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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

Page 27

by Britt Andrews

  “Oh! Sorry, I um, have this thing sometimes, but it’s no big deal. Anyway, I’ll go now, see ya.”

  Turning my back to him, I walked a couple of steps to the back of the wardrobe. This was a dream, right? I should be able to do whatever I wanted. Picturing a snow-covered pine forest and a single lamppost, I didn’t slow my gait, and my forehead slammed into a very solid piece of wood, knocking me backward.

  “Holy shit, are you okay?” He caught me under the arms before I fell out of the furniture that did not have my back.

  “Yeah, just a little collision, no big deal,” I told him, trying to play it cool while I brushed my hands down the robe as I stood up.

  Amber eyes were staring at me like I was a lunatic, and I didn’t blame him.

  “I really think you might need to sit down. Let me get you some water. Where were you trying to escape to through the back of the wardrobe?”

  “Hmm?” Lifting a hand to my head, my fingers gently traced the lovely goose egg that was growing by the second. “Oh, just figured I might finally get to Narnia, so it was worth a try. Anything’s possible in a dream, right? Sucks that your dad’s a dick, though.”

  Suddenly, he was in my personal space, leaning down to my ear, whispering, “Do not insult the king in his own castle. Death has been issued for far less transgressions.” His tone wasn’t threatening, he was warning me, and the flash of fear that had flickered across his face was enough to make me listen.

  A cold tendril of fear zipped through my body; this guy was dead serious. Inhaling, trying to steel myself, his scent invaded my nose, and I had to suppress a sigh. He smelled like a bookstore, and that was my all time favorite scent. Book bindings and old pages perfuming the air with their words, drawing you in, daring you to pick them up and give them a chance... freshly brewed coffee and warm baked goods.

  “By the stars, you smell like heaven. Are you a hugger?”

  Rising back to his over six foot height, he peered down at me, a smile tugging at his mouth. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve partaken in the act.”

  I mean, he didn’t say no. Leaping forward, I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest. I’d never smelled a man this intoxicating before, and my men in back in the real world smelled fucking delicious. This was next level, though.

  “How do you smell so good?” I groaned. Honestly, I was starting to feel drunk. My head was swimming, and I wanted nothing more than to just lay down here and use this man-candle as a pillow.

  He patted my back awkwardly, as if he was unpracticed in the simple act of a hug, but I could feel his nose burying into my hair. He was sniffing me just as much as I was him. “I could ask you the same question; you smell irresistible.”

  Giggling, I stepped back and grinned at him. “The smell kind of makes sense; you do have kind of an awkward sexy nerd thing going on.”

  “I am not a nerd!” he exclaimed, his eyes narrowed.

  “Not gonna dispute the other two words?”

  Brow cocked, he shrugged. “Awkward sexy kind of describes me perfectly.” He gave me a slanted grin, dimples popping on his cheeks. Ohhh, boy’s got game, huh? “Now, what are you doing here? Where did you come from, and who keeps letting you in? And are you staying this time?” The hope in his voice tugged at my heart for some fucked up reason. He was like a puppy, and how do you tell a puppy no? Just avoid that question. That’s what I’ll do.

  “I told you, I’m dreaming. This time I gained consciousness while walking in the hallway outside of this room completely naked, so I rushed in here to find a robe. When I heard voices, I hopped inside. You know the rest.”

  His eyes flicked down my body, his neck blushing. Cutie.

  “Well, as entertaining as I find you, the others here won’t give a shit about that. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to be caught sneaking around. It’s not safe, especially not for a woman of another race.”

  “I’m. Not. Sneaking! Wait, what do you mean another race? How am I so different from you? And I know you don’t mean my gingerness because so are you!”

  Shaking his head at me, the long strands of his red hair spilling into his eyes, he sighed as he pushed them back to their rightful location. “You really don’t know where you are, do you? We’re in Besmet, the demon realm.”

  My heart jumped into my throat, and it became increasingly harder to inflate my lungs with the precious oxygen they were demanding. I’m in the demon realm with the demons who are fucking up my magic and life, the demons who want to do gods know what with me? Nope. Time to wake up from this nightmare.

  “Just try to calm down. Focus on your breathing.”

  He reached out to touch my arm, but when I flinched, he froze.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  My vision was tunneling, and all I could see were his beautiful eyes filling with concern. But he would hurt me... his people were trying to do exactly that. He probably just didn’t realize who I was. Maybe I could get some information out of him before I got sucked back to reality? Focusing on my breathing and trying to take deep breaths, dream boy stepped closer, encouraging me by jumping into the exercise with me. Slowly, the panic that was desperately trying to seize my body receded, and I stabilized. Lifting my eyes, I saw how unsure he was now that I’d flinched when he’d tried to comfort me.

  “I’m sorry. I know you won’t hurt me, just an involuntary response,” I murmured, wrapping my arms around myself.

  He cocked his head to the side, studying my face, and whatever he saw there had his gaze darkening. His voice was deep and laced with fury when he stepped toward me, two horns rising out of the top of his forehead. I squeaked, but that didn’t deter this demon. “Someone’s hurt you? Tell me where the miscreant dwells, and I’ll snap his fucking neck with my bare hands and bring his severed cock back to you as a trophy.”

  Whoa. Holy mother of moons and maidens, Mr. Awkward Sexy is no longer in the building, people. His alter-ego, Mr. Horned and Murderous has taken the wheel.

  Giggling nervously, I put my hands on his chest. I needed to match his crazy in order to defuse this madness. “Oh no, that won’t be necessary. I’ve already ripped off the shriveled up snail and coated it in... iron. Yeah, sometimes I wear it as a necklace, and it works wonders to let fuck boys know what I’m about.”

  An appreciative and devilish smile spread across his mouth. “Can I see it? Are you wearing it now?” He raked both hands behind his horns, through his hair, leaving it wild and untamed. “Fuck, that is the most arousing story I’ve ever heard; you’re a warrior.” His mouth-watering scent slammed into me so hard I almost dropped to my knees, a soft moan slipping out before I could stop it, his pupils dilating. He was aroused, and I could scent it. What the fuck is happening!?

  “Tell me your name, warrior woman.”

  His form rippled, signaling I was about to lose the connection. That was okay with me, though. The guys and Gran needed to hear about this shit as soon as possible.

  “Maybe next time, dream demon,” I called out as everything went black.

  So warm.

  Lying on my side, Kai’s head was buried between my boobs, his long leg curled around my hip and legs. Cam was pressed up against my back and ass, a huge arm thrown over both myself and the snoring, motorboating son of a beast.

  “Guys,” I groaned, attempting to wiggle my way out of their clutches. Sexy and strong clutches, but still... I had to tell them what I’d just dreamed... or whatever that was.

  They both woke up immediately. Flying upright and off the bed, they fell into fighting stances, their eyes scanning the room.

  “Since when are you guys ninjas? That was some serious spy shit right there,” I laughed, but for real, that didn’t look like some basic gym self-defense training.

  Cam’s gaze locked on Kai, and something passed between them silently. Hmm, what’s that about?

  “We’ve all taken martial arts classes, Sprout. All the better to protect you with. You
scared us. I thought there was a break in or something. Shit,” Kai breathed, pressing a palm to his heart, probably trying to get the hyped up organ to chill out.

  Before I could respond, Cam’s eyes narrowed as he questioned, “What the hell are you wearing, little witch?”

  “Noth-” I inhaled sharply when I dropped my chin and saw the deep purple velvet robe I’d put on in my... dream. “Oh shit. Ohhhh shit.”

  Both men rushed to me, climbing back on the bed and each taking a hand. “Oh shit, what? What’s wrong, Sprout?”

  “There was a man—”

  Cut off again, they demanded, “What man? Where is he? What did he look like?”

  I held up my hand to silence them, emphasizing, “In what I thought was a dream.”

  Damn, my voice sounded strained and wobbly even to my own ears. Waking up wearing this robe was really messing with my strength. My head was pounding fiercely, too. Ugh, yep, still had the bump from my attempt to join forces with Aslan. Growls vibrated through the air when they saw the injury, and Cam was already flickering like a faulty set of Christmas lights.

  “He didn’t hurt me; this was embarrassingly self-inflicted,” I reassured, pointing to my forehead, “but it was the strangest thing because this was the second time I’ve seen this man! Before you jump me for not telling you until now, I legit thought it was a dream! I overheard a conversation between him and his father this time, talking about their race being in danger.” I grabbed my forehead with a moan. “Shit, that hurts,” I whimpered.

  “Are you okay? Do you need some water?” I felt Kai slide off the bed at Cam’s question, probably going to fetch me a drink. “Lay down, little witch. You might have a concussion. Just... take it easy,” he soothed, helping me to slowly lower my head down to the pillows once more.

  “It’s just getting worse, Cam. It feels like my skull is trying to crack.” Tears leaked from my eyes, but my hands were still covering the majority of my face.

  “I’ve got water if you want it, Sprout. Boss, do you think we should call a doc to come and check her out?” Kai was pacing beside the bed; I couldn’t see him, but I could hear his movements.

  “Water,” I croaked, leaning up slightly as a straw found my lips and greedily downing half of the glass.

  “Call someone, and the other guys, K. Now.”

  A scream ripped through the room, and I felt something wet running down the sides of my neck and nose, my muscles spasming as the horrible noise continued. People were yelling my name, cursing and crying frantically, and then roars and barking pierced through the blinding, most excruciating pain I had ever felt.

  Oh gods, I’m dying.

  Blackness and silence welcomed me like a warm, comforting blanket, and I drifted into nothingness.

  I’d just finished reading a slew of messages from both Cam and Sloane, each of them recounting the events of the past couple of days when a knocking pulled me out of my head. While their stories were vastly similar, Cam was still in the dark about the photograph his brother had uncovered.

  Fuck, from the moment I laid eyes on that image, it had taken everything in me not to charge into that shithole town and tear it apart until the red-haired bitch showed herself, wards be damned. It wasn’t the fact that Sullivan had found proof of her being connected to Emerald Lakes; I had known that already. The heavy magic keeping me away from the place was enough of a red flag that even a human child could’ve figured out that Laura was responsible. Did the witch forget who she’d fucked with? I can’t wait to remind her.

  A grin tugged at my lips, and I called out, “Come in, Bram.”

  I knew it was my number two, likely bringing the information that I had been waiting for. Results of a test that would confirm what I already knew to be true. Leaning back in my large, dark leather desk chair, I watched as one of the double doors swung in, the man I’d trusted with my most valuable secrets sliding through the opening. Sharply dressed in a gray suit with a dark blue dress shirt, arms rolled to the elbows, Bram crossed the room with an envelope clutched between his fingers. His dark red hair was neatly pulled back, leaving a clear view of his heavily freckled face adorned with a well-kept beard that matched his hair color.

  Amber eyes locked on mine, excitement churning in their depths. I’d confided in Bram about Laura years ago, and he was the only one that knew the extent of her treachery. Bram and I had the same goals and fought on the same side for the same race. Too fucking long we’d searched and experimented in the name of Asrael.

  Skilled beyond belief, Bram would’ve fit right into Cam’s unit, but I needed him behind the scenes. Instead, I appointed him as their handler, and with his ability to shapeshift, the guys knew him as Johnny. He frequently joined their foursome when they were stateside. He’d work out with them, discussing new developments in the magical world and what Radical had been working on in their absence.

  Handing me the envelope, Bram stood straight and clasped his hands behind his back.“It’s done, sir. The results are inside.”

  Turning the white rectangular enclosure in my hands, I broke the seal on the back flap and closed my eyes. I had waited; we had all waited centuries for this moment.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  My eyes snapped open, meeting his. “No, you’ve also been waiting for this, and we’ll learn the truth together.”

  He swallowed and gave me a sharp nod. Dropping my eyes to the piece of paper that was sticking out, my long fingers grabbed a hold of it and removed it from the envelope. My heart was racing; the implications of these results would change everything. Everything.

  Unfolding the white sheet, I scanned the document for the information. When my eyes took in the data, I simply sat there, seconds ticking by. I couldn’t stop re-reading, processing.

  Bram cleared his throat, and I lifted my gaze to his as he wiped a hand down his face. The boy was nervous.

  “Well? You’re killing me. I can’t wait any longer.” He began bouncing on the balls of his feet in an uncharacteristic show of nerves.

  A sinister smile crept up, overtaking my mouth as I stood behind my desk. Holding up the document, I read the results aloud. “Saige Wildes and alleged father, ninety-nine point nine percent match. She’s my daughter,” I announced, and we shared a conspiratorial grin. “And she’s fifty-one percent demon.”

  Want More?

  Pre-order book two, now: The Magic of Betrayal.

  So, how are we feeling? Hopefully you didn’t throw your kindle or anything wild like that! We need that intact for the next journey to Emerald Lakes, which hopefully, won’t be too long of a wait!

  You, beautiful reader, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate YOU taking a chance and diving into this wonderful world. If someone had told me six months ago that I’d be writing this author note, days away from ARCs of my debut novel releasing, I would have laughed like hell. Why? Because writing is always something I’d wanted to do, but I always came up with excuses about how I couldn’t possibly pull it off. Not enough time, not creative enough, my ADHD brain won’t ever focus long enough to write a full length novel, and the list goes on and on.

  Turns out, I COULD write a novel, and I COULD stay focused, I just needed the right characters and a story that sucked me in and wouldn’t release my brain until the words were all out on paper. I really, really hope that you love the characters as much as I do. When I set out to write a reverse harem novel, I made it my personal goal to make each harem member unique and likable by at least one reader. If you have had a hard time choosing ONE, I achieved my goal. As an RH reader I always felt bad for the least fave guys of the group, I want everyone to get equal love.

  If you could please leave a review, that would help me out immensely, seeing as how this is a debut novel. Hopefully more readers will take a chance on my book when they see that others already have.


  So here comes the thank you portion of this exciting little note!

  Suki motherfucking Williams.
You’ve probably heard of her, but if not, she’s an absolutely brilliant and talented author. Her debut novel, The Beauty of Corruption, was what led me to attempting to try writing. Once I finished that book I was so damn inspired, I tracked her down on Facebook, infiltrated her beta team, became friends with her, and then she pushed me to try a solo writing project. She told me, “I think you’d be really good.” Six words, guys. Six words that sent me down a rabbit hole of late nights, ample caffeine, copious amounts of alcohol, lots of middle fingers to my computer screen, and a friendship that I’m so lucky to have. Thank you, my friend. You’re so special to me, and I’m forever in your debt.

  To my P.A. Nicole Babinsack, thank you for your love and hardwork in getting my name out there and being my hype chick. You rock, and to Nicole’s other merauthors, your support and help has been a gift from the gods. Thank you so much.

  My beta team, editor, proofreader.... Could not have done this without you ladies. I’d be lost without you! And all of the other author friends, bookish friends, anyone who has supported me through this journey, you fucking ROCK and I’m so grateful for everything.

  And last but certainly not least, my husband. Thank you for bringing me all the drinks and snacks while I was sprinting, for taking the kids to the park so I could write or edit, for celebrating every little milestone with me, and just for being your supportive self. Love you.

  STALK ME! It’ll be fun.

  Come join the reader group to talk about The Magic of Discovery and for all kinds of other filthy shenanigans! Gran makes regular appearances: Britt Andrews’ Magical Misfits

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