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The Wedding Pact Box Set

Page 74

by Denise Grover Swank

  Blood rushed to his head as he fought his emotions. Could it really be that easy?

  “It wouldn’t be for long,” she added.

  What? Then he remembered how he’d posed the offer. He’d suggested that she move in as his roommate, not his partner. He struggled to form a response, finally settling on, “You can stay as long as you want, Lib.” Stupid. That was stupid.

  She laid back down on her back. “I know you’d let me stay as long as I want, but you and I both know that wouldn’t work long term. And your future girlfriends wouldn’t appreciate me living there. Is that what happened with Donna? I noticed you two were together until right before my wedding.”

  Should he tell her the truth? Was it time to lay his heart on the line?

  “Besides,” she continued. “I’ve decided turning thirty alone is a good thing. I think I should give up men for the year and work on my project. If I’m in Seattle it will be easier to use you as my model.”

  “Alone?” he forced out. God, karma sucked. He knew he deserved this ironic twist, but it didn’t mean he was any less horrified.

  “Well, I won’t be totally alone. I’ll have you.”

  But not in the way he wanted.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  “About you moving to Seattle?”

  “Well . . . yeah. All of it.”

  What should he say? “I think moving to Seattle is a fan-freaking-tastic idea. You know I’ll help you any way I can. And you don’t have to hurry to find a place. You just said you don’t have enough money for the security deposit for a new place in Kansas City. The cost of living is higher in Seattle.”

  “That’s the part that concerns me. I’ll be starting from scratch with my clients. But I can supplement my income with a part-time job to save for a deposit.” She sighed with disappointment. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all.”

  “No, it’s a great idea. But you should just focus on moving to Seattle and settling in with me. Then you can work on your project and build your client list without the stress of making ends meet. There’s no need for you to hurry to move out.”

  “You have a one-bedroom apartment, Noah,” she said skeptically. “That will never work long term.”

  “I’ve been thinking about moving,” he lied. “The real estate market is improving, so it makes sense for me to invest in a bigger place. You could have the second bedroom and stay with me until you’re more established.”

  “What about Tortoise?”

  “I’ve been thinking about a house.” Another lie, but he felt no guilt. He’d do whatever it took to get her to agree. “Then Tortoise would have a yard. We could take him for walks in the neighborhood. Besides, I miss the rambunctious guy.”

  She was quiet for several long seconds. “Are you sure?”

  “Very.” He was more sure about them than he’d ever been about anything in his life. He’d wait for her. A year felt like an eternity, but if she wanted a year, he’d give it to her. Libby St. Clair was worth waiting for.

  She was silent again. “This seems so spontaneous, but it feels right.”

  “To me too.” She had no idea.

  She was quiet again and Noah soon heard the steady rhythm of her breathing.

  He lay awake for another hour, repeatedly checking his phone for another message from Tiffany. He didn’t know much about Abrahams’s plans in Vegas other than he was attending a trade convention that began Tuesday at Caesar’s Palace and he and Tiffany would arrive tomorrow afternoon. But he did know that Abrahams hadn’t yet signed a contract with the other engineering firm, which meant Noah still had time. But when he pressed Tiffany for details about his competition, she remained vague and made comments about how excited she was to see him in Las Vegas.

  This was bound to get complicated.

  The next morning Noah woke before Libby, a rare occurrence he attributed to all the uncertainties in his life. For a man used to coasting through life, he suddenly had quite a few things to worry about.

  The top item on his list lay on her side, facing him. The covers had slipped down and her skimpy pajama top had shifted while she slept, exposing a generous amount of her breasts.

  A jolt shot straight to his groin and he suppressed a low groan. God, he wanted her, and the urge to slip into bed with her was so strong he had to clench his teeth. With women, Noah was used to acting on urges, so this new restraint chafed. His surging hormones insisted on seducing and screwing her, but his heart wanted more. When his head finally chimed in, it told him his heart was right. Libby had an underlying distrust of men, even if she would never admit it. She expected men to screw her and leave her. He had to prove he wanted more.

  He wasn’t sure how to effectively do that other than to continue to be her friend. But then he risked that she would never see him any other way.

  “You’re awake?” Her voice was heavy with sleep, and the husky sound of it stirred him even more. “How late is it?”

  He glanced at his phone. “It’s around six.”

  “Six? How long have you been awake?”

  “Not long.”

  She stared at him for several seconds with an intensity that made him want to squirm, but just when he was about to break and ask her what she was thinking, she sat up, leaning over her crossed legs.

  “I suppose you have a plan for today,” she teased.

  “Of course.”

  “More world record sites?”

  “Only time will tell.”

  She swung her long legs out from under the covers and stood. Her pajama shorts had been pushed up to the crease where her ass met her thighs. Of course, he knew he was only torturing himself with something he couldn’t yet have—but his eyes remained glued to that long expanse of bare skin, his mind drifting to dangerous territory. He imagined those long sexy legs wrapped around his waist as he plunged deep inside her. His hand in her thick dark hair while he kissed her—


  He blinked, only then realizing she’d said something. “What?”

  A grin spread across her face. “Where’d you go just now? Thinking about our itinerary?”

  If only that were on their itinerary. “Busy day. A lot to think about.”

  They were ready to get on the road within less than half an hour. His Facebook alert went off while he was loading his bag in the trunk, and he saw Tiffany had sent him a message.

  He’s meeting Eric tomorrow night for drinks.

  Shit. He hoped that didn’t mean what he thought it did. Eric?

  The other firm.

  He had to get there sooner. He had to see Scott Abrahams before he met with the competition.

  When they were on I-40 headed west, Noah cast a surreptitious glance at Libby. Many of the women he knew took an hour or more to get ready, but Libby could be up and out the door in thirty minutes, looking more gorgeous than all of those women put together. Today she wore her hair up in a high ponytail. She had on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved black T-shirt, which made her dark eyes more pronounced than usual.

  “I’d like to try to get to Vegas tonight,” he said, trying to sound casual. “Which means we can’t stop as much today.”

  “Oh,” she said with a frown. “Sure.”

  Dammit. The sooner he got to Vegas, the sooner he could try to win back Abrahams, but in the scheme of things what was one day? For the business, it could mean everything. Still . . .

  “You know what?” he said with a shrug. “Screw it. We’ll just take our time.”

  She turned to him with her dazzling smile. “How about you pick a couple of places to stop, and we’ll still plan on making it to Vegas by tonight. How long is the drive?”

  He grimaced. “Thirteen hours. Is that too long for you to do in one day?”

  She laughed and turned back to face the road. “No. Once a guy I was with drove us from coast to coast in three days. I can handle being in the car.”

  Libby had talked about the previous men in her life befor
e, and hell, he’d hung around with her and Mitch plenty of times before the wedding, so the stab of jealousy that seized his gut took him by surprise. He didn’t like the idea of her being with anyone else. “Did you make a lot of stops?”

  She laughed again. “If you’re asking if Barry stopped so I could see giant eggs and hairballs . . . no.”

  “Barry?” He couldn’t stop the derision from leaking into his voice.

  “He was a surfer. Sun-bleached hair. Washboard abs. His legs . . .” Her voice trailed off.

  “You remember his name?”

  His tone caught her attention. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He forced himself to take a breath and chill the fuck out. Why was he this jealous of some guy who’d obviously meant nothing to her? “Nothing. Sorry. I haven’t had enough coffee.”

  She frowned and shifted in her seat. “I flew out to L.A. to meet a friend. I met him on the beach, and the next thing I knew, I was on this cross-country trip with him and his friends, their surfboards strapped to the top of their van.”

  “Van?” He forced himself to laugh.

  “A regular Scooby-Doo adventure minus the ghost mystery.”

  “What about the mask disguise?” he asked, teasing.

  “Oh, there was a mask.”

  He wanted to ask her more, but her own tone had changed.

  “Let’s just say it was one more hard lesson learned.”

  His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “What lesson was that?”

  “That most men only want one thing from me. They see my boobs and my mother’s Colombian ancestry and . . . Let’s just say I’d always suspected as much, but that trip confirmed it.”

  What had Barry the Bastard done to her? He had an urge to find the prick and beat the shit out of him. “How long ago was this?”

  She sighed. “Between my freshman and sophomore years of college.”

  “Oh, my God, Lib. You were a baby.”

  She laughed. “It seems like that now, doesn’t it? Now that we’re supposedly adults.”

  She was right. His own college years seemed like a lifetime ago. Back then he’d thought he would live forever and could get away with anything.

  She shrugged, trying to act nonchalant, but he could tell it was forced. “Turning thirty has convinced me it’s time to grow up.”

  “I would say growing up is overrated, but I guess we can’t all be Peter Pan.”

  She reached over and stroked her hand down his arm, her touch sending tingles of sensation shooting through him. “You’ve been trying. You’ve inspired me.”

  His eyes flew open in surprise. “I’ve inspired you to grow up?”

  “Yeah.” She leaned closer. “Megan’s told me what Josh has said about you.”

  “Nothing good, I’m sure.” He wanted Libby to base her opinion of him on her own experiences, not on half-truths and opinions she’d learned about in a game of telephone.

  “You’ve changed, Noah. You’re taking responsibility. You’re helping your brother. You’ve inspired me.”

  He shook his head and said bitterly, “I’m no inspiration to anyone.”

  “Who would have thought Noah McMillan was capable of humility?” she teased.

  But it wasn’t humility. The kicker was that he was still the screw-up, even after his temporary foray into responsibility.

  Who was he kidding? This trip to Vegas was a huge waste of time. He was out of a job, and the company was out of a lucrative contract. He’d lost the respect of his brother . . . again. He didn’t have a shot at winning the woman next to him, and no matter how hard he tried he’d never quiet his father’s last words to him: “You’ll never amount to anything.”

  He’d spent the last fifteen years proving just that. Why stop now?

  He was exactly where he deserved to be.

  Chapter Twelve

  Talking about Barry had put Libby into a bit of a funk, but now Noah seemed to be stewing in some emotional mess of his own. She realized she might have given him the wrong impression about what happened on the trip, but it seemed too late to clear it up now. No one had physically harmed her or even coerced her into anything against her will, but it had shaken her to her core nevertheless. Normally it was easy to leave her ugly memories in the past where they belonged, so why had she even thought of Barry? The whole curse debacle was dredging up all kinds of things, it seemed.

  She was sure she’d said something to trigger Noah’s bad mood, so she went over their conversation, trying to figure out where it had gone wrong. He’d reacted to her story, but he hadn’t retreated into silence until she’d told him that his change was inspiring her own. Was Noah the type of guy who wanted to hang on to the bad-boy persona, even if he was changing for the better? She was trying to figure out how to fix the problem when Noah slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road.

  “What . . . ?” she asked, but then she looked up. Right there in front of them, on the other side of the highway, stood multiple old-school Cadillacs. They were arranged vertically, their hoods partially buried in the ground, and covered in splotches of multi-colored paint.

  “Cadillac Ranch,” Noah said, resting his hand on the steering wheel as he turned to face the cars.

  She’d heard of it, but had never seen it in person. “I wish I had some paint.”

  Noah laughed. “I read about that online, that people just go into the pasture and paint the cars. How about we stop on the way back?”

  “You’re not going to dump me by then?”

  He swung his head to face her, looking startled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Aren’t you irritated with me? Isn’t that why you’re so cranky?”

  “What?” Noah shook his head. “No, I’m not mad at you, Lib. It’s all on me. I’m sorry for being an ass.” He released a long breath. “I’m not going anywhere, okay?”

  “Yeah.” She leaned back in the seat with a sigh. No matter how much she wanted to believe him, history had taught her that no man ever stuck around. But to be fair, she’d done her own share of bailing. “Let’s go.”

  Noah took a long look at her before he pulled back onto the road. “We’ll paint one when we come back. Unless we go straight to Seattle from Las Vegas. You can help me pick out a new place and then we can fly back to K.C. to get Tortoise and pack your things.”

  She wasn’t sure why his suggestion filled her with so much happiness, but the idea of moving to Seattle felt so right. Of course, it was also incredibly dangerous. Now that her lusty feelings for him had made an appearance, she wasn’t sure how well she could hold them back. Seeing Noah for several days every two or three weeks was manageable, but living with him every day . . . How was that going to work? Common sense told her that their relationship was like a carefully constructed house of cards. One wrong move and the entire thing could come crashing down. Was she really willing to risk it?

  But the thought of not going filled her with disappointment. When she added it to her disappointment over the curse, her mother, her friends’ blindness to the true nature of her relationship with Mitch—not to mention their own ridiculous happiness, courtesy of the curse—and her inability to finish her photography project, she felt like she was drowning in it. At the moment, moving to Seattle felt like her only lifeline in her sea of loneliness.

  It turned out there wasn’t much else to see along I-40. All the fun tourist sites were miles off the highway. Since they didn’t have time to stop, they decided to push through and try to make it to Hoover Dam before sunset. The drive through New Mexico was long and eventless. Noah was still subdued, though he clearly didn’t want to talk about it, and Libby didn’t feel much better. But they’d had so much fun the day before Libby decided to push her negative feelings aside and try to regain some of their lost joy. She made him play several rounds of the Alphabet Game, which instigated a good-natured five-minute argument about the rules.

  “Using license plates is cheating,” she insisted.
r />   “Libby.” He spread out his hand and waved it in an arc. “We’re in the middle of the desert. We have to use license plates or this game will last until we reach Las Vegas.”

  Next they resorted to keeping track of states on license plates. After Noah found Alaska, he grinned. “This reminds me of the trips my family took when I was a kid.”

  Somehow, despite all the time they’d spent together, they’d never delved much into each other’s pasts. She wasn’t proud of her relationship history and she presumed Noah felt the same way about his own. But it felt strange they’d never shared much about their childhoods. “Tell me a story from when you were a kid.”

  His eyes lost some of their sparkle. “You mean growing up as Josh McMillan’s big brother.”

  The pain in his voice made her suck in her breath. “Noah . . .”

  “What?” He glanced at her. “It’s true. He was four years younger than me, but it didn’t take long for me to fall into his shadow. He was like the most perfect child ever born.” He shot her a grin. “But I’d made it easy for him. It couldn’t be too hard to look good in comparison to me.”

  “We don’t have to talk about it.” She should have known by now that there was a reason neither one of them had volunteered information about the past, their childhoods included. Libby’s past was full of regrets and betrayals. Why would she want to dredge it all up again? Obviously Noah felt the same way.

  He was silent for so long she assumed that was his answer. Then he swallowed, as though he were preparing himself. “No.” He turned to look her in the eye. “I think you should know. I don’t want to keep anything from you, but I need to work up the courage to tell you some of it. Okay?”

  She knew he was referring to something other than his childhood now, but damned if she knew what. But he was obviously trying to build a deeper level to their friendship and she wanted that too.

  “Yeah.” She gave him a warm smile. “Okay.”

  He sighed and sank back into the seat, his left arm gripping the steering wheel. “I was a pretty wild kid. My mom has videos of me literally bouncing on the furniture.”


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