Stung With Love
Page 10
101V 53
Moon and the Pleiades go down
168bV 29
Neither the honey nor the bee
146V 83
Nereids, Kypris, please restore
5LP 47
136V 69
Now, Dika, weave the aniseed together, flower and stem
81V 13
Off in Sardis
96V 37
Once as a too, too lissome
122V 65
Over eyelids dark night fell
151V 29
Peace, you never seemed so tedious
91V 29
Reveal your graceful figure here
17V 61
Since I have cast my lot, please, golden-crowned
33V 7
Some call ships, infantry or horsemen
16V 59
Stand and face me, dear; release
138V 33
Star clusters near the fair moon dim
34V 79
Subtly bedizened Aphrodite
1V 9
Sweet mother, I can’t take shuttle in hand
102V 7
That fellow strikes me as god’s double
31V 23
That impossible predator
130V 21
The ambrosial mixture
141V 77
The gorgeous man presents a gorgeous view
50V 83
Untainted Graces
53V 13
Wealth without real worthiness
148V 83
What do you resemble, dear husband-to-be?
115V 75
What farm girl, garbed in fashions from the farm
57V 35
Yes, you have all heard
166V 61
You see, my mother
98aV 51
You were at hand
48V 27
You will have memories
24aV 39
General Index
Abanthis xi, xxxviii, 36, 42
Achilles 40, 56, 76
Adonis xiii, 10
Aeschylus 60, 66
aesymnētēs (lord/tyrant) xviii
Agamemnon 40, 60
agōgē (Spartan public upbringing) xxiv
aidōs (respect/shame) 84
aimitybion (handkerchief) 52
Alcaeus xii–xiii, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxviii, xxxviii, xxix, 60, 76, 84
Alcman xxiv–xxv, xxxvi
Anacreon xiii, xxi
Anagora xiv, xxiv
anakalyptēria (unveiling of the bride) xxix
Andromache xxviii, xxxiv, 56
Andromeda xiv–xv, xxiii, 34, 36, 38
Aphrodite xiii, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvi, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 40, 42, 46, 64, 76
Apollo xxvi, 82
Apollonius Dyscolus 84
Archilochus xiii, xxxviii–xxxix, 22
Aristarchus of Samothrace xliii
Aristophanes xix, xxxviii, 10, 52
Aristophanes of Byzantium xliii
Aristotle xvi, 82, 84
Artemis xxv–xxvi, 10, 28, 64
Astyanax 56
Athena xxvi, xxxiii, 8, 60, 64
Athenaeus xxiv, 12, 32, 34, 52
Atreus 60
Atthis xiv, xxxiii–xxxiv, 36, 38
aulos (double-oboe) 56
Bacchylides xxxv, 78
Bennett, Chris xxv
Burkert, Walter xxvi, 10
Burnett, Anne xxi, xxiii, xxxiv, 4, 42, 70
Calame, Claude xxiv, xxv
Carson, Anne 8
Castor 60
Catullus xxxix, 16, 22, 28, 66, 68, 74
Charaxus (brother of Sappho) xi–xii, 46
charien (charming) 4
Charon 20
chorus/choral songs xx, xxxv, xxxvi–xxxviii, 12, 24, 66, 68, 70, 72, 78
Chrysippus of Soli 84
Cicero xviii
Clytemnestra 60
Cyprus see Kyprus
dactylic hexameters 66
Dawn (Eos) xiii, 10, 12, 36, 44
Demetrius 66
Dio Chrysostum 86
Diogenian 82
Diomedes xxxii
Dionysius of Halicarnassus xxxv
Dionysus 60
Dis see Hades
doorkeepers (at weddings) xxx
Doricha xii, 46
Dubois, Page xxxiii, 58
ekdosis (wedding ceremony) xxviii–xxix
engeuēsis (engagement ceremony) xxviii
Eos see Dawn
epithalamium (epithalamia) xx, xxviii–xxx, xxxvi, 34, 56, 66, 68–79
eraton (lovely) xxxiv
Eriguios (brother of Sappho) xi, xii
Eros xxv, xxvi, 12, 20, 58, 76
Eunica xiv
Euripides xxviii, xxxii–xxxiii
Eustathius of Thessalonica 78
frankincense see libanōtos
Ganymede 76
Ginsberg, Allen xxxix
gnomē/gnomic statements 40, 82
Gongyla xiv, xxiv, xxxi, 20, 42
Gorgo xiv–xv, xxiii
Graces (Kharites) 12, 14, 44
habrotēs (extravagance) xxxiv
Hadas, Rachel xxxii
Hades (Dis) 16, 64
Hebe 76
Hecataeus 52
Hecate 10
Hector 56, 78
Helen of Troy xxxiii, xxxix, 6, 58, 60
Hera xxv, xxxii, 60, 76
Hermes xiii, xxvi, 6, 20
Hermogenes 16
Herodotus 46
Hesiod xx, 10, 12, 14, 20, 78
Hesperus 68
Hestia 64
hetaira (hetairai) (female companions) xix
hetaireia (hetaireiai) (political clubs) xv, xvi, xxi–xxii, xxiii
Hipponax xiii
Homer xix, xxxi, xxxii, xxxviii, 6, 8, 20, 22, 36, 56, 64, 68, 78 Iliad xv, xxvi, xxxii, 6, 20, 40, 56, 76, 78
Odyssey xiii, xv, xxvi, xxxvii–xxxviii, 6, 8, 20, 56, 60, 68
Horace xxxix
hymn, kletic (hymn that summons a deity) xxvi, 4, 8, 14, 60
hypomnēsia (citation of a god’s past deeds) xxvi–xxvii
Iamblichus 26
Idaos 56
irēna (peace) 28
Itylus 68
Julian the Apostate 26
kalai (gorgeous ones) xxiii, 34
to kalon (the beautiful) xxxiv
Kalypso 6
Kharites see Graces
Kleïs (daughter/slave of Sappho) xii, xvii–xviii, 14, 48
Kleïs (mother of Sappho) 50
kleos (glory/renown) xxxiv, 56
kletic hymn see hymn, kletic
korai (girls) xviii
krotala (castanets/rattles) 56
kyrios (legal guardian) xxviii
Laertes 6
Lanata, Giuliana 20
Lardinos, André xxxvi, 42
Larichos (brother of Sappho) xi, xii
Leda 60
Lefkowitz, Mary xxxii
Leucas Petra see Shining Rock
libanōtos (frankincense) 5, 56
Longinus 22
makarismos (makarismoi) (blessing) 34, 56, 76
Marlowe, Christopher 84
Maximus of Tyre xiv, 14
Medea (Euripides) xxviii, xxxii–xxxiii
Megacles xvi
Megara xiv
Melanchrus xvi–xvii
Menander xiii
Menelaus 60
Milton, John 64
Mnemosyne 14
Moisopolōn domos (House of Those Dedicated to the Muses) xx–xxi
monodic (solo) songs xx, xxxv, xxxvi–xxxviii, 12, 56
Muses xxv, 14, 16, 44
Musician’s House, the xxi, 14
myrrh 24, 56
Myrsilus xvii, xviii
Neoptolemos 56
Nereids xxv, 46
Nestor 60
nightingales 68, 78
Odysseus xiii, xxxvii–xxxviii, 6, 8
Olson, Douglas 56, 84<
br />
Ovid xiv
Paeon, Apollo as xxvi, 57
Page, Denys xxvi, 74
pais (paides) (children/girls) xviii, 34, 50, 78
paractactic style xxxiv
Paris xxxiii, 6, 58
Parker, Holt xix, xxi–xxii
parthenos (parthenoi) (maidens) xviii
pēctis (large many-stringed lyre) xxxv, 16
Peleus 76
Penelope 6
pentathlon 78
Penthelids xv–xvi, xviii
Persephone 64
Phaon xiii, xiv
Philomela 68
Phrynon xvii
Pindar xxxv, xxxvii, 58, 82
Pittacus xvii, xviii, 48
Plato xiv, 16, 26, 32
plectrum (pick for a lyre) xxxv, 16
Pleiades 28
Plutarch xxiv, xxxviii, 16
Polydeuces 60
Polyxena Sarcophagus xxv
Pope, Alexander 16
Priam, King xxxiv
priamels 58
Procne 68
propempticon (prayer for safe travel) 46
Psychopompus 20
Raleigh, Sir Walter 84
Rhodope 46
Sages (Seven Sages of Greece) xviii
Segal, Charles xxxv, 76
Shakespeare, William 64
Shining Rock (Leucas Petra) xiii–xiv
Sissa, Giulia xxx
Skamandrios (father of Sappho) xi
Smardis xvi
Socrates xiv, xxi
Sophocles 68
Steele Timothy xxxix
Stigers, Eva Stehle xxxiii
Stobaeus 16, 42
Strabo xxxviii
Suda xii, xiv, 50
summachos (ally in battle) xxxii, 8
Swinburne, Algernon Charles xxxix, 68
symposia (symposium) xix, xxi–xxii
Telesippa xiv
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 44
Terentianus Maurus 38
Tereus, King of Thrace 68
thalamus (wedding chamber) xxix
thelxis (enchantment) xxxv
Theocritus 34, 74
Thetis 76
thiasos (thiasoi) (religious communities) xix, xxiv, xxv, xxvii–xxviii
timē (honour) xv, 40
Tithonous xiii, 10, 44
Troy xvi, xvii, xxviii, xxxiv, 56, 60 see also Helen of Troy
Tryphon 82
Tullius Laurea xliii
Tyndareus 60
tyrants (Age of Tyrants) xv, xvi–xvii
Tzetzes, John xliv
Venus see Aphrodite
Venus (planet) (Evening Star) 68
von Wilamowitz-Moellendorf, Ulrich xix
West, Martin xvi
Wilson, Lynn xxx, 24, 56
Winkler, Jack xxxvii
Zeus xxv, 12, 44, 60, 64, 68, 76
zōma (bridal belt) (Aeolic dialect) xxix
zōnē (bridal belt) (Attic dialect) xxix