got it bad.

  Kai slid up beside me. “How’d it go, man?”

  “It was great. Thanks for the help with the food. She loved it, and I definitely owe you.” A grin broke out over my face, the feeling of it welcome but almost unfamiliar. When was the last time I smiled like this?

  “Is it weird that I don’t find this weird at all?” He gestured to Cam who was depositing kisses up and down Saige’s neck, small, dark chuckles rumbling from his chest as she squealed.

  “Then I’m also weird because I think it’s hot as hell,” I confessed. “Cam deserves something good, and I’m glad she’s breaking through his tough exterior.”

  The screen door swinging shut had our heads snapping over to where Sloane had just walked out of the house. Never one for chit chat or social niceties, he stalked over to me, and didn’t waste any time.

  “So, this shit over here,” he abruptly said, gesturing with his arm to indicate the dead gardens, “is fucked.”

  Saige snorted in disbelief. “No way.”

  His eyes narrowed on her as he crossed his arms over his chest. For the love of the stars, I hoped he was only at a level five or six on the Sloane Sullivan scale, not a ten or eleven. Yes, it’s a ten-point scale. I held my breath.

  “Red, this property is tainted with the dark magic exhibited by only one race: demons. I have zero doubt about it. But my question is, what would demons achieve by fucking with your little plant paradise, hmm?”

  I see we’re closing in on a level seven, and if she sasses him, this could escalate quickly.

  “Quit being a dick,” Kai whispered like Saige couldn’t hear him. Sloane definitely did, judging by his eye roll.

  “There’s been some... strange things going on. It’s a really long story, but I do feel better having confirmation as to what’s causing th
is. I was really scared, it was like my magic was fucking up. Can you imagine? A green witch who kills everything she touches?”

  Saige was trying to remain calm, but I could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest. She was spooked. Cam noticed and put his hands on her shoulders and began rubbing them for a few moments before moving to stand before her in line with the rest of us. He spoke in a low voice, attempting to soothe her nerves.

  “Now that we know what the cause is, we can figure the rest out. It’s getting late now, but I’m sure I can speak for the rest of the guys when I say that we want to hear about what else has been happening. There’s just one question that I need you to answer before we get out of here, and I need you to be honest. Your safety is my number one priority, little witch. Are you safe?”

  “Yes, I’m safe. Gran and I put some wards and protections around the cottage earlier today. Nothing will be able to harm me there.” She pulled her sweater around herself as the wind picked up, hugging herself.

  “Well then, you better get in there, Sprout,” Kai ordered with a fake sternness to his voice, earning a mocking salute and sarcastic ‘yes, sir’ in response.

  Hearing a noise to my left, I looked at Sloane. Could’ve sworn he groaned at her use of those two words. Interesting. But he was studying her with curiosity, not lust. A hint of suspicion slipped through his shield, and that had me wondering what the hell was going through the pyro mage’s dark mind.

  “We should let Fish end his date. Let’s get out of here. Text me later, little witch.” Cam darted forward and kissed her lips in goodbye, heading to his Harley with a wink as her cheeks heated.


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