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Rock You Like a Hurricane: A College Coeds and Best Friends Menage Romance (Triple Passion Play Book 1)

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by Sierra Brave

  Tommy glanced over to Ken’s face, noting the raptured look in his eyes and the way he bit down on his lower lip. He was ready to blow. Ah, shit, I lost count.

  “Ngh!” Ken moaned hardily, releasing his explosion to splat against his belly and run down his hand. Panting unevenly, Ken cut his gaze in Tommy’s direction. “Fucking idiot, are you really sitting here watching me?”

  Tommy shrugged. “Yeah.”

  “Pervert.” Ken stood to grab some tissues from the box on the dresser. He cleaned his hands before starting on his stomach and cock. He had pulled up his shorts and straightened his clothing, his red face glistening with afterglow. “Next time, why don’t you just get on your knees and help me out since you’re so in love with my dick.”

  Tommy frowned as he threw Ken a dismissive look. “As if!”

  Ken shrugged matter-of-factly. “You were getting hard again by watching me.”

  Shaking his head and twisting his face, Tommy denied the charges. “Only because I started thinking about Trisha and how she’d look with her lips wrapped around…Ow!” Before Tommy could finish his sentence, Ken punched him in the arm.

  “That’s worse, you degenerate bastard. How dare you fantasize about the love of my life! If those molasses-sweet doe eyes are going to be looking up at anyone while those red, pouty lips wrap around his junk, it’s going to be me. Don’t even dream of contaminating her pretty face with your disgusting pecker!”

  “Geez, for someone prone to grunting out half sentences, that was sort of poetic. You’ve thought about that description…a lot. Is there a secret fantasy diary around here I don’t know about?” Tommy’s gaze darted around the room.

  “Do the words shut up, mean anything to you?” Ken delivered one of his old comebacks. “If such a thing existed, I’m sure your nosy ass would have already found it.”

  Tommy smiled proudly. “True.” Ken was pretty quick with a quip when only speaking to him, but his friend wasn’t being fair. “Trisha is the love of my life, too. If I can’t fantasize about her, neither can you.” Tommy folded his arms across his bare chest as he protested.

  Ken stood silently, looking off to the side as if deep in thought. “Don’t ask, don’t tell?”

  Tommy snorted. “Sure, President Clinton, we’ll go with that for now.”

  The corners of Ken’s mouth started to turn up into a tiny smile but stopped and he huffed. “Could you please put on some fucking clothes? Unlike you, I’m not interested in looking at other guys’ cocks. We need to clean up this shithole and get all the booze, snacks, and sundries ready before Trisha arrives and finds us with our dicks in our hands.”

  As the absurdity hit, a loud, heavy laugh coming from way down in Tommy’s gut filled the air between him and Ken. He hooted until his stomach hurt. While bending his knees, he rested his hands on them for support. “Okay, I got it.”

  “What’s so funny?” Ken stretched his arms up over his head.

  “You’re always blunt as hell, but when it’s only the two of us talking, your vocabulary and word count skyrocket. I must be your happy place.”

  Ken’s jaw dropped and he stared as if Tommy had grown a huge tit on his forehead. Shaking his head, he retorted, “Are you high? Just go get dressed, dummy.”

  Tommy stoked the fire. “Aw, don’t be mad, Kenny Wenny…”

  “Shut up.”

  “Why so sour?” Tommy took a step toward him. Ken held two hands up in front of him. Tommy recognized the stance from Ken’s karate competitions. “If you make a run at me with your dick flopping, I will drop your naked ass.”

  Torn, Tommy froze in place to perform a risk assessment. Teasing Ken would be immensely satisfying. After all, piercing the veil of his quiet dignity was no easy task, and he’d managed to ruffle Ken’s feathers. Failing to squeeze every drop of pleasure he could get out of the situation would be shameful. On the other hand, heeding his buddy’s warning was his safest bet. Ken could look disconcertingly calm when he was furious so gauging how far his friend could be pushed was difficult at best.

  Outside of competition, Tommy had only seen Ken attack one guy, some asshole that dared to raise a hand to Ms. Davidson for refusing a second date. Watching a fifteen-year-old Ken beat down a grown man had been an eye-opening experience Tommy never forgot. While Ken was unlikely to break bad on him and kick his ass, the lack of an accurate threat assessment placed the risk high enough to make Tommy cautious. “You would cause bodily harm to your best friend? We’re like brothers.” Tommy backed away a couple of steps.

  While relaxing his body language, Ken’s casual composure returned. “I consider it my personal responsibility to keep your hyper, capricious, and completely inappropriate horseplay at a bearable level. If I let you fly too close to the sun at home, who knows what trouble you will get into when I’m not there to look after you? I don’t have cash for bail money.”

  A tiny smile curved the edges of Tommy’s mouth as he peered at Ken’s face. Seeing another opening, he pushed his luck further. “Aw, Kenji Wenji loves me.”

  “Whatever, and don’t—only Mom can call me Kenji.” One of Ken’s dark eyebrows lifted as his eye twitched a tic. One of his few facial tells for irritability.

  “Oh no, not whatever…Kenji wants to protect me from myself…he really cares.”

  “Okay fine…I’ll admit it. I hold a small, tiny really, amount of affection for you. However, there is a limit to my tolerance for your idiocy. Don’t call me Kenji, don’t touch me, and for God’s sake, put on some clothes.” Ken’s nostrils flared on his last word, providing a subtle cue playtime was over.

  “All right.” Tommy grinned before be-bopping toward his room to get dressed. Stopping in his tracks, he looked over his shoulder. “Don’t be mad.”

  Ken’s silvery-gray eyes rolled up toward the ceiling. “What do I have to be mad about? I’m used to your tomfoolery, though you invading my privacy in the worst kind of way is a level above your usual dumbassery.”

  “Cool.” Tommy grinned as he left, unrepentant. Ken deserved some small measure of harassment for all the times Tommy had been forced to apologize for his friend’s blunt manner. He had always given Ken a pass because he realized pretty early on that Ken didn’t mean any offense. When they were just little kids, Tommy had to teach Ken to say hello or wave when someone greeted or waved to him. Ken honestly didn’t get why it was a big deal until Tommy explained that people tend to get pissed when they think they’re being snubbed.

  Back then, Tommy didn’t know Ken was a literal genius with an IQ over one-sixty. Ironically, at the time, Tommy thought his dumbass friend needed lots of watching over to keep from looking like a great big fool. He had relished the role of mentor and enjoyed the praise he got from his parents for protecting Ken. Over the years, they had parlayed that synergy and were able to capitalize on each other’s strengths while smoothing out each other’s weaknesses. Looking back, maybe their tendency to team up had made them overly dependent on one another. A pang of guilt constricted Tommy’s chest. Ken could have gotten a free-ride to study anywhere he wanted but chose to follow him.

  Coastal Carolina University wasn’t easy to get into, but it wasn’t exactly MIT either. Still, Tommy couldn’t exactly say he was surprised that Ken chose him over the best institutions of higher learning in the country, and selfishly, Tommy had let him.

  As a jolt of lightning illuminated the sheets of pouring rain hitting his window as if someone was continually splashing the pane of glass with a full bucket of water, he jumped. The accompanying rumble of booming thunder set his heart racing. Please get here soon, Trisha! Taking a deep breath, he said a prayer for her safety as he searched inside his chest of drawers for an outfit.

  Chapter Two

  2:53 p.m.

  KEN set the cooler keeping the beer chilled down beside the big, comfy couch he and Tommy had purchased secondhand from an acquaintance in need of some quick cash. The gray cushions could be removed to fold out the hideaway bed, but the metal bar
running horizontally underneath the thin mattress made sleeping there painful as hell. Leaving the cushions in place to sack out proved much cozier. When Trisha slept over, she always used a pillow and blanket to snuggle up on the couch while he and Tommy slept in their respective beds. For their natural-disaster inspired sleepover, they were pulling an air mattress into the den so they could all camp out together.

  He glanced over at Tommy as he used a bicycle pump to blow up the mattress, his impressive biceps rippling with each downward push. Ken pursed his lips, staring at Tommy’s height, broad shoulders, and muscular build. In comparison, he looked like a pipsqueak. He put a hand on his six-pack abs, rubbing them absently. Arguably, he was in as good of shape as Tommy and was better at defending himself if necessary. His own body was lean with solid muscle definition, but unless he had his shirt off, he didn’t look like much of a hunk, especially if he was standing next to his best buddy.

  Ever since they hit middle school, he’d had to deal with all the girls passing him over while they flocked straight to Tommy, but Trisha was different. She was my friend before ever meeting him. I was sure she’d forget all about me after I introduced them, but she dug deep, burrowing out her own little niche and settling in as if she had always been there with us. Ken smiled as he walked into the kitchen. He poured a bag of chips into a large, red plastic bowl before he brought the snack along with a box of cookies into the den, placing them on the hand-me-down coffee table Tommy’s grandmother had given them. “What else do we need?”

  Tommy looked up, his strong arms never missing a beat with the pump while he surveyed the area. “Candles, blankets, pillows, and games.”

  Ken jerked his head back and pursed his lips. “Well damn…may I wipe your ass for you too, your majesty?”

  Tommy chuckled. “Hey, you asked.”

  “So I did.” Ken wandered off to gather all the items Tommy had ticked off for him. Returning with arms full, he set the folded comforters on the floor to the right of the coffee table with the pillows stacked on top, and then he placed a few tealight candles on the matching end tables Grandma Marks threw in with the coffee table.

  Tommy propped the inflated air mattress upright against the sliding glass door inhabiting a significant portion of the living room’s west-side wall. Ken shook his head, still annoyed by Tommy’s previous behavior, but at least idiot-boy had finally dressed in a pair of knee-length shorts and a red T-shirt that stretched across his bulging pectorals. After swaggering over, Tommy pulled a lighter out of his pocket before setting it next to a couple of small, glass candle holders. “What games did you get?”

  The inquiry broke Ken out of the hazy fog covering his brain. “Huh?” He rubbed his forehead, wondering how Tommy could expect him to keep his head after what that loon had done. “Oh, um, Scattergories, Yahtzee, and a pack of cards.”

  “Cool,” Tommy nodded. An odd, sinking sensation brimmed in Ken’s stomach. That jackass acts as if nothing happened. Why did he hang around after he saw what was going on? Who does that? Who bursts in while someone is jacking off and decides to not only join them but to hang around to watch? His cheeks burned with humiliation, though he wasn’t sure why. This wasn’t the first time Tommy had seen him naked, nor was it the first time they had sat around jerking off to the same dirty movie. He grimaced, striking on the real reason for his embarrassment. Tommy was bigger than him in length and girth. Although these facts weren’t new, in the past, Ken hadn’t given a fuck. Now they were both in love with the same girl.

  The situation had been wearing on Ken for a while, not the dick sizes but the dilemma. Tommy was more than just his oldest and closest friend, and although putting a name to his feelings had always been difficult, Ken was sure they were something deeper than pals. Tommy had always been easy to be around. He could speak his mind to Tommy without fear of being judged and he wanted to protect him. They were super close and had always been willing to share most everything. Somehow, Trisha had changed things. Ken wasn’t willing to step aside but he wasn’t willing to lose Tommy either. Stalemate—the only agreement the two men could reach. They both had to keep themselves in check and wait for Trisha to make a move if she ever would.

  Ken sighed, going over the incident in his mind. The stupid video hadn’t been doing it for him, but when Tommy barged into the room and Ken dwelled on the jealousy he felt, images of Trisha had flooded his consciousness. He had dreamed of running his hands through her long, sandy-blonde hair, kissing her bronze sun-kissed skin, fondling her ripe, perky breasts, and entering her as she wrapped her long legs around his waist.

  He placed his hand on the back of his neck and bit down on his lower lip. The sick thing was, knowing Tommy was watching him as he visualized making love to Trisha had made the fantasy even better. Ken wasn’t sure why, but there was no denying his arousal. The scenario had sent an electric shockwave through his whole body, quickly bringing him to climax like a charging bull released from the pen. And I had the nerve to call Tommy a pervert. What would he and Trisha think if they knew what had been on my mind? What the fuck is wrong with me?

  If any other man had barged in on him that way, Ken would have kicked his ass; yet, he let the doofus do whatever the hell he wanted. I always do. I let him act a fool. He rubbed his temples. Watching porn together is one thing, but Tommy never stared at me that way before. What had he been thinking? The hurricane must be making us both crazy.

  “Ken!” Tommy’s voice jarred his attention.

  “Huh?” He looked up and their gazes locked.

  “Are you okay?” Tommy focused on him while tilting his head to the side like a dog waiting for a command.

  “Uh, yeah, do we need more light?” Ken pointed to the camping lantern next to the old ten-inch TV sitting on a black plastic crate turned upside down to create a makeshift TV stand. Shit, we really need some decent furniture. Too bad they were always short on cash. As a scholarship student, Ken received a small stipend for living expenses but the money didn’t stretch far. Their parents helped them out as much as they could, but Ken’s mom had raised him all alone without a dime from his deadbeat father. Ken hadn’t even seen the man since his mom completed her military service and moved from Okinawa to Texas when he was three.

  Tommy’s dad was a doctor with a successful practice, but they didn’t have a lot to spare either. The Marks family had been blessed with several blond-haired, blue-eyed children, and Tommy wasn’t the only one in college right now. Plus, Dr. Marks was shelling out big bucks for his oldest daughter’s wedding planned for late summer.

  “That flashlight plugged into the electric socket will come on automatically if the lights go out,” Tommy pointed to the torch while shaking his platinum locks out of his face. “Oh yeah, and I bought these too.” Tommy opened a drawer built into the end table and retrieved something Ken didn’t recognize. “I got one for you too.” He grinned as if he were expecting a pat on the head or a treat.

  Ken picked up the object, looking it over. “A dog collar?” He stared at Tommy blankly.

  “No, no, no!” Tommy laughed, his eyes rounded and his eyebrows lifted high on his forehead as he jumped around.

  What a dork. Ken looked up at the ceiling, shaking his head, but when he looked down again, things had only gotten worse. The fool had put the damn dog collar-jock strap hybrid around his head and was grinning like an idiot. “What the fu…” A light shining in his face halted Ken’s last word. A fucking head lantern? He cannot be serious! Incredulous, Ken shook his head again. “Do you have any idea how stupid you look? I’m terrible at figuring out what’s cool, and even I know letting Trisha see us wearing those would be a horrible idea.”

  Tommy’s gleeful smile fell. “What? You gotta be kidding me.” His lips pushed together in the beginnings of a pout, but in record recovery time, he smirked. “I can make this look work.” He pretended to strut down a runway, exaggerating his movements and facial expressions so ridiculously Ken couldn’t help but laugh.

�Dumbass.” Ken resisting the urge to smack Tommy a good one across the back of the head.

  Tommy shrugged. “Whatever, no one will be able to see what I look like if the lights go out.” He pulled the headlamp off before setting it down on the coffee table while fluffing his hair.

  Ken dropped his beside Tommy’s. “Don’t we have another emergency flashlight down in the laundry room?”

  Tommy nodded. “Hell yeah, I don’t want to be caught without light in that creepy-ass place if the power ever goes out while I’m down there washing clothes!” The look of stricken horror on Tommy’s face could only be described as hilarious, but the idiot had a point. Ken wasn’t crazy about having to exit the house, schlep down a flight of stairs with a laundry basket and pull out a key to unlock the outside entry to the room housing their washer and dryer. Even with the overhead light on, the area was dark and dank.

  Ken nodded. “We should still get the light and put it in the hallway bathroom so Trisha doesn’t trip and hurt herself in the dark.”

  Tommy pursed his lips, holding back his laughter. Ken smirked in return. Trisha was beautiful, insightful and lots of fun, but she was, without a doubt, the biggest klutz in the world. “I agree but fuck going back out in the pouring rain. I’ll move the one we have in there.” Tommy knelt to remove the flashlight out of the wall socket. As soon as he pulled the plug, the light came on automatically. Tommy flipped the prongs down into the cut-out designed for them before pushing the switch into the off position. With a flick of his thumb, the bright, yellow light had dimmed down to nothing. If Trisha ever chose one of them, would the relationship they shared do the same—burn out and disappear? What if she chose Tommy? Could Ken bear it and hold onto the friendship or would he burn with envy every time he saw the couple together?


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